13 Reasons Why Hannah Baker L...

By espinosa1989

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What if Hannah Baker survived her attempt? What would that world look like? In this world, she survives her a... More

Chapter 1: October 9th, 2017
Chapter 2: The Tapes
Chapter 3: Paying The Price
Chapter 4: Sooner Or Later, The Truth Will Come Out!
Chapter 5: Free Solo
Chapter 6: Tape 9
Chapter 7: The Stop Sign
Chapter 8: Clay's Tape
Chapter 9: The Confrontation
Chapter 11: The Trial Begins & The 1st Polaroid
Chapter 12: The Hallucination
Chapter 13: Jessica's Testimony
Chapter 14: The 2nd Polaroid
Chapter 15: Hannah's Poems
Chapter 16: The Secret Relationship
Chapter 17: Clay Testifies
Chapter 18: The Tapes Are Out
Chapter 19: Porter's Testimony
Chapter 20: The Clubhouse
Chapter 21: Bryce & Chlöe
Chapter 22: Awakening
Chapter 23: Confronting Monty
Chapter 24: The Verdict
Chapter 25: The Sentencing
Chapter 26: The Aftermath Of The Trial
Chapter 27: Spring Fling
Chapter 28: The New Girl
Chapter 29: The Disappearance of Bryce Walker
Chapter 30: Jessica's Speech
Chapter 31: The Truth About Chlöe
Chapter 32: Student Body President Jessica Davis
Chapter 33: Bryce Walker Is Dead
Chapter 34: Tyler
Chapter 35: Tyler's Gun
Chapter 36: The Problem With Alex Standall
Chapter 37: The Funeral
Chapter 38: There Are A Number Of Problems With Clay Jensen
Chapter 39: Return of the Counselor
Chapter 40: The Problem With Justin
Chapter 41: Olivia Returns To Town Pt.1
Chapter 42: Olivia Returns To Town Pt.2
Chapter 43: What Does Charlie Know?
Chapter 44: I'm A Survivor
Chapter 45: Homecoming
Chapter 46: Let The Dead Bury The Dead
Chapter 47: It's Not Supposed To Be Easy For People Like Us
Chapter 48: SRO
Chapter 49: Sanderson University
Chapter 50: The Mysterious Caller
Chapter 51: Love Is Love
Chapter 52: The Legend of Burnham Woods
Chapter 53: Find Your Drink
Chapter 54: Is It A Drill? Part 1
Chapter 55: Is It A Drill? Part 2
Chapter 56: The Session
Chapter 57: Tyler's Deal
Chapter 58: Gordon Lightfoot
Chapter 59: The Walkout & The Riot
Chapter 60: Prom Part 1
Chapter 61: Prom Part 2
Chapter 62: The Finals Days Of Justin Foley
Chapter 63: Justin's Funeral
Chapter 64: The Return Of The Tapes
Chapter 65: Graduation
Chapter 66: Goodbye
Chapter 67: 20 Years Later
Chapter 68: The Reason Why I'm Still Going

Chapter 10: It Has To Get Better

86 1 0
By espinosa1989

Today is the day of the depositions. In the morning, the Bakers were informed of Hannah's status. She's breathing on her but is still on life support as she continues to be in a coma. Clay's parents were worried when they couldn't find Clay the night before. As Clay sits on the kitchen table eating breakfast, his dad stares at him and looks at the bruises that he got from Bryce.

Matt Jensen: Are you giving me the silent treatment, or is it the other way around? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Clay Jensen: I'm just eating breakfast.

Matt Jensen: You disappeared again. There are consequences when you disappear.

Clay Jensen: I didn't disappear, for fuck's sake. I was at a friend's house.

Matt Jensen: A friend who beat you senseless?

Clay Jensen: I told you, I wiped out on my bike.

Matt Jensen: What, did you land on Mike Tyson?

Laine Jensen: Look who just pulled up outside.

Laine enters the kitchen with Tony right behind her.

Matt Jensen: Tony. Good morning.

Tony Padilla: Good morning.

Laine Jensen: Thought Tony might like to join us for breakfast. We can all catch up. Maybe talk about your depositions tomorrow.

Tony Padilla: That would be great.

Clay Jensen: Tony doesn't have time. Upstairs.

Clay gets up from his seat.

Laine Jensen: Clay.

Clay Jensen: Mom, soon. I promise.

Clay & Tony begin making their way upstairs.

Tony Padilla: Hey, what the fuck happened to your face?

Clay Jensen: I'll show you.

Clay & Tony enter Clay's room as Tony closes the door behind him.

Tony Padilla: This couldn't wait till after school?

Clay goes to the shoebox that contained Hannah's tape and takes out a tape.

Clay Jensen: (Sighs) I need you to make a copy of this tape. I'll get it from you after homeroom.

Tony Padilla: I already have copies.

Clay Jensen: No.

Clay shows Tony the tape that's labeled 13.

Clay Jensen: Remember how side "B" was blank?

Tony Padilla: Yeah.

Clay flips the tape around and to reveal that side B has the number 14 painted on with blue nail polish.

Clay Jensen: It's not blank anymore.

Clay insert the tape into the tape player and presses plays.

Bryce Walker: She wanted me. Me. She was practically begging me to fuck her. If that's rape, then every girl at this school wants to be raped.

Clay presses stop as Tony could not believe what he just heard.

Tony Padilla: He fucking confessed.

Tony didn't know what to think as Clay takes out the tape.

Tony Padilla: (Whispered) No. You didn't give him the tapes, did you?

Clay Jensen: I gave him the gist of his.

Clay puts the last tape back in it's case and hands it over to Tony.

Clay Jensen: I'm assuming you want to make a copy of that to keep your set complete.

Tony Padilla: And then what?

Clay Jensen: Sheri texted me last night. She went to the police herself.

Tony Padilla: What happened?

Clay Jensen: I don't know. But if she's facing up to it, and we have Bryce's confession...

Tony Padilla: What about going through the cycle like Hannah wanted?

Clay Jensen: It's time we stop thinking about what Hannah wanted and start thinking about what she needs. And Jessica. And every other girl who "practically begged" Bryce to fuck her.

Tony Padilla: I gotta tell you, Clay, I am not sure that this is the right thing to do, and even if I was, I don't know where we stand. We can't be righteous. We've been sitting on evidence for weeks.

Clay Jensen: Either we do something now, or we give it up tomorrow in that deposition. There are half a dozen kids going in there today. Who knows what happens with them.

Tony Padilla: This tape... This tape blows up the world.

Clay Jensen: Which is what we should do, don't you think?

The depositions are now underway as Zach, Marcus, & Courtney were deposed. While that was going on, Clay called Jessica and asks her to meet him at Monet's. Jessica told Clay on the phone that Justin told her the truth about Bryce. Jessica agreed to meet with Clay at Monet's as they sit at the table were she, Hannah, & Alex used to sit together.

Clay Jensen: Thank you for meeting me.

Jessica Davis: You were the only one who tried to tell me the truth.

Clay Jensen: Are you... I promised myself that I wasn't going to say something stupid like "are you okay" or "how are you doing," because, like, how the fuck do you think, right? But... how are you?

Jessica Davis: How the fuck do you think?

Clay Jensen: Yeah. Do you need to... talk to somebody? See somebody?

Jessica Davis: Who?

Clay opens up his backpack and takes out the tapes.

Clay Jensen: I'll burn these. I'll light them on fire and let them burn until they're... I don't know, melted plastic and ash. It's your call. But if you want to fight... if you want him to pay for what he did to both of you, until Hannah wakes up these tapes can help. They're proof.

Jessica Davis: You want me to tell the whole goddamn world what happened to me?

Clay Jensen: I want you to do what you want to do. Whatever's going to make this better for you, if anything can. But I'm not gonna lie. I want him to pay for what he did.

Jessica Davis: Will he, though? I mean... have you listened to the last tape? You know what happens when girls try to get help?

Clay Jensen: I listened to the last tape.

When Clay got home after confronting Bryce, he listened to the last tape which was the conversation between Hannah & Mr. Porter.

Clay Jensen: And I think I should pass the tapes on like Hannah wanted.

Jessica Davis: I'd have to tell the police, I'd have to tell my dad.

Clay Jensen: Yeah.

Jessica Davis: I don't think I can do that.

Clay Jensen: Okay.

Jessica Davis: You think I'm letting Hannah down.

Clay Jensen: I think we all let Hannah down. And I think she let you down. So...

Clay puts the tapes back inside his back pack as he gets up.

Clay Jensen: Thanks for talking to me about this. And I guess let me know if there's anything... if there's anything.

Clay begins to walk away. As Clay opens the door...

Jessica Davis: Clay. Don't burn the tapes.

Clay smiles at Jessica and nod at her as he leaves Monet's while Jessica sticks around. Meanwhile at the depositions, Kat was dragged back to Evergreen all the way from Seattle as it's now her turn.

Kat: Look. The jocks, they walk the halls like they own the place. The teachers feed into it. Bolan feeds into it. It's just... it's how it is.

Dennis Vasquez: But you dated athletes.

Laine Jensen: Objection. Relevance. She's here to talk about Hannah Baker.

Kat: Yeah. Of course I dated jocks. There are decent jocks, you just gotta learn how to find them. Hannah never learned. It's not her fault. I mean... you try going to school with a bunch of Neanderthals who are told they are the only thing of value at school, and that the rest of us are merely there to cheer them on and provide them with whatever support they need.

Dennis Vasquez: So, you texted Hannah more than once that she had terrible taste in guys. What did you mean?

Kat: What I meant... what I mean... is that, if I hadn't moved away... if I hadn't let her start dating Justin... if I'd been around to help her through it... she'd wouldn't had tried to take her own life and be in a coma today.

Dennis Vasquez: And Justin is Justin Foley?

Kat: Yes. Justin... is Justin Foley.

Dennis Vasquez: Are you and Justin still friendly?

Kat: Justin Foley is dead to me.

After a little while, Jessica exits Monet's and finds Justin waiting by her car.

Jessica Davis: Jesus Christ, are you following me?

Justin Foley: I have to talk to you.

Jessica Davis: Justin!

Justin Foley: Jess, please. I... I've been walking around all night. I've got no place to live, okay? Shit... Shit's so fucked up.

Jessica Davis: You think?

Justin Foley: Just talk to me.

Jessica Davis: Why, Justin? Why should I talk to you?

Justin Foley: Last night, I... I walked every street in this shitty-ass town. And I ended up by the water, by the docks. I climbed up this crane, all the way up there, and I could... I could see the whole city. And I was gonna jump. Or shoot myself. But I couldn't. Because I couldn't stop thinking about you. I can't stop.

Jessica Davis: Try harder.

Justin Foley: Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it. I'll fucking go to the school. I'll talk to the cops. I'll kill Bryce. If you want, I'll kill him with my bare hands and pay the price. Just please tell me what you want.

Jessica Davis: What I want... is never to see you again in my life.

Jessica gets in her car and drives away as Justin just stands there and watches her go. After meeting with Jessica, Clay walks into Liberty and goes straight for the office as he wait for the arrival of Mr. Porter. Porter arrives to the office...

Clay Jensen: Mr. Porter.

Kevin Porter: Clay.

Porter sees the bruises on Clay's face.

Kevin Porter: What happened? Are you all right?

Clay Jensen: Yeah, no, I'm fine. It's just... I know I'm still on suspension, but I... I needed to talk. Is that okay?

Kevin Porter: Yeah, sure. Come on.

Porter leads Clay into his office as they both take a seat.

Kevin Porter: So what's on your mind today?

Clay Jensen: I wanted to talk about Hannah Baker. She pushed me away. I was thinking about how hurt I was, and I didn't even for a minute stop to think that... she was hurting too.

Kevin Porter: Look, Clay... whatever happened to Hannah, between you and her, with other kids, she made that choice to try to take her own life.

Clay Jensen: But why? Why did she make that choice?

Kevin Porter: We can't know that for sure unless she wake up from her coma.

Clay Jensen: What if we could, right now? What if we knew what we did wrong?

Kevin Porter: You know, it's natural to blame yourself, but... we all do the best we can.

Clay Jensen: I think that's bullshit. I think we should blame ourselves. I think we all could do better.

Kevin Porter: We can try to love each other better, but we're imperfect people. We love imperfectly. We don't always get it right.

Clay Jensen: How can you just live with that? I mean, you're a counselor.

Kevin Porter: I have to live with it. You can know all the signs and understand the issues, and still come up missing something.

Clay Jensen: That's not good enough. What about the next kid who wants to try killing himself?

Kevin Porter: Do you think about hurting yourself?

Clay Jensen: The other night, I almost threw myself off a cliff.

Kevin Porter: I'm glad you didn't.

Clay Jensen: You may not feel that way in a minute.

Kevin Porter: Why do you say that?

Clay Jensen: Hannah Baker came to see you the day she did it. She told you what happened to her.

Kevin Porter: Look, even if she did come to visit me... this is not something I can talk about.

Clay Jensen: So, if I tell you that I'm going to kill myself, you can't tell anyone?

Kevin Porter: Yes, I can tell your parents. You know, I can tell who I need to tell in order to get you the right medical attention.

Clay Jensen: Did you tell anyone about Hannah?

Kevin Porter: Hannah never told me she was thinking about killing herself.

Clay Jensen: But you did see her.

Kevin Porter: I didn't say that.

Clay Jensen: You saw her. And she told you things were bad. That she didn't care about anything, that she wanted everything to stop.

Kevin Porter: When did you talk to her last?

Clay Jensen: She told you how she got to that point. She couldn't give you a name. She didn't use the word, but she described the rape.

Kevin Porter: Again, I can't... 

Clay Jensen: I know you can't. So let's talk about a hypothetical student who says she was raped but won't say who did it, or can't.

Kevin Porter: When a student is assaulted, I'm required to go to the police.

Clay Jensen: Like a name.

Kevin Porter: A name.

Clay Jensen: Bryce Walker. Bryce Walker raped Hannah.

Kevin Porter: It can be very dangerous to accuse someone of a crime like that.

Clay Jensen: I have his confession.

Kevin Porter: How do you have his confession?

Clay Jensen: I asked him for it. I took Hannah at her word, which is what you should have done. I believed Hannah, and I accused Bryce of rape, and then he beat the shit out of me and admitted it.

Kevin Porter: I think maybe now is where we stop this conversation.

Clay Jensen: Okay.

Kevin Porter: All right. Yeah.

Clay Jensen: But wouldn't you like to know what happened after Hannah left that day? She walked out of this office... and she hoped you would come after her. But you didn't. You let her walk away. We all let her walk away. She walked out of school... went home... and put some things in order. She returned her uniform to the Crestmont, where I worked with her. She didn't say anything. She dropped it on the counter and walked away. That was the last time I saw her before she was in a coma. She dropped a package off with a friend, then took another to the post office. Then she went back home... put on some old clothes. She went into the bathroom... filled the tub... opened the box of razor blades she took from her parents' store that morning... She got into the tub... still with her clothes on... slit her wrists... and almost bled to death. She was alone. And you could have stopped it. And I could have. Justin Foley could have. And a dozen other people, at least. But we didn't.

Porter was in tears just knowing that Clay is right. He could've stopped it. He grabs a tissue to wipe off his tears.

Kevin Porter: It's powerful. And painful. Just to imagine what Hannah's last days were. To try to understand what led her there. But if she wanted to end her life... we weren't going to stop her.

Clay Jensen: I almost cost a girl her life because I was afraid to love her.

Kevin Porter: You can't love someone back.

Clay Jensen: You can try.

Kevin Porter: Clay... we don't know what was in her mind or in her heart. Unless she wakes up from her coma, there's no way to know why she did what she did.

Clay Jensen: Actually, there is a way.

Clay opens up his backpack and takes out the shoebox with the tapes and sets it on Porter's desk.

Clay Jensen: Before she did it... Hannah recorded 13 Reasons Why she tried to kill herself. And you're number 13. And everyone who comes before you on these tapes knows what you did and didn't do. And they always will. And they'll know what they did. You're the last person to get the tapes. Hannah didn't leave any instructions on what happens after you... so you get to decide. And I added tape number 14... which I hope will help you make that decision.

Kevin Porter: How do you have these tapes?

Clay Jensen: I'm number 11.

Clay give Porter the tapes as he gets up and begins to make his way out when he stops and turns around.

Clay Jensen: It has to get better. The way we treat each other and... look out for each other. It has to get better somehow.

Clay leaves Porter's office as the school bell rings signaling the end of class. Clay steps out of the office as he's relieved that he's done with the tape and hopes that Porter will do the right thing. All that's left is to pray that Hannah wake up from her coma. As Clay watches his classmates passing by, he sees Skye Miller walking by. Clay learned a valuable lesson from Hannah as he thinks back to the cuts that Skye has on her wrists. Clay didn't want anyone else doing the same thing Hannah did and now he's worried about the girl who was once his friend as he calls for her.

Clay Jensen: Skye. Hey, Skye.

Skye Miller: What?

Clay Jensen: Hey, uh... How's it going?

Skye Miller: Uh... Fine. Why?

Clay Jensen: Listen, I was, um... I was wondering if you wanted to, like... hang out sometime?

Skye Miller: Okay. When?

Clay Jensen: How about now? How about we walk right out those doors and hang out for a while?

Skye Miller: Are you okay?

Clay Jensen: No. Is that all right?

Skye Miller: Yeah. That's fine.

Clay & Skye walk out of Liberty as Clay begins to tell her everything that's been happening with him, Hannah, & Bryce. Meanwhile, Tyler has stockpiled on guns as he prepares for his deposition. While at the Baker store, Andy & Olivia prepare to head for the depositions.

Andy Baker: We should go. They said this afternoon's session starts at 2 sharp.

Olivia Baker: Andy, what's this?

Olivia was searching through a computer when she stumbles upon a job application.

Andy Baker: It's nothing.

Olivia Baker: It's an application for Walplex.

Andy Baker: Their pharmacy's open till 11. I can do night shifts.

Olivia Baker: No. Absolutely not.

Andy Baker: This case could go on for a long time, Liv.

Tony Padilla: Mrs. Baker.

Tony entered the store with Brad as he approached the pharmacy counter.

Olivia Baker: Tony, what... What are you... what is it?

Tony Padilla: I, uh... I have to apologize for not telling you everything. Hannah asked me to keep secrets for her. I wanted to honor that. But I've come to believe I need to share something with you.

Tony hands over Olivia a flash drive

Tony Padilla: There are 14 audio files on there. You should listen to them in order. I have the original tapes, and for reasons you'll come to understand, I have them hidden somewhere very safe. But if you need those, I will bring them to you too.

Olivia Baker: What's on here? What kind of files?

Tony Padilla: I... I really think you should just listen. What happened to Hannah... I wish that would never happen to any other kid, ever. And if giving you this helps that, then... I'm sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing.

Tony & Brad leave the store as Olivia is confused. Olivia & Andy are now at the depositions as it's Tyler's turn.

Tyler Down: I would say that the climate at Liberty High School... as I have experienced it myself, is bad. I get shit every... I'm sorry.

Dennis Vasquez: It's fine, Tyler. Just use your own words.

Tyler Down: I get shit every day. People trip me and slam me into walls. Lock me in the bathroom stalls and pull my pants down.

Dennis Vasquez: And do you know if Hannah Baker experienced bullying like this?

Laine Jensen: Again, Dennis asks for an expert opinion.

Dennis Vasquez: Did you ever hear anyone at Liberty speak unkindly to Hannah?

Tyler Down: Yes.

Dennis Vasquez: Can you tell me about the time or times that happened?

Tyler Down: It happened all the time. Guys would... call her a slut and say that she's easy, that sort of stuff.

Dennis Vasquez: Did you ever witness anyone being physically abusive to Hannah?

Tyler Down: I bet it happened.

Laine Jensen: Dennis.

Dennis Vasquez: Tyler, we have to ask you not to speculate. Just... talk about what you actually witnessed.

Tyler Down: I saw how guys treated her. I have pictures of it.

Dennis Vasquez: You have pictures of physical abuse? You have proof?

Tyler Down: No, no, not physical abuse, but...

Dennis Vasquez: Okay, let's, uh... talk about...

At that moment, Tyler decides to tell the truth.

Tyler Down: There are tapes.

Dennis Vasquez: I'm sorry?

Tyler Down: There are tapes. Hannah recorded tapes. She talked about what happened to her.

Dennis Vasquez: And where are these tapes now?

Tyler Down: Last I heard, Clay Jensen had them.

Laine was shocked to hear that her own son had the tapes.

Laine Jensen: Are you sure about that, Tyler?

Tyler Down: Last I heard.

Laine Jensen: Well, Dennis, without the tapes in evidence, I'd suggest we move on.

Olivia holds on to the flash drive that Tony gave her & her husband as she now knows what is on the flash drive. After Tyler was finished, it was Jessica's turn to be deposed.

Dennis Vasquez: Miss Davis, it's important that you speak only to what you actually experienced. Okay?

Jessica nod at him.

Dennis Vasquez: So, you and Hannah were friends?

Jessica Davis: Yeah. For a while.

Dennis Vasquez: What do you mean "for a while"?

Jessica Davis: We stopped being friends.

Dennis Vasquez: Can you tell me why you think that happened?

Jessica Davis: 'Cause I slapped her.

Dennis Vasquez: And why did you slap her?

Jessica Davis: Because I thought she was fooling around with my boyfriend.

Dennis Vasquez: And why did you think that?

Jessica Davis: Because... Because guys talk at our school. And they do sh... They do things to girls that no one ever talks about and no one ever does anything about.

Dennis Vasquez: Things like what, Miss Davis?

Jessica Davis: Like what do you think?

Dennis Vasquez: Be helpful if you could tell me. Miss Davis, I know this is difficult, but it's important you tell us.

Laine Jensen: Argumentative.

Dennis Vasquez: Hardly argumentative.

Olivia Baker: Dennis. Don't force her to answer.

Dennis Vasquez: Okay. Okay, Miss Davis. Uh, do you know anything about tapes that Hannah recorded about what happened to her?

Jessica was surprised that they knew about the tapes.

Jessica Davis: No.

Justin agreed to meet with Bryce at the Blue Spot Liquor. They as if nothing happened. Bryce comes out from the Blue Spot and hands Justin a drink.

Bryce Walker: When did you go to vodka?

Justin Foley: Since I needed to travel.

Justin tries to put away his drink.

Bryce Walker: Whoa, no, no, no. You promised me a drink.

Justin opens up the vodka and takes a sip as Bryce does the same with his drink.

Bryce Walker: They got you going to the lawyers today?

Justin Foley: I didn't go.

Bryce Walker: Good. Good. How did Jensen know? About... me and Hannah Baker?

Justin Foley: Hannah Baker made these tapes before she tried to kill herself. Saying what we all did to her. What you did. To Jessica.

Bryce Walker: To Jessica?

Justin Foley: She was in the room that night. Hiding.

Bryce is starting to panic.

Bryce Walker: You've heard these tapes?

Justin Foley: Yeah. I'm on 'em too.

Bryce Walker: And who has them now?

Justin Foley: At this point, I don't know.

Bryce Walker: Jesus. But who's gonna believe a suicidal girl, right?

Justin Foley: I guess we'll find out.

Justin turns around as he's about to walk off.

Bryce Walker: Justin. Justin. You know the real story, right? You know what's true.

Justin Foley: I do now.

Bryce Walker: So I'll see you around?

Justin Foley: Nah, I don't think you will.

Justin walks away from Bryce, and from Evergreen County. He decided to run away with the money he stole from Seth. After being deposed, Jessica decided to tell her father what Bryce did to her. Kevin Porter begins to listen to his tape first in the A.V. classroom. Just when he started listening, he hears the door open as he quickly presses stop as it was Principal Bolan who open the door.

Principal Bolan: Kevin. Alex Standall... shot himself in the head last night. He's in critical condition at Mercy.

Porter was shocked to hear that another student has tried taking his own life. Olivia & Andy Baker brought a laptop to the hospital as Olivia sets it on her lap and insert the flash drive. They begin listening to Hannah's tape as look at their daughter who remains in a coma. Tony & Clay drive off around Evergreen County with Brad & Skye sitting in the back.

Tony Padilla: So, what happens next?

Clay Jensen: I don't know. I guess we'll find out.

Tony Padilla: Should I put a tape on?

Clay Jensen: How about we just listen to the radio?

Tony Padilla: That's a great idea.

Tony turns up the radio as he drives on. Clay looks out the window as he just looks at the sight of Evergreen County. All everyone can do now is wait as Hannah still remains in a coma, hoping that she wakes up soon.

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