colliding ↠ stiles stilinski ²

By simplybilinski

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❝ Death didn't scare her anymore, she had so many people waiting for her on the other side that it wasn't suc... More

c o l l i d i n g ~ p l a y l i s t
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


835 26 15
By simplybilinski



    OLIVIA COULDN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME SCOTT WAS SANE. Sure, Olivia Flynn had met some clinically mentally ill people in her life before, not even batting an eye at them, but hearing the fucked up words spilling from Scotts mouth was just about the most screwed up thing she's experienced, or she just simply couldn't comprehend what was actually happening, the words going in one ear then going straight out the other. Now, in her lifetime she had participated ( unwillingly or willingly ) in some shady shit  — as in dealing with a pack of murderous alphas that had murdered her family, being almost murdered by her english teacher ( more than once ), yet never in her life had one of her friends asked to be intentionally killed and then brought back to life before. It was definitely uncharted water for her.

    The sacrificing thing from way back when did not fall under that category for her though.

    Olivia told herself that she was fine with it, fine with Scott killing himself that is. From what he had told her, he had a plan, a plan to revive himself from the dead. The dead. She tried not to think too hard about the nitty-gritty details because that would just cause her head to start spinning which wouldn't do her any good, but in all of her time of being with Scott and his group, she had never done something like bringing back somebody from the brink of death itself, which could astronomically backfire on them.

    She didn't know what she was more afraid of, not being able to revive Scott or the possibilities of another variable. One thing to know about the Flynn is that she liked to have everything planned out to the tiniest detail. Whether it be her afternoon structure or how she would escape if one of her family's missions were to go south, every detail counted. It was an unconscious habit from her father's training, you need to rule out every possibility, next move, whatever could happen next, and be prepared for it. What her father taught her had stuck itself in every crevice of her brain whether she liked it or not. So, a plan where no one knew what could or would happen was absolutely terrifying to her, shook her straight to the bone.

    Trust was a funny thing in which Olivia had little of it. Scott kept telling his friends to 'trust him on this one', but none of them actually did, all frightened about the unknown that crept in the darkest corners of his little plan.

It didn't help that Scotts stupid suicide plan wasn't the only thing on her mind, it was taking up a huge chunk of it and not leaving much to be occupied, most definitely, but she still had another occurrence on her mind. It also didn't help that Stiles had to stand right next to her. Like literally right next to her. She could feel his arms brush against hers every time he moved and she was sure he was doing it on purpose because he would then act like it didn't happen and not even spare a glance at her.

Although, they were playing the 'ignorance' game, so she kinda signed up for it the minute she began to play. It was a nonstop ache in the back of her brain, relentless and annoying. Deep down, Olivia did want to talk about it, longed to bring it out in the open and to know what the actual hell he was thinking when he kissed her the other night. But she would rather eat a sock then be the first one to speak up about it.

So, it was left unspoken until further notice.

As much as Olivia hated the plan, Scott was dead set on...well, playing dead. Before he went upstairs to literally die, he pulled her into another room before she could say anything in protest. 

"The only problem I have with this plan is you." Was all he said.

Olivia looked at him with her jaw slack. "That's the only problem you have with this plan? The plan where you might not come back alive and you're worried about me?" Her brain felt like it was being poked with an iron rod of Scott's stupidity. "Scott, why would you be worried about me? The only way I'm involved with the plan is literally watching your heart beat slow down."

He looked around the corner before continuing. "Remember back when me, Stiles and Allison went under those ice buckets a little bit under a year ago? Remember how you collapsed? I don't want that to happen again." he finished.

Truthfully, Olivia completely forgot about that. Looking back on that terrifying event, it was directly connected to the nogitsune getting inside her head. Goosebumps spread along her arms at the long thought of its voice echoing in her head and her running around in the empty house of her childhood home. She wasn't entirely sure how or why she collapsed that time, only remembering that Deaton had warned her about it beforehand.

So, she would probably have to ask Deaton if she wanted answers.

Nothing new.

Olivia thought for a moment before responding. "That won't happen again." She was hesitant because even she didn't know the extent of her abilities or why they acted up at certain times.

He didn't buy it. "How do you know? You don't even know what happened that time, or why it happened. I just want to take precautions in case of an unexpected event like that were to occur again. Maybe if you weren't in the same room as me when I went under? That could help." he suggested.

"So, I'm not allowed to watch you die." Olivia mumbled. She found it rather annoying that Scott insisted that she be in another room or be outside of the house while he risks his life for the "greater good".

"I'm not dying, Liv." Scott kept stressing the matter but none of his friends could get themselves to believe his words. "Can we just take this precaution? It won't kill you to just stand outside the door or outside the house for a bit."

Olivia's face had to be blank. She was angered, saddened, annoyed — all of the fucking above. "I cannot believe this. Fine. I'll wait outside of the house. That's good, right?" her hand ran up her face as she grew tired of the conversation that brought nothing but more stress to this day.

Scott smiled, "Yes. Thank you, Liv."

As she rounded the corner and poked her head into Scott's room where Kira, Stiles, and Liam were, "If anyone needs me I'll be outside. Bonding with nature for fucks sake..." she then moped down the stairs and out the door.

As her figure left the door frame, all three of the teenagers just stood with confused faces and then turned to Scott who was oddly content.

"What was that about?" Stiles was the first to ask the lingering question in the room.

The boy turned to him, "Precaution." And not elaborating any further, Scott hopped into his bed and awaited a death-like coma.


Olivia was not bonding with nature. The first five minutes, she started to pace, but then after a few minutes that felt like a few hours, she grew tired of the stress and sat on the grass while awaiting any sign of distress or success.

Fifteen minutes later and still no sign of anything. It was like the house was abandoned. Olivia didn't feel any different. She didn't feel dizzy like that time in Deatons shop when they all went under. She felt no pain — nothing.

But at least she had the grass to keep her company.

Olivia tended to forget that the entire passing-out-and-screaming situation ever happened. It just slipped her mind from time to time, but then again, she wanted to forget about that period of time where the nogitsune had control over her, Stiles — the group. It was a horrific time that she chose not to remember at any cost. So, she didn't.

Another fifteen minutes passed and at last, the front door opened to Olivia's surprise. She was still seated on the ground and playing with the grass as she twirled it between her fingers trying to make a braid out of the three strands she had plucked from the ground. She swiveled around and was met with Melissa.

She didn't need to say anything to know that it had succeeded. Melissa's face was enough for confirmation.

Olivia got up and in one motion, she hugged the woman tight. She didn't know how Melissa did it, how she was this strong to handle supernatural matters. But, Olivia respected her immensely for her strength.

The woman hugged back after a moment and stayed in her grasp as her breaths stabilized.


Scott looked dead on the table in front of her. His face was pale, drained of color, and chest unmoving. Melissa had some in with tears streaming down her face moments before a one woman performance worthy of an oscar. But, honestly, Olivia didn't know if they were fake tears or not.

After hearing Kira's mom explain how Scott's heart was beating but barely, Olivia asked the utmost obvious, yet terrifying question. "What happens after those forty-five minutes are up? What happens to him then?"

Melissa tensed beside her, Olivia instantly knowing that it was on her mind as well. Kira's mom's eyes shifted toward Stiles and then to the floor, alarming her in the slightest. "No one told them?"

"I was bonding with nature while this was all happening, so no." Olivia crossed her arms and suddenly felt like there was a vital piece of information she was missing.

The woman didn't hesitate, didn't stutter, just right out dead-panned it to the two. "He dies." she said and then the entire room went still.

Olivia couldn't tell if she heard her right or not. She already knew that his life was on the line when he suggested this god awful plan of his, so why was it so hard to breathe? Hearing Mrs.Yukimura say those words aloud had stunned her into a rigid-like trance of staring at the woman as if she were stuck in time and waiting for her to somehow say, "Sike! He'll be fine!", yet she knew it would never happen.

Her eyes pried themselves off the woman's figure and down toward Scotts body. The situation suddenly felt real to her. It should have felt real when she first saw his body, but for some odd reason, those words shocked her to her core.

"Please someone tell me they have a watch on them because I don't even own one." Olivia was still staring at his body and just waited for someone to speak up.

"I have a time already set. Don't worry, we'll get the Benefactor before the time is up." Stiles showed his timer to her that was already down to thirty-five minutes.

Thirty-five minutes until Scotts barely beating heart stops.


"If he dies, I'm going to drag his ass back from hell and then kill him again for making up this stupid freaking plan! What sane person suggests a plan where they even know that their life is on the literal line of life and death? Scott. That's who. That dumb, moronic–"

"Okay, how about we stop cursing our best friend who's nearly dead, yeah? And didn't you already say that you would kill him if he dies? Like less than two hours ago?" Stiles stopped Olivia's on going rambling that was going to give him a headache on top of another headache.

"And? I meant what I said."

"And," Stiles started. "I think you also fall under the self-sacrificing-for-the-greater-good-type plan too." he pointed out.

She side-eyed him, knowing well he hit the target on that one. "Don't do as I do, do as I say." Olivia mumbled, aware of how right Stiles was about her. It was quite ironic that she ( the girl who just the previous day was almost shot in the goddamn head ) was lecturing Scott on how to stop unnecessarily risking his life.

Stiles let out a small laugh at that, still walking down the hall and into the other hospital room where Mr. Argent would be waiting for them with the computer to contact the Benefactor.

Olivia had barely thought about the kiss since this morning, if possible, it had actually slipped from her mind due to Scott's plan. But maybe that was a good thing that both of them were distracted with other things rather than with each other. She would actually prefer a distraction for today so they could perhaps discuss it some other time when their friend wasn't borderline dead.

Once they both got to their designated room, they were met with Chris Argent. No matter the circumstance, Olivia's eyes always drift to the man's side, always expecting a brunette girl to be standing next to him. Every time she's disappointed by her absence.

Next thing she knew, Stiles was looking at the computer. "Scott McCall dead. Payment requested." he read out loud. He looked over at the man with a disappointed expression. "Seriously? What happened to your assassin talk? Like the target has been neutralized or something cool." he complained.

"I said he's dead, what more do you want?" he scowled.

The boy shrugged, "I don't know, maybe something a little less dry then Scott McCall dead. Payment requested?" Stiles imitated the Argent in an amusing tone that did not please him whatsoever.

In the midst of their bickering, Olivia watched as the computer's screen turned green, another line of words popping up. "Okay, first, let's stop arguing like children and second, they responded."

Visual Confirmation is required.

Out of instinct and excitement, Stiles turned the computer to him and then stopped, peered up at Chris and gestured for him to take it instead. The older man sighed heavily and let him have it, the two having a pitiful amusing argument until Stiles gave in.

Over his shoulder, Chris instructed him. "Type this: Visual confirmation isn't possible. Police coming to claim the body in forty minutes."

A silent beat went by before another green light popped up.

Visual confirmation is required for payment.

The air grew a little bit more tense as Chris rolled his shoulders back and the onsight of possible complications in the future caused anxiety in the trio. "Tell him number one on the list is dead. I killed him. And if the wire transfer isn't completed in forty minutes..." Stiles was attempting to keep up, but in the end, Mr.Argent snatched the computer from him and started to furiously type.

Olivia peeked over the man's shoulder and her jaw dropped. "Seriously? I'm coming for you? You could have said anything, but you chose to say that."


A chain of events occurred for this situation to arise. First thing that happened: One of the cameras that Olivia, Stiles, Kira, and Liam were using to survey the area around the hospital suddenly went out. Two, Kira and Liam left to investigate the insanely suspicious rooftop. This left Stiles and Olivia together in the room, alone.

Remember how the two were once distracted? That's long gone now, the adrenaline slowly ceasing which only brought uneasy awkward air around them.

Olivia noticed it first. Noticed how it was only them in the room and no one else. She didn't panic, no, instead she started to bite her nails ( something she hasn't done in a long time ) out of a nervous habit. She wasn't sure if Stiles had observed her strange behavior since he was so focused on the watch on his wrist and the laptop opened in front of him.

But then again, he could just be letting her think he hasn't noticed.

It screwed with her mind.

The 'ignorance game', which she impulsively chose to participate in, was gnawing at her nerves. It frustrated her to no end that she couldn't be the one to speak up about it just because of her pride.

But, her nerves were shortening by the minute and each time Stiles looked her way for even a second, her body would freeze with anxiety and heart would almost give out. Just from a single glance.

A single glance.

"They should be back by now." Stiles anxiously started to pace around the room.

Olivia didn't even know what he was talking about, her mind scattered. "What?" She stupidly said.

He turned to her, eyes connecting.

Olivia's heart began to pump faster than before.

"What do you mean 'what?'. Liam and Kira. Shouldn't they be back by now? It's been over fifteen minutes." he said as he observed her with skeptical eyes.

"It's been fifteen minutes?" Olivia's eyes widened.

Her mouth just wouldn't fucking shut. It was like every thought just spilled out of her mouth before she could do anything about it. That meant that she had been biting on her nails, brain turning over the same exact rock for literally fifteen minutes. Never before had Olivia been so distracted.

If she was missing vital pieces of information just because of one thing, then she needed to get her act together.

Stiles stopped and really looked at the girl. "Are you feeling okay? You seem a little flushed than usual." he studded her face which put a heated gaze on her. " Normally you're more observant than me." 

Her cheeks were slightly pink and ears tinged red. She did not like being called out. "I'm jolly — great even. Just one of my best friends is borderline dead at the moment." She hoped and prayed she could play it off but even she couldn't convince herself.

"That's it?" He stepped closer which only agitated her further.

Her jaw practically fell to the floor. Her hand was at her side and picking at the hem of her shirt repeatedly. They were standing so close that she couldn't help remembering that night which only made her feel hotter. It was infuriating how much of a grip he had on her.

She pursed her lips and her eyes couldn't help but drift down to his lips. Snapping herself out of whatever caused her to do such a thing, "Yeah. T-that's it."

"Are you sure–"

"Oh my god. Stiles Stilinski, you kissed me last night and now we aren't even acknowledging it while being in the same room together, alone, and it has been infuriating trying to act normal with you when all I can think about is how your lips were on mine and I liked it. Every time you get close to me, I cannot think straight — or do anything for that matter without thinking of you. And that question of 'what does it mean for us?' constantly bugging me doesn't help. So, fuck if that's the only thing on my mind." After she was done, a weight was lifted from her chest at that moment, letting out a big huff of air.

When she opened her eyes, she was met with his and then she realized how close they were standing, quite literally their noses were touching. She couldn't tell what he was thinking and she hated it. She hated not knowing what he was going to do next. But, with him, she never knew what would happen next, that's what made him so unpredictable.

Stiles kept looking at her, "You asked what does it mean for us?"

She held her breath and nodded.

"You said you liked it." He waited for her confirmation.

It was no use denying it when she had already said it in her little outburst. There wasn't a minute that had gone by that the ghost of his lips weren't touching hers. She nodded.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's hard to think straight when I'm around, you said?" the smallest smile pulled at his lips. 

"Stiles-" she groaned, feeling embarrassed by him repeating her impulsive word choice...not that it wasn't true.

He cut her off. But not with words. His hands slid up to her flushed cheeks and his forehead leaned into hers. Their eyes remained staring into the other, looking for some answer to their question. It was as if they could communicate with only their eyes as Olivia felt some sort of pull towards him as did he. Slowly, Stiles's chin leaned in and his lips brushed with hers, hovering over them.

Olivia, though, straightened herself and then pushed her lips up to his and initiated it unlike last time.

She no longer had to save the feeling of his lips from memory, finally feeling his now as they moved against hers. It was as if she were starved from this feeling for days and didn't have the time to savor it.

When they broke apart, "Is it dumb of me to ask if you like me?" Olivia's dumb mouth opened.

Stiles cracked a smile. "Yes, because I've kissed you twice now."

"Three if you count the panic attack one." Olivia added.

He made an 'o' with his lips. "I almost forgot about that one..." that smile appeared again. "If I'm being honest-"

"Please don't." Olivia winced, knowing nothing good was going to come up from Stiles Stilinski being honest with her.

He rolled his eyes, "It's not anything bad."

"Still. Don't want to hear it." she protested.

Stiles started to shuffle around, looking down at his feet, fingers, anywhere but her face. "Maybe once our best friend is alive and heart beating normally, we could do something..." his voice trailed off.

"Are you trying to ask me out on a date while trying to catch a supernatural hit list mastermind?"

", definitely not."

"And they say romance is dead." She laughed because to her, the fact that Stiles had attempted to ask her out during a life or death period of time, was humorous. "I'll give you an answer when this is all over."

"It's not an automatic yes?" He looked shocked.

She tried to hide her smile, but was failing miserably. "I guess you'll have to find out."

And then, just as the moment came, it went, being interrupted by Chris Argent stumbling through the morgue doors. "We were wrong. Run."

kickin my feet 'n shit.

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