The Burdens We Carry

By mindhackglitch

147K 7.3K 428

Niklaus stared at his sister in disbelief "Sister what have you done?" She stared at the blood heart in her... More

Which monster do you prefer ?
You must return.
No child deserves a monster
A reason to live
You no longer care do you?
Do what you wish
I am cursed..
His reign will come to an end soon
Its okay to care
That is not the only goal..
Don't leave
She is the most important thing to me..
A misconception..
I truly pity you..
Loyalty, fear? I use both
I pity the foolish bastards
A prophecy..
Oh ye of little faith..
Shut her down will you?
For our daughter
Complete the harvest
Lets hope you dont rise again..
Tell me everything!
As silk ..
The past comes back to bite you I
The past comes back to bite you II
The past comes back to bite you III
The line between pain..
You'll always be my little wolf
Knowing the enemy
False appearances
You live on my mercy..
Unblinking death
A closer walk with thee
The wars to come
To the wars to come II
From the cradle to the grave


2.1K 123 12
By mindhackglitch


That's all she felt the longer she watched Cassandra work on Hayley, muttering some spell in French and creole. Every second felt like her heart was slowly shattering into a million pieces. She couldn't loose Hayley, she couldn't lose their daughter.

A chair was thrown across the room in a fit of anger, she glared at Cassandra "I swear to god if she dies, every single witch in your coven will die, I will string them up and bleed them while the scream for mercy!" She spat, her eyes flickering between blue and violet.

"Sister!" She looked at Klaus, but soon anger gave way to grief, it felt as if her own heart was being pulled from her chest.

"I can't.. I can't lose either of them Niklaus." She whispered brokenly..

Klaus had seen his sister in situations, the hardest but never since the loss of Heinrich had he seen her this broken.

He gathered her into his arms hugging her tightly, "you won't.. you won't.. I swear Kara ."

They say fear is nothing but an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we move forward, we build, we create, we better ourselves..

And yet the longer she watched Hayley lying still on the table. Fear wasn't solely an obstacle to be overcome, no in a world of survival of the fittest, she often found herself on top of the food chain but right now she felt nothing like the alpha she was, nor did she feel like the indestructible hybrid, instead she felt like the little scared girl huddling in the corner, hiding from her abusive step father. Shedding silent tears as he once more took her deep into the woods, for a lesson..

She stepped closer to the witch working, but her hands caressed Hayley's cold jaw "Come back to me little wolf.." she whispered "I can't.. I can't do this without you"


"The times I've felt an all encompassing fear I can count on one hand.

The times I felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest I could too count on one hand. Those moments never happened together. And yet.." she paused staring at Hayley sitting on the bed. "And yet when I saw you lying there, cold, with no heart beat.. everything that I was, that I am came crashing down.. suddenly I was no longer the strongest hybrid there ever was , nor was I Un-killable. I suppose the closest comparison I could make is that I felt mortal, so very mortal, weak, powerless and hopeless.." she stopped and kneeled down before Hayley. "You have a power over me... a power that no one has ever had.." she whispered, as tears rolled down her cheeks "I cannot lose you."

Hayley cupped the broken hybrids face in her hands "You won't,I'm sorry about today but you won't lose me."

Kara reached into her pocket and pulled a purple small square velvet box "Marry me"

Hayley stared back in surprise , her eyes watered with tears "You didn't even take me on a second date and here you are proposing?" She teased thickly.

Kara smiled slightly "I'll take you on as many dates as you want, I'll take you to every single country this world has, I'll take you anywhere you wish. I'll shower you with a thousand gifts , each of reminder of the many things I love about you.." she licked her lips "Say you'll be my wife and we'll raise our daughter in a family, a loving family one we never truly had."She whispered.

"You're not just asking me because you feared I wouldn't live to see past today?" Asked Hayley insecurely.

Kara shook her head "No, well yes I was scared but I was planning to ask you somewhere romantic, maybe on the gorgeous white beaches of Spain.. but we're not in Spain, we're here in New Orleans, the one place I found a true home in and now after a hundred years I want to build a new one, one where you and I raise our daughter together."

Hayley stared at the ring a moment longer it looked like a princess cut pink diamond, pink wasn't really her color but she knew that pink diamonds were rare and expensive, the silver band, seemed like branches interwoven together, all and all it was a gorgeous ring. She held out her hand, if anyone told her she would be agreeing to marriage at 22 she would've scoffed and said they needed to get their head checked and yet here before her, the bluest eyes stared back into her green, for once there was no walls, just pure raw emotion burning in Kara's eyes. "Yes..I'll marry you"

Kara smiled in relief ,she slipped the ring onto Hayley's finger — she stared at it for a moment longer before looking up to Hayley "I swear to give you as much as I can, happiness, joy, safety.. any and all of it. I am yours always and forever .." she said sincerely.

Hayley couldn't help herself and she pulled Kara into a deep kiss, unlike like their fierce battle of wills, this kiss was softer, deeper it carried love, affection and everything she wished to show to hybrid... their kiss would have continued and perhaps escalated to something more but Kara gently pulled away. "as much as I wish to celebrate our engagement.." she whispered against Hayley's lips "There's one more surprise.."

Hayley cocked a brow in question but Kara took her hand and led her to a door, she pushed the door open. The walls were painted a soft yellow, a neutral color even though she was sure it was a girl, she didn't think her daughter would like pink if she were anything like Hayley or herself.

The nursery was set up with a hand crafted crib, a bassinet in the corner and a gorgeous mobile hanging from the roof.

"I'm sure you know the compound was under renovation, Elijah insisted and I agreed but I wanted to add something of my own." Three of the walls were soft yellow but the one to the window was the skyline of New Orleans at dusk.

"It's beautiful.. did Klaus do the painting?"

Kara scoffed mocking offense. "Even though I rarely paint; I was the one who taught Niklaus the basics, mixing colors and so forth. Which plants to use to get the best hues" she paused "I painted this..I thought that hopefully our daughter would appreciate seeing the beauty this city holds"

Hayley' covered her belly "It's beautiful Kara, I never knew you were so artistic." She teased lightly, but her eyes watered with tears at the gesture.

Kara shrugged slightly "I only do it, when I need to clear my mind. That and piano has always been something I partook in" she walked to the handcrafted crib "This on the other hand is all Niklaus." She said proudly.

Hayley's eyes widened slightly "He built our daughter a crib? By hand?"

Kara chuckled "Yes, I believe he wished to do something godfather like" she said softly "He had been working on it for weeks, and when it was ready he was rather shy about showing me." She laughed at the memory.

Hayley raised a brow "I'm surprised I would have thought you would choose Elijah to be our daughters godfather."

Kara shook her head "I adore Elijah of course , and even though we only share one parent." She paused "Klaus is my blood brother, we share the same father, the same mother. We have both suffered Mikaels cruelty, I more than him but the fact remains he knows and would go to the ends of the world for our daughter.." she admitted softly "Despite his blasé  demeanor he already loves her and wishes to be there for her as our parents were never for us."

Hayley kissed Kara sweetly "Then I suppose I'll have to get him a mug don't I?" She joked.

Kara hummed and wrapped her arms around Hayley' "You said you met my father .." she hesitated "What did he say?"

Hayley looked into Kara's eyes, for the first time she saw insecurity in the self assured hybrid. She gently caressed Kara's jaw and frowning slightly "why do you call him that? His not your real father?"

Kara shook her head "He's done damage only a father could do , what did he say to you.."

Hayley pecked Kara's lips "Nothing true.." she reassured.

Kara put her head against Hayley's relieved "I love you.. and I don't think I've ever thanked you for stalking me" she said with complete seriousness.

Hayley blushed in embarrassment at the reminder "Do you have to say that??"

Kara chuckled softly "I do, because it's the third best thing that's happened to me."

"Oh ? And please enlighten me Miss Mikaelson what's the second and the first?" Asked Hayley

"The second best thing was seeing you in that crypt again, after months of wondering and thinking about the night we spent together it was quite the surprise to see you just as beautiful as I remember.." she paused licking her lips "The best thing that's happened to me is when you said you were carrying our child.."

Hayley shook her head "You and I have have to very different memories of that evenings version of events."

Kara sighed "I know, I couldn't allow the witches any more leverage if they knew just how much the news affected me, so I did what I do best, I acted indifferent to you, to our daughter.. something I will forever regret. The words that left my mouth is something that haunts me.."

Hayley put her finger to Kara's lips "I know you didn't mean it, after knowing just how much you abhor the cruelty of children .. besides we both had a very rocky start, distrust, anger and a whole plethora of other issues."

Kara laughed dryly "Aren't we quite the pair hmm? Broken and damaged.."

Hayley tucked her head into Kara's neck "But together we make each other whole.. and we'll be as good as we can to our daughter .. we'll keep her whole, never have her break as we did"

Kara closed her eyes, simply enjoying the faint music in the background, and the beating of her daughters heart "I sincerely hope you're right Little wolf.."


St Anne's

"I apologize, I had something rather important to deal with, and I couldn't offer my condolences" she said looking at Camille , her eyes were red and her cheeks stained with tears.

Kara stepped forward and blinked in surprise when Camille ran into her arms and squeezed her tightly. "Thank you"

Kara sighed inwardly but hugged the woman back, she kissed her head softly "I know a thing or two about grief. The first time I felt it was when I lost my youngest brother, it felt like the world was crashing down around me, he was innocent, sweet and taken much too soon, he wasn't meant to die, he was meant to live.." she paused closing her eyes "I shut down, my emotions rarely showed but it was a mistake, I should have allowed myself to grieve for him, grieve for the boy he was and the man he could've become if fate hadn't dealt him a bad hand.." she cupped Camille's tear stained cheeks gently. "You have the ability to overcome the worst, your uncle wouldn't want you suffering and even though I still believe you should leave.." she said staring pointedly at the key around Camille's neck "It seems like fate has other ideas. So the only thing I ask of you Camille is remain safe, keep yourself alive because this world hasn't enough of your kind.."she finished and placed a soft kiss to Camille's head "Wherever your uncle is , know that he is at peace .."

"You know what I found don't you?" Asked Camille.

Kara smirked slightly "Hybrids make for excellent listeners, and yes I trust you enough to not use any of those dark objects against my family."She paused "Be Careful I don't entirely trust Francesca.. she's after something, and until I know what it is I don't want you to close to her okay?"

Camille frowned "Am I being ordered?"

Kara sighed "This is not the time to be stubborn, things are happening, there's a storm brewing and I want nothing more than keep those I care about safe.." she stared at Camille "and that includes you.. so don't antagonize Francesca or those who could be an enemy."

Camille sighed "Fine.. I won't antagonize her but she's a bitch, just so you know"

Kara chuckled "I'm aware my darling Hayley has had a few words about her as well." She glanced at her watch "I have to go, I'll see you around Camille.." she said and pecked the blonde on her cheek and blurred away.

Kara was walking home when she caught Marcel face across the street. She stared at him for a while before approaching him.

"Your reprieve ends when the clock strikes twelve Marcellus" she reminded and glanced at her watch. It was 11:30.

Marcel scoffed "I know.. and I'll be long gone by the time it strikes 12."

Kara hummed and moved to leave but Marcel stopped her "I want to thank you for allowing me to spend time with Camille." He sounded almost sincere and Kara simply shrugged.

"I didn't do it for you, she needed someone and you are her friend. Ultimately I did it for her"

Marcel laughed "You never did like me did you? Ever since Klaus saved me .."

Kara stared at him for a short while "You're wrong, I adored you, I adored your innocence , your thirst for knowledge." She paused "But the love and adoration I had for you only lessened in time, you hurt my sister, over and over — even against my word she still sought you out. Soon the love I had for you diminished and it's place grew distaste. Niklaus saw himself in you.. I never saw myself in you, I saw a boy trying to match his surroundings.."

"And now you hate me" finished Marcel.

"You brought Mikael to my home, to a home my siblings found, you brought the destroyer here.. it's only out of the love for my sister that you still breathe Marcel."

"Well I'll keep breathing and when I find out whatever deal it is you have going on with the wolves, I'll fight and fight till I take this city back!"

Kara smirked unbothered "Is that a declaration of war Marcellus?"

Marcel sneered "Take it as you like, if there was anything you Mikaelsons taught me was there was no place for weakness and I'll keep fighting until my last breath."

For the first time Kara stared at him with a glint of pride , she stepped closer to him and pat his cheek "I expect nothing less, little warrior." She whispered before leaving in a blur.

Marcel stood there with his mouth slightly open.. there was unmistakable warmth in Kara's tone, pride too.. he shook his head it didn't matter.. he would take his city back . He looked at the quarter one last time before leaving.

Kara stood beside Niklaus and watched him from the shadows "He's become quite the man hasn't he?"  Kara asked with a smile.

Klaus snorted "Don't sound so proud sister he means to take everything we have."

Kara shook her head "There's nothing wrong with showing pride Niklaus, I know you are proud of him despite his actions. But my pride doesn't mean I'll let him think he could take what never belonged to him in the first place.

"War is coming"

Kara hummed "Yes, and we should be ready to face assault from all angles.. like the good old days."


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