Broken Marionette

Autorstwa Lazy_Sloth120

24.3K 1K 114

A tale of a girl who lived two different lives but experienced the same pain in both. The story of the unknow... Więcej

Character Introductions/Profiles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
10K Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

1.3K 55 5
Autorstwa Lazy_Sloth120

"Mallory... Let's runaway. Together." seriously said Azazel looking me directly into my jewel blue eyes with his stern black ones. "W-what!" I chocked out shocked, looking at him as if he grew two heads. "Let's runaway. Tonight. We'll finally be able to live the peaceful and quiet life we always dreamed about." Once again repeated Zel this time explaining his point only a little bit. "B-but what if we get caught. We'll be killed on the spot!" I reasoned. I wasn't afraid of death, I had been through it but I don' know why I was feeling this growing fear. I had guessed it was the fear of the original Athelinda. "Please Mal." Begged Zel placing both his scarred and dried hand on my wounded shoulders. "I am positive this is what Dalia meant when she told us to live a good life. She wanted us to leave this place. Live your lives to our heart contents. Please Mal. Let's leave." He continued desperation in his black eyes. I let out a sigh, turning my head to the other side as I started to evaluate all possible outcomes and plans of running away.

"Alright" I sighed finally giving in. Azazel looked at with wide and joyous eyes, To be honest he looked a cute little dog wagging it's tail. Cute. "I have a plan so listen carefully" I instructed in a hushed voice. Zel looked at me nodding, showing I have his full attention. I then began to explain my plan in detail. Whispering the information into his ear, with him nodding every few seconds as the words processed into his brain.

Standing in front the locked bared door of the cell, Me and Zel looked at each other silently before nodding. As if agreeing with one another's thoughts. Activating a small lighting strike in my palm, I aimed it at the lock of the door. Traveling at the speed of light the white zap hit the metal lock. A small cloud of smoke was emitted as the lock of the door broke into small pieces. The broken black pieces of the lock fell to the ground, Zel walked cautiously towards the door. Nudging the door open with the slight push of his finger. Slowly the door creaked open. It was far too early to celebrate now, that was only step one of the plan.

Now time for phase two. Waving the palms of my hands in front of Azazel, I casted an invisibility spell on him. "Hurry" I mouthed trying to avoid any sound hat would warn the knights. Zel nodded at me before hurrying out of the cell. I watched as he ran off. When he was finally out my sight range I turned around and began to cast a spell on myself. I wouldn't be able to take a step outside of the mansion with out someone noticing my jewel blue yes. If someone say my appearance I would be sent to the Imperial palace, which something I don't want. I hate how I am a spitting Image of the man. So to avoid my imperial lineage being found out I need to create a new appearance for my self.

I had decided for my new hair and eye colour to match the two most important women to me of this life. My mother Diana and my mother figure Dalia. I closed my eyes as small black stars wrapped them selves around my whole body. My once dry and dirty blonde hair fading into a purple colour. Opening my eyes the jewel blue yes of the Imperial family were replaced by a soft magenta colour. As my transformation was coming to its end, I heard faint footsteps approaching the cell.

Already Knowing who it was I calmly turned around and saw Zel running towards me. However when he saw me he froze. I saw his whole body tense. He got into fighting stance and held one of the swords towards me. Gritting his teeth he asked in a rather demanding and angry voice "Who are you and what have you done with Mal?" I had expected this kind of reaction, I mean we both are one another only remaining sanity. "Calm down Zel It's me Mal. I just had to change my appearance" I explained pushing the blade of the sword down, and away from my neck. "How do I know your not lying?" interrogated Zel sceptically, squinting his eyes at me. Letting out a sigh I said the only words me and Zel knew "Live a good life and take care of each other. Mallory make sure sure Azazel doesn't get into trouble. Azazel protect Mallory for me Okay" I quoted Dalia's last words.

Zel's muscles loosened as he dropped his shoulders. A sigh of relief escaping his lips. Dropping the black fabrics and swords onto the ground he rushed over and hugged me. Breathing in my scent as if to conform it was me. "I'm sorry I scared you but I had to change my look to avoid the emperor" I apologized rubbing his back comfortingly. "No, It's alright I understand" he reassured pulling away. He scanned my new face for few seconds before smiling "Besides I like this new look. I think it suits you very well" He complimented.

"Thank you" I smiled.

Not wanting to waste anymore time the two of us quickly, put on the black, dusty cloak on, lifting up the hood to cover our face. We both picked up a sword which Zel had stolen from the knights training ground. They were a little big but not something the two of us couldn't handle. Sometimes When the Knights would go on expeditions we would sneak into the training grounds and practise swordsmanship. There the two of us discovered our passion for swordsmanship. We would practise any given opportunity we could. Thanks to both of us being quick and diligent learners were were able to nail the basics.

The two of us looked at each other , serious. Nodding our heads I casted a noise cancelling and invisibility spell on the two of us. This would our escape to be more effective and lower our chances of being caught. The two of us ran side by side, sprinting towards the door leading towards the back door garden. To avoid the hourly patrolling knights we had to move quick, Zel skilfully sliced the lock of the door open. Lifting my foot I kicked the door open, The noise cancelling spell being in effect silenced the sound of the door being slammed.

With time being of the essence we sprinted out into the garden, running towards the back of garden. Once we reach there the only thing we wold have left to do is climb the wall and make our was out of the forest. We were only a few meters away from the wall when I started to feel tired. I began cursing under my breath. All of the spells I had been was catching up to me. No matter how many spells I know, I am still in a child's body. I was bound to get exhausted easily.

Still I had push through for just 5 more minutes and then all will be fine. "Mal. Are you okay? I told you using so many spells at once was dangerous." Panicked Zel stopping in tracks to support me. "I'm fine. Our first priority is getting out of here not me, isn't that right" I reminded. Zel looked at me with a complicated Look, I could tell his was internally having a debate with himself. As much I appreciate his love for me, I really do wish that sometimes he would put his love for me aside and focus on the task at hand. Especially now that's it just the two of us. "Get on my back. I'll carry you the rest of the way" said Zel crouching down onto his knees. His back facing me. His arms out behind him to support my climb. "N-no. It's fine. Ill probably be too heavy." I said waving my hands as if saying that's its fine. "Get on." commanded Zel in a scary tone. I felt the hairs on my arm and back of my neck stand up at his scary tone.

I gulped and carefully climbed onto his back. Once I was securely on his back, Zel stood up with surprisingly much ease. "Am I not too heavy?" I whispered in hi ear. "Not really. Your also a lot smaller than any average eight year old." answered Zel. "Well excuse me, Your not tall for an eight year old either" I gasped acting offended. Zel just chuckled at my remake whilst continuing to run with me on my back.

Soon we reached the wall. Jumping off his back, I started at the top of the wall, It was high just like I had thought. We could be able to judo to the top but only with the some magic to give a little more of a boost. However the problem was I had to stop on one of the spells to have to create a little boast. Th maximum amount of spells I can use at spells currently is three. I was not going to risk exposing my identity so I had remove either the invisibility spell or the noise cancelling one. Thinking about it for few more seconds I had finally come to  a conclusion.

"Zel, I'm going to remove the Invisibility spell so we have to be quick so no one see's us." I explained. "Alright" Nodded Zel. I nodded back before reluctantly removing the invisibility spell, Our figures now exposed. "Oi Who are you two?" Demanded a new voice.  The two of us whipped our heads, startled by the sudden loud booming voice. To see that it was one of knights on his nightly patrol. Damnit. We're spotted. "Zel quickly" I yelled Quickly casting the spell, aiming my palms at his feet. A glowing orange light surrounded his feet. Zel bended his knees and jumped landing on the top of the wall. "OI! STOP! QUICK! THE SLAVES ARE ESCAPING!" exclaimed the knight running towards us a few other coming after behind him. "Shit" I cursed under my breath before quickly casting the spell at my feet and jumping. Lucking I was able to avoid the guard just in the nick of time.

"Go around!" Order the Vice-commander of the Knights. Not wanting be caught the two of us jumped down and landed outside of the mansion. Finally after 8 dreaded, long hellish years, I'm finally able to step foot outside of that hell hole. I never want to go back. "Let's hurry. It won't be long before the knights get here." I instructed jumping off the wall and landing perfectly on my feet. "Yeah" agreed Zel doing the same.

Not wanting to waste any precious time, The two of us began our run through the woods. It was harder due to it being night but thank fully the moon was shining brightly above us. But it was still hard to see with all the tall tress towering over our much smaller frames. I was still fatigue from all the mana I had used, it was a little too much for my body and already weak state. So Zel argued that I hop onto his back, Saying that he would carry me for the rest. Claiming that I had already done enough. Obviously I refused at first, I didn't want to burden him but he continued to insist. I finally gave up and let him have his way.

Thankfully I was able to muster up enough mana to conjure up one more spell. Channelling all my mana onto my palms that were placed onto Zel's shoulder, I casted a speed enhancing spell.  It would allow Zel  to run a lot faster. Which would be very useful in the current situation.   The sound of the Knights yelling far distance started to get further and further the more Zel was run. With the help of my spell we were able to get way even quicker. However It seems as though I had underestimated the kill of a knight.

"THEY'RE HERE!" yelled a voice from above. The two of us turned our head upward and saw it was one of the knights. He was wearing a cloak that covered his face quite well so  I couldn't get a good look at his face. He was following us from above , jumping tree branch to tree branch with praise-worthy skills. This whole situation turned into the hunt o the prey. With me and Zel being the prey and the knights the predators. I tiredly made a small fireball and threw it at the next branch the knight was about to land on. Making him all to the ground. It was too late though. The other knights had already began catching up on us. The sounds of the horses hooves galloping on the ground.

There was no other option, I was weighing him down. It would enough if one of us got out of alive. I was no state to be able run anyway so it was pretty obvious which one of should get out and live for the other two. Lifting my head and pushed Azazel's shoulder, Letting myself jump off his back. The two of us fell to the ground and rolled through a bush. The sharp branches making small yet deep gashes on our body, further injuring us, but that was the least of our concerns. "WHAT THE HELL MAL! You can't be doing those kind of things now!" whisper yelled Zel. "Azazel. I want you to listen very carefully to my next word." I instructed seriously looking down to avoid his eyes as I knew it would only make it even harder to do. "I want you to run. Run by yourself. Leve me here and go. I'll use the remainder of my strength to cast  speed enhancing spell on you. It should last for however long I remain conscious. Hopefully it would give you enough of a chance to run as far as you can without having me to weigh you down." I explained gripping his shoulder. Zel couldn't see but I was biting my lip so hard that it started to draw blood

"WHAT?! I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU MAL! WE PROMISED THAT WE WOULD LIVE TOGETHER IN THE COUNTRYSIDE! YOU PROMISED!" he exclaimed in a hush voice tears falling down in face. "I KNOW THAT! But Zel don't you see I'm only weighing you down. I'll only stop you from doing what you want to do most." I answered lifting my head showing my also tearful face. "Where the hell did those brats go?" tched one of the knights. "They shouldn't have gone far." said another. "Look around. They might be hiding somewhere" suggested another. Shit. There is not enough time. "Listen to me Zel. Please do as I say. Live for not only my sake But Dalia's. No matter where you are not matter what you do I'll be right behind. The whole way." I said gripping both his shoulder tightly. "But Ma-" before he could say anything I cut him "NOW GO!" I yelled purposefully aloud so the knights could find us.

I heard the loud footsteps of the knights running towards the bush we were hiding at. Pushing Zel, I forced the black haired boy to start running. "I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU. I SWEAR!" Swore Zel looking at me with tears. I smiled at his words as tears  of my own falling down. The knights began to run after Zel. Even with my spell It would still be hard to shake off that many people.  So I had to direct their attention to me. "HEY!" I yelled at the knights changing the magic so that only they can see my real appearance.  "GRAB HER!" commanded the vice commander. Pointing his gloved finger at me. Whilst three continued the purse Zel the rest focused their attention on me.

I have to run. Now. I started to sprint away from the knights. My whole body still ached from the lashes I had received early in the morning and I was even more exhausted from all the mana I had used. Despite my whole body begging me to stop and rest, I still ran. I ran as fast as my small legs could go. I didn't care happens to me after would. All that matters to me now is  escaping the knights. I plan wasn't to out run the knights, that would be stupid the likelihood of me succeeding is zero to none. My plan was to just buy Azazel as much time as I could so he can escape, then I would turn my spell back to normal so all the knights would see is an innocent purple haired girl with pink eyes.

If I am able to survive or not doesn't really matter to me. I don't fear death. Not anymore at least. I guess after having suffered not only in my past life but current one, I just don't care about anything that involves me. Some say that their enemy is their siblings or their bully or even their parents, but for me my greatest enemy is my self. Cliché right. But it's the truth. I don't hate anyone as much as I hate myself. Heck I don't even hate that pig and his disgusting son as much as I hate myself. Why I hate myself? The answer I don't know. I don't know why I hate myself but I can't seem to stop hating myself. It's as if it's been engraved into my brain since birth.

The once zooming trees beside me started tog e slower and slower. I was confused before I started to realise I had now reached my limit. Shit. I need hide. So purposefully I tripped on a rock, which had then caused me to roughly land in a large bush. Thorns and sharp edges of the bushes digging into my skin but I couldn't pay attention to them now. I had very limited time. Quickly panting, I changed the spell back to normal. Just as the spell had finished  and gloved hand grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the bush. "Haha. Did you seriously think you could run awa-" Boasted the vice commander of the knights, Hid face close to mines, his horrible breath filling my nostrils. I wanted to throw up on him so bad but I had to hold it in. "Huh? I was certain that the forsaken princess was in that bush." said one of the other knights looking me up and down in confusion. The others were doing the same. Clicking his tongue annoyance the  knights increased his grip on my wrist, Causing me to let outa little wince.

"Maybe I should you just take you back master as a compensation for the runaway slaves. He would surely be happy with a beauty like you" Evilly smirked the knight, Looking down at me with evil intent. "Let go of the girl, Herman" Commanded a calm voice full of authority.

"C-Captain Rainer!" exclaimed the startled red eyed knight.

Due to being startled by the sudden Long blue haired captain, Herman let go of my wrist. Making me fall on my butt on the rough ground. I hissed at the pain growing in my body that had just increased by the sudden fall. You bastard. Walking towards me, the supposed captain knelt down in front of me. Gently grabbing my chin, he lifted my head up. I watched as his blue eyes scanned my face and body. He started hardly at my bleeding cuts and the sword on my hips which is clearly too big for my small frame. He stared deeply into my eyes as if trying to see if they were my real one, I was starting to get scared thinking he saw through my magic. "This isn't the girl. Let's go" said Rainer getting up and walking away. The rest of the knights watched in confusion as their captain began to walk away. However they had no choice but o follow his command.

"B-but Captain, Wouldn't it be better if we take this girl with us. Y-you know as a replacement for the princess" nervously suggested Herman fiddling with his fingers. "Did you not hear what I said Herman or do I need to find someone else too take you position." threatened the captain turning around revealing his icy cold eyes staring down at Herman. The black haired vice captain shuddered under his superiors chilling gaze "N-no Si-Sir" chocked Herman looking down. "Good" commented the captain turning his head back and walking away. The others including Herman following after him. Leaving me alone. Alive.

I-I survived. I stayed silent unmoving for a few minutes to process the fact that I was able to escape and live. Out of joy and happiness I ended up bursting into tears. I mean can you blame me, It's my first feeling of freedom in eight years. I sat there, In the middle of the forest surrounded by tress sobbing tears of glee at my freedom. After a few more minutes of crying I ended up posing out cold from all the exhaustion. Even though I ended up sleeping in the cold night air, it was surprisingly comforting. Azazel. I have a feeling we'll see each other again in the future.

It's been about 2 weeks and half since I ran away from the counts mansion. I've been using my magic to make money that I then used to stay at inns and buy food. Although what I am doing is illegal and if I am caught I will most likely be executed. I didn't care. With the money I made I was able to buys some decent and comfortable clothing. The first time I walked around the market in my ragged brown t-shirt that reached own to my knees, I got a few stares. So to blend in I bought some clothes.

(Authors Note: Imagine this is the outfit with a black cloak and a sword on the hip.)

Another thing I have been doing during the past few weeks is practising my swordsmanship. I even found the perfect secluded area to practise. It deep in the forest behind the inn I have been staying at. It surrounded by many trees and there are also lots of large boulders to sit on when taking a break. It's also the perfect spot to watch the sunset and sunrise from. It ended up being where I spent most of my time at.

Today wasn't any different. I was at the spot practising my swordsmanship. Practicing my swings and stance. I would even occasionally swing at one of trees, to improve the power of my strikes. As I was practising, a low but loud growl was heard from behind. Turning aground I saw it was another bear, however this one is a lot larger than the other other one that came here. Whatever let's just end this quickly. Gliding my index and middle finger from the top of my sword to the bottom the sword ignited into blue flames.

Not missing a beat, I leaped towards the bear and made a clean slice across it's chest. The bear roared in agony as the flames from my sword not only burned into it's skin but made an unhealable cut.  The bear however still didn't go down despite the amount of blood flowing out of the one cut. So I once again leaped forward and made another diagonal slash across its chest. The bear finally Fell forwards. Bending down panting, I held onto my knees. I was exhausted. Infusing my magic into my sword takes a lot of energy from a beginner like me. 

A pair of footsteps and the sound of clapping started to approach me. Looking up panting, with my has still on my knees, I saw it was a man wit black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing rather looking expensive looking clothes and was looking at me with a smirk on his face. The man was no doubt a noble. "That was amazing skill. Good thinking of infusing Mana into your sword to defeat the bear with minimal effort." praised the black haired man stopping his clapping. "Who are you and what do you want?" I spat whipping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand, not minding my tone.

But it just seemed the further intrigue the noble man. "I like your attitude and spirt girl. Why don't you come with me and become my disciple." suggested the man holding his hand for a hand shake.

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