Crazy Bastard (Vigilante Deku)

By Chimera_Regarion

205K 10.9K 2.7K

Fate can be very cruel. That was something Izuku knew far too well. Thanks to his wits, his mother sold him o... More

Are you crazy?
... Is that a kid...
My quirk....YOU TRAITOR!
Welcome to the club, detective!
Information? About me? You sure you wanna know? !
Home sweet home... who came up with that was a liar!
Not crazy just playing!
Danger! Chimera alert! Danger! Abort misson! Repeat ABORT MISSION!
I'm not stupid... UPS!
School... what's that's? Food? Bad food? Poison?!
Guess What?! New vigilante outfit time!
Hide and seek with a cheat!
Bank Robbery gone wrong!
Low-Key boredome!
MY dear FRIEND! The infirmary bed!
Slip up
Back to school...
Look who we have here!
This escaleted!
Bark Hiss Punch!
Training with Stain!
Blood my Friend!
A friend?
Ahm... SHIT!
The past is past
Nemuri...Nem... MamaNEM!
Me? AGAIN?! Why?!
Worst timing!
Touya ... or ... Dabi
Another one?
... uncertainty...
Stuck at UA... The story of my life!
For a better furture!

Are you fucking insane?

2.7K 179 16
By Chimera_Regarion

Aizawa's POV:

I couldn't believe what just happened. My problem child was supposed to be in school and not out doing who knows what and then I get a damn phone call from Dabi and Toga telling me they fucked up. Like what the hell did he do now?

As if that wasn't surprising at all, they went ahead and told me he just volunteered to be put in a truck of a hero while also being tied up and taped shut. This problem child is definitelly the end of me. WHY THE HECK DID HE DO THAT?!

There were million other things we could have done to get that piece of shit out of the world but why go ahead and endanger oneself. At this point I was questioning his sanity and if he really was crazy and I was just blind the whole time.

He could only say out of luck that I found him in time and that Tsukauchi was close by too. Otherwise I am sure his injures wouldn't look like this.... Wait a moment... He looked worse than this.

Me: *Sigh* That cat has a quirk too....

Me and my child were sitting at the police station because he had to tell them what happened and I was sure to get Tsukauchi to interrogate him because he would for sure lie. Now question was how good of a liar is he? I knew everything thanks to Dabi and Toga.

Izu: Yes. Healing.

Me: The cat can heal?

Izu: Mhm. Otherwise who knows where I would have eneded up till now.

Me: Why the fuck did you even do that?

Izu: Ahm it sounded like a good plan.

Me: Good my ass!

Izu: Zawa... please calm down.

Me: Calm down? How do you expect me to calm down when my own child goes ahead and gets himself nearly fried?

Izu: I am sorry.

Me: *Sigh* Kid, I am not angry with you. I am just worried.

I could tell that he was beating himself up in his own mind. He was just staring down avoiding my eye contact as well as making himself small. I didn't wanted to see him like that at all and so I pulled him closer to me and hugged him. This was all I could do for not.

Me: Promise to not do this again.

Izu: I won't. I promise.

Me: Good.

At this moment Tsukauchi came in and guided us to the next interrogation room. It was protocoll to have the victim get questioned and state their POV and I especially asked Tsukauchi to do it because Izu already knew that man. There wasn't a telling what he would do if there was another person questioning him.

Tsukauchi: Okay this is only standard protocoll. I'll make this short and get your statement.

Izu: Okay.

Tsukauchi: Can you tell me what happened?

Izu: I got put into the truck and he taped my mouth shut as well as tied me up.

Tsukauchi: Who are you reffering to?

Izu: Todoroki.

Clever not saying the heroes whole name.

He sure is something else....

Now I also know that Touya was the one taping my son down!

Just you wait till 

Tsukauchi: I am adding to the testemony that the victim is the son of a hero and knows other heroes by name. What happened next?

Izu: He started driving away while cursing. I was scared.

Tsukauchi: Please tell me everything from where he opened the trunk.

Izu: I didn't know where we were and all of the sudden, he just stopped and opened the trunk as well as grabbed me by my hair and collar and then... then.. 

I saw my child break down in tear and we didn't need any more information than that since there were a lot of by stander who had actually recordeded everything. With that knowledge Tsukauchi let Izuku go after asking another question.

Tsukauchi: Can you tell me why he got you specifically?

Izu: I don't know why me. Payback I guess....

Tsukauchi: For what?

Izu: Everything. 

Tsukacuhi: Eleborate.

Izu: Well me and friends were talking about him how much collateral damage he has and he just snapped I guess. He is a psycho. 

Tsukauchi: Okay, I understand.

With that the interrogation was over and Tsukauchi had his testamoni as well as evertyhing he needed. So I had my son wait in the car for me bacuse I still had something to talk with Tuskauchi.

Me: He played you good.

Tsukauchi: Huh?

Me: He was never actually kidnapped by a hero.

Tsukauchi: Say what? Tho he never lied,

Me: That is true too.

Tsukauchi: Then please tell me what just happened. 

Me: He was put in the truck by Touya Todoroki and not Enji.

Tsukauchi: You mean the dead son?

Me: Not so dead. 

Tsukauchi: That! *Sigh* Your kid is something else.

Me: I know.

Tsukauchi: And now?

Me: Just leave it at that. We both know about the collateral damage and evertyhign he does. We will make the society a favor if we get him of the street.

Tsukauchi: I get you. 

Me: Anyways, he did charge at a kid and tried to kill him. You have evertyhing on tape after all.

Tsukauchi: I do.

Me: See to it. I'll get Nezu to help if needed.

Tsukauchi: No need for that. It's my job after all and he is in a mental assylum with some quirk suppression cuffs as well as a collar for now.

Me: Good. If you have time, you should come over and have dinner with my family. I'll make sure Izu cookies this time.

Tsukauchi: Oh his food is on another level.

Me: It is.

Tsukauchi: Fine. I'll wrap this up quickly and come over  soon.

Me: Good.

This was all I could do for Tsukauchi since he was definitelly played good by my son. I was proud of him for being able to even get away with something like this and a truth telling quirk detective. Still since he did that I was about to make sure that he gets a bit of a punishment and even if cooking isn't much of a punishment, I still would make him do it. 

Just like that I went back to my car and drove home. Silence was everything between us until we arrived.

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