A Thousand Salt Kisses Foreve...

De Jos1eDemuth

7.5K 419 30

Warning: Major Spoiler Alert! Crystal White is finally back together with the love of her life, the handsome... Mais

Happily Ever After
Mother Of Seuds
What could go wrong?
Maid of Honour
Stays on the Island
I Became One
Total Eclipse
Big Heart, Little Heart
The Come Again?
I Can't
He didn't just...did he?
'Fishing Trip'
You know I do
Silly B-
You have to ask
A Very Different Rumour
You Know
Not In The Right Place
A Mad Rush
A Fascinating Pain
Passed The Test
Killing Me

Hen what?

96 10 0
De Jos1eDemuth

Later on that afternoon, I put my pajamas on and lay on my bed. It was only six p.m. but as usual, I was exhausted. The last time I felt constantly tired like this was from the sea air when I first moved to Starfish but at the moment, I was feeling even more tired than back then. Maybe it was all the stress that was knackering me out... or all the swimming... all the sex? A combination, I reassured myself resting my head on my pillow.

I closed my eyes and thought about Llyr. I still couldn't believe he had said he wanted to marry me. It was like a dream come true. I allowed myself to imagine when he would ask me, and how. Would it be in the pink gardens...or in front of the whole kingdom, like I had seen him do with Kara? I hoped it wasn't the latter, I would feel so embarrassed if it was in front of a massive audience like that...

My phone buzzed and I groggily picked it up. As I caught site of the screen, my heart sank. I had a message on Facebook. I just prayed it wasn't one of the island busy bodies wanting some mer-goss.

I breathed a sigh of relief, as I saw it was Rosie, and I gritted my teeth impatiently as I waited for my phone to open the damn thing. Maybe she had an update on the whole 'containment' situation.


"Huh?" I shouted aloud, as I read the opening line. Jemima's hen-do? Why hadn't I heard anything about it? I looked at the message again and saw that about twenty girls were cc'd in, including Jemima herself.

'Ladies, I think we all know the big day is fast approaching..."

My heart skipped a beat. Damn, she was right, I thought glancing up at my calendar where I had circled the day in red. It was in three weeks!

"So, the hen herself would like us all to get absolutely legless over a night of dinner and dancing."

"The hen herself..." I muttered moodily. Why is Jemima talking to Rosie about her hen-do and not me?

I sat there frowning at the message for some time. Half of me felt disappointed that Jemima had asked Rosie to organise her hen do, but the other half of me knew that I was the one who I should be angry with. My best friend's wedding was in three weeks' time, and when was the last time I called her?

I exited 'Messenger' and went to my call log, cringing when I saw that it was over a month ago. Urgh, I really must talk to Llyr about us spending more time apart so I could focus on this. I forgot yesterday with all the Ichy-what's-it shenanigans.

I clicked 'call' and held the phone to my ear. I had to get a grip, especially now I was moving to The Jewel. We had to spend time together, good quality time so I wouldn't leave her behind in a midst of frustration and question marks. The phone rang and I waited anxiously. Suddenly the line cut out and I blinked and looked at the screen. Her phone usually went to voicemail if she was busy.

Did she just hang up on me?

I let out a shaky breath and felt tears build up in my eyes. Jemima would know that I had seen the Facebook message and that impulsive guilt was the only reason I was now calling. Urgh, I was completely screwing up our friendship. If ONLY I could tell her what was going on in my life...

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I quickly dabbed away my tears with the sleeve of my pajamas. My mum stuck her head in the door. I really hoped she wasn't here to lecture me about my unemployment again.

"Hi darling," she said, striding into the room. She looked as glamorous as ever, in a tight red linen suit, her chin length blonde hair clipped back, revealing her striking features. I had often thought she was like one of those marble statues, so distinct and perfect were her physical characteristics.

She sat on my bed and I braced myself, but as I did I smelt her perfume. It was the most comforting and familiar scent in the world to me and always made me feel safe and secure. Even if I was abroad in another country, if another lady walked past wearing that perfume, I felt like I was home with my mum.

I turned from her and looked out the window, willing myself not to cry again. Moments like this made me question everything about leaving my life behind.

"Oh darling, do stop moping," she said, disapprovingly.

I looked at her again and broke into a small smile. I had spent my whole life resenting her curt, insensitive ways, but tonight this was exactly what I ought to be hearing. I didn't need to be having a meltdown right now.

"What's up Mum?" I said, looking up at her.

"Just thought I'd check in on my elusive daughter," she said, running her hand through my golden hair. "Gosh, your hair is getting so long, Crystal," she remarked.

I looked down. She was right, it fell way past my elbows. It was almost like a proper mermaids.

"I have never seen it so long before," she continued frowning. As she fingered a lock, she suddenly appeared lost in thought. "Darling, did I ever tell you about those dreams I used to have about you when you were in my tummy?" she said suddenly.

Now I frowned. She had dreamed about gemstones constantly, to the extent where I had actually been named Crystal as a direct result. One of the mermaids Wavia had once even implied that she may have had a premonition about The Jewelled Kingdom.

"Yeah...?" I said cautiously. Why is she mentioning this now?

She raised her eyebrows, "I've been having them again recently," she said. "I couldn't believe it at first, I mean, it's been twenty-two bloody years!"

I shook my head in disbelief, my mouth slightly open. I was truly speechless.

"Huge great rocks, again, just like before," she marveled. "Pink, blue, red and green... It's almost like it's... a place or something."

I swallowed. Wavia had been right. I had to tell her. I had to tell her now.

"It is a place Mum," I said.

She looked up at me. She looked confused now. I took a deep breath I had to be brave, I had to just spit it out.

"Sheila!" came a voice. "Crystal!"

It was Dad. Maybe I should get him up here too. Kill two birds with one stone, whilst I had the guts.

But Mum stood up. "Sorry, darling... rambling on like that."

"No, Mum, it's fine, I want to talk about it," I protested

"Oh, it's just a silly dream," she said dismissively, "I'm probably going through menopause or something, it's all connected."

"No, Mum, I don't think that's it," I said firmly.

"Oh well darling, we can contemplate all that another time. I forgot to tell you, George is downstairs to see you." 

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