Harry Potter Imagines

By booknerd2108

53.7K 423 128

no longer writing these anymore but feel free to read anyway <3 More

1: Fred Weasley
2: Harry Potter
3: Draco Malfoy
4: Cedric Diggory
5: George Weasley
6: Fred Weasley
7: Oliver Wood
8: Cedric Diggory
9: George Weasley
10: James Potter
11- George Weasley
12: Neville Longbottom
13: Charlie Weasley
14: Fred Weasley
15: Harry Potter
17: James Potter

18 - Ron Weasley

1.2K 17 0
By booknerd2108

A sharp cry filled the room and I slumped back against the pillows, panting heavily. 

"You did it, love," Ron murmured, his eyes following the doctors around the room. He looked back me with a proud grin and tears in his eyes. 

"It's a girl," he answered my unasked question, taking my hand and kissing it gently. "We have a little girl." I laughed breathlessly and looked over at the baby that was being brought toward me. I let go of Ron's hand and sat up in the bed.

"Be careful, Mrs. Weasley, you still need your rest," the doctor said with a small smile. She placed the new baby in my arms and I turned all my attention to her.

I stared down into the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. "Hello darling," I murmured, running a finger across her cheek gently. "You're so beautiful," I added, holding her closer. 

"Just like her mother," Ron added from beside me. I looked over at him with a shy grin, ducking my head bashfully as he met my eyes. The pure joy and pride on his face made my heart beat faster and caused my cheeks to heat up.

"Actually," I replied as I studied her, "I think she looks more like her father." From the corner of my eye I saw him shake his head. But she has his hair and his eyes and even his nose. Maybe she'll favour me more as she gets older, but I doubt it. The Weasley genes are strong - but that's okay, she's beautiful no matter what. She's already so beautiful.

I looked to my right and saw the adoring look on my husband's face. The love he already has for her makes my heart melt. "Here," I said, holding her out to him. "A-are you sure?" he asked, hesitantly holding his arms out in front of him. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Ron, she's yours too. You don't even have to ask."

"Right... sorry." I chuckled and fixed our daughter's blanket as she settled into her father's arms. She stared up at him in wonder, then looked around the room, then looked back at him. Ron kept his eyes fixed on her, studying every little thing about her. He looked up at me for a moment, tilting his head quizzically before returning to studying our child.

"Sorry for staring," I said, sighing as I halfway answered his question. "But there's something about seeing you holding a child... our child..." I shook my head slightly as he looked up at me. "It's quite adorable." 

Ron rolled his eyes slightly but the smile never left his face. "Whatever you say, darling." I rolled my eyes slightly and laid back against the pillows again. I watched Ron interact with our daughter and just smiled. I never knew I could feel such love as this. 

"I hate to interrupt," a nurse to my left said softly. I glanced over at her and saw the apologetic smile on her face. "But we would just like to ask what her name is? It's for the birth certificate." Ron and I shared a quick glance before he turned to the nurse. 

"Fern Weasley," he stated clearly. The nurse asked for spellings before nodding once and walking away. I put my hand on Ron's knee and squeezed slightly. He looked over at me with a sad smile. "Molly's going to be over the moon that we chose to honour Fred with her name," I murmured, smiling slightly at the mention of my late brother-in-law/best friend.

Ron chuckled slightly. "Yeah, she will. I'm glad you wanted to honour him." I scoffed. "As if I wouldn't... he was only my best friend throughout my years at Hogwarts. He's the reason I even met you." My husband laughed and nodded. "Also true."

"He would've been so excited for this," I murmured sadly, continuing to stare at our child. "I know," Ron murmured, shaking his head slightly. "But we can't dwell on what would've been," he added. "You're right," I said with a sigh. I sat up straighter in bed and sighed. Ron smirked and said, "Y'know, I could get used to that."

"What?" I asked, pausing my movements. "Hearing you say I'm right." A cheeky grin spread across his face. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Don't get used to it."

Ron snorted. "I'm a dad now, surely I can get away with dad jokes?" 

Fern grunted and took our attention off of each other. "She's so cute already," I murmured, reaching over and smoothing her hair down. "I know," Ron replied absently, rocking her carefully.

"She's perfect," he added, glancing up at me. I nodded my agreement and watched as she struggled to stay awake. I'm right there with her. She decided to take her own sweet time entering the world and I'm exhausted now.

Ron must've noticed because he said, "You can rest, love. I've got this." I smiled and laid my head against the pillows. "I never said you didn't. I'm just in shock that she's actually here and that she's ours." I stared at her tiny little face and sighed. "I can't take my eyes off of her."

Ron chuckled to himself and sighed contently. "I'm the same way. But we'll still be here when you wake up." I smiled and settled back into the pillows, then I was out.


Sorry if this is kind of bad. I was in a writing mood when I started, then writer's block and life hit but I couldn't bring myself to scrap the entire piece & completely start over.

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