1: Fred Weasley

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"FRED I DON'T KNOW YOUR MIDDLE NAME WEASLEY, YOU ARE SO DEAD!" I shout, storming into the common room. Immediately, I came face to face with the man in question. A sly smirk crossed my fellow seventh year's face as he took in my appearance.

"Feeling a bit blue this morning, Granger?" He asked, leaning against the wall casually. I felt my face burn as my anger with him grew. "Fred, all I asked is that you not prank me. What do you think this is?" I ask, holding up a strip of blue hair. He opened his mouth to respond, but another voice replied for him. "Technically, he didn't."

I turned to see George, the other pranking twin. "I did." He grinned smugly and asked, "Decide to chase after the Ravenclaw that's been crushing on you?" 

I shook my head and pushed past the brothers, not even bothering to look at Fred to see what he thought of his brother's teasing. "Guys, for once, can you just leave my hair alone?!" I shout, going back upstairs.

"Y/N, what have you done to your hair?!" 

I stopped looked up to my younger sister. She came slowly down the steps, open mouthed at the surprise. "Hermione, it's not what I've done, it's the twins again," I tell her, a relenting sigh escaping my lips. She rolled her eyes and replies, "If it makes you feel any better, Ron isn't much better."

I smile sympathetically. "Wanna tell me about it?" I ask and she shrugs and glances at the floor. "C'mon, let's go up to my dorm for some privacy," I tell her, putting an arm around her shoulder.

Hermione allowed me to lead her up to my dorm, looking away as I shooed some of my dormmates out. Thankfully, they understand every time I do this.

We sat on my bed and pulled the curtains close, lighting up our wands. "Now, tell me about it, 'Mione," I say, crossing my legs.

She sighs, playing with a thread on the duvet. "Well, he and Lavender... the night of the Quidditch game..." she shakes her head, tears welling up in her eyes. 

"They became a thing that night," she tells me, looking up to meet my eyes. I frowned, trying to figure out how I didn't know. "Where was I?" I ask, knowing she would remember. "You were out with the Ravenclaw boy the twins tease you about all the time," she replies sadly.

"Aw, 'Mione, I'm sorry I wasn't here," I tell her, pulling her into a hug. "And the worst part," she continues once we've separated. "Is that he doesn't even know. Or care, for that matter." Hermione reaches up to wipe her eyes and I feel my heart break a little.

As the older sister, I've always looked out for her, and she for me. Especially since we're muggle born living in a world where Voldemort exists. And pure-blood extremists.

But, she also watches out for me and usually talks me out of murdering the twins after one of their pranks finds me. Like right now, she picks up her want and mutters an incantation to get rid of the colour in my hair. "Thanks sis," I tell her, elbowing her gently. She smiles a little, leaning against my shoulder. "Thanks for being here for me," she says, moving closer.

I put my arm around her and lean my head against hers. "Of course. We might fight every now and then, but we'll always be close and even if we're fighting, I'm here whenever you need me. No matter what," I reply, kissing the top of her head. "Now come on, let's go eat," I say, getting up and helping her up as well.


A few short months later, we were heading to the testing room when the twins pulled me aside. As much as I joked about disliking them, they were among my closest friends here. Them, Lee, the trio, Neville, and a few from other houses like Ravenclaw boy (whom I no longer speak to), and the late Cedric Diggory.

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