4: Cedric Diggory

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I pushed away from the boy in front of me, rolling my eyes as I walked away. "Aw come on, Baker, I didn't mean it like that!" He cried, jogging to catch up with me.

"Sure," I reply, and stop halfway to the train. He stops too and looks at me. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," says the Ravenclaw in front of me.

"Listen Davies, I'm sure you're a great guy but-"

"She already has a boyfriend," another voice chimed in from behind. I turn and glare a little at Cedric. "Thank you, Diggory, but I didn't ask for help." Roger looks between the two of us and frowns. "You two are a thing?" Shock is written all across his face.

I nod. "Have been for a couple months now." Roger thinks back and nods. "That explains why all the girls have been trying to start crap with you lately." I nod. "Yep. But we've got it handled."

Cedric takes my hand in his. "And we've got to get going. We're gonna miss the train if we don't." I nod my agreement and apologise to Davies. "I'll see you when we come back, Rog. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about... well, you know..." I tell him, ducking my head sheepishly. My neighbour shakes his head and smiles as we walk towards the platform. "It's no problem. Diggory, don't hurt her."

Cedric rolled his eyes and we parted ways to go to different compartments. I start to head away from Cedric to go sit with my friends, but he grabs my hands and pulls me back.

"Where're you going, love?" I smile and lightly smack his chest. "I'm going to sit with Han." Cedric groaned. "She's your cousin, you can see her anytime this summer!" He exclaims, leading me down the aisle.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, when I'm home. Ced, I'm spending half the summer with you. I won't see Han for most of the summer."

He sighed dramatically. "Fiiiiineeee." I laughed and found the compartment where Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, and Justin sat. "Hey guys," I greet the younger students. "Hi," they chorus back, staring at Cedric with confusion.

I turned to see why and found him pouting outside the compartment. I rolled my eyes. "Cedric Amos Diggory, stop being a child and get your arse in here." The younger kids giggled as he sighed and crossed his arms.

I shrugged and sat next to my cousin and engaged her in a conversation. Cedric watched me, eyes wide before he joined the group. He sat across from me, next to Susan and scowled. "Oh, quit pouting. I'm staying with you for most of the summer," I say, rolling my eyes. Susan giggles and Hannah wriggles her eyebrows.

"Han!" I shout, smacking her arm as I catch the action. She and Susan continue giggling, only pausing to ask Justin to get something from the trolley. "Do you want anything, Ced?" I ask, looking to my boyfriend who was still pouting. He shook his head and stared out the window.

I sighed and rolled my eyes for the hundredth time. This is gonna be a long train ride.

"Hey, Baker, we're here," someone said quietly, shaking me awake. "What?" I mumbled, stretching and yawning as I opened my eyes. Hannah rolled her eyes but a small smile crossed her face. "We're here, dummy. There's Cedric's parents, and yours," she says, pointing at the small crowd that had assembled. "Oh. Yeah, there they are," I mutter sleepily.

My cousin rolls her eyes and turns to get her things. "I'll see you later, I guess. Tell Cedric I said bye." I nod and turn to the boy, who happened to still be asleep. I shrug and shake his arm. "Ced, wake up. We're here." He stirs but doesn't wake up. "Cedric, we're here. Come on before they leave us on the train."Still nothing. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Cedric Amos Diggory, if you don't get up now I'm gonna leave you on this train and not stay with you this summer."

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