15: Harry Potter

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"I... I don't know what's wrong..." I mumbled as I leaned against the wall. Harry stood in front of me, worry lining every feature of his face. "Katz, you're scaring me." he reached up and touched my face gently. "You're so pale..." he gulped nervously. "You're almost grey, love. Something's not right."

I shook my head. "I'm... I'm fine," I insisted, nodding my head as if reassuring him. Only I was reassuring myself too. I can't afford to be hurt - not now. My vision blurred and I pitched forward. Harry caught me in his arms and I felt every ounce of energy drain out of me. "I'm taking you over here, you're not fine," he muttered, running over to the wounded section of the Great Hall.

Screams filled the air around us and he looked around anxiously. "Go," I murmured, pushing his hands away from me. "Go be the saviour or the chosen one or whatever they call you these days," I teased weakly. He shot me a disapproving glare and shook his head stubbornly. "No, Katz. You're not well." I rolled my eyes. "C'mon Harry," I retorted feebly. "Do this for me. For all of us." We both looked around the room together, pausing on our friends who were now dead. Our family members who were now dead. 

My eyes fell on my sister Lia. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away. I felt a hand on my forearm but I didn't open my eyes. "Do it for Lia," I whispered shakily. "Because I can't." 

"Okay," he agreed quietly. My eyes shot open in surprise. "Really?" He nodded and shifted his weight. "Just promise me you'll be here when I come back." I nodded but didn't say a word. 

As soon as he was out of my sight, I was up and out of the wounded section. It took me a while to get to where I was going, but I made it.


I whirled around to find Blaise calling my name. I curled my lip and drew my wand on him. "You!" I snarled, enjoying the pure terror on his face. "Woah, Katz," he said, holding his hands up in front of him. "You've got it all wrong, I didn't do anything-"

"EXACTLY!" I roared, stepping boldly toward him as the adrenaline rushed through my body. "You did NOTHING! And now she's dead!" I pointed the tip of my wand at the hollow of his throat. 

"Listen to me, Zabini," I growled, my voice scratchy from crying and screaming. "You are no longer my best friend, you are no longer my brother. You helped kill my baby sister and I will never forgive you for that as long as I live. Do not EVER come near me or my family again. Do you understand?" 


"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" I shouted hysterically, digging my wand further into his skin. He nodded frantically and I backed away. "Good." I turned on my heel and stalked away. There are bigger things to worry about now.

I stumbled upon Remus and Tonks, who desperately needed help. I joined in without them noticing and helped them take down the person they were battling with.

"Katz!" Tonks cried in surprise. "You shouldn't be here." Remus and I both gave her a look of disbelief. "You shouldn't be here either," he muttered under his breath.

"Neither should you," I countered, crossing my arms as I stared at the pair of them. "How could you two leave your child at home? What if something happens to one of you, huh?"

They looked down guiltily. "Trust me, he would never understand why," I muttered. I knew it was a terrible thing to do, using my dead parents to make them see reason. But they need to leave. 

"Just... go... please." I looked up at them and gave my best attempt at sad puppy eyes. Tonks caved after a moment or two. "Fine. Remi, you coming with me?" She held out her hand hopefully, grinning happily when he reached for her too. Just then, the wall behind them exploded. I was knocked off my feet and thrown through the air. It happened in slow motion - I could see everything. It was both glorious and sickening all at once. I felt free.

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