11- George Weasley

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Today was going to be hard for him. I knew it would be. 

I rolled over and saw that he was gone. I sighed and put his pillow back at the head of the bed. I'd been working late last night in the shop - like I'd told him I would - and he was in bed when I came upstairs. He'd been curled up to his pillow when I crawled in next to him. I didn't wake him and I suppose he never woke up until this morning.

I stole a glance at the clock and groaned when I saw it said that it was ten in the morning. He'd let me sleep in. I rolled over and got out of bed, fixing the blankets and going over to the closet. I picked out a pair of ripped jeans, a grey t-shirt, and a plaid (blue and grey) flannel. The next thing I put on was my leg brace. It's been a part of my outfit for almost a year now. 

When that stupid wall collapsed, it fell on my legs. It crushed my left one from the knee down and broke my right one. But I was the "lucky" one. I didn't die. But it made me wish that I had. I stared at myself in the mirror after I secured the last little piece on it. I couldn't think like that anymore. George needs me. Satisfied with how my outfit looked, I threw on a pair of shoes and hurried into the bathroom.

My hair was a HOT mess. I decided I'd just leave it down, so I ran my fingers through it to straighten it out. Since I was in a hurry to get downstairs, I didn't bother with my contacts this morning and put on glasses. After quickly brushing my teeth and checking my outfit one last time, I rushed downstairs. 

George was standing behind the till helping a customer when I found him. I sighed heavily and grabbed a WWW apron and stepped behind the counter. I went to the other till and plastered a fake smile on my face. 

"I can help the next customer!" I shouted over the chaos in the store. From the corner of my eye I saw George's head snap in my direction. Instead of focusing on him, I turned to face the people in front of me.

"Hey Ginny, hey Harry. What brings you by?" I asked, leaning against the counter. Ginny rolled her eyes. "We were trying to talk to George, but he's been ignoring us," she grumbled, narrowing her eyes in George's direction. I smiled and turned to Harry. "And she just brought you along?" He nodded and gave a small smile. It didn't reach his eyes. No one's smiles reached their eyes anymore.

"Were you guys going to buy anything or just want to talk to George?" I asked, noticing some others getting ready to checkout. 

"We were just coming to talk to George about something, but it's fine," Ginny replied, starting to step away from the counter. "You can tell me," I offered, shifting my weight from one leg to the other. 

"Okay," Ginny said, stepping back up to the counter. She glanced in her brother's direction and lowered her voice. "Mum wants him to come over tonight for a birthday dinner." I bit my lip and glanced over at him. "I... I dunno, Gin. I don't know if he's up for it." She nodded. "I know. I don't know if any of us are."

I turned to look back at her. Harry watched her sadly as she looked down at her hands. "Mum was crying this morning," she admitted quietly. I almost didn't hear her. I wish I hadn't.

"I heard her go into their room, because they'd been staying there during the war and stuff, and wish them a happy birthday..." her voice broke and she looked up a the ceiling, blinking rapidly. "She stopped short after his name and started bawling right there." She shook her head sadly. "I dunno why she wants to do a birthday dinner if she can't even say his name."

I sighed and shifted my weight again. "I can ask him," I said quietly, glancing over at him again. Ginny and Harry followed my gaze. "I appreciate it," Ginny replied. "But we won't be mad if he doesn't come." I met her eyes again and she smiled sadly. "Okay. I'll see you guys later then." Harry smiled too and they left. 

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