14: Fred Weasley

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"Why do you always do this?" I groaned, following my husband through the kitchen. "It's for work, darling," he replied through gritted teeth. "Yeah, but every single time we actually get to spend time together?!" I retorted, beginning to get angry. Fred was already angry, but it took me a while to get wound up.

"Yes, and I'm sorry," he countered, taking the stairs two at a time, "but I really must go." I sighed and took my time going upstairs. "Fred, please, there's something I need to tell you," I shouted, finally turning the corner to find him coming out of our room. He had his suitcase in his hand and was hurrying for the door.

"It'll have to wait, love," he said breathlessly, practically running back downstairs. I sighed in frustration. "Fred, don't you go out that door!" I shouted, hurrying down behind him. "It absolutely cannot wait!" I shrieked, gasping as my foot slipped. I heard the door slip just as I fell down the last few steps.

When the world stopped spinning, I stared up at the ceiling. Tears burned hot in my eyes and my nose stung. My head hurt and my shoulder hurt, but most concerningly, my stomach hurt. My lip trembled as my hands came up to my stomach. The ultrasound picture was waiting in my jacket pocket. The positive test was in the drawer upstairs. I was going to tell him he's going to be a father, and he left.

The pain in my stomach grew and I knew something was wrong. I slowly pulled myself off the floor and wandered into the kitchen. As I walked, I realised I'd hurt my ankle as well. As if this day couldn't get any worse.

I grabbed the phone and dialed the number I needed. She answered on the first ring.

"Hello?" she chirped happily. I could hear her clearly over the rush in the background. "I-I need your help," I whispered shakily, easing myself into a chair. "Who is this?" she asked, sounding both confused and concerned. She paused to yell at her children, then returned to me. "It's me, Molly. I've fallen in the flat and I think I'm hurt."

"Oh no," she gasped, adding, "I'll be right there. Don't move." I nodded and whispered, "Thank you." She hung up after assuring me she'd be here in just a second. I hung the phone up and laid my head on the counter. There was a loud crack outside and I knew she'd arrived. Though I'd been dating Fred for a few years now, and married for a year, I still wasn't used to magic.

Molly practically burst through the door in her rush to get to me. She found me easily and immediately started fretting over me. "Are you okay, dear? What's happened?"

I started bawling and my sweet mother-in-law pulled me into her arms. "It's okay, sweetie. I've got you," she murmured, rubbing my back soothingly. "It's not okay," I blubbered, pulling away from her. I wiped my face and sniffled a couple of times. Molly pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. "Tell me what happened," she instructed calmly, taking one of my hands in hers.

I inhaled shakily and told her first about the argument. "I was trying to catch up to him, to tell him I had something important to tell him, and he said it'd have to wait. I tried to follow him downstairs, but you know he gets ahead so quickly because he's so freaking tall." Molly chuckled quietly and I continued on. "But I slipped on one of the steps, and I fell down the rest. I hit my head and I've hurt my ankle, but I'm worried about..." I paused suddenly. I'd wanted Fred to know first. But I need Molly's help.

"I'm worried about the baby," I finished solemnly. Molly gasped and covered her mouth in shock. She sat like that for a long while, and I began to wonder if she'd went into shock. She recovered quickly and stood from her seat.

"Would you prefer a muggle or wizard doctor?" she asked, pulling me to my feet. "I don't really care. Would a wizard doctor even be able to help me?" Molly looked perplexed. "I... I really don't know." She frowned. "Best go to a muggle doctor, then. We don't want to get to a wizard one and then they can't do anything."

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