2: Harry Potter

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"Gryffindor this, Gryffindor that," Draco huffed, crossing his arms. "The only reason Gryffindor is getting all the attention is because of Potter," he spat, staring angrily out the window.

I sighed, turning to face my cousin. "Draco, you know it'd be different if he hadn't shut you down in first year so don't even start," I tell him, adding, "Besides, if he were put in any other House, they'd be doing the same to them." 

"But he's not in another House! They're overglorifying Gryffindor for no reason!" He shouts, throwing up his hands, barely missing my face. "Okay, let me get this through your thick skull. Harry is in Gryffindor, and that's that. Gryffindor is a perfectly fine House, as are the other three. You're being a spoilt brat about this just because you aren't getting all the attention. And I am going back to sit with my Hufflepuff friends if you hit me in the face."

My cousin sighed, shaking his head. "Sorry. I just... it bothers me." I snort. "We noticed." Draco glares, but gives up trying to be mad at me and laughs. "So how's your sister been doing?" He asks, moving on from his rant about how unfair school is. I shrug. "Dora's fine, I guess. I haven't really seen her in a while." That's a lie, but Draco doesn't need to know.

I'd just spent the summer with my sister at 12 Grimmauld Place... along with the rest of the Order. We got to spend time with our cousin Sirius, the Weasleys, the trio, and Remus. So not only was my sister staying in the same place as the man she has a crush on, I technically was too. While my sister is attempting to get Remus Lupin, aka my third year DADA professor, to notice her, I've spent the entire summer hanging out with the trio in attempts to get closer to Harry. Yep, I have a crush on the Boy Who Lived. As does Ginny Weasley, aka one of my best friends. 

Draco snapped his fingers in annoyance, trying to get my attention. "Are you okay, Tonks?" He asked snippily, rolling his eyes when I shrugged. "What has gotten into you?" Draco asks. "It's like over the summer you've gone loopy!"

I snorted again. "If you haven't noticed, Draco, changes happen during the summer." His face contorted into one of disgust. "I know. Other boys have been commenting on it since we've gotten on the train," he says, fake gagging. "And a couple girls," he added, seeming surprised.

I laughed. "Bet that would really get your wand in a knot, me pulling a nice girl before you," I tease, but I see the blush on his face. "Trust me, while I won't deny how beautiful some girls are, I only like boys. No fear of me stealing your girl," I continue, laughing when he elbowed me harshly in the ribs. 

"Shut up, Tonks," he grumbled, ignoring my laugh. There was a knock at the carriage door and I looked up to see Blaise and Pansy. I groaned, as did Draco, and got up to let them in. "Hey Zabini. Have a nice summer?" I ask pleasantly, smirking when he sighed. "Tonks, you know how my summers are. You?" 

I shrug, now sitting across from Draco and next to Blaise. "Pretty good. Bummed that I didn't see my sister much, though," I reply, keeping up the pretense that I hadn't seen Dora at all. Blaise frowned. "I'm sorry, that must suck." I shrug, trying to fight a smile. Draco was eyeing the pair of us suspiciously, but turned boredly to Pansy when she began speaking.

"So, Tonks," she spat my name. "Any reason you're sitting in the snake den?" She asks, eyeing me like I'm dirt on her unpolished shoes. "Ah, figured I'd annoy Draco for a while," I reply, propping my feet up on the seat next to her. "Why, do you think I'm trying to badger him for snakey secrets?" I ask, smirking at my little pun. 

Draco and Blaise both groaned loudly at my pun, so I knew they have a sense of humour. However, Pansy did not laugh. She was fuming and you could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. "Calm down, Parkinson," Blaise says, shaking his head. He and Draco share a glance, one that said how fed up they already were with her. 

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