Stuck on You | All American

By Blackqueentingz

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"The most hurtful thing about all this is that you were able to look me and my eyes everyday, smiling and lau... More

Chapter 1 (Revision)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Jordan's POV
Jordan's POV
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter 10

1.1K 24 0
By Blackqueentingz

"Where is it?" I mutter as I drop to knees to start looking underneath the bed, nothing.

I pace around the room, searching every nook and cranny for my necklace. Drawers were pulled open, clothes tossed aside, pillows without a case, bed without its linen, and the once neatly arranged items on my dresser were scattered. It's not here. It's not here. Anxiety gnawed at me, after all these years, I might have finally lost that necklace. I don't know where it is, where it could have went, or where it could have even fell off at.

The last time I remember having the necklace was at that non-party birthday party, but it could have slipped away from then to now. I even checked and rechecked and rechecked again the same places, hoping my eye sight was just getting worst. How could I have lost it?

"Hey," Spencer voice comes from the other side of the door. "You ready? Layla's outside."

"Uh, yeah." I stare at the disaster of room. "Actually, I'm not feeling too good. I'm just going to stay here."

"Are you all right?" Spencer questions. "Want me to stay here with you?"

"No, you should go. One of us should be having fun today, take lots of pictures and videos."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to stay in bed and sleep, probably order something to eat."

Spencer goes silent for a while. "Okay, I'll call and check up on you. And if you need anything, let me know."

"Will do."

I listened intently as Spencer's footsteps gradually faded away from the door, I remain in spot until I heard the definitive sound of the front door closing. I go back to looking; trying to stay calm because becoming frantic won't help me find it. Hopefully it'll pop up once I clean the room back up, please. Clothes were carefully folded and returned to their designated places, drawers slid shut, and scattered items were on back on dresser. The bed, once in disarray, now stood neatly made.

No necklace.

This sinking feeling settled in my chest and I could feel the tears welling up, but I push those tears back. I still have the whole first floor to check. Leaving the room, I surveyed the hallway and the bathroom but it was spotless. I spared a thought for the other rooms in the house but dismissed the idea, especially Olivia's room; I hadn't been in there since the non-party birthday party, so the necklace couldn't possibly be there.

Where you at? — Chris.

Not feeling well. Staying in.

I wish you would have told me that before I invited Cameron out here to hang with you — Chris.

And what I'm going to do since that you're not here?— Chris.

You can makeup with Spencer.

The read receipt came in and I knew he definitely wasn't doing that, they been at odds since the cookout. When a minute goes by I know he's not texting back, rude. I head downstairs, since everybody's out the house for the day I can search the house in peace. Billy has taken Jordan and Asher somewhere to do some team bonding, but just the two of them since they've also been at odds with each other. Mrs. Baker will be staying late at work, and Spencer and Olivia are in Crenshaw to see China perform.

It could have gotten kicked around so much since the non-party birthday party, it could blending in with the rugs. Or could have dropped into one of the many plants pots around the first floor, I don't know but I'm checking. I rather check everywhere in the house because me or someone else is likely to find it, rather than it had fell outside somewhere — I'm never getting it back.

I start searching the living room first, lifting cushions, inspecting beneath the pillows, and even moving furniture around to reveal hidden spaces. I life the rug up, in hopes it was underneath or maybe even caught on something. No necklace. I start to straighten up what I had messed up, items were carefully placed back in their original positions, cushions arranged neatly, and the rug laid flat once more.

Even though I knew it wasn't in the kitchen, that didn't stop me from searching. Cabinets were opened and scrutinized, drawers pulled out and inspected, I knew there was no way it would be inside those areas but I just had to know for sure. I scoured every inch of the countertop and even checked inside the refrigerator, and this is why I'm happy I'm the only one here because this beyond absurd and desperate. No necklace. I began tidying up the kitchen, putting everything back in its place.

The only thing I succeeded in was cleaning the house, it's in way better shape now than before. I lean against the island, defeated, my emotions getting the better of me. Tears stream down my face, I push my hair out my face when I run my hands over my head. How could I have lost it? Where could I have lost it at? If it's not in the house, it could be anywhere from here to Crenshaw.

When my phone rings and Spencer's name appears on the screen, I pull myself together. "Hey, Spence."

"You all right?" Spencer's concern voice cuts through the line, I hear how alert he is. "It sounds like you been crying."

I clear my throat. "Nah, I just woke up and my nose's stuffy. But what's up?"

"I just called to check up on you, and China's about to perform. Patience's going to record the performance and send it you. But just take it easy and I'll order something for you, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks." I reply.

Spencer's right, I should take it easy and take a break to calm my nerves before looking again. Maybe if I act like I don't care it'll magically reappear.

Coop got Alvin's place tagged — Patience.

Coop's been living at my house since her mother kicked her out because she couldn't come to terms with her sexuality. I think she always knew but being that Coop never said anything, she could just assume that she was heterosexual. But when Coop finally told her that was a lesbian, it pushed her over the edge, and she said being a woman of GOD, she couldn't allow such an sinful act to happen under her roof. That had to be so heartbreaking for Coop to hear, she wouldn't even tell me what her mother said word from word. She didn't want to talk about it, and I wasn't going to push her to recall that moment.

But this lifestyle that she's getting into will eventually lead her back to the place she rest her head, my house with my mother and my brother. Since she's became cool with Shawn, she's been involved with the gangs and that's not an easy life to walk away from. Alive. I've been there and barely managed to escape. I still can remember all the horrifying things that I'd did, it's hard not too but it was a lot easier when I was either high or drunk.

Sitting on the couch, I popped a fry into my mouth as I scroll through the pictures that Patience sent me. "Everybody say, "Go China! Go, China! Go!" Your turn!"

Coop moves out the way when China struts onto stage with her hood on her head. "Shoe game. Looking like my boo game, looking like my shoe game, looking like my boo game, looking like my shoe game, looking like. . . Every time I'm on the carpet, they ask me bout my shoe game. Who you datin? Yeah they ask me bout my boo thang, I tellem two things I tellem mind yours."

I could hear how hype everybody the crowd is for China performance, I should have went instead of staying here seeing how unsuccessful it's been trying to find my necklace. About to give up for the day and head back upstairs for the night, maybe start asking people if they've seen it. But then the pool catches my eye, maybe it fell into the pool? I knew it was highly unlikely, but I hadn't been in the pool since I arrived, and now seems like a perfect time to get in.

After exchanging my clothes for my olive green bikini, I pin my hair up so that it wouldn't get wet. I walked along the pool's edge, scanning the surroundings in hopes of spotting a glimmer of gold beneath the water. The pool was crystal clear, and I could see the bottom without a hint of my necklace. As expected. Easing into the cold water I stayed sit on the stairs, the water stopping right under my breast. This definitely easing my mind from losing my necklace, just for now at least.

The door opening has me looking over my shoulder, Jordan stands in the doorway with two red solo cups. "Mind if I join you?"

I turn so that my back is facing him. "Your house. Your pool."

If it wasn't football related, Jordan and I haven't spoken since Asher "legendary" pool party. There was nothing to say, everything spoke for itself; I made a move, he walked away. And I definitely wasn't going to sit down to talk to him about it, no need to explain the rejection. It wasn't until after the party that I knew why he walked away, the timelines between Billy and my mom dating was too close to the time Spencer and I were born. He thought that we might've been his siblings. But even after that neither of made the attempt to talk.

I guess time heals all.

Jordan gets in on the other side of the pool, extending one of the red solo cups out towards me. "It's fruit punch." Taking the cup I lean against the pool wall, resting my elbow on the edge of the pool. "How was your day?"

"Eventful." That's an understatement. I bring the cup up to my lips and watch him over the rim. "Yours?"

"Eventful." He shrugs. Silence falls over us, the only that's making noise is the water crashing into each other. "I'm surprise you didn't leave when I got in. Does this mean you're don't avoiding me now?"

"I wasn't avoiding you." Which is the truth, I didn't avoid him, I still sat next to him class, and I live under the same roof as him from Monday-Friday. "We just haven't been talking."

"Because you were avoiding me."

"If that's how you perceived that then there's nothing really I can do about that."


"So, tell me how I'm supposed to perceive somebody who was just claiming that there was nothing between y'all but just friendship, then is all up on you at your birthday party?"

I guess Chris plan did work.

I tilt my head. "Was you watching him—?"

"Yes." Jordan says immediately, let even letting me finish my question. "I was."

He sets his cup down and start making his way over to me, as he gets closer I stand up. "What are you doing?"

"Whatever it takes." He moves in fast and place his lips onto mine, his mouth is cold and flavored with fruit punch.

Once the initial shock passes through, my eyes slid shut and cup of red juice drops out my hand. My arms find their way wrapped around his neck and his hands on my hips. It's been almost been a year since I've kissed anybody, but I find myself getting deeper and deeper into the kiss with every second that passed. I start to think that because it's been so long, that this kiss might not be as great for him as it is for me. But that thought immediately tossed aside when he slips his tongue into my mouth.

"Samantha, I really need to—" Olivia voice fills my ears, I wrench away from Jordan but he follows, nuzzling the side of my face. Olivia stands there with tears in her eyes, but she spins around so she's not looking at us. "I, uh, never mind."

Despite not talking to Olivia either since the non-party birthday party, I couldn't ignore the tears in her eyes. No matter how mad I may be at somebody, if they really need to talk to me I'm always there to listen. And she clearly needs me.

"I should go check on her." I said more to myself, this time moving away from Jordan he doesn't follow me instead he lets me get out the pool.

"I told you I grow on people." Jordan says after me.

I don't even need to turn around to see how big of  smile he has on his face right now, shaking my head I tried to dry off as best as I could before wrapping the towel around me and walking inside the house. I immediately head upstairs, I knock on but when I get no response I just walk inside. Olivia sits on the edge of the bed, sniffling and wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

"Hey." I close the door behind me before I start making my way over to her. "What's wrong?"

Olivia looks at me, her face evident that's been crying. She suddenly jumps up from her bed and walks over to me, with quick strides, she wraps her arms around me. "Please don't be mad at me anymore. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time, and I don't want us not to be friends over something our parents did in the past. I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't even believe it until Jordan got in my head."

"You don't have to apologize." I assured her. "You actually have nothing to apologize for, you were in a tough position, and I can't blame you for that." I break the embrace. "But I know that's not why you came home crying. What happened?"

"After I left Crenshaw, I knew Spencer left early because he was suppose to closed today. Before coming here, I decided to go over there but him and Layla were kissing."

Didn't Layla try to help her get with Spencer? Just to turn around to make out with him a couple weeks later? This why having female friends is always a risk.

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