
By Beccs87

84.8K 1.5K 236

A story of how friends mature and grow and realize that they are in love More



3.3K 64 15
By Beccs87

Penelope sat in her family's drawing room attempting to read a book. She was trying to distract herself from counting down the minutes to when Michael Stirling was to call on her. They had become the best of friends in the past months. She knew that the ton did not understand why Michael Stirling, one of the most handsome eligible bachelors spent most of his time by her side. To be honest Penelope wondered this herself. Michael could have any young lady he wished, and he chose to spend his time with her. Typically, when they were together, they would read or he would take her promenading, to visit museums or to visit Gunter's. It was nice having a friend of the opposite sex that you did not have romantic feelings for. Penelope felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders and she did not feel pressure to be the perfect debutante in his presence. Penelope could truly be her most genuine self. She and Michael could discuss anything, there was no topic that was off the table. Michael had even intimated to her before he left for Scotland that his cousin the earl had enlisted his help in finding a suitable wife. Penelope had prepared a list of young ladies that were currently out and those would be debuting this season. She was sure that they would be able to find John a suitable wife, perhaps it would even be a love match!

Penelope had been reading the same paragraph when there was a knock at the door. Penelope looked up from her book hoping to see that Briarly was announcing Michael's arrival.

"Yes Briarly," said Penelope's mother Portia as their butler stood in the entrance of drawing room.

"A message mam for Miss Penelope," replied Briarly.

Penelope stood and crossed the room quickly to retrieve the note. "Thank you Briarly." Her face fell as she read the contents of the missive. The note was indeed from Michael; however, he was writing that he would not be able to call on her due to unforeseen circumstances. Disappointed Penelope fell back on the nearest settee.

"Who was the note from my dear?" asked her mother, her head bent over her embroidery.

"It is from Michael Stirling. He was supposed to call on me today, but something has come up," replied Penelope sadly.

"Penelope, he only just arrived from Scotland last night. I am sure that he will visit once he is properly settled," said Portia. "Why do you not visit Eloise? Are you not supposed to have tea at Number Five anyways?"

Perhaps her mother was right. Michael was most likely weary from his journey. She would see him soon. If she went over to the Bridgerton's early, it would give her a chance to speak with Eloise in private. She and Eloise had decided that when the season started that they would be collaborating on the Lady Whistledown column together. They were to both keep their ears open and report back to one another while Penelope wrote the columns.

"I think I will go over to see Eloise Mama, unless I am needed here?"

Her mother rolled her eyes. "I am the one who suggested it, Penelope. Run Along."

Penelope nodded and quickly left the drawing room to change into a more suitable dress. She opted for blue day dress with long sleeves and had embroidered roses along the rather low-cut neckline and bodice as well as the hem of the dress. It was one of her new dresses and one of her favorites although she had not had an opportunity to wear it. It was rather unseasonably warm that day, so she decided to forgo a spencer and instead chose a shawl in a color that matched her dress. Regarding herself in the mirror, Penelope pinched her cheeks and bit her lips to give herself some color. Deciding that her appearance was satisfactory she picked up her parasol and began to make her way downstairs and then across the square to Number Five.

After knocking on the door, it was several minutes before a very tired looking Humboldt answered. "Good Morning Humboldt," greeted Penelope brightly. "I am expected for tea, but I wanted to come by earlier to see Eloise if I may."

"Of course, Miss Penelope," said Humboldt. Penelope had the distinct feeling that he was holding back a yawn. After showing her into the foyer he asked her to wait which was slightly unusual as he usually just showed her into the family drawing room. Her curiosity getting the better of her, Penelope replied. "That is all right Humboldt. Please do not trouble yourself. I know the way," not giving the elderly butler a chance to reply. Quickly she ascended the stairs and walked down the hall to the private drawing room where she knew the family was gathered. As she got closer to door, she heard the sound of what she thought was several raised voices, several raised male voices.

Peering around the door and knocked as quietly as she could not wanting to startle anyone with her sudden presence. At her slight knock, several heads swiveled in her direction.

"Good Morning Penelope," said Violet. "Please join us," she added graciously.

"I am so sorry to interrupt. I just came early to call on El..." Penelope suddenly stopped speaking when she saw who sat upon the sofa, his gorgeously handsome face marred by a purple bruise and cut under his left eye. "Oh," said Penelope as she rushed to Michael's side not caring that she bumped into one of the Bridgerton brothers on the way to him. "What happened to you Michael?" said Penelope as she sat next to him on the sofa and gently touched the bruise not hearing the angry growl that came from behind her.

"Pen," said Michael as he caught her hands with his own to try to calm her. "Pen, Pen it is all right. I am fine."

"You do not look fine. Does it hurt dreadfully?"

Michael smiled at her. "Nothing I cannot manage."

"Is this why you could not call on me this morning?" said Penelope her voice wobbling. She did not like seeing her friend hurt. "I would not have cared, you know that" she said tenderly.

"I do. I assure you I am fine. I am sure the bruise will be gone in a matter of days," replied Michael.

She did not believe him for one second. From the look of the swelling and bruise he was lucky he had not broken his nose or his cheek. "Who did this to you?"

She watched as Michael cast a nervous glance about the room and then looked back into her blue orbs. "Just a disagreement at the club. I am afraid that I may have had too much to drink with Anthony and Benedict when we were out last night."

"Oh, I see," said Penelope before looking over to the sofa opposite her. Eloise was looking back at her strangely while Hyacinth and Kate were giving her a cheeky smile. Turning back to Michael she said, "Well at least you are alright, that is all that matters."

"You look pretty," said Michael appreciatively as he stared at her bosom. "New dress?" he asked cheekily while Penelope smiled. She and Michael were only friends, but she still appreciated his compliments. He made her feel like a woman

Penelope rolled her eyes and swatted him on his arm. "Clearly, you are just fine," teased Penelope while Michael chuckled.

It was then that someone cleared their throat rather loudly behind her, and Penelope came back to her senses and turned around. "My apologies for not greeting you all properly. I am afraid my concern for Michael made me forget my mann..." she trailed off, for it was then that she realized that standing in between Antony and Benedict was Colin and his face bore a decidedly angry expression. Eloise had mentioned that he was due to return from his travels soon, but she assumed that would not be for a month or so when they were closer to the beginning of the season. She hoped that she would have more time to prepare herself for his arrival.

"Colin!" squeaked Penelope before clearing her throat and schooling her features into what she hoped was an air of nonchalance. She watched as his eyes raked down her form before moving back to her bosom and remaining there. It was the first time he had ever looked at her in such a way and she immediately began to feel hot and flustered. Cursing herself for wearing the dress with the provocative neckline Penelope could feel herself flushing all over. Having Colin appraise her form was an entirely different feeling than when Michael looked at her. With Michael it made her feel giddy but with Colin, it made her feel seductive, sensual, and powerful.

"Welcome home, I thought Eloise mentioned that you would not be home until the beginning of the season," surprising herself when her voice sounded calm and steady to her ears.

"Sorry to disappoint," replied Colin still staring at her decolletage. Anthony who had seemed to notice that Colin could not take his eyes off Penelope's bosom, nudged his brother discreetly. Penelope watched as Colin seemed to shake himself out of his daze and his eyes finally met her own. "I received some letters from my family, and I decided that it was time to come home." He paused for a moment looking down at the floor before meeting her eyes once more. "I have decided that this is the season that I will marry. I have come home to find a wife."

"I see," said Penelope. She felt Michael's pinky finger discreetly reach out to touch her own. She knew that it was his way of supporting her and telling her to keep calm, She had told him about her feelings for Colin when they first met and what had occurred at her mother's ball last summer and how vulnerable and worthless Colin's words had made her feel. Throughout the course of their friendship, he was always telling how beautiful and clever she was in attempt to build her self-confidence back up. Michael had been there for her the past year in a way which no one had ever been before. If she were not so completely head over in heels in love with Colin, she would have married Michael in a heartbeat but alas she had already given her heart away and it would not be fair to marry Michael if her heart belonged to another man.

"That is wonderful news Colin!" said Violet happily. "There are quite a few lovely young ladies that will be making their debut this season."

"If he can find anyone that will have him," quipped Eloise. Colin threw his sister a hard look while Gregory and Hyacinth snickered behind their hands.

"Eloise!" scolded Violet. "Just think of it, Colin you could perhaps be married by the end of the season and Francesca is making her debut, perhaps she will be married this season as well." Turning to Michael Violet said, "Oh Mr. Stirling, you have not met my daughter Francesca, she is currently staying with her Aunt in Scotland. She is returning in a matter of weeks. She is to make her debut this season."

"I will be glad to meet her," replied Michael politely.

Penelope who had remained quiet during this exchange looked up to find that Colin was staring at her intently. Looking away, Penelope settled on the sofa next to Michael where she was offered a cup of tea. Penelope could tell that Colin was still staring at her and much to her chagrin took the opportunity to sit on the sofa opposite her when Hyacinth left her seat to retrieve more biscuits and to play marbles with Gregory on the drawing room floor. Michael who must have noticed how nervous she was turned towards her and subtly whispered softly in her ear. "It is alright, I am right here." She looked at him gratefully before turning her gaze back to Colin who was staring at Michael as if he wanted to murder him.

Thankfully at that moment, Violet came to sit by her son and soon launched into all the parties and soirees that Colin would need to deal with find his bride. "Not to mention the races, Vauxhall and of course promenades," finished Violet before sipping her tea.

"Speaking of promenades," said Colin interrupting his mother. "Pen, would you care to promenade with me tomorrow, weather permitting?"

Penelope who had just taken a sip of tea nearly spilled the contents of her cup in her lap at Colin's question. She looked around at the company gathered and could see that Anthony, Benedict, Michael, Kate, Violet, and Hyacinth were looking between her and Colin curiously. Eloise had not looked up from her book, although she could tell that she was still listening to the conversation while Gregory was still busy with her marbles.

"You wish to promenade?" asked Penelope incredulously.

"Yes," replied Colin.

"With me?"

"Yes, you and I have much to catch up on," said Colin before glaring at Michael. "I have so much to tell you about my travels." The rest of the Bridgerton's groaned. Colin was forever waxing poetic about his travels. Penelope had been the only one that had truly ever seemed interested in his experiences.

"I do not know. I believe I may have plans," said Penelope before glancing nervously at Michael silently pleading him to save her from having to promenade with Colin. She was not yet ready to be alone with him.

"Pen, you must have forgotten, we are to go riding tomorrow. Weather permitting of course," said Michael before sending Colin a sly look.

Penelope inwardly rolled her eyes. Michael was always trying to take her riding, something that she adamantly refused. She has never been an accomplished rider and was rather terrified of falling off a horse.

"But you hate horseback riding," said Colin frowning.

Penelope turned towards Colin. "I have come to enjoy it. Michael has been such a wonderful teacher," said Penelope before glancing back at Michael who was smiling mischievously. Penelope heard a growl come from Colin's direction but pretended to take no notice of it.

"What about the next day?" she heard Colin say suddenly.

"I am afraid that I am otherwise engaged that day Colin," replied Penelope. She did in fact have plans that day. Lord Duxbury had been calling on her and had asked Penelope to promenade and attend the opera with him. She had not wanted to be rude and had accepted his invitation.

"Do you have plans with Mr. Stirling again?" snapped Colin.

The tension in the room could be cut with a knife and everyone was looking back and forth between her and Colin. Even Eloise had laid her book aside to watch and listen to what was becoming a heated exchange.

"Actually no. Lord Duxbury is taking me promenading and then we are going to the opera," replied Penelope coolly.

"Duxbury!" cried Colin. "He is barely out of his leading strings! You cannot be entertaining Duxbury Penelope!"

"Penelope has become quite popular with the gentlemen of the ton since you left Colin," said Violet proudly. "She has a great many callers, and her dance card is always full. Mr. Stirling is one of her most fervent suitors when he is in London."

"Yes, I cannot think of any young lady in England who I would rather spend time with," said Michael as he stared at Penelope affectionately.

Colin huffed next to his mother before turning his attention back to Penelope. "Pen, Lord Duxbury is not a suitable caller," said Colin while shaking his head.

Penelope narrowed her eyes at Colin. "Perhaps Lord Duxbury may be a bit young, but I think he happens to be a charming young man. If his age is the problem, then what do you think of Lord Fife Colin? He asked me to go to Gunter's with him for ices at the end of this week. Is Lord Fife a more suitable age for me?"

"Fife!" cried Colin. "He is a rake, through and through Penelope."

"Reformed rakes do make the best husbands," murmured Violet while Kate nodded in agreement. Colin, for his part, did not looked amused by his mother's statement.

Penelope was now thoroughly exasperated with Colin. 'How dare he try to control who she courted! He was not her father, brother or related to her in any way!' "I appreciate your concern Colin," Penelope ground out. "But I assure that I have the situation well in hand."

"I do not think you do Pen."

"Why do you care so much Colin?"

"Yes, Colin why you care so much?" asked Hyacinth her marbles forgotten.

"I...I..." Colin stuttered, the tips of his ears turning crimson. "Pen, you are a dear friend to the Bridgerton family. You are on honorary Bridgerton. You deserve the best of men."

Penelope let out the breath she was holding. "Well, that is a complete contradiction from what you said last fall," spat Penelope. "You could have ruined me last season with your declaration. I could have been a spinster for life after the cruel things that you said. As my friend, you would think that you would be happy for me that I am finally receiving attention from gentlemen and that I have a chance on the marriage mart.

"That's not it Pen!" cried Colin. "These supposed gentlemen are not good enough for you! Lord Fife Duxbury is too young, and Lord Fife is the last person that you should set your cap at as he is shockingly loose in the haft. And you," said Colin as he pointed at Michael. "You are the Merry Rake, and you will break her heart.

Penelope stood fuming in anger and marched towards Colin. "Michael has been nothing but kind to me and he cannot break my heart for it is already broken. You broke it." Realizing what she just admitted to, she looked at Eloise who quickly came to stand by her side. "I should like to return home. Would you escort me, Eloise?"

"I will escort you both," said Michael before sending Colin a stern glance.

Colin was at a loss for words as he watched his sister and Michael Stirling escort Penelope from the drawing room. Anthony and Benedict had their arms crossed and were fixing him with admonishing stares.

"Well, you really mucked that up Colin," said Hyacinth shaking her head.

Colin could not even think of a retort to his sister and put his head in his hands and sighed in defeat.

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