Crazy Bastard (Vigilante Deku)

By Chimera_Regarion

182K 9.9K 2.6K

Fate can be very cruel. That was something Izuku knew far too well. Thanks to his wits, his mother sold him o... More

Are you crazy?
... Is that a kid...
My quirk....YOU TRAITOR!
Welcome to the club, detective!
Information? About me? You sure you wanna know? !
Home sweet home... who came up with that was a liar!
Not crazy just playing!
Danger! Chimera alert! Danger! Abort misson! Repeat ABORT MISSION!
I'm not stupid... UPS!
School... what's that's? Food? Bad food? Poison?!
Guess What?! New vigilante outfit time!
Hide and seek with a cheat!
Bank Robbery gone wrong!
Low-Key boredome!
MY dear FRIEND! The infirmary bed!
Slip up
Back to school...
Look who we have here!
This escaleted!
Bark Hiss Punch!
Training with Stain!
Blood my Friend!
A friend?
Ahm... SHIT!
The past is past
Nemuri...Nem... MamaNEM!
Me? AGAIN?! Why?!
Worst timing!
Another one?
Are you fucking insane?
... uncertainty...
Stuck at UA... The story of my life!
For a better furture!

Touya ... or ... Dabi

2.5K 181 9
By Chimera_Regarion

Dabi: Let's get out of here.

Me: Yeah....

Dabi: Where do you live?

Me: ..... 

Dabi: My bad... I shouldn't have asked seeing as your mom is chasing you.

Me: It's fine. I don't live with her anymore.

Dabi: If you want to stay with me for the night, that is fine too.

Me: Touya, can I ask you something?

Of course I knew his name and I knew that it was Touya. It was him who told me so after all and it doesn't take to be a genius to know that these blue flames were the Todoroki family flames. However I didn't intended to call him out by his name at all, it was all a slip of my stupid tounge.

Dabi: How do you know that name?




Oh no!

I just called him Touya and not Dabi....

Gosh today really is not my day....

As I was thinking about how to reply, I suddenly remembered how he told me his name even tho I already knew it before since it was me who gathered all the informations. 

Flashnack brought to you by a burned chicken nugget having a whole new opinion on a bunny.

It was a light and we just raided UA and got Kacchan back. Something went wrong with my plan since the heroes came up and I knew it was thanks to Dabi and Shiggy wanting to destroy All Might. However this was not something I could complain at all since he was AfO's dear minion and treated pretty damn well.

However as we all came back and had some casualties on the way too, I could see everyone in the room besides Dabi. He wasn't the one who normally dissapear on us like this and I had a felling I knew why. So I went out on the rooftop and looked around. There was only one place he could have been and so I went there. It was across the hospital where his mother was staying in.

Found ya!

I knew you would be here after seeing your brother!

I told you he would be there....

I went to him and sat down right next to him. We both stayed like that for a long time until he decided to talk.

Dabi: Why are you here?

Me: Cause you need a buddy at these times.

Dabi: ...

Me: You... you always have mine and Toga's back but remember we also have yours.

Dabi: I know.

Me: Mhm~ good.

Dabi: It's just.

Me: Your brother huh.

Dabi: I knew you already know.

Me: Of course I do. You had to fight him after all and I know better than anyone how much you love your family but hate your father.

Dabi: True.

Me: I had a feeling something like this could happen. That's why I asked if you are all right going against him before I saind you there.

Dabi: I.. I thought I would.

Me: but you feel terrible now, huh?

Dabi: Yes. 

Me: Don't worry, you didn't injure him at all.

Dabi: How do you know?

Me: I went and checked on the heroes in training before we got back. No one got seriously injured and your brother doesn't even have a scratch. 

Dabi: At least something.

Me: Dabi, Can I-

Dabi: Touya. Call me Touya when we just between us Izu... you feel like family and it's feels good being called like this once in a while.

Me: Okay Touya.

Dabi: Thanks.

Me: No problem. So can I ask you something?

Dabi: Sure.

Me: If you could turn back time. Would you try to get back at your family and stop being a villain?

Dabi: ... I would. I would give everything to see them all again. Well not that trashcan of a father.

Me: But what if he stops thinking like that?

Dabi: Then maybe.

Me: Okay.

Dabi: But we both know that you can't change the past.

Me: Who knows. Ohh look a shooting star!

I could hear Touya snicker from beside me and knew that he at least stopped feeling guilty and bad. Now I could say mission successfully accomplished.

End of flashback brought to you by Izu wishing upon a shooting star.

Me: I... well... it's a crazy and long story. For now, let's just say I know you the same way I knew about Stain and got to be his student.

Dabi: ... what's that supposed to mean.

Me: Dabi.... I can't explain to you how I knew your name for now. It's complicated but I promise I will get you back to your little brother. He needs you more than you think.

Dabi: No. No one needs me.

Me: Dabi, without you, your father is training him. He is going through all kinds of abuses at home. If you don't wanna help him, then who will?

Dabi: He what?

Me: You should have realized it the moment you dissapeared, that trash can started training your brother in your stead. If I would describe Shoto then I would say he is close to be emotional dead inside and has soo many scars. 

Dabi: .....

Now I knew the more I was talking the close I got to his consience. I wante dhim to feel bad and regret his opinion just for him to take my hand so I can get him to the place he belongs and not the streets.

Me: Let's say I can help you out and get that trash what he deserves, would you take my hand and trust me, a total stranger?

Dabi: Why should I?

Me: For no specifially reason as for yourself. You really think you will stop missing your family one day? What if other villains you work with discover this weakness?

Dabi: I-

Me: You think you can keep them safe from the shadow. I know that that's what you want and that's why you disappeared. You wanted to protect them from the shadows but the shadows have their own price. Are you sure you can afford it?

Dabi: .....

Me: Well choice is yours. 

I went in front of him full aware that I was now pushing the bounderies between us straingers. Still it was either now or never. I had to try my best to get him off the streets.

This was why I jumped in front of him and stretched out my hand. At first he looked at me and then at my hand. 

Me: I never asked you to trust me, just give me a chance to proof myself.

That was all I had to add for him to take my hand.

Dabi: All right. This better be not a damn trick.

Me: nope.

Dabi: You will explain this shit to me one day, promise.

Me: I will once this is all over....

Dabi: Now where we going?

Me: Home.

Just like that we both started walking back towards where me and Zawa live together. Now I had to explain this to him... well he already knew most of what was going on so he shouldn't be surprised anymore.

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