Scarlet Flower

By deadofwritesx

20.1K 762 331

Hanabi × Hanzo More

Shattered Scarlet Flower :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #01 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #02 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #03 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #04 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #05 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #06 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #07 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #08 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #09 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #10 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷𝟷:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷𝟸:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷3:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷4:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷5:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷6:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷7:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷9:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸0:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟷:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟸:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟹:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟺:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟻:
Chapter #26:
Chapter #27:
Chapter #28:
Chapter #29:
Chapter #30:
Chapter #31:

ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷8:

541 29 6
By deadofwritesx

IT HAS BEEN THREE DAYS since they announced that Yukata was undoubtedly missing.

Drawing of him was pasted on every post and wall of establishments. They had been asking a random person if ever they saw him somewhere before he got missing but they heard the same answer.

No one had seen him and that was enough to build fear in them. The news reached the Grandmaster and declined to send a hedge of ninjas to help find Yukata.

Hanabi was upset about it but her father only respond ' external crises that don't involve ninjas aren't their dilemma '.

Hanabi can feel her rage surging after her father didn't allow her to help find Yukata this time. She could only whisper various profanities while staring at the ceiling of her room and waiting for Julian to arrive, hoping to bring good news.

Yukata isn't dumb enough to let himself lose in the woods. Thus, they assumed that bandits has abducted him.

Hanabi could only scold him in her mind for being careless and that's what he got for always carrying a large amount of money with him.

It was already nighttime when Julian arrived and brought the same news. There was no trace of him everywhere. Hanabi could hardly let out a deep sigh. Fear and anxiety built in her mind, not knowing what to do with the situation.

Julian bid his farewell to her and decided to come back tomorrow if ever he had seen any traces of Yukata. Hanabi merely nods. Her mind was spacing out the whole time. What-ifs had filled her mind along with the random wicked things that she can imagine.

She shakes her head promptly, shooking the idea out of her mind.

Hours had passed and the kunoichi finds herself still staring at the ceiling. It was already past midnight and sleep seemingly skipped its visit to her.

Hanabi lost count of how many she had been heaving a deep sigh. Nausea and apprehension filled her system whenever she thinks of Yukata.

Her heart unknowingly racing. An uneasy feeling enveloped her chest. It was like something bad happened.

She rips the odd feeling and forces herself to sleep.

SERIES OF KNOCKS made Hanabi jolt in her bed.

She gazes at her opened window and the sun hasn't risen yet. She got off of her bed lazily, eager to scold the person behind the door for not giving her a lengthy sleep.

As soon as she opens the door Julian's obnoxious orbs met hers.

" Hanabi... "

Hanabi's eyes widen seeing the tears slowly dripping down his eyes. His face was pale as if he had just seen a ghost.

" Hey... " as the female ninja gulps.

" We found Yukata... " Julian swallowed before continuing " dead... we found him dead "

Hanabi's lips apart. Not knowing what to respond. She was too stunned to speak.

She grasps the edge of the door for support, feeling her head spinning. She swallowed greedily as her body started trembling, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

She snaps her gaze back to Julian who was sobbing silently.

" w- what did you say? "
" Yukata is dead " he sobs.

Hanabi stumbled to her feet as her hands covered her mouth, holding back the sobs that tempting to escape her lips.

" w- what-- are you kidding me? " she mumbled.
" How could I fucking joke about that?" Julian exclaimed, his eyes were raging with sadness.

" t- that's impossible" the female ninja can only mutter as she gets up on her feet and say " Bring me to him "

WHISPERS AND AGONY filled the market where Yukata's body was laying, lifeless.

Hanabi gasped and covered her mouth using her hand as soon as she takes a glimpse of the lifeless body.

The body was bathing with blood, and bruises were apparent that she could barely recognize him. His face was puffing and swelling.

Hanabi's whole body trembled as she slowly steps closer. Her eyes were blurry. Her heart was beating so fast, her stomach was twisting, and feels like vomiting.

She slowly kneels and reaches for his hands. The people around her, just watching with pity.

" kami-sama! " she whispered-shouted.

Tears finally escape her eyes as her gaze never leaves the man's hands, his fingernails were removed.

Then her eyes caught something. Her trembling hands slowly touched his neck. Bruises and fingernails scratches were evident on it.

Looks like, the culprit tortured and made him suffer before strangling him to death.

" Whoever did this is a monster! "

Hanabi lifts her gaze upon hearing the grief of the people around her. They were furious at whoever did it to this poor guy.

She caught a glimpse of her father and Hayabusa talking about something, it looks serious.

She was about to stand up but a couple of hands held her shoulder and helped her stand instead.

" Hanabi, are you alright? "

She just nods to Kagura as a response. Her eyes and expression tell that she is genuinely worried.

The onmyouji master was about to speak but Hanabi immediately turn her back on her and headed in the direction of her father and Hayabusa.

" Are you certain? " she heard the Grandmaster mumble as soon as she gets closer.

" yes, sire " Hayabusa nodded apprehensively.

Hanabi clears her throat on purpose to get their attention. The men turned their gaze to her at the same time.

" love give us a minute, we're discussing something" her father muttered dismissively but Hanabi act like she heard nothing and stepped closer to them.

Her curious eyes never left the shadow ninja. She lift her chin to catch his gaze when she was already standing in front of him.

" tell me what you discussed"

" Hanabi, it's none of your business " her father says, keeping a low soft voice.

But the female ninja acts like she heard nothing again and keeps her gaze on Hayabusa. The shadow can only let out a deep sigh, realizing that Hanabi wouldn't stop. Glad he knows.

" I uhh... had a possible suspect in my mind that-- who is capable of doing this. "

" and who is it? "

He gulped before speaking " the Akuma ninja "

Hanabi felt her body stiffen after hearing about him for a long time. She somehow had forgotten about him and she didn't care at all.

" H- Hanzo? "
" yes, we also got a report from the near village that someone saw him strolling around like he's not a damn wanted ninja the night before Yukata was missing "

" that's impossible" she whispered.

" Are you certain? It was him? I mean perhaps it was just a mirage "
" I am sure of it Hanabi. A man also died the night they saw him and I believe that he did this too... " Hayabusa sneered as he massage his temple and says " he's a cruel being "


Hanabi can only heave a deep sigh while staring at Yukata's tombstone. It was already dark and everyone has already left except her.

Many thoughts keep pouring into her mind as the thought of Hanzo torturing Yukata makes her stomach twist.

She doesn't want to believe what Hayabusa said that day. She's aware that Hanzo can do it, even worst but her mind just won't believe it. She isn't convinced that Hanzo might be the suspect behind it.

How could he even capture and killed Yukata? The man isn't roaming around the woods either and he always stays inside his liquor store.

Except if he knew him.

Hanabi massages her temple and lets out a deep breath.

" How would he know about Yukata anyway? Unless if he was spying on me. " she chuckled but eventually stilled in her place. Her eyes widened.

Realizing that it is possible. Perhaps, he really was spying on her this whole time, probably the reason why he knew about Yukata. But how come she had never felt his presence and why would he do that in the first place?

Hanabi shook the idea out of her mind. " it's impossible " she whispered. " I had never felt his presence so-- fuck! "

Her hands landed on her hair and started pulling it as realization hits her.

" Except that night! when I got drunk and kissed Yukata. I -- I felt his dark presence a meters away " she whispered.

She thought it was just because of the alcohol but no. He was there! He was really there!

Maybe he saw them kissing and got jealous so he killed Yukata.

Hanabi shakes her head. " why would he get jealous?! "

Maybe it was all just a coincidence. Yes, a coincidence that he randomly meets Yukata and killed him.

She convinced herself.

HANABI HUGS herself as the cold breeze of the wind brushes through her skin.

She was walking alone in the dark street. No vendors and stores were longer open.

Hanabi can only heave a deep breath as the haze gets thicker along with the drizzling rain.

The quiet street was making her anxious for an unknown reason. Now, she regrets that she didn't go with Julian when he offered to escort her home.

She should have just said yes!

The wind started swirling as the breeze gets colder.

Hanabi trembles feeling the uneasiness it gave her.

Hanabi stilled in her place, hearing the wind strangely whisper her name. It was calling for her.

Her fist clenched as she forced herself to ignore the strange atmosphere.

She quickened her steps, getting nervous all of the sudden.

The breeze was getting colder and colder that it burns her skin. It hurts.

She was about to run but a silhouette caught her attention from afar.

It was walking towards her.

Her heart started hammering, recognizing him in just a second.

The silhouette was getting closer,  walking towards her to the hazy street.

" Hanabi "

Hanabi's eyes widen seeing him unsheathe his sword. Blood was dripping from it.

" Haven't seen you in a while "

Hanabi didn't waste any second and started running. Her heart was thumping hard.

" ahhh! "

Her scream filled the air when suddenly the Akuma ninja appears in front of her and grip her neck. They were moving at a fast pace that Hanabi can feel they were flying.

" argh! "

She grunts as her back hit the wall with a hard impact. Gladly, he didn't break her neck.

She roams her gaze around the corner and the fear envelops her heart realizing that they were in a dark alleyway.

Her breath hitched feeling a cold metal pointing at her neck.

" hey "

Hanzo uttered as if greeting an old friend.

Hanabi refused to look at him. Her eyes were glancing at the sword, that was seemingly bathing with blood.

The female ninja flinched, feeling his sword cut through her delicate skin. Blood gliding down her throat.

" acting like a tough lady again, aren't we? "

Hanabi lifted her gaze to his face, catching his eyes. She almost flinched, seeing his crimson glowing orbs.

The strange racing of her heart arose once again. It was different from earlier, the feeling was similar to the one she always felt whenever their eyes would met in the past.

" what do you want? " she asked with a soft and calm voice that she could muster.

Hanzo gradually pulled off his sword to her neck, making the female ninja sigh in relief.

The Akuma ninja reached for his mask and remove it from his face. His crimson orbs slowly turned into a soft black ones while staring delicately at the woman in front of him.

Hanabi fight the urge to flinch when his hand reached for her face, cupping it with so much affection.

The female ninja can only look at him with bizarre, confused why she was seeing those emotions in his eyes.

He caresses her cheek using his thumb while staring at her intently. He gulped before speaking " you, I want you Hanabi "

" It's time for you to go back home "

Hanabi scoffs as she rips his hand out of her face " What are you talking about? "

" I am already home "

" no, this place only causes you pain," he says.

" no, that temple causes me suffering! You..  cause me pain. " she whispered-shouted.

" You treated me like a fucking prisoner so I escaped. So, how do you expect me to come with you and act as if nothing happened "

Hanzo steps away as he ran his fingers through his hair. " you already are"

Hanabi's brows furrowed as she composed herself in front of him.

" what? " she asked.
" you're already acting like nothing happened "
" I don't know what you're talking about "

She was about to walk away but Hanzo immediately grabbed her wrist and corners her to the wall. His hands were on either side of her.

" that night before you left me " he lets out a deep breath before continuing " something happened between us "

Hanabi shuts her eyes hard as she heaves a deep sigh.

" I didn't leave you. I escaped. And about that night, it meant nothing to me " she instantly looked away after saying those.

She shuts her eyes hard when Hanzo lifts her chin and made her look at him. " I don't believe you. Look at me and say it again "

Hanabi heaves a deep sigh before opening her eyes. She almost flinches seeing a glint of pain in his eyes.

" It meant nothing to me and I don't care how you feel about it " she uttered hardly, forcing herself not to show any emotion.

Hanzo bowed his head after hearing what she said. A smirk escaped his lips along with a chuckle.

Hanabi can only look at him with furrowed brows.

" you are a cruel woman Hanabi " he chuckled.
" not as cruel as you "

Hanabi flinched when his hand cupped her chin as he lift his gaze, looking straight through her eyes.

" You sure know how to leave a sting on my chest "

Hanabi grunts feeling his grip tightened around her chin.

" What happened to us meant everything to both of us. I know you liked it too. You, moaning my name hunts me every time. "

Hanabi's breath hitched feeling his lips getting closer to hers as his grip tightened.

" And seeing you kissing another guy pisses me off "

Hanabi's hand came running to his shoulder, gripping it tightly as a gesture for him to stop.

" I- it hurts "
" not as hurt as I am "
" please " she begged.

He smirks before letting go of her chin. Hanabi bit her lower lip, holding back her tears.

Hanabi pants as she glared at the Akuma ninja " You killed Yukata, didn't you? "

Hanzo only looks at her bluntly and says " ah yes, he's annoying "

Hanabi had already expected it but it still hurts, especially since the truth came out of his lips. That he admitted killing Yukata.

" why would you do that? " she whispered.

Her eyes getting blurry.

" He touched someone who I own "

" He fucking kissed you! " he exclaimed.

Hanabi gulped " you don't understand "

" I saw it " he uttered with gritted teeth.

" I was drunk that time and--- fuck! Why am I even explaining to you?! " she exclaimed.
" and let me tell you that what you did was wrong! roaming around and killing innocent people! You suck! "

Hanzo can only scoff as he face palms. His forehead creased.

" how do you expect me to behave after seeing you kissing a random guy " he murmured while staring intently at Hanabi.

" he's not a random guy Hanzo! He's courting me "

Hanzo's forehead creases even more and scoffs " seriously Hanabi? After fucking me, you let another man court you? "

" yes, and you killed him "
" he deserved it "

Hanabi's brows met when he grabbed her wrist and says " we better forget about this and you... you'll come with me "

" excuse me?! "
" will you please stop ordering me around? And please, stop treating me like you own me cause no--- I don't belong to--- "

" I do own you Hanabi. You're mine since the day you surrendered yourself to me! " he whispered-shouted.

" What happened that night is a mistake. That shouldn't have happened in the first place " she swallowed greedily before pulling her wrist off of his touch.

" Please, I beg you. Don't bother me anymore " she sobs.

Hanzo can only look away seeing tears gliding down her cheeks. He lets out a deep breath before speaking " no, you're involved with me now Hanabi "

" And I'll get you out of this place whether you like it or not "

Hanabi wipes her tears using the back of her hands and glared at the man in front of her.

" Why can't you understand that I don't want to come with you! I don't want to be near you! " she exclaimed.

" Then why can't you also understand that I want you? You didn't get to escape from me Hanabi. I always had my eyes on you. The reason why you get to stay here for almost a month was that I let you. "

Hanabi was too stunned to speak. Her brain can't process what he just said. She only gets to stay here because he let her do so. He can always get her back but he chooses to let her be because that's what she wants.

" hey " Hanzo uttered as he steps closer to her.

Hanabi was just staring at nothing. Hanzo reached for her wrist and pulled her closer to him. He
encircled his arms to her small form.

" Shhh.. " he hushed as the female ninja started sobbing, his hand was caressing her hair, comforting her.

" I-- I don't know what to feel anymore" she whispered.

" I-- I'm confused " she sobs.
" and so am I " as he pressed a kiss on her hair.

Hanabi closed her eyes feeling the touch she was longing for.

The strange racing of her heart was also making her confused. She feels unsure about him but strangely feels safe.

She hadn't imagined seeing him again after she left him, nor embracing him.

It feels wrong being wrapped in his arms but also feels so right.

She wanted to stop herself from thinking about him but also can't stop wanting him.

It confuses her. He's confusing her.

Hanabi bite her lower lip when he cupped her face, she rest her palm over his hand.

" I just can't stop myself from wanting you. I'm sorry " he whispered as he lean his forehead against her.

Hanabi wanted to say that she feels the same way but only nodded as a response.

Hanabi opens her eyes and her heart was hammering as their eyes met.

"I'm confused" was the only word she can utter.

Hanzo merely smiled and gave her lips a quick kiss.

" It's fine. Just let me want you, and you can pretend to want me too. I don't mind "



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