Scarlet Flower

By deadofwritesx

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Hanabi × Hanzo More

Shattered Scarlet Flower :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #01 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #02 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #03 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #04 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #05 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #06 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #07 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #08 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #09 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #10 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷𝟷:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷𝟸:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷4:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷5:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷6:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷7:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷8:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷9:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸0:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟷:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟸:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟹:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟺:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟻:
Chapter #26:
Chapter #27:
Chapter #28:
Chapter #29:

ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷3:

792 33 13
By deadofwritesx


HANABI let out a deep sigh as she got off her bed and decided to have a dinner. She was about to reach for the door knob but before she could do it , the door opened itself revealing Hanzo , holding a tray of foods. Hanabi rolled her eyes skyward and ignored him on purpose. Hanabi marched towards the kitchen and headed to the long table, as expected. He cooked a lot of foods again. Hanabi's brows furrowed as she stared at Hanzo , walking towards her direction. The female ninja just keep a straight face as she watched Hanzo pulled a chair for her.

" Let's eat together " he utter.

Hanabi just ignored him and sat on the chair. Hanzo did the same.

It's been a week since that misunderstanding between them happened and it became their daily routine. Arguing.

Hanabi turned her head before her eyes as she stared at Hanzo wearing a blank expression on her face , feeling so uncomfortable with his stares. Hanzo lift a brow , staring at her intently.
" Stop staring " she mutter as she continue on having her dinner. Hanzo just smirk and acted like he heard nothing , his stares never leaving the lady in front of him. Hanabi shut her eyes hard as she felt her rage rising up to her head. She stopped the urge to start an argument and chose to eat in peace. After she ate. She cleaned the table and wash the utensils she used earlier. Her brows met as she looked at Hanzo on her peripheral vision. The demon ninja was just staring at her intently , mischievous smirk present on his face.

" I said stop staring " Hanabi utter , distracted by his stares.
" I hope you're aware that you look like a rapist there , watching your next victim " she added. Hanzo just chuckle and ruffled his hair.
" It's not that I'm sexually abusing you. It's just that you look so damn sexy Hanabi " he respond. Hanabi smirk and faced him.
" Feed your sinful eyes then. " Hanabi smirked. Hanzo chuckle and stood up. Hanabi lift a brow as she stared at the demon ninja take off his shirt. Hanzo walk towards her direction, his cold eyes were like daggers pointing right at her. Hanabi stopped the urge to flinched when he leaned down to her, his hands were placed at the kitchen sink. He cornerned the female ninja on purpose. Hanabi lean away as he lean his head closer to hers.

" I can literally torn all your clothes off in just a second.. " Hanabi gulp hearing his hoarse voice. " If I want to " he added as he lift Hanabi's chin using his finger. Hanabi swallowed the lump in her throat as his eyes darted to her lips.
" It's not a good idea to teased an Akuma ninja Hanabi... " Hanabi held her breath in as his finger started gliding down her neck. She gasp as she felt his finger stopped to her cleavage. Her chest was pounding up and down because of the fast throbbing of her heart. Hanzo lift his gaze , staring at Hanabi's now red face. His cold-dead eyes was clashing with her dilated ones.
" I'm warning you. You won't like it " he utter calmly making Hanabi's face blush even more.

Hanzo finally lean away making Hanabi sigh in relief. Her heart was throbbing so fast that she felt she just ran a miles away. She glared at Hanzo when she heard him chuckle.

" What's funny? " Hanabi hissed.
" Earlier , you act as if no man can make their way to you. You thought I would just sit still and stare right? " he chuckle. Hanabi's brows furrowed.
" Now look.. you're blushing because of that mere skinship " he added.
" You called that a mere skinship ? "
" and what are you trying to say ? That I am an easy to get kind of girl? " Hanabi utter , annoyance present in her voice. Hanzo frown.
" When did I say that? "

Hanabi scoff.

" You probably think that I am easy  to hooked up! " she hissed. Hanzo frown even more.
" No! I don't " he respond.
" Then what are you trying to say?! " Hanzo pinch the bridge of his nose. He felt depressed while listening to Hanabi's loud voice. He feels like his eardrum will malfunction any longer.
" Whatever you're thinking is. That's not what I meant " he said calmly.
" Then what?! "
" Fuck! Stop shouting! " he exclaimed back. " I can't believe you! You're so annoying! " she exclaimed for the last time before turning her back on him.

Hanzo shut his eyes hard while massaging his temple.

" Women " he utter as he let out a deep sigh.

HANABI immediately closed her eyes when she heard series of knocks at the closed door. The creaking sound of the door filled the quiet room.

" Hanabi " she heard Hanzo utter as she heard footsteps walking towards her direction. She felt him sat on the side of her bed.
" Hanabi " he utter softly. Hanabi shut her eyes hard , fighting the urge to turned around and face him. Hanzo let out a deep sigh as he caressed her hair gently. A defeaning silence filled the room. Hanabi bite her lower lip secretly to hold back her smile , feeling so comfortable with his touch. She can literally feel her cheeks burning because of the romantic excitement she felt. For her , caressing someone's hair was her own kind of love language. Hanabi humms as she suddenly feels drowsy . Not any longer and she fell into realm of sleep.

HANABI slowly open her eyes as she felt her neck stiffen. She groans as she massage her nape. She roam her gaze around the room , expecting someone but to her disappointment he wasn't there. She turned her gaze to the opened window. A smile draw on her lips as she stared at the silver moonlight , remembered someone who also love looking at it.

Hanabi decided to get off of her bed. She headed towards the kitchen and drank a cup of water. She roam her gaze around looking for Hanzo but she saw nothing.

Hanabi found herself walking towards the lake after touring around the temple and didn't saw even just a shadow of him. She hugs herself as the cold breeze of wind brushed her skin. She haulted when  something caught her attention, it was a trouser. She quickened her pace hoping to see the man she was looking for. A smile escape her lips when she saw Hanzo standing in the middle of the lake. His back was facing her. Hanabi was about to call him when she realized something. Her mouth hanged open as she reached for his trouser. Hanabi's face blush realizing that he was probably naked. Hanabi looked at Hanzo's direction and to his trouser. She bit her lower lip as she held tight into her clothe. She shook the idea out of her head but also found herself slowly taking all her clothes off , leaving her naked. Hanabi hugs herself as she started walking towards the water. She shivers when the cold like crystal water touch her skin. Her heart was throbbing so fast while staring at Hanzo's back. Every step she takes was like an eternity for her. She held her chest tight when Hanzo suddenly turned his back , noticing her presence. She felt her heart forcing its way out of her chest because of so much nervousness. She feels like she had just ran a miles away because of how fast her heart was racing . Hanzo's serious face also didn't help , it just worsen the nervousness that she felt.

" H- Hanzo " she utter when she was finally standing in front of him. She swallowed the lump on her throat seeing his cold-dead eyes , staring at hers. Hanabi have to lift her chin up just to look straight to his eyes. Hanabi gulp , found herself memorizing every details of his face.
" I--- I can't find you inside so I--- I came here " she stutter , her stares not leaving his. She saw Hanzo gulp before looking away.
" I was thinking of something so I came here to clear my mind... but you just worsen it " he utter. Hanabi nodded and followed his gaze. He was staring at the moon shining beautifully at the sky.
" It's breathtakingly beautiful isn't it? " Hanabi asked as she looked back at him. She was taken a back when she caught him also staring at her.
" Yes. Staring at it always takes my breath away " he responded while staring at her intently. Hanabi looks away, feeling her cheeks burning.
" R- right " she chuckle awkwardly.

A defeaning silence prevail between the two of them , don't know how to break it and start a conversation. Hanabi hugs herself as her whole body tremble because of the cold water. She turned her gaze to Hanzo who was just staring at the moon. His brows furrowed , looks like something was bothering him.

" Hanzo " she utter. " I'll go ahead now . I'm freezing " she added. She got no respond from the demon ninja so she takes it as a yes. Silence means yes anyway.
" D - don't look back " she mutter before turning her back on him. She hasn't gone far yet when a strong arms hugs her from behind , making her nailed in her place.
" Hanabi " he whispered. Hanabi gasp , feeling him rubbing her stomach.
" It's hard to restrain myself. Fuck " he whispered. Hanabi lean her head to his chest , her lips were slightly apart.
" H- Hanzo " she utter as she closed her eyes. " Fuck " she heard him cussed. A sigh of pleasure escape the female ninja's lips as his hands started gliding down in between her thighs. Her cold body earlier turned hot. Seems like her body was burning because of his touch. She wanted to get away from him but her body won't move , as if her body was enjoying the tingling sensation he was giving to her. A long moan escape Hanabi's lips as she felt his finger rubbing her clit. She arched her head sideway , giving him a full access of her neck as he leaves tiny soft kisses to it.

" H- Hanzo " she sigh as her hand came traveling to his head , caressing his hair .
" Fuck! " Hanzo exclaimed as he pushed Hanabi away. He pulled his hair in a harsh way while mumbling something.
" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. " he mumble repeatedly as he turned his back on her.

HANZO close his eyes and looks up , trying to calm his self down.

" Hanzo " he heard the female ninja called his name.
" Don't come near me Hanabi. I swear you'll regret it. " he utter in a hoarse voice. Hanzo fight the urge to flinched when he felt the female ninja's lips kissing his back.
" What are you doing? " he mumble. His gaze turned to Hanabi who was now in front of him.
" I'm scared as hell to want you.. " Hanabi utter as she bit her lower lip. Her eyes was just staring right through him.
" What are you talking about? " Hanzo frown. " But here I am , wanting you anyway  " she responded as she looks away , her face turned red even more.
" w- what? " he stutter.

His heart was throbbing so fast that he think it might get out of his chest any longer. His face turned hot as the female ninja lift her gaze and their eyes met. He swallowed the lump on his throat while staring at Hanabi tip toed in front of him and reach for his lips. His eyes widen at her sudden action but he pulled her closer anyway. His arms was wrapped to her waist tightly , pulling her body to his. He deepend their kiss as his other hand came into the back of her head. The female ninja moan in between their kisses that made Hanzo turned on even more. His tongue entered her mouth and she willingly let it in as his hands came down to her buttocks and started squeezing it. His lips glide down to her neck , sucking her soft skin. He felt a searing pain on his back where Hanabi's nails clung , but he don't mind. The pleasure dominated his body.

" H- Hanzo y- you-- ughh " Hanabi moan , feeling Hanzo's manhood brushed into her skin.
" Hard " he respond as he lift Hanabi and made her encircled her legs to his waist. Hanabi's hands clung to his nape as their lips touched again. Hanzo started walking back to the shore without breaking their kiss. Their lips part ways when Hanzo finally lay Hanabi down to the ground. His eyes roamed to her naked body.
" S- stop staring " Hanabi utter as she looks away with her red face. A smirk escape his lips as he finds her cute and sexy at the same time. He positioned himself on top of her and his lips found hers. His hand came traveling down her body as it stopped to her bosom and grope it. A long moan escaped Hanabi's lips because of what he did. He lowered his kisses as his fingers were playing with her pinkish nipples that made the female ninja moan in pleasure. His hand came gliding down and stopped in between her thighs. He heard Hanabi gasp as he insert his finger to her insides. Hanabi's back arched as she moan his name. Hanzo insert another finger and started thrusting it fast.

" Hanzo ohh God! " a smirk escape his lips. Her moans was like sweet melody to his ears. Hanzo found Hanabi's lips and kissed her torridly , still thrusting his fingers inside her.
" H- Hanzo " she sigh in pleasure.
" If you only knew how desperate and dying I was to have my lips on yours " he utter in between their kisses.

Hanabi stared at his eyes. A smile escape her lips as their lips were still clashing. Her heart was pounding so fast the whole time as she saw magic in his eyes. Lust , dark , beautiful magic.

They both gasp as he finally went inside her. The quiet lake was filled with their moans and cries as Hanzo  started moving inside her.

HANABI open her eyes as she felt Hanzo's stable breathing. Letting her know that he already fell asleep. She carefully got his arms off of her waist as she silently stood up. A grunt escape her lips feeling a searing pain in between her legs. She silently walk towards the direction of her clothes and carefully wore it. She also comb her messy hair using her fingers and silently headed to the woods. Hanabi bit her lower lip as her eyes watered. Her chest was becoming heavier and heavier at her every step. She turned her back for the last time and stared at Hanzo who was laying on the ground and sleeping peacefully.

" I'm sorry " she sob as tears started gliding down her cheeks. She wiped her tears hastily before turning her back and continue on her track , leaving Hanzo behind.


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