Style oneshots <3 || Stan x k...

By auz_666

70.7K 631 4.6K

South park, Kyle x Stan oneshots. -Warnings at the beginning of each chapter! - if you have a request then ju... More

♡ when kyle had a crush ♡
♡ when stan played hockey♡
♡when stan was at stark pond♡
♡when they played seven minutes in heaven♡
♡when kyle enjoyed valentines ♡
♡ when they shared a bed ♡
♡ when they restarted♡
♡when they had the talk♡
♡ when kyle told Wendy ♡
♡when stan cant forget♡
♡when Kyle went to hospital♡
♡ when they went on a walk ♡
♡ when stan saw kyle ♡
♡ when Kyle was online ♡

♡ when they were famous ♡

2.1K 18 41
By auz_666

⚠️ story information ⚠️
Finger bang
Stans pov
Age: 17-18

Crowds roar loudly, loud clapping and even louder screaming. Bright lights shone on the four if us. Me, Kenny, Eric and of course Kyle.

What started out as a stupid childhood dream became reality less then two years ago. We all finished school early but have still got tutors at the back of our ass.

"Thank you new York!" Kylw then yelled, raising his hands for about his head, a large grin on his face. A grin of pride. A grin that shone each time we finished a show.

"Woow!" Kenny cheered and leaned himself against cartman "we hope you all have a fucking great night!"

The cheers grew louder and the claps grew with them. "Thats for being being an awesome audience!" Cartman then added, wrapping his chubby arm around kennys small shoulders.

Me and Kyle shared a grin and did the same, both of us enjoying the contact "we'll see you soon!" I then added, my hand squeezing kyles side.

The screams somehow grew inhuman and the band behind us began playing songs to accompany us walking back stage.

Kenny began happily clapping ti the beat, a skip in his step, me and Kyle kept our arms on each other while Eric waved and blew kisses to the fans as we got off the stage.

"Great show guys!"  Our manager grinned as the backstage crew hurried to us all to take the mics off us.

"Thanks I think I did really fucking good also" Eric nodded his head "the j-e-w was a little slow though"

Kyle rolled his eyes and leaned his head on my shoulder. We were all pretty dead, we use so much energy on the stage, where it felt like we were right under the sun.
The time not helping how worn out we were. It was already two in the morning.

"Alright boys, go get changed! We'll get you back to the hotel!" The manager then said and patted kennys shoulder, having him lead the way to the changing rooms.

"Woow! Off we goo guys!" Kenny clapped his hands, it was a habit that he had gotten into.

Kyle leaned against me the whole way to the  changing rooms, a pale blush covered my face as we walked.

The four of us shared a changing room in this one stadium. Kyle was the first to walk into the room ans crashing down into his seat and whinned, his eyes closing.

"Why are you always so tired? We all use the same amount of energy" I teased and took a chair next to him, grabbing the make up remover for him.

"He's  a pussy! That's why!" Cartman laughed and took his jacket and top off.

Kyle was too tired to roll his eyes and did his best to wipe the sweat from his head. "Come here" I then said and pulled his chair closer to me, using the make up remover wipes on his face.

Kenny looked over at us, only standing with his boxers on and itching his ass "why don't you just tell the world your gay?" He asked.

"Ew kinny! Stop itching your ass!" Cartman complained, also now only in his boxers.

"We haven't came out to public because we don't wanna lose any fans or support" I answered Kennys question and gentally removed the make up off the redheads face. Kylengave me a small glace and nodded his head.

"Good! Glad kyles not being selfish for once!" Eric scoffed and put on some skin tight jeans that made his thighs pop.

"I mean, I came out as pan and no one gives a fuck" Kenny shrugged, staring at himself in the body length Mirror.

"Its different when your dating a boy from the same band as you" I sighed. Kenny shrugged and began to flex his little arm muscle.

Kyle met out an inhuman groan and leaned closer to me.

"Seriously, how did his energy get so quickly drains as we walked off the stage?" The blonde then whinned, confused on how tired Kyle quickly had gotten.

"Don't act like your not tired" I shook my head with a small laugh.

"Yeah, but I'm not dying like him!" The blonde laughed and walked around the room, still only in his boxers.

"Jews are just weak"  the fastest one here mocked and out a plain black hoodie.

"Don't act like your gonna pass out the second your body touches the bed"  I sighed and threw the wipe in a near by bin.

"Pussys!" Kenny laughed.

Even though we all knew Kenny was tired, we also knew that Kenny wouldn't be going to bed with spending a fee hours with his boyfriend before going to sleep. In an innocent or noninnocent way.

"Whatever Kenny" I rolled my eyes and moved from the seat, finding mine and kyles clothes "I still can't believe we are famous"

"Same..."  a small mutter came from Kyle and he yawned

"I mean, good job kennys not poor anymore"  Cartman shrugged, earning a slap by the almost naked teen.

I let out a small laugh and changed qucikly into my casual clothes. Dark blue top and black jeans.  I was much faster at getting changed then the others in the room. Expecially Kenny who had now got one single sock on.

"Come on dude, you need to get changed" I told kyle, placing the closed in his lap.

He sluggishly looked down and let out a small huffed before takeong off his top. I smiled and let him get changed as i went to remove my own make up.

"Kinny! Get changed!" Eric complained and threw the blondes top at him.

"Don't get jealous because I have the best body out of everyone here!" Kenny laughed and finally out his top on.

"As if!" Cartman scoffed and sat in his chair, having it face away from us all.

When Kyle was changed, I was a nice enough boyfriend to out his shoes on for him. Kenny got jealous of that but oh well.

It took longer then planned but we were soon able to walk through the stadium and around the back to the mini bus that will take us to the hotel.

The drowsiness was getting to us all as he quckily piled into the van. It was always quick movements right after shows, that way we should be bombarded with the press.

When on the van, kyle fell asleep within seconds, he head on my sholder.
Cartman was doing his best to stay away, act like he wasn't tired and so way Kenny. The lanky blonde was on call to his boyfriend by now though.

My arm wrapped around the small redhead, keeping him close to me. We were staying in a five star hotel only  half an hour from here, so I didn't want to get too comfy.

The van was filled the quiet radio ans Kenny talking happily on the phone- having no control over the volume of his voice. The radio presenters were prasing the finger bangers, us, for our recently finished show.

"Had you seen that video?" The male presenter asked, seeming to be wide awake at this time.
"The video of Kenny? Having the small dance break?" The female presenter laughed into her mic.

"No, no! Not that one ! Even though that was amazing!" The male hummed "it's a video of one of the fans recording Stan slap kyles ass"

I leaned back in my seat, staring out the window and my hands messing with Kyle's messy hair.

"Maybe all those rumours of the two boys are true!" The women on the radio clapped her hands, her co-worker agreeing.

Yeah, those rumours were true. Stan would happily admit them to his fans. Even though i had previously said that's the reason me ans Kyle  haven't came out to everyone. It wasn't at all.

It was family.

We were both very unsure how they would react to the news. And even of we have the support of millions of fans, it's not the same support we get from family.

That's why when on stage and with thousands of eyes and cameras, we try and drop small hints but never go all the way to been very fucking gay infront of them all.

We've both read all the fanfics. The smuts and fluffs even the angst.

Some of the angst was freakishly close to how I spend my early childhood days arguing with my dad and abusing alchol. But we won't get into that.

The whole drive to the hotel was of me switching between kennys phone call and the radio.

When we got there, Kenny hung up on the phone cya 'see you in a few minutes sweetheart' and smacked Eric to wake up. All while I picked Kyle in my arms in a bridle so that he could stay asleep.

Our manager met up outside the hotel, he walked to us about this and that the whole way to our rooms.

We all had our own hotel rooms but me and Kyle had been sharing a room.

I placed the redhead down on the fluffy bed and he let out a small whine "...dude..." his voice was scratchy.

"You alright?" I asked, laying down next to him, neither of us being bothered to change into our night clothes now.

Kyle nodded his head slowly and rolled on top of me. His head in my shoulder. I smiled and pulled the duvet over us, kissed the top of his head.

"No more concerts for a good fee months now" I said quietly to my redhead, my hands making their way to his hair once more.

"Good.... its so exhausting"  Kyle said, pressing his body into mine as much as possible.

"God to sleep now then... sleep well"

"You too man"

I layed there for a few seconds, i was always so amazed with how loud atmospheres and High energy can quickly lead to peaceful scenes like this.

I love both the loud and quiet times I had in my life.
Some famous people tend to stop enjoying their lives when they get to a certain point of fame. That's what i expected when we first started out, but I enjoy it all really.

But I don't mean this career is perfect , I get threats and hate like any other person but the better things in my life are better.
Things such as Kyle and the support he gets for what he does.

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