Building Virtues [Completed✔]

By PiscesPleasure

13.1K 1.2K 1.5K

They say chastity is a virtue, but virtues are just old antiquated rules put in place to keep girls virgins b... More

Copyrights and Expectations
Alpha Luna
When in Rome
The Havens
Lost his Luna
To Be Determined
A Good Time
Perfect Opportunity
Forever Mate
Forbidden Juices
Garden of Eden
Run Errands
Grocery Store
Pet Name
Spend the Night
Make it Worse
Make Up
Separate Ways
Sick to her Stomach
Deep Exhale
Will Ever Know
Bitter Sorrow
Wolf Glory and Heartache
Bubble of Bliss
Good Faith and Moonlight
More at Home
Hands to Themselves
Meeting of the Minds
Mi Amor
Different Reasons
Shot Clock
Pride & Admiration
The Main Event
Waging War
Into Eternal Darkness
Building Virtues

Save Her

194 20 31
By PiscesPleasure

"Repeat that shit for me! He did what?!"

"Apparently he never went overseas to that new pack. They've been waiting for him for a month."

"Hold the fuck up, Cass! He's your beta! How did you not know?!"

"Um, after the hearing he stepped down. He said he wanted to take some time away, mentally. Told me he was going to the cabin in the woods that his dad owned. I respected it. Thinking he just needed privacy to come to terms with it."

"How did you not know he never left?!"

"He sent me the itinerary and everything saying he would miss everyone and he'll maybe ask the council of elders if he could visit after settling in! Rome I had no idea he would go rogue!"

"Tyson?! Like Ty-Ty?! Big tall caramel colored Ty?!"

"Yeah, luna. I'm sorry. I tried to shake it, but I never forget a smell."

"Oh my God! What is wrong with him?! Why would he do this?!" Eden huffs in saddened panic.

"Wait, who is Ty? My boyfriend's name is Sea-."

"Tyson Sean Ball. Honey, he's been playing you this whole time. He's been playing everyone this whole fuckin time! He was supposed to have been across seas in an allied pack of Morocco a month ago-. Oh shit I need to call Rome!"

Pulling out her phone she calls Rome. He isn't answering so Eden becomes increasingly worried. Finally reaching him on the fifth try Eden breathes a sigh of half relief.

"Mama I'm fuckin super tied u-."

"Ty! Baby it was Ty! Tyson did all of it!"

"Wait, wait! Slow down what?!" Putting Eden on speaker, he listens along with the 25 other alphas in attendance. "Go ahead, baby!"

"Tyson did it! He orchestrated the killing of the she-wolf! He found the witch! He badgered her into making the moon-heart shifting serum! He had the mystery female take it! He-! He's behind all of it! I'm so sorry, Ro! And Titan has...he-. He's transitioned, baby."

Hearing an echoing gasp, Eden realizes she was on speaker. As all the wolves in attendance at either location gasp, all the non-wolves realize that must mean something diabolical.

"W-what is that?" Winter questions.

"When a wolf transitions they become feral. They allow their bloodlust to consume them. Any enemy, any double crosser, or foe stands no chance. They become dogmatic, like Sage said. They won't rest and stop at nothing to literally feel the blood of their enemy wash over their canines as they rip their jugular from them. Leaving them lifeless. There is no coming back from that."

Feeling the tears roll down her cheeks, Eden can't believe that the unnecessary hearing Rome called out of spite just may ruin their entire life. For it already has ruined a man she loved and called a confidant. 



"Where does Ty uh Sean live?"

"I don't know. He always came over to my house."

"She's in Mellow Falls, Edee?"

Hearing Rome's voice she remembers she was on speaker with him.

"Uh, um-. Yeah, babe."


"Wh-what, Rome?!"

"Do you remember what Wisp told us during the nullification hearing?"

"No, what?"

"About being aware of those that know too much without earning it?"

"Yeah, after she told us about the war?" Eden asks in clarification.

"Yes. Baby, did you share anything with him? About Brooklyn? Or Blake?" Rome asks gently.

As her heart slams against her ribs, Eden swallows thickly. While with Ty she told him all about Rome and his cheating ways. She spoke highly of Brooklyn, but did speak of Blake and Rome. Especially on days they had pissed her off.

"Ro." She whispers. "I'm so sorry."

Hearing Nile whimper as she feels the feeling of betrayal from Legend, Eden cries even harder.

"D-don't cry, baby. I know you didn't do it out of spite."

"I thought-. I thought I could trust him, Rome. I put-. I put the baby at ris-. Oh shit! Brooklyn! Remember she tried to tell us something when we picked her up from Blake?! But Blake didn't want her to tell us?! She must know something!"

"Call my mom, now!"

Quickly merging the calls, Eden along with everyone else waits on pins and needles for Asia to answer.

"Hello my lovely!"

"Ma Asia, where is Brooklyn, please?!"

"Edee is everything alri-?!"

"Ma?! Get Brooklyn, now!" Rome rushes out.

"Ok, ok! Brookie c'mere daddy and mommy Edee are on the phone."

"Hi momma! Hi daddy!"

Hearing her little voice everyone smiles, which definitely lightens the mood.

"Hi baby!" They simultaneously coo.

"What you guys doin?! Me and Bubbie pwayin in the pool withs both the nanas!"

"Baby, focus for me ok?"

"Otay momma. What you need?!"

"Brookie what happened with your mommy that you wanted to tell me and daddy?"

"Weellll, lots of stuff!"

Listening to all types of crazy stories, Eden smiles as Brooklyn tells them dramatic stories. However she can tell that Rome is becoming impatient.

"Ok, baby focus. The pink donu-?"

"Ooohhh you shoulda say-ed that, momma!" She giggles along with everyone else at her exasperated response. "Mommy tried to make me speak withs a stwanger and I no liked him. Neither did Twi. Momma?!"

"Yes, baby?"

"Guess what?!"

"What, lovey?"

"Him had red eyes! They was too scary! And I tried tellin mommy, but she no listened! She keep-ed says 'Brooklyn Ciera Haven, stooooop'!" She stresses in a teasing nature, much to everyone's entertainment. "Her keep-ed says, 'If you don't stop I'na tell daddy not to get you! But momma?!"

"Yes, my honey?"

"He scared-ed me. And Twi growl at him! I even showed him my sharps teeth! Like you and Ni and daddy and Legend!"

"That's so good, my baby! I'm so proud of you!" Cooing at Brooklyn, everyone, even the stone-like alphas and betas can hear how much Eden loves her bonus baby.

"Baby what did he look like?" Rome calls to Brooklyn.

"Ummm, sooooo tall! Like a gir-naffe! And he was colored light brown. Likes uncle Jay and some hair like g-pop Scott, but not lots a hair like Uncle Isy."

From her description, they all know without a doubt it was Ty.

"Ok, little mama. Daddy is so proud of you and Twi, Brooklyn! I love you!"

"I love you guys toooo much! I sees you soon, ok?!"

"Of course princess!" 

"Momma and daddy love you, suggie! Muah!"

"Muahs, momma!"

Ending the call with Brooklyn, Eden and Rome feel a sense of urgency to head back to pack grounds. 

"Ok I'm gonna get shit rolling over here, baby. You get all y'all asses back to pack territory. I can't do shit with you a full hour away, mama. I need my queen and my princess at home, safe."

"Ok. We're going now. I love you, Rome."

"I love you more my beautiful Eden."

Hanging up Rome commences to finish rallying his troops and allies.

"Alright Sage, your best bet is to come with us."

"What?! I-. I don't even know you all! I could be walking into a death sentence!"

"Numero uno, calmate chica( Number one, calm down girl). Numero dos, we would never hurt one of our family's mates. As long as you are with Justice, no estás en peligro(you are in no danger). Numero tres, if and when Ty comes looking for you, once he realizes you've dimed him out, estás muerta, you're dead. He's not who you first met. You heard Eden, he's out por sangre(for blood). So come with us. You'll be safe. Something Violet and I have a feeling you haven't felt in a long time. Si or no?"

Nodding sadly, Sage looks between the group, and smiles softly at Justice.

"C'mon loverboy, get your little timid mate, we need to go like yesterday!" Laughing, Winter beckons Sage over to them. "We need you to bring your healing elixirs and salves. Eden will only be able to do so much if they are stupid enough to attack."

"Not if. When. Sean or Ty or whatever his name is has rallied a bunch of smaller packs that hate RiverRun, but Rome especially." Sage confirms.

Hearing that makes Eden's throat constrict. Sadly shaking her head, she ventures out of the beautiful little witch hideaway, hidden in plain sight of 'Core of the Sun Elixirs'.

"Que pasa, mi coco muñeca?"

"Lils, I loved him. I trusted him with my deepest secrets. I gave him all the ammunition he needs to destroy and hurt the people I love. Lily, my babies are here. Hell you're here after I begged you to come back with me. RiverRun is my home. My heart is here and I served it to him on a platter. What-? What have I done? And now I -. I can't even help as the alpha-luna because I'm pregnant. I've left the people, the pack, the place I've come to love exposed and open. Like a sitting duck surrounded by predators."

"Ayyy, shhhh, mami." Wiping Eden's tears, Lily hugs and comforts her. "That's that big heart in you, Edee. You see the best in everyone. Yo se( I know) you loved Ty, but I saw how he was the weekend él estaba aqui(he was here). He was soooo inappropriate. All over you. Pero you didn't realize it because you only saw him as 'Ty mi amigo'. Pero él?! Oh no he saw you as unhappy hurt Eden. He could swoop in and be your superhero. Pero he wasn't bargaining for you to be in love with Rome. He saw how you looked at Rome, how you smiled as he presented, even though you tried to hide it cause you were fake mad still! Si or no?!"

"Shut up, Lils!" She pouts and snickers softly.

"And even in the midst of it all, you still loved Rome. And Ty saw all of it porqué(because) he was constantly watching! Wherever you were, boom, él estaba ahí( he was there)! So when Rome really fucked up, he was ready! He even accepted you havin mi guapo papasito( my handsome mini papa) for Christ sakes, Eden! He was and obviously still is obsessed with you. You couldn't see that coming. Tu no sabes el futuro( you don't know the future). Pero yo( but I), I had a feeling en mi estomago( in my stomach/gut) that he had changed from Ty from four years ago. Not that he had transitioned. Just, yo no se( I don't know). Differentes( different)."

"You're right. I just thought he was my one cause he was my first. But loving Rome I saw the differences. I could feel the differences. The way I made love to Rome versus him. The way I wanted to be up under Rome versus him. I filled my real loneliness with Ty and I'm sorry I did that to him. But I could tell the difference. I mean I genuinely loved him I did, but he-. He-."

"He just isn't Rome. And baby he was never gonna be! Rome literally is your other half. He is your moon goddess given soulmate! No other hombre(man) on this earth will give you the amor y sentimientos(love and feelings) Rome makes you experience. And that is ok that you latched on because you missed those. And you did it with someone familiar that you loved."

"Yeah, I did. But now all of this is just insane. I can't believe he wants to kill Rome and hurt so many innocent people."

"We'll figure it out. Nosotras siempre hacemos( we always do)!"

"Yeah we do."

Smiling, she snuggles into Lily as they pull through the gate. But immediately all the little hairs on the back of Eden's neck stand up. 

"Something's wrong!" Both she and Lily blurt out in unison. "The babies!"

Exchanging a look of utter fear, they know their one concern is getting to Brooklyn and Cairo. Everything else will have to wait. As their car pulls to a stop they literally race to the babies rooms. Not finding them in either room, they decide to split up.

As Eden pushes her pregnant body to scurry to the room she's shared with Rome since the moon convergence ceremony, she finds them asleep in the bed. Huffing out a sigh of relief, she wipes the tears from her eyes. But still she is uneasy and for good reason.

"Shhh, don't wake them."

Whipping around, she growls ferociously. Coming face to face with none other than Tyson Ball.

"What are you doing here? Ty, you don't have to do th-."

"I don't have to do this?! For-fuckin-real, Eden?! He tried, no fuck that! DID single handedly ruin my life! He got me sent to a fuckin foreign ass pack! Everyone turned on me for crossing the 'Almighty Rome Haven'! You even fuckin chose him! Look at you! Fuckin knocked up by him again! About to pop for him, Eden! After he hurt you the way he did! Cheated on you with that ditzy ass bitch Blake! And then you let him nut all in you barely a year later and get you pregnant again?! You were just with me!! Claiming to love me like 8 months ago! You fuckin used me, Eden!"

"I'm sorry, Ty! I really did love you!"

"Bull-fuckin-shit, Eden!"

"Tyson, I did! It was real for me, but-. But-."

"But I'm not him?! That's it, huh?!"

"No you're not. But more importantly, you're not my mate. Rome is."

"Cause you were arranged for fuck sake!"

"No, he is. Look!" 

Pulling down the collar of her white v-neck T-shirt she reveals Rome's mark.

"What the fuck?! You lied and told me you didn't have a mate! You fuckin played me all along! You bitch!"

"No the fuck I didn't! I didn't know until we were fully marked and the moon goddess confirmed that we were true soulmates! And don't ever call me a bitch!"

"Well congrats you're gonna be husbandless and your pups are gonna be little bastards!"

Releasing a resounding whistle, Ty's eyes smoothly transition to their signature blood crimson red.

"Titan says hi."

"Ty, no!"

As he swiftly shifts into his larger than life midnight black wolf Titan(Ty) snatches Eden and tosses her on his back. Knowing she won't risk the pregnancy by letting go, she has no other option other than to cling to him for dear life. 

As he goes barreling through the pack house with a screaming, frightened Eden clutching fistfuls of his silky fur, Titan rushes to the city center. As they race through the streets, Eden watches dirty scruffy looking rogues swarming the streets of her beloved pack. Watching her fellow pack members shift to fend off their attackers, Eden's heart breaks. 

"Tyson, please?! Stop this! Oh my God please!" 

Ignoring her, he makes his way to the center of RiverRun. The sacred ceremonial grounds. As they trot to the meeting point, Eden's eyes bulge seeing the amount of rogues he's been able to amass. As he comes to a complete stop, she is forcefully seized by two large men. Shifting back into Ty, he pulls on some clothes.

"Don't hurt your future luna, boys." Sending a sickeningly sweet smile Eden's way, he winks at her. "Now link little Rome and tell him to meet us here."

"No! I will not let you take my husband!"

"Do it or you lose this little guy!"

Feeling her knees buckle, Eden relies on her captors to keep her standing as Blake comes out holding Cairo. As the tears pour down her face, Eden silently vows to kill her; for real this time.

"Put my son down you psychotic bitch!"

"Awww, what can you do, preggers?! Claw me again?! Good luck trying!"

"Momma Edee!"

As Brooklyn tries to rush to Eden's aid, Blake snatches her by the arm.

"I'm your mother Brooklyn! Not her! She will never be your mother! Get that through your Goddamn head! Do you hear me?!"

"Wells-! Wells me and Twilight hates you! We nevers wanna has you be our mommy! Momma Edee love us and makes us happy! She makes Twi feel better! We hates you!"

As the words leave Brooklyn's mouth, Blake slaps her hard enough in the mouth to bust her bottom lip.

"Don't you ever say that to me! I'm your mother!"

Growling at her, Brooklyn bares her canines at Blake.

"I could care less about all this mother drama bullshit. Where is Rome, Eden?!"

"Let go of my wife and children!"

Rome growls as he and the already shifted warriors walk into the sacred ceremonial space.

"Ty what's good baby?!"

"Fuck you, Rome! You ruined my Goddamn life! And now I'm gonna ruin ya life, take ya wife to constantly fuck the shit out of her the way I used to, and most of all raise YOUR beautiful babies!" Laughing sadistically, Ty flashes a maniacally handsome smile. "Oh and keep you prisoner, to watch!" 

"That's a whole lotta big dreams for a wack ass little beta, Ty. Don't ya think?" Smirking smugly, Rome taunts him as he visibly becomes upset. "And plus, Edee likes big dicks, something you don't have." He whispers, but loud enough for Ty to hear.

"Watch, bitch!" Ty snarls, as his insane crimson eyes blaze.

Winking at Ty, Rome turns to Eden.

"You ok, baby?" 

He calls to Eden as she cries harder.

"They-. They have the babies, Ro!"

"Not for long, princess!"

Sleekly shifting into Legend he races  towards Blake.

Leaping at her, she screams in fear and tosses Cairo. The action forces her to let go of Brooklyn's arm. Stealthily catching Cairo by the shirt, Legend dangles him from his mouth as he nudges Brooklyn with his snout to run towards Eden.

Watching this, Eden allows Nile to transform her hand into a claw to slash her confinement ropes and slice both of her captors throats. Scooping both Cairo and Brooklyn up, she hauls them away from the space. 

Looking back over her shoulder she watches as at least ten rogues pounce on Rome. Hearing him snarl and growl her heartbreaks leaving him. Finally rushing the babies to a nearby pack member's house, Eden mindlinks Lily.

"The babies are at the Robert's! Please come, now!"

Being that Lily had represented the Robert's teenage son when he got into some trouble over a fight with a human
boy, it just so happens to work out that Eden ran to their house.

"Ok, baby I love you so so much! Be a big brave girl for momma and protect Cairo, ok Brooklyn?!"

"Momma where you goin?! Where's daddy?!"

"Momma's gonna go get daddy! Ok?!"

Nodding as Brooklyn clutches Cairo to her chest and cries, Eden feels so torn leaving her babies. But at least they're safe.

"Otay! I has Bubbie, momma!"

"That's my good big girl! Tete Lily will be here shortly ok?!"


She whimpers as Eden kisses them and rushes out of the house. As she runs through the chaotic square she watches massive wolves literally tearing each other to pieces. Pushing her exhausted body, she makes it back to the ceremonial grounds. Hiding behind a large tree she tries to catch her breath as her stomach tightens from exhaustion and definite stress induced contractions.

"Ok, Britain. I know. Mommy is so sorry I'm stressing you out, baby. But we gotta save daddy."

Exhaling sharply, she winces from the pain. Peeking from behind the tree she watches as Rome barely fights off the new contenders just piling on him. Watching the pack's best warriors, Israel included, fight so tirelessly is shredding her heart.

The A.A.C agreed to lend warriors and aid in a fight, but unfortunately with Ty's deceit they were expecting an attack in a month. And even with the drop on him to Sage's store, they weren't expecting an attack today. But Ty was a beta for a reason. His tactical skills and wits spoke volumes for him. So he knew that the twins would take what they heard back to Rome and Eden. He didn't know they would go find Sage in a week, but he did daily stake outs of her store and apartment.

To see just when they decided to pay a visit. So as Eden and the ladies were handling Sage and Rome was over two hours away leading the A.A.C, Ty took it upon himself to have his rogues at the ready. With forged paperwork from him acting as Cassius. Granting them permissioned travel into Rome's territory. Oh yes, Tyson Ball is quite the cunning wolf and quite the thinker. So with all that to his benefit, Ty definitely has the upper hand.

As Eden watches a rogue latch onto Jay's wolf Arrow's throat, she lets out a muffled sob as his neck is ripped open and his lifeless body is tossed to the ground. Seeing three rogue wolves attack Dom, Eden has had enough. She knows these men can't not continue to lose their lives over a situation that only pertains to her, Rome, and Ty.

Stepping from behind the tree, she whistles a sound so high pitched it causes some of the wolves ears to start bleeding. As the chaos seems to freeze, Eden walks towards the malay. Whistling the same whistle again, she watches the wolves collapse to the ground. Now rubbing their large paws over their blood soaked ears. Just then an explosion of electricity zips through the forest.

Looking behind herself, she finds Hathor holding a group of rogues in her celestial whip. Just before dashing their lifeless bodies to the unforgiving forest floor. Followed by a dark cloud emerging from Marguerite. As her shadow henchmen literally suck the souls out of the rogue wolves. Their empty dried up carcasses dissipate into the dampness of the forest.

Kneeling down Sage places her hand on the ground. The women watch in astonishment as the beautiful little halfling commands the roots of the surrounding greenery. They entangle the rogues and drag them kicking and howling beneath the surface of the earth. Burying them alive.

Realizing Eden is not paying attention, Blake takes the moment to try and ambush her. But Blake forgot one major factor, Eden is still a wolf. Even pregnant and in human form. As Blake lifts the knife drenched in wolfsbane above her head to plunge into Eden's abdomen.

Eden swiftly spins around quicker than the blink of an eye. She shoves her claw-like hand deep into Blake's unsuspecting chest. Hanging from Eden's hand wide eyed and gasping, Blake releases strained struggling gurgles.

"Your petty little heart will forever be your weakness." Smiling maniacally, Eden licks her canines at Blake. "And you will never be able to put your hands on MY daughter again!" 

Yanking her hand back, Eden's bloodied hand holds Blakes still pulsing heart. Feeling the last rhythmic beat drain from her heart, Eden tosses it aside. Stepping over Blakes dead body, Eden makes sure to give it a little kick, just for good measure. Watching Ty and his remaining rogues attacking Rome sets a hellfire loose in Eden that Lilth herself must have put there.

"Ok, Ni we know what we have to do!" Inhaling deeply, Eden steels herself up for her shift. "Mommy is so sorry Britain!"

Racing towards the massive wolves Eden leaps into the air and shifts. It is single handedly the most excruciating shift she has ever undergone. But she refuses to lose Rome. Tearing across the soft beautiful grasses she rips, pulls, and shreds through the weaker bodies of the rogue wolves. Finally emerging, Nile's usually pristine snow white fur is a bloodied mess.

Circling the rogues fighting Rome, she hunkers down into a pouncing stance. Springing towards them, she helps Rome obliterate them. Licking and nuzzling against each other's faces, Nile and Legend comfort one other.

"Where are the babies?!"

"Safe, Lily has them."

"You're shifted...pregnant?!"

"I couldn't lose you! Now isn't the time!"

Dodging an oncoming attack, Nile(Eden), Legend(Rome), Chief(Israel), and Prime(Sincere) make a defensive circle. As the rogues lead an insane assault on the  team they fend them off expertly. Seeing them defend each other so well, Titan's anger spikes. He may love her, but he wants to hurt Rome more.

Bounding towards Eden/Nile, he slams his large body into her's. The full on collision sends her body rocketing into a nearby willow tree. Hearing Nile howl and whimper in pain, unleashes a strength in Legend he never knew he had. Quickly jetting to her side, he whimpers as she softly licks his muzzle. 

"His moon-heart." Whispering weakly in the mindlink, she exhales deeply before passing out. 

As an earth shaking growl is released from him, Legend hurls his body into Titan. The two massive wolves battling for blood. Snarling and baring their razor like teeth, they bite and chomp any fur, skin, or body parts close enough to their mouths. Snatching Titan by his throat, Legend wants nothing more than to snap his neck and tear his throat out, but Nile gave him a command. There must be a reason why she wants his moon-heart.

Tuning into the power of he and Niles tethered union, Legend's platinum aura becomes blindingly bright. As Titan places his paws over his eyes, Legend for the first time ever, singlely shifts his left paw into Rome's hand. As his hand vibrates quicker than the speed of light, Rome phases his hand into Titans chest. Past his pounding heart and removes his moon-heart. Phasing his vibrating hand and the organ out of Titan's chest, Legend snarls as Titan withers away to a naked, bloodied, frightened Tyson. 

Gasping for air, Ty truly feels like his soul has been ripped from his body. Curling into a ball, he can't withstand the pain radiating throughout his body. Releasing a body splintering howl, something Legend has never been capable of doing before being fully mated. They all watch in astonishment as the rogues' bodies literally explode like water balloons.

Watching all of their enemies obliterated pieces scatter to the earth underneath them, the wolves of RiverRun release a celebratory howl. Knowing he has more pressing matters, Legend bounds over to a still passed out Nile. Trying to rouse her, Legend notices a pool of blood leaking from between her legs. Barking out a pained howl he alerts everyone that he needs help. He has to save Nile and their pup. She's always done her best to save everyone else, so he refuses to not save her.


Ding dong the bitch is dead!
Help Nile/Eden!🐺


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