
By 1Jess2Rose

643K 16.1K 1.4K

After a surprise creature inheritance Harry Potter learns of the truth of the supposed light side. Harry lear... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I am so happy
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
My curiosity has gotten the better of me.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not an update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Not an Update
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Hello Again
Something New
Big Announcement

Chapter 22

10.4K 272 21
By 1Jess2Rose

It was a cold and windy when Harry and Draco went to Diagon Ally with Severus and now Lucius because Sirius had been asked to stay for a meeting with the headmaster. "So, first I need a present for Dad, then Father, Siri, Fred, George, You, Bill, Fleur, Viktor, Charlie, Luna, Pansy, Neville, Blaise, Arthur, Percy, Remus, Fenrir, baby Howl." (Rem and Fen's baby, because I am impatient and want Remus and Fenrir to a Mommy and Daddy now) Harry was holding a piece of parchment with names on them and held it out to Draco so they could cross out names together. "We should go to the planting plot." Draco and Lucius went to get presents for friends and Severus and Harry went together. The four Slytherins said to meet at Knockturn Alley before the parents switched places so that Draco and Harry could get them a gift. For Severus Harry got him a book on long lost potions, Draco got him self-cleaning potions tools, and Lucius bought his husband some things the boys didn't need to know about and some rare potion ingredients. Severus bought for Harry, a nice new broom care set, Draco, a pair of basilisk skin gloves for Quidditch, Lucius some things no one needed to see and an old bottle of fire-whiskey. Draco bought for Harry a big bag of his favorite sweets and the dress he wouldn't buy because he was stubborn, and then for his father a book on Hogwarts' structure because Lucius is a nerd, for his mother he bought a bracelet that had a picture of him and the twins in it, and for the twins he bought an outfit for him that they would love, and he got them rings that had all three of their names along with their birth stones with his being in-between theirs. Harry bought Father some book on ancient bloodlines and old magic, Draco got a magic camera and photo album, Sirius got a bag of treats an outfit that he would love Harry in, and Tom would appreciate it, Tom was getting a present too, it was a book in the language only they could speak it was about the dark arts and what happens when used incorrectly. 

(This is what each friend is getting from Sev, Luc, Dray, and Harry respectively.)  

Neville: Book of plants, rare moon plant, book on the many uses of dragon blood, and lots of sweets with a wand holder. 

Luna: A supply of dreamless sleep, a big sketch book with colored pencils, mythological beasts (muggle book), color changing paints with good paint brushes. 

Pansy: A green scarf, a necklace with a pansy on it, a picture of Luna and Pansy sleeping together in the big chair in the common room, a bag with extension charms on it. 

Blaise: Bag of charmed quills that wouldn't spill ink and helped with spelling from both Luc and Sev (I need these), sweets from France, a book on how to make muggle meals with magic.

Fred and George: A book on protection (if you know what I mean) charms from Sev and Luc, some ideas for their shop and money to start it. (You already know what Draco got them)

Sirius: Good book on healing potions, a book on Neko's and their mates, a tracking charm. (You already know what Harry got)

Remus, Fenrir, and baby Howl: a bigger house under fidelius charm and stuff for the baby, from all of them.

Charlie and Viktor: they got a round trip ticket to Romania, it was from all of them. 

Bill and Fleur: Were bought a small house in France close to Fleur's family and far away from Molly. 

Arthur and Percy: Were given a property deed that belonged to the Prince family and it was non-negational with the baby on the way.

Draco and Harry hid the presents in a room they warded, Dad and Father were impatient and wanted to know what they were getting. Draco and Harry were laughing and told their dads they had to wait like everyone else. Sirius asked and was being all fake dramatic and whined and asked Tom to ask Harry, only for Harry laugh in the background of the howlers they sent. It was better for Sirius and Harry to send howlers; it was so Tom could hear their voices and they sent pictures to him so he wouldn't feel too left out. Draco sent a picture to the dark lord of Sirius, Harry, Severus and Lucius playing the muggle game of monopoly. Tom loved it and kept all the pictures close to him and never let anyone else see them, the pictures were his and it the main two people were his. 

Tom saw Harry and Sirius in the pictures when a howler came from them. " Hello Tom! We have a picture for you, it is for only the three of us. I love you and miss you!" Harry was saying and Tom saw the picture, it was of a topless Harry and Sirius, they were holding a poster that 'Happy Birthday Tom.' "We have the best surprise for when you return to us. You will love it!" Sirius and Harry said together, and Tom wanted this damn thing to be over. "I love you, Tom!" Sirius said. "I love you so much dom!" Harry's voice the last he heard before the letter ate itself. The picture was added to the others, and they were close to him all the time. When Tom fell asleep it was to the pictures of his mates. 

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