Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

Av YourMother72

157K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... Mer

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter III

7K 164 94
Av YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

It was now morning... and (Y/N), Naruto, and Sakura were around for Kakashi to show up.

(Y/N): Doesn't this make me nostalgic. He still hasn't stopped being late.

Sakura: But it doesn't make it any less annoying.

That's when Kakashi walked up to them.

Sakura: Finally, Sensei!

Kakashi: Yeah, uh, sorry about that! It took me a lot longer than I thought to, uh, finalize the squad dossier.

Naruto: Hello! This is our first new mission as a new team! Couldn't you be just a little excited? Kakashi-sensei, you haven't changed a bit, have you?

Sakura: <growls> Already you're annoying. Shut up! Don't waste your breath. You know he's always look unenthusiastic, like he doesn't care.

Kakashi: <thinking> Hmm. I don't seem to be inspiring a lot of respect here.

(Y/N) smiled softly and looked at Kakashi.

(Y/N): And he's not even excited that I'm here after being gone for two years. Oh, dear...

Kakashi: Uh, what? Hey, now, I'm ecstatic that you're here!

(Y/N): <shrugging> Oh, sure, now you're saying that.

Kakashi: What? Are you joking or what?

(Y/N): I don't know. Am I?

Kakashi: Uhhh...

Naruto and Sakura frowned. Usually, (Y/N) would gasp dramatically and make some sort of over dramatic scene. He was also more quiet than usual.

Sakura: Are you okay, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): <smiling softly> Of course I am. I was just joking, Kakashi-sensei.

Sakura: <thinking> There's that soft smile again. What happened to him over the two years? He seems more distant... and sad.

(Y/N) looked at everyone.

(Y/N): Are we going to go get a mission, or what?

Naruto: Oh! Yeah! Let's go!


The four Shinobi were now making their way towards Lady Tsunade's office.

Naruto: Oh, man, it'll feel so good to be on a real mission again!

Sakura: Listen, whatever kind of mission we're given, just take it, and don't complain about it.

Naruto: Don't sweat it, those days are over.

Kakashi: I hope so.

(Y/N) chuckled to himself.

Just then, a woman pushed past them.

Woman: Out of the way! Out of the way!

Sakura: What was that?

Naruto: <angry> Why don't you watch where you're going? Who do you think you are?

(Y/N): Calm down, Naruto. Let's go get our job.

Stars appeared in the blonde boy's eyes. He had an enormous grin on his face.

Naruto: Yeah!!

A few minutes later...

Naruto: HUH??!! Escort duty on a caravan?! Come on!

Tsunade: What? Have you got a problem with that?

Naruto: Since you're asking, yes. Lousy C-rank mission, it's beneath my dignity.

Everyone sweatdropped at Naruto. (Y/N) laughed.

(Y/N): You haven't changed, Naruto.

Iruka: <sighs> Naruto, your skills may have improved, but mentally, you haven't matured at all.

Tsunade: Naruto, I've chosen an easier mission to start with to break you in. You've been gone from us for a while. And (Y/N) has too.

Naruto: Well, who says I want an easier mission?

Sakura started giving Naruto a noogie, while looking at Tsunade, apologetically.

Sakura: So sorry, milady. Let me talk to him. I'm sure I can bring him around.

Tsunade held out a paper.

Tsunade: The details of your mission are here.

Kakashi: Right.

Naruto: Hmph. I miss the Third Hokage. That old man was smart. He knew what he was doing.

Tsunade: Huh?! What did you say?! 💢

Sakura gasped and started choking Naruto.

Sakura: Just shut up, will ya?!

(Y/N): How about the both of you calm down?

The door opened, and the woman from before rushed in.

Woman: Lady Tsunade, terrible news!

Tsunade: Now what is it?

Woman: An emergency dispatch from the Sand.

Naruto: Huh, the Sand?

Tsunade: Where is this dispatch?

Woman: <handing Tsunade the dispatch> I deciphered it as quickly as I could.

Tsunade: <reading it> What the—?

Iruka and Shizune read it from behind Tsunade's shoulders.

Iruka: <gasps> It can't be...

Shizune: <shocked> No way.

Naruto: What is it? What's happened?

(Y/N): Did Gaara get kidnapped or something?

Tsunade, Iruka, and Shizune all shot (Y/N) a look of horror and shock.

(Y/N): Uh, oh.

Tsunade: Yes. He's been taken prisoner by the Akatsuki.

Everyone was surprised.

(Y/N): I shouldn't have said that.

Naruto: So they're back again...

Flashbacks of Itachi and Kisame came flooding back to (Y/N) and Naruto.

Tsunade: We've been studying them. We know more about the Akatsuki than any other village. Therefore, the Sand Village has officially requested our help.

Shizune: <gasps> You're not suggesting that Team Kakashi—

Tsunade: This is urgent. I haven't time to form another squad. And besides, we have someone here who's actually fought the Akatsuki.

(Y/N): Well, I've technically fought them too. Not well admittedly, but I skirmished with them.

Shizune: Yes, but even so—

Tsunade: And they have two Jonin on their squad. They'll be fine. All right. Team Kakashi, I'm assigning you a new mission. You're to go to the Sand Village at once. Find out what's going on there, and keep us informed. You're to remain there and follow their orders. Give them any backup they need.


Team Kakashi now stood in front of the Leaf Village's gates. Tsunade and Iruka were seeing them off.

Naruto: Okay, let's get moving!

Sakura: Be back soon, milady. We won't let you down!

Tsunade: Good.

Iruka: Naruto, good luck.

Naruto: Thanks.

(Y/N): <thinking> So there's a chance we may end up fighting the Akatsuki. I hope I can handle them, seeing as I've pretty much stagnated in powers over the past two years.

Sakura: Huh? What do you mean?

Suddenly, Jiraiya jumped in front of the team.

Jiraiya: Hey, there! So, off on a mission, Naruto?

Naruto: That's right.

Jiraiya: Well, good for you. But more importantly, I've got some disturbing news. <to Tsunade> The Sand's Kazekage has been—

Tsunade: Yes, I know. <points to Team Kakashi> I'm dispatching a squad. They're just about to leave.

Jiraiya looked at Team Kakashi with a look of dread on his face.

Jiraiya: <whispering to Tsunade> You know about the Akatsuki's interest in Naruto, don't you?

Tsunade: I had no other choice. It's an emergency situation.

Jiraiya: You're running a really big risk. <walks to Naruto> Naruto, I want a word with you.

He took Naruto off to talk to him about whatever.

(Y/N) adjusted Crimson, which was in its sheath.

(Y/N): I hope I'm not in over my head on this.

Sakura: Hm? But you used to be really confident! What's wrong? What happened over your period of absence?

(Y/N): Let's just say I learned a lot about myself and my place in this world. And it was not enjoyable.

Sakura: <putting a hand on his shoulder> (Y/N), you can trust us, you know?

(Y/N): I know, but I just need time to wrap my head around it all. It's a lot to swallow.

Sakura: <nodding> Okay. You take as long as you need. Just know that Naruto and I will always be by your side no matter what.

(Y/N): <smiling> Thank you, Sakura.

Naruto walked in front of the group.

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei! (Y/N)! Sakura! What are we waiting for?

Sakura: H-Hey! Wait up!

(Y/N): Calm down, Naruto.

Kakashi said goodbye to Jiraiya before joining the rest of his squad.

They all jumped into the air, heading towards the Sand Village.

After a while of running through the forest, Naruto seemed to speak to himself.

Naruto: We're coming Gaara. Hang on.

Sakura: Naruto, I know you're in a hurry, but quit breaking formation.

Naruto: I know, but—

Kakashi: Don't lose your cool. Master Jiraiya taught you better than that, didn't he?

Naruto grunted.

(Y/N): I told you to calm down. You being angry won't help the situation.

That's when Sakura noticed Temari walking through the forest.

Sakura: Temari!

The four Leaf ninja landed next to her.

Temari: You guys heading out on a mission already?

(Y/N): Er... Well, the mission is to help the Sand Village.

Temari: Help us? With what?

Kakashi: The Kazekage's been taken by the Akatsuki.

Temari: <shocked> Gaara? No way!

Kakashi: We're two and a half days out from the Sand. We should hurry.

Temari: Right.

The group then continued their journey.

When night fell, Naruto continued to rush ahead of the group, looking angry.

Sakura: Naruto, will you come on already? Stop getting ahead of us!

Naruto: I can't take this anymore! I know why they're after Gaara and me. It's not like a mystery or anything. You know, too, don't you, (Y/N)? Sakura? There's no point hiding it. The spirit of the Nine-Tailed Fox is sealed away inside of me. Gaara and I are the same. We both have monsters locked up inside of us. That's what these bastards are after. And that's the worst part about it. To them, we're just monsters. All those bastards see is the means to an end.

(Y/N) frowned. He remembered Han.

Naruto: Everything about us was exactly the same. And he had to fend for himself a lot longer than I ever did. And now he's the target of the Akatsuki, one more thing we have in common. Why should his life be so full of misery all the time? Why is it always him? That's why I've got to hurry. I don't have a second to waste. This time will be different. I'm going to be there to save him!

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): <thinking> You're a good person, Naruto. That's why I'm going to stand with you until the very end.

He began to think about Han some more.

(Y/N): <thinking> I wonder how Han is doing?


Minerva walked out of the Hokage's office, frowning. She and Tsunade were going to study maps in order to try and find some clue to the location of Yugen's lair, but Tsunade had turned her away as there was a more pressing matter.

Minerva: <thinking> Kusagakure's Kazekage has been captured by the Akatsuki? Great. One more thing we have to worry about.

As she walked down the hallway, a familiar face appeared behind her.

Danzo: I had wondered where you disappeared to, Minerva. And the (L/N) boy is back as well? What a surprise.

Minerva: <scornful> Hello, Danzo. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Danzo: You've made a mistake bringing that boy back here. He is a danger to the Leaf.

Minerva: What? You don't know what you're talking about!

Danzo: Oh, but I do. Did you really think you could hide the information on his past from me? My subordinates are everywhere. They hear everything.

Minerva: If you so much as lay a finger on (Y/N), I swear to god I will—

Danzo: Let us not be hasty. Try to see the reasoning. That boy is a creation of a madwoman. He is too dangerous to be kept here. I know of his powers. You are endangering the lives of everyone here by keeping him.

Minerva: You don't know (Y/N)! You don't know him! You have no right to spout that bullshit!

Danzo: And perhaps you are blinded by your parental love for him? That is what is blinding your reason. You are a smart woman, Minerva. Don't let that creature blind your thinking and will to do what is right.

Minerva growled.

Danzo: What if that boy is being used to spy on us? What if he truly joined forces with that madwoman and is plotting our undoing? What if he is putting up an act to get you to trust him?

Minerva: Now you're pulling stuff out of your ass. That makes no sense. That woman killed his parents! Why would he join with her?

Danzo: That woman is a scientific genius. Who knows what sort of concoction she has made to get people to follow her.

Minerva: I will not hear crap like that! (Y/N) is staying here, whether you like it or not.

She stormed out of the hallway, fuming.

Danzo: <smirking> He won't be here for long. I'll make sure of that when I become Hokage. And you won't be welcome here either, Minerva.

(A/N): Elden Ring is pog.

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