the flash and the black widow...

By no_one_i_am_no_one

5.2K 158 58

Anastasia Volkov is back for another season of the flash, only this time after six months. what happened at t... More

new beginnings
the life ahead of us
get to know
your way
back to Egypt
back to Egypt 2
turn me to the dark side
white whale
let go of yourself
The truth after the lie
on our happy way to earth-2
change someone
swim away
a really short chapter
never letting go
raised, friend, lover


396 9 0
By no_one_i_am_no_one

So hard to build so easy to break.
The first time I heard the word in English class I didn't know what that meant, zo the teacher took a piece of paper and crumbled it " you see girls?
Trust is like paper, the moment you ruin it, no Metter how many times you will try to make it good again it will not work, trust can't be restored!"

Anastasia pov

"Please, just let me explain, I mean no harm," Garrick said.

"How do you know my name?" Asked Barry.

"I know all your names.
Caitlin snow, Cisco Ramon, detective Joe west...Anastasia Volkov." He said my name almost... scared?

That part about explaining needs to happen  right about now." Joe tightened his hand on his gun.

"This world is in danger," Garick said

"What other worlds are there?" Asked Cisco.

"When you created the
singularity above Central city, you also created a breach between my world and yours," Garick explained.

"I'm sorry, a breach?" Asked iris

"Yes, a portal connecting our two earths." Garrick added

"And what precisely is your concern? Asked Dr stein

"A few days ago, you found a dead man named al Rothstein at the nuclear plant.
But then a different al Rothstein tried to kill you." Garrick started

"Atom smasher." Corrected Cisco

"That man was from my world.
If he got through the breach, I suspect there'll be more to follow." Garrick continued.

"Okay, so, jay, how exactly do you know all of this?" I asked

" Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me the flash. Before I arrived on your earth, I was in a fight
with a man named zoom." Garrick started

"Zoom?" Asked Barry  "I've heard that name before. Atom smasher, he said zoom
sent him here to kill me.
Who is this guy?"

"He's a speedster, like you and me. And fast. Maybe the fastest of all.
But evil.
He is an unstoppable demon with the face of death.
We were engaged in our fiercest battle ever,
Racing throughout my city. But I wasn't fast enough to stop him... zoom has me beaten.
He was about to kill me when suddenly there was a blinding light and the sky split open.
A breach, between my world and yours, Caused by the singularity.
It pulled me in...
And I somehow ended up
in your world.
Powerless. Unable to return home." Garrick finished, something is fishy here...

"What do you mean?" Asked Caitlin.

"I lost my speed," Garrick answered

"How?" Barry asked

"Not entirely sure." He answered

So, you've been in Central city for six months. Why haven't you come
to see us before?" Asked Joe

"I'm in a foreign world here, detective. I didn't know who you all were. Took me that long to piece it all together." He answered again

"So that's how you know our names. You've been following us." Iris stated

- Look, I know how this sounds.
The existence of another earth, You, another flash, It all came as an unexpected
shock to me, too. I just wish there was something I could do to convince you." Garrick said

"There is. We're gonna... Do some tests on you. See if you're telling us
the truth. 'cause if you're not, this zoom, He's not gonna be your only enemy." I said

"So, Mr. Garrick, how long have you been
the flash on your world?" Caitlin asked as I looked at his vitals.

"Not long enough to call me Mr. Please, it's jay." He answered

"Jay, of course." Caitlin smiled

"In my world, I've been the flash for about two years."

And how did you get your speed?" I asked taking the needle out of his vein

"I'm not really sure. I was at my lab trying to purify heavy water without any residual radiation When there was a blinding light. I fell into a coma.
When I woke up, I could run almost as fast
as the speed of light."

"Sorry. Did you say lab?
Are you a scientist?" Asked Caitlin

"Well, I certainly didn't work at a place like this, But, yeah. I had a respectable solo operation.
Part-time chemist,
part-time physicist.
Part-time superhero." Garrick smiled. "I can forget that superhero part now, though, huh?" His smile faded

"What'd you find?" Iris asked me and Caitlin as we walked out of the lab

"Well, jay's heart rate Is extraordinarily low.
And he does have regenerative capabilities.
Other than that, I'm not seeing any evidence of the speed force in his system." Caitlin said

"We don't even have proof that he's a speedster, much less from another earth?" Barry asked

"Not necessarily." I smiled

"What does that mean?" Barry asked

"Well, jay doesn't know this, But while we were testing his heart rate, blood pressure, and motor responses, we also measured his autonomic reactions while we were talking," I said proudly

"You gave him a lie detector test?" Iris asked surprised

"And he passed it," Caitlin said

"What if he's not a good guy, And he just wants to find our weaknesses?
Keep running tests." Barry ordered

"His blood pressure is low, his heart rate is low, and His oxygen levels are impressive,  " Caitlin said as we watched Garrick run

"Yeah, but nothing compared to Barry's," Iris said.

"No, but he's certainly in the physical specimen range," Caitlin added

"In more ways than one," Iris smiled

Oh, I wasn't paying attention.
That's enough for today, jay.
Thank you." Caitlin said

"Found it at the crime scene.
I mean, it's gotta be from the meta-human that attacked me." Barry said.

"Huh." Cisco hummed "What is this stuff?

"it's not sand. It's human cells
whose myosin ii protein have migrated to
the cell's periphery." Garrick said

"Jay's a fellow science nerd." Caitlin smiled

"Those cells can rearrange and harden, Giving them the appearance of sand," Garrick explained

"And how do you know this?" I asked

"They belong to a meta-human I've fought before named sand demon."

"I know you're new here, So I'm just gonna break it down for you. The whole "naming the bad guys thing," That's my jam. But you know what? I'm gonna let you have that one 'cause I actually kinda like it.
I'm not mad at that one.
Is that barry's sweatshirt?" Damn Cisco can talk a lot.

"Oh, uh, sorry.
It was all we could find, so..." iris said

"I was gonna say, 'cause it looks a lot smaller on you, right?
"I gotta do this thing." Cisco said and I left with him

"This was awkward," I said

"Whoa." Cisco said as we walked into the workshop, "Hey, beautiful mind, I think you need to take a breather."

"After some, uh, lengthy calculations, I believe I have discovered the key to proving the proposed breach theory.
Exotic matter." Stein said

"Huh. You mean, like, transdimensional energy?" Asked Cisco

Exotic matter,
Transdimensional energy will theoretically leak From one universe into another.
Now, if this breach Mr. Garrick's talking about is real, if there is indeed a hole in our universe which leads to his earth..." Stein started

"We can make some adjustments and upload an electrophotography program to the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite and essentially photograph the exotic matter leak." I continued.

"Thereby giving us the locale of said breach," Stein added

"Last time I saw the kit, it was in the fabrication room," Cisco said

"I shall return," Stein said

"Getting goosey.
All right.
Let's see what you're made of.
That's too much." Cisco said as he took a bit of sand off the tray, then he stopped at his place.

"Cisco? Are you okay?" I asked as he held his head.

"Yesterday's surprise broadcast from a star city vigilante Who is calling himself
the green arrow has spawned a massive outcry of both support and dissenters..." the newscaster said

"Catchy, ollie, real catchy," I smiled.

I hate it when they put a color in their name." Cisco complained.

"Yo," Barry said as he walked in.
"Yo," Cisco replied

"The sample you gave us?" Cisco started

Not sand.
Definitely human cells." He continued

"Yeah, I know. It's not him, I get it." Barry sighed

"I hate to say it, but I think this earth-2 theory Is starting to make sense," I said

"For real?" Barry asked.

"What, you think jay is lying about the sand demon?" Iris asked

I don't know.
That's my point.
But I'm not gonna just believe some guy that walks in here and says a few things
that sort of check out." Barry said protectively

Sort of?
He was--he was right about zoom." Cisco said.

"We don't even know anything about zoom.
What is zoom?
Is zoom even real?
Right now, that's just, you know, a story around a campfire.
I mean, have you discovered a breach yet?" Barry fought.

"Not yet, but we know how to now," Stein answered.

Have you found one thing to suggest that jay is a speedster?
Is the speed force even in his system?" Asked Barry.

It doesn't appear to be,
no." Caitlin answered.

We are scientists.
You are a journalist.
We test, we prove, we report. That's what we do. Except right now, nobody here
wants to do any of that.
Except me." Barry sighed

"Can we have the room
for a minute?" Asked Iris. And we all left

"We're looking for any structures that promote humidity.
Greenhouses, grow rooms, anything of the sort.
His body will literally start
to fall apart If he becomes dehydrated." Garrick said.

"Like dry sand," I said

"Exactly." Garrick confirmed  "Sand demon always attacks two fronts.
He creates a diversion, then strikes when you're distracted." He added

"Okay, then what do we do?" Asked Barry

"We use your speed to get to him before the distraction can happen," Garick added

"Jay, how do I stop somebody who can slip through my fingers?" Asked Barry

"The way I was never able to.
With lightning." He answered, lying.

"Yo, are you about to pull a Zeus right now?" Asked Cisco.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Iris.

"Barry's gonna hurl lightning from the energy he creates when he runs," Garrick answered.

"Because lightning plus sand equals--" I started

"Glass." Barry finished.

"Time to learn something new, kid," Garrick said.

"All right." Barry smiled

"Choo!" Cisco made a weird movement with his hand.

"Give me a sec," Barry said as he walked out of the cortex.

"I've searched all the vacant buildings in Central city and none of them fit the description that we need," Caitlin stated.

"And I've looked at any draw upticks on the electrical grid. Nothing out of the norm, I'm afraid." Stein added

"We gotta do whatever it takes.
I'll be back." Cisco said and left the cortex

"Never thought I'd see that again." Garrick took the helmet from Caitlin, "It was my father's, from the war of the Americas."

"Did you just say the war of the Americas?" I asked in disbelief

"I wish you would have just told us you lost your helmet. Would have saved us all a headache." Barry smiled. "Well, sure you want to do this, flash?"

Yeah. Let's go see what you're made of...Flash."

"I'm in the security feed. Go, barry!" Cisco said, and I left the cortex to take my pills.

I took the photo of us with Harrison wells and ripped it apart, "no one, and I mean no one is going to mess with them again,"

"Any progress with the electrophotography?" Asked Dr stein as I walked with him into the workshop

"The satellite picture of the city's still rendering," Cisco answered.

While we wait, Care to tell me what's going on with you?" I asked as I mucked stein

Nothing." Cisco answered.

Two hunches in one day.
Slick's locale, and that he'd be using
a concussive bomb to thwart barry.
Do I need to inform you of the odds of such a prediction?" Said Stein.

"Something's happening to me.
I'm starting to perceive things.
Horrible things. It started after wells killed me in the other timeline. It came back when atom smasher attacked on the flash day, and then again when sand demon showed up.
I get a vibe, and then a vision of something
that's already happened, And then it's gone.
That's how I knew where slick was." Cisco said as he looked down.

"Cisco, this is amazing.
We--we have to study this, figure out just what to do." Stein said his voice dripping with excitement.

"No, no, no, we're not doing any of that, And we're certainly not telling anybody, either." Cisco rose from his seat

"Cisco, I would think you'd be the one most intrigued with knowing exactly what this is and how it works," Stein said

"I'm seeing things I don't want to see.
And knowing things I don't want to know.
I just want it to stop. Professor, ana, I don't want anyone to know about this.
Not yet." Cisco said quickly.

"It's okay to be afraid, I hope you know," I asked

Wells told me this was my future.
That he gave me this power.
But everything he did was evil.
That's what scares me.
You have to promise me you won't tell anyone about this." Cisco looked at us

"I promise." Stein and I said.

A beeping sound was heard and Cisco looked at the computer. "Oh, wow."

"It appears that while we were indeed successful in closing the singularity, There was an unfortunate side effect," Stein said

"What are you talking about?" Asked barry

"Using electrophotography, Cisco Ana and I were able to search Central city for any signs of energy entering our earth from another dimension.
From any "breaches", as Mr. Garrick described them." Stein said.

"But, of course, there isn't just one breach. There are 52 of them scattered throughout the city." I stated

"These breaches are pockets of time and space folded into and upon itself.
But the most significant breach of all appears to be this one." Stein said and pointed at a breach

"And where exactly is that located?" Caitlin asked

It's here, inside s.T.A.R. Labs.
And just beyond that breach
Is an entirely diff--fferent--" Stein tried to say but fell down

"Professor?" Asked Cisco  "Professor!"

"You old man don't get to die on me today." I whispered a d checked his pulse.

So, my first question ever.
What would you like Anastasia to be on earth two?
I had two options, but if you have ideas please leave a comment😃

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