By Lady_Luna_Latteton

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Alyona Ivanov-Stark is your typical deranged and two face friend. An Avenger with a life of... Well, a villai... More



141 10 11
By Lady_Luna_Latteton


"Push through to the flag holder!" Based on the direction he was running from, he seemed to be the representative of the Myeongdong Group. They had joined hands with Dongdaemun. Alyona grinned menacingly at them. "let's watch them shrivel up and die..." Alyona chuckled darkly, All my hair on my body seemed to shiver.

[The Myeongdong representative 'Kim Hyuntae' has used the additional effect of the 'red flag'!]

It was someone who already changed the color of the flag. Furthermore, it was 'red.' In fact, the key to 'Struggle for the Flag' was the color of the flag. It was from white to red, navy, brown, purple and black. The flag provided increasingly better effects as the color changed.

[The Myeongdong Group has received the buff effect of the red flag!]

[Attack and defense have increased by 5% each!]

If the flag was already red, it meant he had occupied one or more stations or had killed the flag bearer of another station. Looking at his eyes, he seemed to have pretty good fighting power. But... He shouldn't have aimed for Chungmuro. All the un-imaginable beasty fighters are gathered here.

[The character 'Gong Pildu' has activated 'Armed Zone Lv. 6!]

[The character 'Gong Pildu' has activated 'Private Property Lv. 6!]

Gong Pildu didn't move too late. "Trivial pups...!" I was glad I didn't have to use the Command Rights. If this was the case, I could leave Chungmuro's defense to Gong Pildu. The eight mini-turrets fired at the same time towards the Myeongdong Group running towards the flagpole.

"W-What?" people staggered back and look at the people of Chungmuro with frightened expressions. "Owaaaaack!" Kim Namwoon aimed at the people trying to run away. A sliver of gold light pulled them back to him and he stabbed them with a silver dagger.


Pieces of flesh flew through the air. Gong Pildu was truly a scam. "Quick! Huddle up!" The Myeongdong group gathered together in a tight defensive formation but it wasn't enough to endure the shells from the level 6 Armed Zone. It was a rewarding site that made leaving him to clear the Emergency Defense scenario alone worth it.

Kwang! Kwaang! Kwaaaang!

How many shots were fired? The enhanced magic bullets caused the Myeongdong Group to be riddled with holes and collapse. Gong Pildu was scary as an enemy but strong as an ally. "T-There wasn't information about this!" Kim Namwoon looks at them scarily.

"Retreat!" But there was no place for them to run away. "Where are you going?" Alyona looks at them menacingly. She unsheathes her sword as do I. The people look terrified, they look behind and in front. Kim Namwoon was waiting for them.

[Unbreakable sword of Mathinus Form 1 is activated]

[The special option of Unbroken Faith is activated.]

[The ether property is converted to 'fire.']


The ether blade made of flames created a wall of fire that blocked their escape. The moment that the confused people hesitated, Gong Pildu shot at them. Alyona slashed around the people who somehow survive the attacks of the turrets.


"P-Pierce through! Quickly...argh!" The Myeongdong representative was hit in the head by a magic bullet and the flag was released. Gong Pildu's eyes shone as he found the flag. Sheesh, this brat. Alyona's telekinesis ability made the flag float and dashed my way. I quickly grabbed it and look at Gong Pildu.

"Do you want me to step on your back again?" The running Gong Pildu stiffened. "Damn..." I look at Alyona who's busy wiping his blade, I ignored her for now and look at each one of the members of the Myeongdong Group. Focus vanished from the eyes of the desperate Myeongdong Group members.

[You have won the flag of the 'Myeongdong Group.']

[Your white flag has absorbed the cumulative achievements of the red flag.]

[Your white flag has evolved into a red flag.]

[You are one step closer to the King's Road.]

I felt a stronger force swirling inside my body. The flags after the red flag improved not just the abilities representative but also the surrounding group members. Apart from overall stats or S-grade and above items, the flag was one of the few ways to improve basic combat power. Due to this, groups aimed at stations other than the 'target' station.

The other 'king candidates' would've already entered a full-fledged war to change the color of their flags. The stronger they became, the more they could enjoy this world. I grabbed one of the wounded Myeongdong members in the area and asked. "Why did you aim for Chungmuro?" Alyona's eyes reverted here after hearing my question.

[The remaining members of the Myeongdong Group are waiting for your decision.]

I had realized something when I first heard Kang Ilhun's words. It was true that Chungmuro had just opened but it didn't make sense for them to rush in like they had been waiting. The observations of the party and the strange look he made when he knew I was the representative...

These guys knew about this station from the beginning, It's just like what Alyona has hinted at before. It could be those who read halfway through TWSA. I brought my blade to the man's neck and asked. "Tell me, who gave you the information about Chungmuro?"

The most likely people were the Prophets. The guys I met in Theatre Dungeon mentioned 'hidden information' that other people didn't know. I had been searching through Ways of Survival but I never saw the group name Prophets. If so, who were they? Other readers or could it be...

There were two hypotheses. One, due to an unknown variable, a new prophet had appeared apart from Anna Croft. The second... besides Alyona and I, there was another 'reader'. Honestly, I thought it was probably the latter. The 'prophet' attribute wasn't so easy to obtain. Furthermore, Prophets was a plural...

Well, I could check it from now on. "By the way... why didn't you act more moderately?" I looked at Gong Pildu and said,  "Why should I show mercy to those running wild?" Gong Pildu looked annoyed. "yeah, They're aiming for Alyona-ssi's turf I won't let them do that..." Namwoon said beside Alyona.

Unfortunately, the people of Myeongdong Group weren't able to answer because they had been hit by too many bullets. As soon as I asked them a question, they coughed up blood and died. In the end, I could only ask one person. I looked down at Kang Ilhun who was behind guarded by Lee Hyunsung. His eyes rolled uneasily while he was tied up with Binding Thread.

Yoo Sangah asked, "Was everything planned from the beginning?" Alyona patted Sangah's shoulder. "yes, of course, People like them are the most annoying being in the entire world of the earth..." I nodded at Alyona's words. "I thought there was a high probability. As soon as the station opens, two groups will unite and attack. It was a prior promise. Just like what Alyona-ssi has predicted..."

"Saying things with such a good face..." Yoo Sangah's expression became dark. "Are you sorry? There isn't going to be an alliance." Alyona looks at Yoo Sangah strangely. "...A little bit." She shakes her head disapprovingly.

"Don't believe in people too much. Things won't be as easy as you think in the future. The allies you have made could be your worse nemesis..." Yoo Sangah look down, sullen at what Alyona said. "I know. Still... if possible, I wanted to believe. I was able to come here because I believed in someone."

Yoo Sangah looked at me. "Hey, how long are the three of you going to talk? Quickly pry the information out." Jung Heewon interrupted us. Indeed, now wasn't the time to give life advice. I released the thread blocking Kang Ilhun's mouth.

Kang Ilhun was trying to stay calm. "...What will you do with me now?" Alyona kneeled and smile sickeningly. "first things first, we'll pull all your fingernails and chopped off your dick, skin you alive, roll you down in the grain of salt, and at last feed you to the monsters outside... Alive" I hit Alyona's nape and pulled her back. This shook Kang Ilhun.

"Don't listen to her yet...It depends on how much information you can give me." He nodded at my words. "Are you basing the standards on usability?" This guy talked back even in this situation, there was more to him than I thought. If so, I had to use a hard-line method...

"In any case, the constellations see him as 'wicked.' How about trying the torture method that Alyona-ssi said?" Jung Heewon said, "Why bother with torture? Just kill him if he doesn't speak." Alyona shaked her head. "No, we should make them beg for their death, not their life... Because you see? Consent is a must, I will kill him if he asks me to do so... So will torture him until he wants to die instead... That's what my dad told me. Consent is a must!" Everyone looks at Alyona petrified and shocked.

I pulled out my sword without hesitation. Kang Ilhun trembled as he looked up at us. "She's right, do you want that instead of dying?" He shakes like a leaf, "From now on, I will count to three. If you don't open your mouth at that time, we will let this crazy woman torture you to death and there is no reversal. Because this woman will torture you to no stop..." I deliberately triggered White Pure Star Energy and inserted the sword into the ground.

"One." The ground was scratched with the power of White Pure Star Energy as the blade started to move toward him. Fragments of the floor flew towards his face. "Two." The heat of the blade warmed his face as it approached his nose. In a short time, the ether blade would cut his eyeballs.


"Three..." I smiled. Torture? I won't let any party members view Alyona differently."Dongmyo Station!" There was no need for torture after all. Kang Ilhun gasped for breath and explained, "...The people from Dongmyo Station gave us information about Chungmuro."

Dongmyo, who was there? "Who was it?" By the way, this guy's condition was strange. "He called himself a Prophet..." His eyes were rolling and his tongue hung out like a dead person. I had an ominous feeling. Surely it wasn't 'Suggestion.'

"Yoo Sangah-ssi, hurry and block his mouth with a thread! He's being forced not to leak out any information!" Fortunately, Yoo Sangah's threat blocked this guy's mouth before it could close. Using Suggestions to control information from leaking... they were more meticulous than I thought. Damn, it was worth it to have Alyona as an ally.

On the other hand, it was easier for me to solve the problem. A suggestion was a skill that could only be used face-to-face. I looked down at Kang Ilhun and stated. "You are a lucky guy." If he was present, I could identify one of the Prophets.

Alyona looks at me and shakes her head. "Come on! I can't let you just torture people with no means!" She huffed and turned away from me. She grabbed her iPad and started playing candy crush. "Tell me what's gonna happen next." She sighed and ignored me. "Please..." I stared at her wistfully.

"Okay, come closer then," I leaned my head to her mouth. "Two guys have already read a few early chapters of TWSA." I nodded knowingly. "Do you know who they are?" Alyona leaned back. "I can't tell you more, The good thing is that you take me with you before our Regressor wakes up." I nodded and pulled her up with me.

The other looked at us with a reddened face, "Alyona-ssi. Are you and grasshopper ahjussi going out?" Alyona looks at Namwoon with knitted eyebrows. "But... I thought you fancy Junghyuk-Ahjushi?" Alyona looked at him with a warning glare.

* * *

Before we went on the full-fledged search, Alyona and I headed to the roof of the theater. "He still hasn't woken up? Alyona how long does he have to sleep?" Alyona looked down at the sleeping regressor. "perhaps a few more hours? It's good he's asleep. If he woke up suddenly he would've gone crazy because of the mind stone's influence on him." Lee Jihye looks between us and Alyona. Yoo Jonghyuk was still unconscious and lying on her knees.

Jerk, he was the main character yet he wasn't going through any hardship. Meanwhile, We're the tired ones despite being the reader. "How is it downstairs?" Lee Jihye asked. "Don't worry and rest. My dear." Alyona patted Jihye's head. "Master... will he be okay?" Alyona nodded with a genuine smile.

"He will be fine. Although there might be some trauma left. But I'm sure the mind stone's essence would've acknowledged him as someone deserving a tiny power of the mind stone." I look at Alyona as she earnestly patted Jihye's head. "...Trauma? Mind stone?" Alyona looks at me.

"His mental state is more fragile than a child's. He will be a bit better after a good sleep. And what Alyona-ssi said, He will be much better once he wakes up and accommodated the essence of the stone..." Jihye nodded at our words.

"It sounds like the both of you know a lot about master," Jihye said in an above-whispered voice. "I know him the best in this world, Even what Alyona-ssi couldn't understand..." I spoke in a dry tone as I stared at Alyona's face. I pulled out some paper, writing on it with a pen. I filled it with notes and handed it to Lee Jihye.

"Don't read it but give it to Yoo Jonghyuk when he wakes up. Do you understand?" Alyona tried to grab the paper but I stopped her. "...I understand." She said so but Lee Jihye would definitely read it. However, Lee Jihye wouldn't be able to understand it since it was filled with things only Yoo Jonghyuk would know.

By the way, did the information on the paper also look like ■■■ the constellations? Indeed. I was turning around when Lee Jihye opened her mouth. "By the way, can I ask you something?" Alyona was stifling her laugh as though she knew what was coming. "What?" I ask irk by Alyona's reactions.

[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' hates ■.]

"Earlier, with Master. Master and Ahjussi..." Somehow I seemed to know what Lee Jihye would say. Damn, Lee Jihye heard as well as Jung Heewon? What about that chuuni bastard? I look at Alyona's back. I've been stupid. I only considered the constellations and never thought about the humans listening. 

Yoo Jonghyuk would laugh at my stupidity. "Well, that. You two." What was a good excuse? "What?" I decided to feign ignorance. Lee Jihye's expression became more serious. "I mean, Ahjussi's words."

"So what?" I said trying all my urge not to hit Alyona's nape once more. "Wake up you jerk! Don't fall into those sentiments!" Lee Jihye imitated my voice and shouted. I felt embarrassed suddenly hearing my words emerge from someone else's mouth.

"For the first time, that.. that determination! Have you already forgotten?" I looked at her with my reddened face. "...?" Wasn't something strange? This child, she almost heard it at the filtered level? "I came here because of you! Why are you alone? We are together! Alyona is here too! what about the things we planned for the rest of the year?!" 

Alyona burst out laughing and start hitting my back repeatedly. "No, wait a minute." I tried to stop Lee Jihye. "I've always been around you! Don't lose hope! Think of the child! What about Alyona's plan! don't fuck it up!"

"That isn't what I..." I tried once more but was cut off successfully. "Why did we even come here if you are alone...!" I stared at Lee Jihye for a moment. Alyona stopped hitting me as she rolled on the ground laughing her ass off.

...No, how could she hear it this way? "S-Something like that? Ahjussi, you, Alyona-ssi, and Master..." I sighed. "Think what you want." I shrugged and pulled Alyona up from the ground; who's still laughing historically by the way.

"...Indeed. Don't worry, I'll give him this love letter! I hope the best for the three of you!" I shrugged and turned around. Behind my back, Lee Jihye's bullshit continued. "Wait! who's child did Alyona-ssi give birth to? yours or Master? Alyona-eonnie!!" Alyona stopped and look back at her.

"Ignore her crap, let's go..." Alyona continued laughing while being pulled by me. "Ask Yoo Jonghyuk. Instead, Jihye, stop bothering us..." Yes, Yoo Jonghyuk, I leave everything to you. The next moment, indirect messages exploded in my head.

[Some constellations are greatly affected by the truth of the filtering.]

[The constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband respects your taste.]

[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' likes your comradeship.]

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' thinks it is ridiculous.]

[The constellations who love to change appearance are furious at the misunderstanding]

[A few constellations are okay with a polyamorous relationship]

[600 coins have been sponsored.]

...Damn, there were other idiots. In any case, I told Yoo Jonghyuk what I needed to. I hurried through the theater with Alyona. During the time Yoo Jonghyuk was the sleeping prince, I had to gain as many benefits as possible.

"So can you let go of my hand now?" I look at Alyona and our intertwined hands. I blushed and tried to let go of her hands. But instead, she interlocked it tighter. "Oh, so you want to let go of me now?" I looked away and just dragged her with me. "whatever you want, We can't delay any more time..." My heart thumps loudly as I gripped her soft hands.  

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