
By Beccs87

91K 1.7K 290

A story of how friends mature and grow and realize that they are in love More



3.1K 64 12
By Beccs87

5 weeks later.

Benedict was in his room spying on Eloise through the window that overlooked their garden. She was smoking again. Benedict chuckled. His sister was bold as Anthony and his new viscountess had just returned from their honeymoon not even a week ago. If Anthony were to catch her, she would be in a great deal of trouble. Just then, there was a knock at the door and before he could say anything his brother stormed in.

"Ah, Anthony! What do I owe the pleasure?" asked Benedict as he moved away from the window so that his elder brother would not see Eloise.

"Stirling is back in town. He would like us to meet us at Mondrich's for a drink if you are able," said Anthony. Michael Stirling had stayed in England for several months and had become fast friends with the Bridgertons as well as Penelope Featherington. Indeed, almost all of the ton believed them to be courting and that Michael would be proposing to her any day, however Michael and Penelope were nothing more than good friends. He had needed to travel back to Scotland to oversee some matters at the Kilmartin estate but had promised to return as soon as he could.

"Of course. I would love to see him," replied Colin. "Have you heard anything from Colin Ant?"

Anthony shook his head. "Not since his letter saying that he would be traveling to Greece. I wonder if he has even received our letters. He has not replied to them. It seems our plan was for naught."

Benedict frowned. He, Anthony, Michael, and Hyacinth had come up with a plan attempting to get Colin to return to England. But then Colin had ruined their plans and had traveled back to Greece and did not give them an address of where he would be staying. Needless to say, they had been frustrated with their brother.

"Well, we see what happens when he comes home," said Benedict before putting on his coat and following his brother out the door.

When they arrived at Mondrich's they quickly found Michael nursing a whiskey in his usual corner of the club. "Stirling!" shouted Benedict as he embraced the gentlemen who had become his dear friend.

"It is good to see you both," replied Michael. "Come have a seat, the first round is on me!"

They all proceeded to get rip roaring drunk as they caught up with one another.

"And how is Penelope?" asked Michael. "I have not yet had a chance to call on her."

"She is well," said Benedict. "She was over for tea yesterday and seemed very excited that you were coming home."

"Yes, I have missed her," said Michael fondly. Benedict thought he seemed slightly forlorn. "Have you heard from Colin yet?"

Anthony scowled. "Only that he left Albania after a month and then traveled to Greece. We have not been able to get in touch with him, but he is due home soon."

Michael chuckled. "All of our planning and scheming was for nothing. I gave your sister twenty pounds!"

Anthony and Benedict chuckled as they thought of Hyacinth. In order to involve her in their scheming she had demanded that they each pay her twenty pounds. Anthony had been furious as he had already given her twenty to write the first letter and now was out forty pounds for a plan that did not even work. Their sister was indeed a devious girl.

"I am truly scared for the man that takes it upon himself to marry Hyacinth," laughed Benedict.

Anthony looked around the club and then down at his pocket watch. "Well gentlemen, I should be getting back. I told Kate that I would not be out for too long." Benedict and Michael smiled. They knew that Anthony wanted to get home to his beloved wife who was secretly expecting their first child.

"Oh, come on, at least stay for another drink Ant! Kate won't mind," slurred Benedict as he tried to get a servant's attention. "I'll get this round."

"I really shouldn't Ben and I think you have had enough," said Anthony as he sent Benedict a scolding look. "You will have quite the hangover tomorrow if you do not stop now."

"Pssh," replied Benedict. "The last time Colin was home he gave me a tea that will stop a hangover. It works well if I do say so myself. I barely had a headache after a night of imbibing."

"It cures a hangover you say Ben?" asked Michael while Ben nodded. "I think I should try some of that. I need to be in top form when I see Penelope tomorrow."

"Perhaps we could all have some," said Anthony. "Come let us get back to Number Five and we can all have this tea," added Anthony obviously trying to corral Benedict and Anthony out of the club.

When they returned to Number Five, it was nearly midnight, and the house was quiet. Trying to be as quiet as possible the drunken trio made their way to Anthony's office. Anthony went to find Humboldt to have some hot water prepared for them and Benedict went up to his room to fetch the tea.

Once the water was brought into them Benedict prepared the tea and handed Anthony and Michael each a cup.

Anthony took a sip and immediately grimaced. "This is fowl Benedict!" Michael did not seem pleased with the tea either as he was now coughing and sputtering.

"How do you drink this?" asked Michael once he had recovered from his coughing fit.

"What? It's not that bad," replied Benedict as he tipped his cup back and swallowed the contents in one gulp. "Maybe it is. Best to do it in one go."

Anthony and Michael reluctantly swallowed the rest of their tea, and it was then that Michael suggested a card game. They were barely through their first game of whist when Benedict stood up suddenly and walked over to the tea tray that was on Anthony's desk. He was holding the bag that the tea had come in and looked back at Anthony and Michael suddenly. "Oh dear."

"What do you mean oh dear?" asked Michael who was now leaning precariously off the side of his chair, his cards slipping from his hand and falling to the floor.

"I feel strange," said Anthony as he looked about the room. "It's very bright in here, is it not?"

"I believe I gave you the wrong tea!"

"The wrong tea?" said Anthony as a dopey smile spread across his face.

"I did not give you the tea that would help a hangover. Colin had given me a tea that has well.... hallucinogenic properties," he said nervously. "I started to feel the effects myself, so I checked the bag. I must have mixed them up."

"Hallucinogenic properties?" said Anthony.

"Why does he keep repeating what you are saying?" asked Michael who was now almost completely on the floor.

"Oh no no no no!" fretted Benedict.

Michael suddenly stood untying his cravat and ripping off his coat. "I say, it is hot in here." He went to the window to try and pry it open. "I cannot get it open," said Michael pathetically before laying his forehead on the pane of cold glass. "Oh, that feels nice. Anthony you must rest your forehead on this glass, it is quite refreshing."

Anthony who had already removed his coat and untied his cravat was now removing his waistcoat. "It is stifling in here," said Anthony before moving to stand next to Michael to put his head against the window. "This does feel nice." If anyone were to enter Anthony's study at the moment to see the viscount and Michael Stirling with their faces pressed against the window it would be a sight indeed.

Benedict who had stopped fretting was now in the corner of the room staring at one of the candelabras. "Anthony, do you see the way the candles light the room so well? The twinkle!" said Benedict awed by the sight.

Michael had moved on from the window and was now staring at the candles with Benedict. "You're right Ben. It does twinkle," said Michael before erupting in what could only be called a fit of giggles which in turn caused Benedict to start giggling as well.

It was then that Anthony turned around to look at them his eyes wide. "I am hungry, are you?"

Benedict and Michael both nodded at him like Anthony had the best idea in the world. "Perhaps we should raid the kitchen!" suggested Anthony.

When both Michael and Benedict nodded, Anthony threw open the door to his study and began to tip toe down the hall to the kitchen with his brother and Michael following closely behind them.

They were nearly to the kitchen when Michael asked loudly. "Do you think your cook will have biscuits?"

Anthony whipped around and covered Michael's hand in his mouth. "Sssshhh. The whole house is sleeping. My wife cannot see me like this. I will never hear the end of it." Michael nodded seriously but giggled again when Benedict gave him a look.

After what seemed like an age, they arrived at the kitchen. Benedict soon found a tin of biscuits. Groaning he opened the tin and inhaled three biscuits in a row and hugged the tin to his chest. Michael walked over to him intending to get a biscuit from the tin, but Benedict slapped his hand away. "No, these are mine."

"Benedict there is more than enough for all of us," scolded Anthony as he came in from the side door with a bottle of milk in his hand. He poured a glass for each of them and sat down at the large table that was in the middle of the kitchen. They sat there for several moments munching on the biscuits before Michael stood looking around the kitchen.

"I need something else. The larder is through here?" asked Michael. Not waiting for an answer, Michael entered the larder foraging for more food.

"I say this is quite the tea you gave us," said Anthony as he grinned at his brother who was still holding onto the biscuit tin possessively.

"Indeed," replied Benedict his eyes closed. It was then that they heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Anthony looked at Benedict with wide eyes. "Do you think someone heard us?" asked Anthony his mouth full of food.

"I believe so," said Benedict as he ate another biscuit clearly not caring if someone were to discover them high in the kitchen, gorging on food. "Mmmm so good," moaned Benedict.

They did not have to wait long to see who had heard them for a moment later the person they least suspected entered into the kitchen.

"Colin!" cried Benedict as he finally put down the biscuit tin and crossed the kitchen to greet his brother. He gave Colin a big kiss on the cheek. "We've missed you brother."

Colin who seemed to be caught off guard smiled. "Good to see you as well Benedict. What is going on here?" as he eyed the scene before him/

Anthony, who had now taken possession of the biscuit tin was eyeing his brother warily. "Benedict accidently gave us some of your special tea. What are you doing home so early? We did not expect you for at least another month."

"Oh, I see," replied Colin as he grinned at his brothers who were acting decidedly unlike themselves. "I received your letters and felt it prudent to come home early. I just arrived and wanted a little something to eat before I went to bed," he added. "Are those cook's butter biscuits?" asked Colin as he reached to take a biscuit from the tin. Anthony twisted his body holding the tin away from his brother.

"No, you will eat them all. They are mine," said Anthony.

"You fat wit," chuckled Colin as he attempted to grab the tin from his elder brother. "Give me one!" said Colin while Anthony held the tin just out of his reach.

"You can't have them," trilled Anthony as Colin chased him around the table.

It was then that Michael appeared coming back from the larder his arms full of food. "I found cheese!" said Michael excitedly.

"You!" spat Colin as he stared venomously at Michael.

"Me!" replied Michael happily before realizing who he was speaking to. "Oh dear," said Michael before he was knocked on his ass by Colin who punched him right in the face.

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