Appetite For Love

By thedreadedangel25

355 140 90

When Aïda Völlenhoven and Aden van den Heever meet each other again, after twelve long years, old wounds will... More

An original story by Angelique Jacobs.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Twenty Four

8 3 3
By thedreadedangel25

The two were back at Aida's flat. Zoë was in a hurry though, she had gotten a phone and was suddenly eager to leave. She had gotten all mysterious on Aïda: refusing to divulge who called and why or even where she was going to.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal. I'll see you tomorrow at Tuis Kombuis."
"Okay. Take care, Zoë."
"I've been living alone in Gauteng: I'll be fine. Love you."
"Love you. Now go, your Über is waiting."

The two hugged and Zoë was off.

Aïda decided to order some pizza, online. She was not in the mood to cook. Even a chef needs a break.

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. Aïda checked the pizza and signed and the guy left. She turned around and placed the box on the counter. She was about to turn around, in order to close the door, when Aïda felt her back hit against someone's torso.

Aïda screamed.


Zoë arrived at Aden's mansion. The place looked even better then she remembered so, why does he want a total overhaul? Why would she complain though? The money was going to be great and the added exposure she would get. If these big jobs kept coming then soon she'd be able to buy her own mansion. She could not wait for that day.

Why did Aden want her to keep it a secret, though? Even from Aïda? She looked at the house again before ringing the bell at the gate.


Aïda couldn't believe her eyes, "What are you doing here? Get out before I call the police!"
"Really, you'd call the boere? For me?"
"Why not? This," She points at the intruder," is trespassing."

He lifts his hands up in surrender, "Fine but, I had to see you."
"You did not have to do anything. Besides, normal people call and make an appointment."
"I did remember but, you ignored all 50 of my calls and my multiple voice notes and sms's. What else was I suppose to do? I had to see you before leaving."

Aïda looked at him questioningly but, quickly averted her gaze, trying to hide the disappointment, she was feeling at his revelation.

"Anyone else would've gotten the point by now."
"What point is that, my dark Angel?"
"Don't call me that, Aden."
"Why not? You used to like it. You said it made you feel both beautiful and rebellious."
"Well, I also used to be a fool."
"How so?"

Aïda furrowed her brows in annoyance at Aden. She really did not feel like talking to the idiot. What pleasure does he get from torturing her anyway?

Yes, torture. A weird kind of torture. It was both pleasurable and painful. As much as she wanted to hate him, she also craved his presence. She hated herself for being so weak. For being so foolish. So what if he was single? She was still not his choice. He only toyed with her being.

What was his goal?

"Dark Angel, where are you lost?"

Aïda looked up from her shoes and into his stormy grey eyes. What was that look in his eyes? In high school she thought it was desire (for her) but after that fateful afternoon she doubted, not only Aden, but her sense of perception. Gosh! Why are his pupils suddenly so big? It feels like she's drowning in them.

"I...I told you not to call me that."

Aden looked like he'd been stung for a moment, "Why did you say that you used to be a fool?"

Aïda walked away from him towards the big window,  her back towards him. Her arms folded across her chest. She did not want to look at those eyes. He did the same thing and stood right next to her. His front turned to her left profile.

"Answer me." The command was soft but urgent.
"I don't  answer to you."

For a couple of minutes the only sounds heard were, the fridge, the clock and their breaths. Aïda was nervous: what was going on in Aden's head? Why was he silent?

"We can't work through this if you continue to shut me out." Aden said.
A truly confused Aïda retorted, "Work through what, Aden?"
"That is what I would like to know too, what caused this rift between us? The woman that used to be my biggest supporter can't even look at me, now. How can I fix this when I don't know what is wrong? Talk to me, please! Please, my dark angel."

His pleas left her weak. She had no idea idea how to respond because, he sounded so sincere. If she had not heard his words all those years ago but, she did. Those words revealed his true face.

"Please go."

Her words were barely above a whisper and unfortunately she could taste saltiness on her lips. Treacherous tears!

"Not today, Angel. We will talk this out before I leave."
"Argh! What's the point."

Aden took her by her shoulders and lifted her chin up with his right hand. He looked like he was about to murder someone.

Aïda was scared.

"What's the point, you ask. Why would a man continue to pursue the woman who broke his heart? A woman who shamelessly boasted about only using him for his brain. Do you know what you did to me that Monday morning when you told me that? Do you know how I felt when you continued to ignore me, and then subsequently, left at the end of the quarter? After you left, I was the talk of the entire school. They called me " the jilted Romeo" behind my back. I only stayed till the end of the year but it was horrible, not because of the jokes and pity but because you were not there. I would have gladly endured all of that if it meant that I saw you everyday. You were the only reason that I went to that school in the first place. My family did not want me there but I lied and told them that I wanted to get to know my cousin, Craig better. I made my dad feel bad about keeping me away from our less affluent relatives. I left the Suburbs everyday to go to a crime ridden place, only for you. I would do anything for you but, don't ever ask me to stay away from you, again."

Aden finally let go of her chin but still towered over her. His intense gaze made her weak to the point where she actually stumbled backwards. He caught her around her waist. She moved out of his grip. It was then that Aïda noticed Mark standing in the open doorway.

"Mar...Mark! What are you doing here? Did we have a meeting or something?" Why was she screaming?

Mark continued to look between the two of them, assessing the situation. Whilst Aden tensed up. In fact, when Aïda looked at him he, seemed furious. Why was he angry at Mark?

"I hope I didn't disturb anything." Mark uttered.
"You did." Aden said blankly.

Aïda walked over to Mark, Aden following closely. She gave him her  warmest smile.

"Erm...I just wanted to check up on you. How are-"
"She's fine. You can leave now." Aden said interrupting Mark.
"Aden!" Aïda shouted, shocked at his behaviour.
"I'm not leaving untill I'm sure that Aïda is fine." Mark retorted.

Both of the men looked like they were ready to fight now.

"I'm fine, Mark."
"Of cause, you are," Aden stated," I would never hurt you."
"What are you doing here anyway? You keep hovering around her." Aden asked.
"What business is it of yours?" Mark countered.
"Everything about Aïda concerns me. Go ahead and answer my question, Mr Eaton. What is a billionaire playing doing with..."
Mark enquired.
"With?" Aden wanted to say 'with my Angel' but refrained for Aïda's sake. He had to talk to her first.

Meanwhile Aïda's head was pounding. She actually wanted hers and Aden's earlier conversation to continue.

"Erm...Mark, if that's all, then I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?"
"If that's what you want."
"It is." Damn! That sounded cold even to her.
"Okay. Goodbye and erm, Aden, be safe Down Under."


Was Aden moving to Australia? He loved everywhere but South Africa, Aïda thought.

"Goodbye , Mark. Drive safely." Aïda said.
"Not so soon, Mark. You haven't answered my question yet." Aden said.
"I've told you: it's none of your business." Mark retorted.

Again it looked like the men would come to blows. Aïda stepped in between them.

"Not that it's any of your concern but, Mark and I are business partners and only that."

Aïda felt like kicking herself because, one, she saw the hurt in Mark's eyes when she said that and ,two, now it looked like she was desperate for Aden.

"He is also the one  who's making my dreams come to life. I could never thank him enough."

"You don't have thank me for that, Aïda. Any decent person with enough resources would have done the same."

Was that an accusatory glance to Aden. Aïda figured that it must've been her imagination.

"But you did." Aïda said.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Mark waved," and next time when you too want to have a heart to heart, please close the door."
Aïda would have blushed if she could, "Will do. Thanks."

Aden stood there shamelessly with his hands over that chest of his.

Aïda closed the door behind Mark and turned to Aden.

"You were rude to Mark and I expect you to apologise to him. I don't like when my guests are insulted in my house. You can still run after him."

Aden had a broad grin plastered over his face.

"What?" Aïda asked weak in the knees again. Gosh! His smile.
"I love it when you're like this. It's hot."
"So you love to see me angry and embarrassed. Yes, I was right about you."
"That's not what I meant. I love this bosslady side of you and what you've just said, I'll prove you wrong. Anyway; where was I before we were interrupted?"
"You were about to leave."
"No. I asked you a question: what caused this rift between us? I want to know before I leave or I'll ask the coach to send someone else in my place. Tell me now."


"So do you think you'd be able to it?"
"I can do it but I don't know when. I'm swamped with work in Gauteng, at the moment."
"I understand, Zoë. I'll relay the message to Aden." Johanie said.

Zoë was kind of disappointed. She really hoped that Aden would be home even Adriaan was not here. Johanie was nice but she was not an attractive rugby hunk. Zoë was kind of obsessed with those.

"I will do my utmost to squeeze Aden in." Zoë was not lying about that.
"I know you will. Would you like some more refreshments?"
"Yes. Some more coffee would be wonderful." Maybe Aden would be back before the coffee was done, Zoë hoped.


"What happened is that I found out the truth, Aden. I heard what you said to Craig."
"What did I say to Craig?"
"Really, Aden? You've forgotten about our planned meeting at the takeaway place opposite the school, that Friday, yet you remembered the ensuing Monday? You were in such a hurry to tell me something and now you don't remember?"

Chills broke out all over Aden's skin. He remembered that day well.

*Flashback Starts*

Aden's cousin, Craig had come to him after the bell rang but,  he was in hurry to get to his and his dark Angel's favourite eatery. To his anoyance, Craig followed him there.

After waiting for more then half an hour, Aden returned to the school. He knew Aïda would never leave him high and dry without reason.

When he entered the school Ms Cloete, the head of the physics faculty, asked him and Craig to carry some boxes from Ms Dlamini's classroom to hers. When they were done, Craig asked him to step back into Ms Dlamini's classroom. He wanted to get something off his chest.

"What is so important?  Speak I don't have all day."
"I want to talk about you and your bad choices."

Aden cocked his left brow and folded his arms while leaning against Ms Dlamini's desk. Craig was standing some distance away from him. Aden was irritated by his raised voice.

"What bad choices?"
"Well there's one specifically, Aïda."
"Aïda? Look of you're going to badmouth her then I won't stand for it. I'm warning you."
"No, Aden, I'm warning you: if you continue seeing her I'll tell uncle. I'm sure he'd love to know why you're wasting your time in a place like this."
"My relationship with Aïda has nothing to do with this and I'd appreciate it if you keep her name out of your mouth."
"Trust me, I don't want anything of hers in my mouth. Only you're that desperate. She should be so lucky for me to even glance in her direction."

That was it. Aden closed the distance between them and punched Craig in his filthy mouth. Craig's blood landed on both of them. He wanted to really give him a beating but he controlled himself. If Craig went to his dad, he'd have to leave the school and not see his Angel.

"I won't tell you again: keep her name out of your mouth."

Aden headed for the door.

"Aïda! Aïda! Aïda!" He shouted," She's all you can think about, yes?"

"Yes, she is and I will marry her one day. I don't care what anyone says. Do you get that."
"Aden, this madness has to stop. You've had your fun with her, now move on. She'll be a stain on our family's lineage."

Aden showed his fists to Craig. His self control was very low. He knew that he was going to beat his cousin to a pulp. He was begging for it.

"She's not our type. We might all be coloured but she's a different kind. We're mostly European and Asian. She's mostly African. We want to eliminate that from our ancestry. None of our family look anything like her. End this game, Aden. Before it goes too far."

Aden laughed. He could not believe that this idiot was talking so much rubbish. Craig himself was a stain on the family with his bad marks at school and his all round ill discipline. No wonder he cared so much about so-called 'good looks' that was the only thing he had going for him. 

"You're right, Craig. I'm ending this silly game today."

That was all Aden said as he looked his pathetic relative in the eyes  for a few seconds.  Craig was going to get what he was begging for: a good beating.

A few minutes later the principal and some other teachers came to separate the two. Actually, no, they came just in in time to save Craig from death. Craig had lost some of his front teeth that day but worse still, he lost his cousin for good.

Aden had no interest in ever seeing him again. Their parents were called in immediately and of cause, Craig spilled all the beans. The snitch.

Surprisingly, Aden's dad did not take him out of the school forcefully and even the principal did not suspend either of the boys. Ms Engelbrecht stated that it was a family matter and that they had to sort it out as such. However, it might have been because of the 'gifts' that Mr van den Heever promised her in secret. Mr van den Heever paid for Craig's medical attention and his new dentures.

*End Of Flashback *

"Aïda, I'm sorry that you had to hear those disgusting things coming out of Craig's mouth but, not all of my family are like him. Atleast, I hope not. Either way, I don't care about such backwards ideas. I'm  also sorry that you had to witness me almost killing Craig. When he insulted you like that...I...I  just saw red. If the teachers had not saved him that day, he might have been dead and I would have been in prison. I don't usually become that violent. I'm so sorry for scaring you."

What? Is Aden talking the truth? But she heard him agree with his cousin.

"Don't lie to me, Aden, I heard you agree with him. You said that you were 'ending the silly game'. I heard you. "
"Yes, and I almost ended him. The 'silly game' I was refering to was his interference in my life. He kept trying to set me up with girls he deemed worthy. I was sick of it so,  I beat him up and he had never tried to interfere in my life again."

Aden was confused. Did Aïda not witness the fight. Well he did not see her there that day.

Aïda remembered now Craig was absent for two weeks and came back with dentures. He even had golden teeth. She had been so relieved about not having to see him. She could only handle one member of that family at a time.

"So you're telling me that you did not use me in some sick twisted  game. You're saying that our friendship was real and you never toyed with my heart. Is that what you're saying? Did I misunderstand? Did I leave too soon?"
"Aïda I would have asked you to be mine that day? I was so excited about it that I even informed my classmates. Everyone knew how I felt about you and I hoped that you felt the same."

Aïda sat down on her sofa.  He came and stood over her. What is it with him?

It was alot to take in. She had been bitter for years over a misunderstanding. She hadn't even dated anyone because of that. She was afraid that another guy would do the same thing that she thought Aden had done.

"Aïda look at me," She looked up at him, "I still feel the same way. Even more so and I didn't think it was possible."

Breathing was getting hard for Aïda, "So you still like me?"

"No, my dark Angel, I don't like you." He said and stayed silent for a moment.

Aïda felt like a fool.

"I love you. I always had."

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