Avengers preferences

By crazykatycurtis

444K 9.7K 2K


Authors note
A quirk you have that they love Part one
A quirk you have that they love Part two
Their song Part one
Their song Part two
The nickname you give them
The nickname they give you
The pet you get together
His favorite outfit on you
Valentines Day Part one
Valentines Day Part two
When he gets jealous...Part One
When He gets jealous......Part two
How they like your hair
Couples Activities
What you guys fight about
Authors note
His thoughts before he asks you out the first time
Authors not
The first time their kid swears Part one
The first time their kid swears Part 2
You get kidnapped part two
Your favorite thing about him
You get rescued: Bruce
You get rescued: Bucky
You Get Rescued: CLint
You get rescued: Loki
You Get Rescued: Sam
Important Announcement
You Get Rescued: Steve
You Get Rescued: Thor
You Get Rescued: Tony

You get kidnapped Part one

14.7K 289 20
By crazykatycurtis

Kay guys this is going to be the part where you actually get kidnapped, there will be half the guys here, the other half in part two. Then it will be when you get rescues parts one and two.
Sorry for not updating for a while, I had a bunch of essays to write that took forever and shit like that, so here ya are. I'm typing on mobile, so you should probably expect lots of mistakes.
Another thing, I was thinking of making another book, just for like one shots and stuff, because I always have these little scenarios running around in my vast imagination, but I said there wouldn't be any in this book. So I'm thinking of doing another book, and you could do requests and stuff, and maybe I'd do a ship per chapter or something. wait. better idea. you request something, and then in order for me to do it, you also have to send in info in yourself, and then I'll post your ship with your request. I dunno. Tell me what you think, I love feedback.
One more thing: this is supposed to be dedicated to someone, I remember you, you know who you are, I just don't remember you name. And it's a pain for me to get it right now so I'll put the dedication maybe in the rescued part.
Okay I'm done. Enjoy.

Bruce: Bruce, your boyfriend, had gotten a new lead on a cure, but the ingredients that he needed supposedly came from a tiny little store down a tiny little street in the middle of a dangerous part of the city. Normally he would have gone to get them, but he was stuck at SHIELD for some ridiculous meeting, and they would only hold the product for so long, so you offered to go get it. He was hesitant at first, because of the danger factor, but you convinced him that you would be in and out, super fast . It took you about forty five minutes to drive there, because the directions where horrid and you got lost a few times. Bruce was texting you the whole time under the table to make sure you were okay, he even excused himself to the washroom to call you. Anyways, you eventually found the address, and parked right in front , not wanting to have to walk further than you needed. It was an old building, probably an old factory of some sort, but you couldn't even peek inside because the windows were so dirty. You quickly walked to the door, having to tug it a few times to finally get it open, then walked into the dim interior. Then you knew that coming was a bad mistake. Buying things off the Internet from shady people is also a bad idea, but that was the least of your thoughts right now.
The warehouse was huge, and empty, except for a table, chairs, and a couch or two. Creepy.
Standing on the cement , the door slammed shut behind you, as a man stalked towards you.

"Well,well,boys. Look what we have here." He tugged your arm, sending you stumbling into the ring of light surrounded by this guy's henchmen. "We were expecting the man himself, but come to think of it, his little girlfriend will be better. Perhaps we can have some fun while we're at it, eh boys?" They all laughed harshly.

"Who are you?" A ridiculous question, but you had to know.
" oh darling, I can't tell you my real name. That would break all the rules." As he stepped into the light, you could make out his figure better. he was tall, and had a very pale complexion, with dark hair and eyes. woah vampire material. "But for now, you can call me Daddy." This made the boys scream with laughter.
"Oh hardy har har . That's funny, but I don't think so." Seriously you were so done with his shit. "I'll just call you Jerome instead."
He walked closer. "Ah,spirit. refreshing. But tell me, why Jerome?"
"I just never liked the name, it disgusted me, so it'll fit you just fine!" You grinned at your sass. who wouldn't?
He growled. "That's enough from you! Boys!" And then, blackness.

Bucky: Much like your boyfriend, you had a past. It was a past filled with lots of death, lots of violence, lots of things you weren't proud of. Unfortunately, people you had wronged were now out to get you, despite your best efforts. You had gone to the trouble of changing your name, giving yourself a new identity, starting over, but that wasn't enough. After is covering that people had been watching you, SHIELD had set up surveillance around your apartment, and Bucky had tried to secretly set up the Avengers on watch, but you, having the skills you had, figured it out after you found Thor skulking outside your window.
All was going well, until one day when an old friend, whom you believed to be dead, contacted you asking for help. They apparently wanted out as well, and figured someone on the outside would be able to help her. So, you snuck away from your guardians. They were harder to lose than you would've thought, especially Clint, but you managed to disappear into the city. Bucky would be mad later, but you were sure you could deal with it.
You walked quickly to the small, out of the way cafe, ordered your drink and took a seat in the back where you would be able to see her when she got here. Pretty soon you saw her enviable figure and lustrous hair strutting through the door, and you made a signal to alert her of your presence. She came over and smirked as she sat down. For trying to hide, she wasn't being very secretive. Hmmmm.
"Long time no see!" She greeted you.
"Yeah, it's been a while. How are you?"
"I'm doing good actually, turns out I was able to get my fakes earlier than I thought, so I don't actually need your help, but I figured it might be nice to chat."
This was fishy. No one around here could make fakes faster than you. What the hell was going on??
But you continued chatting, thinking maybe she would give you a clue about what was going on. She invited you to her place, just in case something happened to her, and you both walked there, enjoying the spring air and commaradie. As you finally got to her to floor, she rushed down the hall, babbling about how her boyfriend was here, you would get along with him, he's so great, blah blah blah.
As she opened the door, you could see that the lights in the small apartment were off, which set of warning bells in your head, but you had never gotten anywhere by running away.
Stepping in, she turned on the lights and then rushed towards the man sitting on the couch, facing away from the door. She leaned over, whispered in his ear, and then kissed him on the cheek. He was bald and was wearing a leather jacket, and as he stood up, you recognized him and mentally berated yourself for not listening to your gut feelings.
He was your old handler, the cruelest of the cruel. Nightmares of his treatment of you still haunted your sleep, and scars that he has given still had not faded away. Why the hell was he her boyfriend????
Oh. Duh. It was an Elektra King relationship. (James Bond)
"Well,well, what have we here,hmm darling?" He pet her hair, which was creepy. Who pets humans?? Creeps. This guys a creep.
You reached behind you for the doorknob, trying to twist it open, but that skank had locked it. Damn. He strode up to you, grabbing hold of your neck and forcing you to look at him. He gave some long speech about how you never should have left, blah blah blah, but to be honest, you weren't listening. You were trying to think of a way out of here. But being forced to look into his face like that, was like going back in time. You were back in the program, he was back being your handler, you were still the scared girl you always had been. You couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't hardly breathe. And then, before you knew what was happening, his cold fingers had snaked themselves to your pressure point, and then everything went black.

Clint: you were a teacher. Plain and simple. You loved working with little kids, having the opportunity to teach them about the world, helping them discover new things, and the light in their faces when they finally got something had always enchanted you. So compared to Clint, you had always thought you were rather unimportant. But today, today you felt important, like you had accomplished something great. And you had. One of the Grade 2 students had finally gotten to the point where he was able to read a whole book all by themselves, which was rather exciting for a book fanatic such as yourself. The day was sunny, the sky was a brilliant blue, and you felt on top of the world as you walked out to your car at the end of the day. You were tired, but it was a happy tired, and you couldn't wait to get home and tell Clint about what had happened.
It was a 20 minute drive from the school to the house you shared with Clint, and it took you right through the middle of the city. Unfortunately, you car just happened to die under a bridge, and a big one too. And believe it or not, your phone was dead, so you had no choice but to walk a little ways for help. Luckily for you, there was s big cube van that pulled over, offering assistance. Two burly men, who sounded foreign, jumped out of the cab and strode over to you. Suddenly, you felt very small standing next to these giants.
"Do you need help miss?" Yup they were foreign.
"Actually, yes, I do. My car died, and I'm not exactly mechanically inclined." You gestured to your car.
"Well, lucky for you, my brother is a mechanic. He will help. Pop the hood, please."
You did as instructed and waited nervously as both men stuck their torsos under the hood, muttering incoherently. Finally, the talkative man waves you over and they made space for you to fit under the hood with them. It was a tight fit though, and you had a hard time moving. The first brother was trying to explain something to you, and you were leaning farther and farther into the engine, and then suddenly, the second brothers hand came up towards your face. In his hand was a white cloth, and as it clamped over your mouth and nose, you realized that it was chloroform. Your last thought, before you became unconscious, was why would anyone want me?? And then everything went dark.

Loki: you were from earth, or Midgard, as Loki calls it. This was your very first trip to Asgard, and you were beyond excited! You could hardly sleep, and as such, you had woken way before the rest of, well, everybody, and so now you were wandering the gardens in silence, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and colorful flowers and plants. They were nothing like what you had at home, everything was so vibrant and looked as if it could burst into life any moment. It was truly magical.
You were too busy imagining a kiss with Loki in the garden, under the stars, that you didn't notice other people entering the garden. The sun was rising, and was painting a beautiful picture on the horizon. It was moments like this that made you feel a yearning for any kind of artistic ability. But unfortunately,you had none.
You could hear the servants start to stir in the palace, and the clanging of metal as the guards changed shifts startled you, jolting you from your daydreams. Still, you didn't notice the others in the garden. Turning back to the sunrise, you continued your stroll through the fragrant morning flowers, stopping frequently to wonder at the newness. And then you discovered a rose garden, full of large fragrant blooms, larger and grander than any you had ever seen. There were more rose bushes than you could count, of all colours and sizes. It was heaven for you.
It was a split second too late that you realized you were not alone, for before you registered their presence, a large sack had already been placed over your head, string arms gripping around your waist, dragging you roughly to gods know where. At first you thought it was simply Loki, playing a cruel joke, but whoever had you wasn't responding, just dragging you faster. You could hear Loki running behind you, shouting your name alternately with calling for the guards. You tried to fight, but honestly, you were a little shrimp of a person compared to whatever was taking you. Kidnapping you. You screamed for Loki, and you could hear him hollering back at you, but your captor dragged you faster and faster, finally pulling you off a ledge, onto a waiting transportation device. You screamed louder, your throat getting sore, but you could feel the increase of speed beneath your feet, and you finally gave up calling for your lover, because it was hopeless now. You had been kidnapped.

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