Slave To Torment

By TheBrokenAshes

31.6K 888 252

(Welp this could get interesting, saw this picture and you know thought of another whole dark book, story wha... More

Quick thing before starting
A Gift
Quick Annoucement
Pain & Opinions
Cry For Help
Coming To Terms
Imaginary Foe
For Their Sakes
Almost Everything Right...
Our Worries
To A Close
For anyone that wants another angsty story(Little different then this though)


385 13 10
By TheBrokenAshes

I was sick again -<-
Me and my brother were still bundled close together...I...I had woken up maybe a few minutes prior to now... It must've hurt that bad...that it still did even... But what hurt the most was seeing my brother. His cheeks were still stained with his tears from crying...what was left of his mouth was just some dangling string stuck to his skull in a hardened goop, that probably looked like whatever was left of my mouth to... But seeing him like that, I just couldn't... Gently with my still bound hands, I took my scarf off and lightly wrapped it around Gradient. I was cold without it, the room being more then frigid, but I didn't mind...well not as much as I did seeing what happened to him. The thought of failing him was all that I could think about, which was rather pathetic considering the situation I was in... But still that didn't matter...I held my brother close to me, luckily he wasn't awake yet...but that'd only last so long...
It appeared to be some time in the morning, there was a little light outside but it was honestly to hard to tell where that was coming from... But I did have much more of an idea of where the foot steps I heard were coming from, and I found out who's they were a few seconds later. It was and Gray's apparent dad... But he couldn't be...he just couldn't... I saw a smile spread across his face when he saw me, not happy to see me but happy to see what he has done to me. The look persisted as he walked over to me, smiling all the while until he was in front of me.
"You seem cozy...considering that is... ..."
His smile slowly faded, making him appear more neutral yet teetering on a small hint of what might be sadness...maybe even regret...
"...I wasn't like th-"
"Error? What are you doing now"
Looking back Error saw Nightmare, Killer wrapped tight in his grasp nicely yet slightly aggressively. Error froze after that, looking down at me nonchalantly before turning back around.
"Don't fucking worry about it"
"You say that like there was something wrong to begin with."
"Not wrong, suspicious"
"What of?"
The two began to argue, which seemed like a regular occurrence that I just hadn't experienced yet. The skeleton with goopy eyes said nothing though, only staying silent as the other two argued. I didn't know what was wrong with him...I could just see what was now...all that was wrong with him... It seemed sad in some way yet deserved in another... That was besides the point though, because the arguing ended afterwards rather quickly. They started eating after that, it...watching it made me hungry...I was so hungry... Not starving yet but definitely hungry...
Seconds after watching them do that, I felt movement in my arms... I wish I could say something to him...but I couldn't...which made me feel horrible... He opened his eyes first and saw me...and he just stared...his unblinking eyes judging me with one small look...or fearing me, which I was unsure. I think next he tried to say something but he couldn't, there was no space for those words to come out... Tiny panicked muffles were only heard after that, which broke my heart. I held him close, even as the supposed adults in the room laughed and degraded us...I didn't think much of it, I couldn't honestly... There wasn't much to think about. My brother struggled...he cried, and attempt to plea, but in the end he succumbed and fell into my chest. He was like the baby I'll never remember seeing again, but would always love. We are almost the same age...coming home weeks if not days apart...and now we were here... And I couldn't protect him, help him, be there for him, like a big brother should be able to...which I wasn't, he technically was the older one, but we fell into our roles...even if they were flipped...I still loved him...and was now so scared for us both.
I couldn't think about this for long though, because the other monsters were again approaching. This time it was Nightmare leading the charge, appearing amused yet annoyed.
"You seem to care enough to keep him there like that... So if you want him to stay, get him to shut up!"
I shook, gripping Gradient tighter and catching his attention in the process, he looked up at me with big tearful eyes...and shaky scared pupils... He was still muffling...I couldn't blame him and yet I couldn't tell him to stop even though I should've- Or better wish I could've... Even more so when I saw a tentacle raise and start to wag. I panicked and started muffling myself but that only made the oblivious Gray panic more. But before I could get him to calm down in the slightest, the tentacle swung down... I moved myself and took the hard hit instead, a loud thud and crack rung out but I didn't even notice the pain yet due to my fear... But Gradient now wouldn't shut up because of how horrified he was. I was hit two more times before Gradient got the message and shut up...
"There... Now stay quiet...I don't wanna hear you again..."
I didn't even watch the group of monsters leave, I was stuck holding my brother close to me. He was still crying, but was at least a little silent. I couldn't move, not matter how hard I tried I just couldn't move. Some how I did role off of Gradient but I still couldn't move at all. I could feel the warm wetness of blood pooling from my back already... It hurt a lot but I kept myself together for my brother. I was being stronger more so then I ever had to be but I didn't care. It'll be ok, or at least that's what I'll keep telling myself... For both our sakes, it will be.

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