Agni's story ~kingo

By flippingpageswithnix

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agni, the most graceful of eternals, graceful in her fighting, in the way she walks, in the way she dances li... More

The flame
falling into love
midnights and forests
love and marriage
secrets ^2
serving arishem
goodbye home
friends perspective
same sky
forgiveness and hate


53 2 12
By flippingpageswithnix

it happened so fast
druig was angry, brelione was knocked unconscious by ajak, kingo couldn't breath
and the rest of them just watched

druig walked down the steps of the temple, he knew he could help these humans
but arishems rules stated no
and quite honestly druig didn't care anymore
what arishem was doing was hurting brelione and drove agni away

when druig left, ajak dismissed the eternals and then they were gone
"where do we go now?" gilgamesh asked
thena sighed "wherever we want" kingo stood up
"i can find agni" he smiled, but thena stopped him

"she's finding herself now kingo, you may think being with her is right, but you both need to find yourselves, after being with her for so long" thena rubbed his shoulder, and makkari nodded

and that was the end of the eternals
it was all over
they went to different parts of the world
it hurt each of them differently
now each eternal was at another part of the earth

agni felt the pain in her heart but she didn't know why
until the children said something one day
"mrs agni! mrs agni! another hero is here!" agni stood quickly from the ground in which she sat, running outside with the children
and then she locked as with phastos
"agni?" he said, his mouth opened wide

agni jumped into his arms, hugging him
"it feels so good to see you"
phastos held her close
"what are you doing here?" phastos' breath hitched
"we, we arnt eternals anymore"
agni nodded
she took a deep breath
phastos changed the subject

"is this your home?" he asked, smiling at the kids looking at him as if he fell from the heavens
"yes it is, would you like a tour?"
little kenya ran towards phastos
"follow me!"
phastos followed kenya with a smile on his face

agni followed too
but she couldn't help but wonder, if the eternals split up
was kingo going to find her?
was brelione going to find her?

agni decided, while phastos was getting a tour
she'd write a letter

dear brelione

hello my dear friend, it's been a while hasn't it?
how is everyone?
i've heard of the split, where have you all gone?
i miss you all dearly
i've decided to write to you today, to warn you
i've had a dream, of arishem
he tells me that we, me and you, are the same
split apart in fear of a much more powerful being,
the dream was fake, i hope, that i contoured up in my mind while i was sick
but i wanted to tell you, that i fear we are in danger
some how, some where, we are in danger
it could be years from now, or tomorrow that we face such danger
but we may never know until we do indeed face it
and lastly, tell kingo i love him
truly i do, and now that i know this information
and i went against arishem
i'm afraid he will harm you all in place of me
but serving arishem is our only purpose
and we must serve him until he calls us home
wether that be with eachother or without
i want you and kingo to be safe, all of you
i've thought about visiting
but the closer i am to any of you, the more in danger you become
so let kingo know
i'm thinking of him every waking moment
and he is still the only one in my heart
and let druig know you love him, it may be the last time you ever see him

love, your dear friend agni

agni walked outside, the messenger birds the village had in the cage would surely know how to get back to their creator
so she taped the letter to one of the birds legs and set him off
"find brelione" and off the bird went

agni met back with phastos, smiling at him
"agni, the villagers tell me that you've experienced something dangerous, was it what i think it is?" agni sighed
she shook her head, grabbing his hand and leading him to the room
in agni's sleep a year or so back, she had a nightmare
in that nightmare, she had gained new powers from arishem
unlocked powers
and when she woke up
it was true

"a year ago, arishem sent me a message"
"arishem has never spoken to anyone but ajak?" phastos questioned
"i don't know if it's real or not, but i had a dream, that he granted me powers" she held her hand out, palm facing up flat at the sky
"and when i awoke, i could do this" she closed her eyes, and thought of something, far from japan
and a coconut appeared in her hand

"that's Hawaiian" he said, and agni nodded "i don't know how i did it, but then as i thought harder, this happened" she closed her eyes again, and the coconut began to float
and then it disappeared
"how did you do that?" phastos asked, agni shrugged
"i don't know, but i think arishem is trying to tell us, something dangerous is coming" phastos shook his head
"or you already had those powers, you just never tried to use them" agni sighed

"or, i had them and arishem is telling me how to use them" phastos couldn't believe arishem would warn them
if arishem was really bad
then he wouldn't warn them would he?

that night, phastos and agni sat around a fire of agnis creation
talking about where they think the eternals went
"phastos.. has kingo, um,"
"been thinking of you?" phastos asked, he was creating another invention in his hand
"yes, he has, non stop, everything he does is in mirror to you, he misses you dearly" agni smiled, knowing he missed her just as much as she missed him

"but thena told him, it was best if he stayed away" agni nodded
"thenas right"
phastos laughed
"isn't she always"

phastos watched the fire in agnis hands
they've created many inventions

never did they think their creations would lead to destruction

brelione awoke to a chirp of a bird, she smiled, letting it land on her arm
she noticed a note
naturally, she opened it, reading what was inside
"who is that from?" ikaris asked
brelione turned around, handing him the letter


ikaris tore the note
"she's speaking nonsense, feeding you lies, it's good she's gone" he said, throwing the paper into a fire near by and he walked away

brelione scrambled for the note in the fire
not one burn was on the paper
it was agnis paper, and agnis fire
ikaris was ignorant for thinking agni didn't plan ahead

tried my hardest to get this chapter out fast as possible for my dear friend
if your reading this i'm here for you, and i love you

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