She's Kinda Hot ●○ Max Mayfie...

By batlover32

95.7K 2.2K 1K

Star Henderson. Dustin's adopted sister. She had been friends with the boys since she could remember. They pl... More

season² cast + covers -
2.2 Trick or Treat, Freak
2.3 The Pollywog
2.4 Will the Wise
2.5 Dig Dug
2.6 The Spy
2.8 The Mind Flayer
2.9 The Gate
season³ Cast × Playlist
3.2 Mall Rats
3.3 The Case of The Missing Lifeguard
3.4 The Sauna Test
3.5 The Flayed
3.6 E Pluribus Unum
3.7 The Bite
3.8 The Battle of Starcourt
season⁴ cast | playlist
4.1 The Hellfire Club
4.2 Vecna's Curse
4.3 The Monster and the Superhero
4.4 Dear Billy
4.5 The Nina Project
4.6 The Dive
4.7 The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Volume 2 - Mixtape
4.8 Papa
4.9 The Piggyback
Bonus #1 The Letter

3.1 Suzie, do you copy?

3.8K 89 27
By batlover32

Star giggled as she danced around to the music Max was playing in her room.

It had been a year since the closing gate, and it was the summer break. Max and Star had officially become girlfriends, and slowly came out to the party.

But now, Max sat on her bed, watching Star dance. Max smiled happily, grabbing onto Star's arm to make her sit next to her.

"Star." Max whined, placing her hands on Star's cheeks.

"What you don't like my dancing?" Star pouted, making Max chuckle.

Max pulled Star into her, locking their lips. Star's eyes fluttered close, enjoying the feeling off Max's soft lips on hers.

Star placed her hands on Max's waist as the kiss deepened. They savoured the moment, wanting it to never end.

Star slowly pulled away, staring at Max dreamily. Star blushed when Max kissed her nose, making her giggle.

"Okay, we gotta go meet everyone." Max said standing up but Star pulled her back down, placing her lips back on Max's.

"Can... we... just... stay... here?" Star asked between kisses.

"No..." Max mumbled, sinking into the kiss for a few moments before pulling away, causing Star to groan. "Come on."

"Fine." Star huffed jumping up.

Star parked up her bike, Max jumping off. Star locked up her bike before walking over to Will and Lucas who were already there.

"Where have you been?" Lucas questioned.

"Oh, hush. We're not even late." Star retorted.

"She's right." Will agreed.

"Where's Mike?" Max wondered.

"Where do you think?" Lucas asked, making kiss noises, causing the group to chuckle.

"He's going to be late, isn't he?" Star stated.

"Yup." Will sighed.

It had been like this all summer. Although Max and Star had make out sessions, they were never late for plans. Mike always was, spending most if his time with Eleven.

So, now they had to wait, the film would start in five minutes. They still had to buy some popcorn and walk through the Starcourt Mall.

"You're late." Lucas scolded as Mike arrived and began to lock up his bike.

"I'm sorry." Mike apologised.

"Again." Star huffed.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complained.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!" Mike retorted.

"If you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas mocked.

"Just please stop talking dude." Mike stated, pushing Lucas.

"Let me guess, you were busy." Lucas said, smacking his lips as they entered the mall.

"Oh, yeah. Real mature, Lucas." Mike said sarcastically.

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas mocked.

"Lucas, stop." Max stated.

"Will thinks its funny." Lucas retorted.

"Cause it is." Will chuckled.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike said sarcastically.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Star frowned, putting her arm around Max's shoulder for a moment, as she was shorter than Max.

The friend pushed passed people as they went down the escalator, apologising to everyone as they did.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry." Star said awkwardly.

They group continue to speed walk, coming near the water fountain, and saw Erica with her friends.

"Watch it." Somebody muttered.

"Yeah! Watch it, nerds!" Erica agreed.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas retorted.

"Isn't it time you died?" Erica shot back as they walked past her.

"Psycho." Lucas insulted.

"Butthead!" Erica shouted.

"Mall-rat!" Lucas said, walking backwards.

"Fart face!" She retorted making Lucas blow a raspberry as they reached Scoops A'hoy.

"Oh, now that was mature." Max rolled her eyes pulling the boy into the ice cream shop.

They walked up to the counter and Star waved at one of the employees, Robin.

"Hey, Robin." Star smiled as Mike rung the bell.

"Star," Robin greeted before calling out, "Hey, dingus, your children are here."

"Again? Seriously?" Steve sighed, opening the glass windows that hid the back room.

Star stepped forward, making a puppy dog face, making Steve's eyes widen.

"No. No." Steve refused before sighing in defeat. "Fine. Come on."

They all quietly cheered and went into the back room. Steve then opened a door, leading down a corridor where the supplies would be brought down.

"I swear, if anybody here's about this–" Steve threatened as they walked down the corridor, Star and Max grasping hands.

"We're dead!" They all repeated.

They walked down the corridor and came to the cinema door. Mike poked his head into the corridor, making sure the coast was clear.

"All clear." Mike assured, and they filed out, heading to one of tge theatre to rooms to watch the film.

They all scooted past people, Will sitting first, then Mike, Lucas, Star and finally Max.

"See, Lucas? We made it." Mike whispered as the film was beginning.

"We missed the previews." Lucas sighed.

"Still made it, fart face." Star joked.

Star grabbed her bag, handing Max a drink and some Skittles. She then got out some starbursts and her own drink.

A woman appeared on the screen as the film started, Star discreetly holding onto Max's hand.

Suddenly the film stopped and the whole audience groaned and complained.

"Damn it." Star sighed, not knowing the entirety of Hawkins had run out of power.

The film fluttered on again making everyone cheer, and Star smile as she rubbed her thumb along Max's hand.

"This is gold leader returning to base. Do you copy, over?" Dustin said into his headset making Star smirk.

Dustin had been in science camp for the first part of summer, and was finally back. So, the party decided to suprise him.

"I repeat: this is gold leader, returning to base, do you copy? Over." Dustin asked with no answer. "This is goddamn gold leader–"

"Dusty." Claudia scolded when Dustin raised his voice.

"What?" Dustin snapped.

"Relax, brother." Star chuckled.

"I'm in range. They should be answering." Dustin explained. "Star do you know what they're doing?"

"No, clue." Star shrugged, smiling cheekily.

"You've been away a whole month honeybun. Maybe they just... forgot." Claudia butted in.

"Probably." Star snickered making Dustin flip her off.

When they got home, Dustin went straight to his room, greeting his tortoise.

Star had quickly let in her friends, Max pecking her cheek as they entered. Star peeked in Dustin's room and hid behind the corner, nodding at El.

El used her powers to control some of Dustin's toys, making the electric ones go out of his room.

Star pushed them into her room when she heard Dustin's footsteps, trying to hold back her giggles as she watched Dustin follow the toys.

"It's just a dream. You're dreaming." Dustin muttered. Star watched as the toys went into the living room.

"Now." Star whispered and El stopped moving the toys. Dustin rushed over to them and inspected them.

The group slowly snuck behind him, Lucas holding a, 'welcome home Dustin' poster. Max then counted down slowly with her fingers.

They blew on their sound makers and Dustin screamed in fear. He turned around and Max pulled Star back as Dustin sprayed Lucas in his eyes with his Farrah Fawcett spray.

Dustin and Lucas screamed at each other, Star's eyes widening in amusement at her brothers reaction.

Max and Star took Lucas over to the sink, helping him wash the spray from his eyes.

"Ow, ow. Ow." Lucas muttered, lifting his head back up.

"Better?" Max wondered.

"Still stings." He sighed, rubbing his eyes as Star patted his shoulder. "Is that a new zit?"

"What is wrong with you?" Star hissed, dunking his head back to the water.

"I was just asking!" Lucas screamed.

"What's going on?" Star asked when she saw Dustin, Eleven, Mike and Will walk past holding stuff.

"Going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend." Will explained.

"Girlfriend?" Star exclaimed at the same time as Max.

The three quickly follow after, Star asking Dustin annoying questions like the good sister she was as they went to the hill for the perfect spot to set up cerebro.

"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas questioned as they climbed the hill, Star taking a puff of her inhaler.

"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." Dustin replied.

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max stated as Star tied her hair back.

"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon." Dustin explained.

"Oh shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas questioned.

"That's the Amish." Star told him.

"What are Mormons?" Will asked.

"Super religious white people." Dustin explained. "They have electricity and cars and stuff, but... since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve. It's all a bit... Shakespearean."

"Shakespearean?" Max questioned.

"Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet." Dustin stated.

"I hope you don't end up those two, then." Star retorted making Will and Max chuckle.

"Shut up." Dustin sighed making Star giggle.

"Hey, guys!" Mike called. Him and Eleven were nearer the bottom of the hill, and Star knew what was coming. "This is fun and all, but, uh..."

"I have to go home." Eleven stated as Mike tapped his watch.

"We're almost there." Dustin told them.

"Sorry, man." Mike apologised. "Curfew. Come on, let's go."

"Good luck." El wished them as Mike dragged her down the hill.

"Curfew at four o'clock?" Dustin said in disbelief.

"They're lying." Star stated with a huff as she wiped her sweaty forehead

"It's been like this all summer." Will explained.

"It's romantic." Max smiled, making Star kiss Max's cheek.

"It's gross." Will disagreed.

"It's bullshit. I just got home." Dustin sighed. "Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards. Suzie awaits."

Star chuckled when Lucas sighed, and they continued up the hill as Eleven and Mike walked away.

"Will, come on!" Dustin shouted, noticing thf boy had stopped.

They continued for atleast another twenty minutes, Star constantly wiping sweat from her face.

"Made it." Dustin smiled, plopping his bag down.

"Yeah, only took five hours." Max complained.

"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will questioned as everyone set their stuff down.

"I'm so thirsty." Lucas muttered. Star then watched as Lucas began to gulp down the entire bottle.

Star and Max looked at each other with annoyed expressions, before settling on glaring at the boy as he finished the water.

"Did you seriously just drink the rest of the water?" Star scoffed as her and Max crossed their arms at him.

Star grimaced as he spat some water back in the bottle, offering it to the two girls. Max rolled her eyes, and took Star's hand to drag her away from Lucas.

After this, they all worked together to put cerebro together. They then pushed the device to stand, and it was like a mini antenna.

"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin stated as Star smiled at her brothers work, the now darker sky aluminating across the grass.

"Yeah." Star chuckled.

"Now, ready to meet my love?" Dustin questioned.

"Okay, sure." Max stated.

"Yes!" Star squealed making Max chuckle at her.

Dustin got onto the floor, switching on his radio. Star was excited for her brother, happy he was able to find someone at the camp. Someone to make him happy.

"Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." Dustin asked into the radio, letting go of the button. No answer.
"One sec. She's probably.... She's still there."

"Suzie...." He tried again making Star's smile falter. "This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over. I'm sure she's there. It's just–  you know maybe she's, like, busy or–"

"Yeah." Lucas said with crossed arms, and Star rolled her eyes.

She knew the others were Skeptical, unsure if Suzie was even real. But she believed him. Maybe she was being naive, but she truly believes he has found a girlfriend. She could tell by the way he talked about her.

"It's around dinner time." Dustin excused.

"Yep." Max nodded, not believing his words making Star nudge her lightly.

"Suzie? This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

Now a few hours later, countless seconds of trying to get to Suzie. And nothing. No answer. Not even a slight whisper of an answer. Nothing.

So, now Star layed with Max, her head on her shoulder as they stared up into the night sky. All she wanted to do was curl up in bed.

"Suzie, this is your Dustin. Do you copy? Over." Dustin stated.

"Dustin, come on! She's not there." Max told him, interrupting another attempt to get her to answer.

"She's there, all right?" Dustin assured. "She'll pick up."

"Maybe cerebro doesn't work." Will suggested.

"Or maybe Suzie doesn't exist at all." Lucas butted in.

"She exists!" Dustin stated, sounding incredibly offended.

"I mean, I believe she's real but she's a genius and hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl can be that hot." Star blurted out, smiling sympathetically at her brother. Atleast she believed him.

"Is that so?" Max asked sitting up, making Star join her quickly, her eyes wide.

"I- I mean... you're hot! Of course you are... but your like perfect and a-adorable too.. and..." Star stammered, Will watching in amusement.

Star felt so embarrassed, terrified she had offended the girl. But when Max chuckled that terror turned into confusion.

"Relax, I was teasing, it's cute when you stammer, plus I'm obviously hot. But, babe, I'm sorry Dustin's obviously lying." Max explained with a small smile, kissing Star's forehead.

"He's not." Star defended.

"Okay, baby." Max smiled pulling her up. "I think we should go."

"Go?" Dustin questioned.

"Home." Max stated, as Star turned back.

"I love you Dust, I'm glad your home but I'm tired. I believe Suzie is real, don't listen to them. Just make sure you get home safe." Star rambled making Max smile.

"Love you too." Dustin sighed as Max pulled Star down the hill.

"Are you sleeping round?" Star yawned as they made their way back.

"I would love to, but I think I should stay at home tonight." Max explained.

"That's okay, we'll call each other in the morning right?" Star asked hopefully.

"Of course, can't wait." Max chuckled kissing her head.

A/n they need a ship name?
What are you guys thinking?

What about Stax?
I think I'll leave that up to you guys 🤣

2365 words.

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