My Blood

Від dinosaursmate2010

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Who could ever leave me Darlin... But who could stay? What if the Ark already had a friend on the ground and... Більше

Charachters, Cast and info
May we meet again
Gada ste a natblida
I have to do this
Do you regret killing?
Jus Drein Jus Daun
Me too
What if they are mine?
See that's a long story Octavia
This your brother baby?
It's not your fault
You really want to know?
This is my way
Trust me baby you wont!
That's crazy!
I don't hate, I plot
Keep walking Blondie
Now let me live it
❕Season 2❕
You are my people
They told me you were dead
Such an innocent face
For the record, im not a sky person!
Ai Laik Yuj
Lee? Who the hell is Lee?
I'm touched
Good, now get out!
Becca, God, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Buddha, Gandov, Yoda
I am strong
Go Play
Do you though?
Enjoying the show?
Yeah I know! I hate it!
Stop it Finn
Yeah I didn't read that babes
Had a talk with my stabber!
Why? She got a death wish
They touch you, I slit their throats
Hei Heda ai hodnes
Angel numbers
Luke Skywalker wannabe
Which is me of course
I don't know how to loose you
hold hands like a cult
Looks like a robot threw up in here
That monters inc lizard
C3P0 shit
I want her dead
They are mine
The human juicers need me Lex
I'm not arguing I'm confirming
more steroids than the Olympics have ever seen
You love me.
❕Season 3❕
Calm down Indiana Jones
The little traitor left!
Father, son, House of Gucci
And thats an insult to cows
Everything i am is because of her
The hairs a problem though
She's too cute right
This is a joke
This isn't your fault Bell
A story I'll tell you after I win
Ding dong the witch is dead
We can try it out in hell
Kinda scared-
What can i say i'm a genius
You're not in karate kid Mr Miyagi!
My baby
Just win
More than anything
She's my compass
Saving a life
You're totally going to hell
That's my girl
Who died
A psycho or a perfect genius
I'll see her soon
Sit up your highness
Gon Ai Bro
Don't you say my name
I really am a ghost
I am the commander
❕Season 4❕
Tell your friends
She knows
Get off of me
Pretty much yeah
My people my responsibility
I don't even blame you
The whole light thing
Maturing on me now?
Who's next
She's alive?
I really don't care
Don't mansplain my own qualities
I'm trying to preserve my blood
Glad you're still alive
But I failed
It's Heda or your head
Because i hate objections
The big bad Heda
You're totally blushing
That's right you're my warrior
Goodbye Roan
Listen up lover boy
Or you will leave
Our first contestant
Drool on me bitch
Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim
That shit right there is satan
Never too early for Gaga
❕Season 5❕
Let's go rob some houses
Out of sight out of mind
You're about to kill my daughter
Hiya baby
Shhh Maddie
For Wonkru
All of me for all of us
Shit it's about to burst
The New York Times reckon it's the next big thing
There is no 'we'
I've never taken it off
Exactly bitch
Up and at em soldier
Living the Hollywood fantasy
Fight me
Blow your brains out
Fight my war
She doesn't know this one
Like in Polis?
Don't pity me Miller
I love her more
Will you march with me
Toxic and strong
I don't need a therpist
Only if you commit to team Dean
No one actually trusts Murphy
Dream of me
One Direction anniversaries have been and gone
❕Season 6❕
Obviously it's a yes
Award winning motto
I like you Shaw
I'm comfy
Thank you Milesss
These pictures are our fucking gospel
It was me
Especially not men
Code baby gone bye bye
Moral support
Huh bitch
Looking at you Greene
I looked too princessy
Don't be boring
Some selfish Daddy's girl
Yu laik qwelen
Clarke are you high
Now that could work
Forever a memory
Happily ever after
He was my Dad
I'd literally rather die
Now this is just perfect
I can't feel her
Till death do us part
Christmas tree gone wrong
❕Season 7❕
Hesitation is death
Her name is Lexa
You killed my everything
Fuck my life
He was my husband
Please don't do this
Until my baby is safe
She was alive again
Thank you for bringing me home
Here's how it works Blake
Just me and you
i bare it so you don't have to
thank you
The Aftermath

Then help me

327 7 4
Від dinosaursmate2010

The next thing Leoni actually remembered was pacing the Shepard's chambers. It was an all white room decorated with paintings and a large chandelier accompanied by a long table that was all covered in food not that Leoni didn't dare eat

"Thank God for the flame, doubt they serve stuff like this in prison" Gabriel mumbled to himself before tucking into his food

"Hey Leoni. Come and eat yeah?" Octavia stood up and stopped the girl's frantic walking.

"I'm not hungry" she rejected quickly. The girl's eyes were bagged and she was pale. This had become a reoccurring state Leoni found herself in since learning to love. The frantic need to protect and put her own needs and wants aside. What she didn't recognise was that every time she got into that state it almost killed her.

"Then sit with me, tell me about my niece" Octavia coaxed her down to a short sofa where Leoni gave in and laid her head on Octavia's shoulder and tucked her arms around the girl's middle allowing her best friend to comfort her

"She's beautiful" Leoni whispered

"What's her name?" The brunette asked

"Lexa Aurora Blake-Kane" Leoni couldn't help the the small smile that crept up her face

"her middle name...that's my mothers" Octavia smiled and pulled her best friend closer

"i know, i also know how much she meant to you both so" Leoni explained her thought process

"Gabriel's right, without the flame we'd be in cells" Clarke agreed from where she sat at the table but she quickly stood up and started charging out

"Where are you going?" Echo questioned making Leoni look up much to Octavia's dismay. She just wanted the girl to rest

"I'm waking the others and we're getting back to Sanctum" Clarke pledged

"In case you hadn't noticed were under house arrest" Gabriel reminded sarcastically

"No i like it" Leoni stood up
"I want to go and see my daughter" she decided, gripping onto Octavia's sleeve for dear life

"Thank you Leoni!" Clarke turned to the others
"I'm well aware we're in lockup however I'm also aware that our leverage evaporates the second the Shepard puts Leoni in front of that stone" she explained

"So what? How does your plan work?" Indie asked skeptically

"I offer to do it" Leoni caught up to Clarke's thinking
"Once everyone is safely back in Sanctum they'll realise the flame is fried and most likely kill me." Leoni nodded, accepting her fate

"Heda don't be ridiculous" Indie tutted

"You can't do that" Octavia agreed

"We're not gonna let you sacrifice yourself for us" Echo denied strongly and before anymore protestations could be heard the doors opened

"Make way for the Shepard" a guard demanded and then 4 more hustled in before Bill made his appearance

"Exactly the man i was hoping to see. I'm ready to help" Leoni volunteered herself

"No" Octavia whispered and went to stop the altercation but Indie held her back

"But first you let my people go" Leoni let out a sigh. The Shepard looked at her for a second before gesturing to one final guest. A ragged man with about 4 layers of clothes on came stomping in. His hair and beard was long and tangled, his face was dirty and tired and Bellamy...wait...
"Bellamy" Leoni whispered in complete and utter shock. He locked eyes with her and nodded
"But how they-they killed you what is this?" Leoni was suspicious and had every right to be but her breathing quickened regardless and tears pricked at her eyes

"We watched you die" Echo agreed

"Looks like Leoni's not the only one who can't be killed" Clarke smiled

"It's hard to keep the Blake's down" Octavia agreed and went to hug her brother but all the guards raised their guns and Octavia backed off again. All the while Leoni and Bellamy kept looking at each other. The blonde didn't know what to feel

"the gate was already opened when the blast went off. me and one of the disciples fell through, i've spent the last year trying to get back to you and i have" Bellamy explained briefly

"Tell-tell me something that only you would know" she demanded shakily

"Ok..." he thought for a minute and Leoni nearly died at the sound of his voice
"light bulbs freak you out because you don't understand how they just run out of light-" that was enough. Leoni ran towards him not caring who dared to aim their guns at her. She jumped into his arms and just like before his clicked right into place on her waist

"I got you back" she laughed into him, tears flowing like never before

"Let her go she has the key" Bill ordered his guards who were gearing up to shoot the blonde

"The key is the flame. They think it's still in my head don't say anything it's our way out of here" Leoni whispered before leaning back and kissing him gently. She smiled up at him, thumbing his cheeks

"I hope that now you'll help us Miss Kane. No one else has to die" Bill said calmly
"You see each death is a child of earth who won't transcend" he explained
"I'll give you some time to reunite" he nodded and went to leave
"We'll make some preparations" and he started to walk out with his guards

"Your back i though I lost you i-" Leoni cried with happiness but it was short lived

"My Shepard" Bellamy called on the older man and Leoni's smile dropped completely
"You should know that Leoni doesn't have the flame anymore. It was destroyed not too long ago" he gave up their entire leverage to the enemy
"I'm so sorry" he sighed

"No" Leoni sobbed and stumbled back into Miller who caught her with ease
"What did you do to him WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HUSBAND!" She charged at Bill but Bellamy quickly caught her.

"Lee, no" he told her

"It's ok I'll save you-WHAT DID YOU DO-"

"Nothing! I saw the light Leoni they did nothing" he tried to assure her, holding her cheeks in his hands and she instinctively grabbed onto his wrists

"Bellamy" she whined begging for all this to be a dream

"It seems we have some things to discuss...Bellamy" the Shepard called on him and with one last emotionless look Bellamy left and Leoni collapsed to the ground, Octavia quick to fall at her side and console the girl. Leoni didn't even cry. She just felt so useless. Like she'd lost him again

"We're moving you to separate cells let's go" one of the guards ordered and a group started to escort them to different rooms, same as before, everyone in pairs except Leoni who was confined alone. So completely alone. She sat on the pathetic bed with her head in her hands, utterly devastated. She prayed in that moment. To Becca to her sister to the flame. Anything and anyone she believed in really. She just wanted her life back. Her husband and daughters. She sat like that for hours until the doors opened. The blonde didn't even look up she stayed seated and didn't acknowledge the presence. What she would've seen was a clean shaven Bellamy dressed in the same white robes that the disciples wore, standing before her

"Still so beautiful" he cooed from where he stood. A shiver ran down Leoni's spine but she couldn't bring herself to look at the boy
"Look Lee I've been to the others already there's no nice way to put this. You're to be executed in the morning. However I told them about Maddie and everyone else back in Sanctum-"

"So more of my secrets why don't you just hand over my birth certificate and drivers licence while you're at it" Leoni scoffed still with her head in her hands. Bellamy sighed before coming to kneel down in front of where she sat

"There's one way to save your people Lee. We need the flame. We believe it can be repaired, you'd get Lexa back" he tried to get her onboard. Leoni just shook her head. He had no idea the meaning of that name to her anymore

"i wouldn't get Lexa back if you repaired the flame he would get Lexa that cult leader sociopath excuse of a human being would get my sister that's what you're asking me to do hand over the last shred of dignity i have left" she rambled mainly to herself He used two fingers to tilt her head up but she didn't make eye contact, instead looking at the wall behind him making her brimming tears more than apparent

"Princess we need the flame" he whispered

"We?" She asked shallowly

"I really think that once you learn the story you'll believe too!" He took her hands in hers breaking her even more than he already had

"I already have something to believe in" Leoni defended her religion

"What? Becca and the flame?" Bellamy scoffed

"Yes Becca and the flame!" Leoni growled

"Leoni where is it? the flame?" Bellamy asked with an Impatient sigh

"I don't know I'm sorry" she shook her head looking down at the floor again but didn't stop him from running his thumb across her knuckles

"Don't lie to me" he told her

"Bellamy you know when I'm lying I'm not." She bit down hard on her lip to the extent that blood started to seep
"After Raven took it out I left. I couldn't bare to see what was left of my life destroyed" she explained shakily. It wasn't a lie

"I asked Raven...she wouldn't give anything up neither would Clarke" he told her sadly

"So what happens to them now?" She asked quietly

"We'll take them to M-cap and find out ourselves" he told her casually

"Torture" she translated that into her own terms

"It's not-"

"It will be when they resist I'm the commander i know how these things work hell i've enforced these things" she snapped and there was silence for a moment

"Lee look at me" he tilted her head up again and this time the blonde forced herself to look him in the eye
"I'm still the man you married. The man you love" he smiled gently, wiping away her tears

"No you're not" she sobbed painfully. Unsatisfied with that reaction he leaned forward to kiss her and she let him. No matter what she would always love him. Her hands came up to either side of his face and they stayed there when he pulled away

"I am" he insisted

"The man-the man I married and the man I love are now 2 separate people" she tried to keep her voice steady
"Bellamy your letting your family and friends sit in this jail. Save us! right now you're the only one who can" She begged

"This is where you are safe-"

"No it's not!" She pushed him off of her and stood up
"I want to go back to my daughter and my people! That's where I'll be safe!" She tried to bring him back

"I'm trying to save you all. To get you back to Maddie" he told her calmly
"You can get through to the others. Help us find the flame and you'll be free" he laid it out for her just like that

"that man you call the Shepard burned Becca Promheda alive. He lied to people about the earth being survivable so he could stay in charge and there is no way in hell I'm doing anything to help him let alone trick my friends into handing the last of Lexa's legacy over to him" she cried uncontrollably as she spoke
"so what now? you just gonna stand there and watch as they put a bullet through my skull?" She shrugged

"I don't want that to happen-"

"Will you or will you not let them kill me if they can't find the flame" she asked again

"What do you do when you believe in something with your whole heart and the people you love think it's crazy?" He asked genuinely

"I don't know Bell. What i do know is that you used to believe in me with your whole heart. And that I grieved you for months- fuck it could've been years I was so fucking depressed for so fucking long I didn't know what way was up! And now you're back but you're not and it's killing me. everything i have ever called my own has been taken away from me! you are the only thing i have left in my grip and now you're taking that away too " She was confused and tired. She ran her fingers through her hair stressfully and looked at him again, pressing her hands together against her lips to stop them trembling and in doing so she showed Bellamy how badly she was doing
"The cause- the cause that you're fighting for" she started and he looked at her dead on as he listened intently
"Is it more important than us? Than me? The woman you pledged your life to." She asked desperately and didn't expect an answer but he thought about about it. Then he made a decision

"Yes" he told her and Leoni took a wide step back. right then. that's when everything was taken away from her. everything. At that moment she made the decision not to tell him about his daughter. He didn't deserve to know, not this Bellamy. She didn't know him
"And more" he started to venture towards her making her keep backing up
"This cause means no more war, no more senseless death, no more cold blooded killing. Leoni the Shepard can deliver us to that place" he kept coming at her until she was up against the wall and he was inches before her
"Every one of us! For all mankind" he finished

"What happened to till to death do us part?" She questioned feeling beyond hurt

"Nothing! Nothing changed!" He tried to make her see

"Then help me." She begged.
"because i'll die before i convert to your so called 'cause'" He looked at her for a second then pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek

"I'll bring by some new clothes later" he told her before walking back to the door and knocking signalling for the guard to let him out. He gave her one last pleading look before leaving. Once he was gone Leoni's sobs became violent and loud. She wrapped her arms around herself and slid down the wall
"Not Bellamy...not him please not him not Bellamy" she cried as she banged her head against the wall repeatedly
"Not him not my love not Bellamy" she curled up into a little ball on the floor, her cheek pressed against the cold, smooth surface.
"Not him" she whimpered and then at some point she must've cried herself to sleep in a puddle of tears only to be woken by Bellamy a few hours later

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