Ouran High school Host Club:...

By BloodyRose64

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Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their... More

First Day At Work πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό
Let The Party Begin πŸ’ƒ
Physical Exams πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ
Who Is This Man? 🀷
Filming Day 🎬
My Resort Breaking Point 🌴
Tired Of The Beach Apologies 🍹
Gay PanicπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
The Project Pays Off With A Home Visit πŸ’…
Now It's Haruhi's Turn🏠
Prince Of Darkness Has A Sister?! πŸ§™
Savannah Really Is The Mom Of The Group πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! πŸ“°
Soft Melodies Compliment A Hot Summer Day β˜€οΈπŸŽΌ
The Green Eyed Monster Soon Turns Pink β˜”οΈ
Sleepless Kyoya Chronicles πŸ›
No Boys Allowed!! πŸ’…πŸ’‹
Gay Panic 2: Electric Boogaloo 🌈
A Very KILLER Halloween πŸŽƒπŸ¬
A Scary Face With A Heart Of Gold πŸ‘ΉπŸ’›
A Scary Face With A Heart Of Gold πŸ‘ΉπŸ’› (2)
Dancing In Snow For The Winter Ball ❄️
It's Over, Isn't It....? πŸ’”
It's Never Over πŸ’

Round 1: FIGHT!! πŸ’₯

58 1 0
By BloodyRose64

      "Let's play the "Which one is Hikaru-kun?" game!" It was a regular day; the three of us serving the different groups of the club, Tamaki annoying Haruhi for the millionth time, Savannah drooling over him, and the twins...being them. Dayna walked over to place a few cups of tea by some of the ladies, she would've walked away without anyone noticing her, but she caught the twins eye. "Oh, Dayna~" They called to her with a smirk. She froze and turned around cautiously, "Yes?" "We want you to have the first guess, so...~" They both put their hands on each shoulder, bending down close to be only inches away from her face. With a little smile, they both said to her, "Which of us is Hikaru...princess?~" Her face turned bright red, putting her head down to look at the floor. Me and Savannah looked at the scene, she turned towards me to ask, "So this is gonna be a mostly Dayna episode?" "She wanted the twins, so I'll give the fucking twins~"

      Haruhi walked past, "What a ridiculous game." "Something you don't like about it?" They put their hands on their hips, raising their eyebrow. She turned around, "I can't quite figure out why you two are so popular." This gave Dayna a chance to slip through and walk towards me, putting her head in my arm while the twins went over to Haruhi. They both started to explain it, "Listen here. Just having a couple of good looking homosexuals earns of high points. And making a show of teetering between that and friendship is also desirable." "Aren't you brothers?!" I yelled to them, but they ignored me ultimately. "But in our case, being twins, we get to use this most forbidden of taboos as a weapon," They continued. To top off their last point, one of the girls was pulled into it with the both of them holding her face gently, "On top of that, there's the scenario of having two people, who have such deep ties to each other loving you at the same time." "It's the ultimate young woman's romance, right?" It's obvious that the girl agreed, along with the others sitting around.

      Tamaki ran in with the laptop in his hands, yelling for Hikaru and Kaoru, "I let you have control of the club's homepage on the condition that you would take it seriously!" Oh god, what did they do now? The three of us got closer while they defended what they were doing. "And this is the screen that you made?!" Tamaki yelled. The computer screen had a shirtless picture of Haruhi, making me and her shocked to the fullest extent.....WHEN THE HELL WAS THAT TAKEN?! From Haruhi's face, those pictures was at the most fake entirely. Honey complimented her, but was quickly carried off by Mori and Savannah. The girls started to gather around it with hearts in their eyes, carrying it from Tamaki's hands for their own. Savannah was shocked over the pictures as well, but I was showing it the most, so in comparison the other two just looked like they didn't care. Tamaki went over to yell at the twins, and I snatched the computers from the girls with a smile, "Club property, or...something like that!" The twins revealed that the photo was fake, made entirely by them. Hikaru shrugged with a smug smile, "We did a good job, didn't we?" "Magnificent skill, if I do say so myself," Kaoru joined. Tamaki was about to yell even more, but Savannah quickly called to him to stop, pointing over to me. I walked over to them, "Do this creepy shit again, and I won't hesitate to FUCKING END YOUR LIVES!!" They both jumped at that, nodding quick and backing up. Taking a big sigh, I heard him softly whisper, "But if you are going to do it, composite her with this idol photo collection." I quickly punched him in the back of the head. "Rose!" Savannah yelled at me. "He was being weird again!!"

      Haruhi finally snapped back to reality, "Would you stop compositing pictures of me without my permission? Just what do you take other people to be?" That made them smirk big, grabbing Dayna once more to spin her around to join Haruhi in between the two of them. "Isn't that obvious? Toys~" I walked over to pull her away, "Any more at one time, and she'll get a nose bleed. Give her about 10 to 20 minutes." Haruhi loudly denied this, but the twins' faces said otherwise. 

      "Toys," Another voice said. We all looked towards it, finding a large dark brown door with someone in a black cloak peeking out with a candelabra in their hands. "Toys, toys. If you like toys, then by all means, come to my club, the Black Magic Club. We've opened a marketplace of the world's black magic curios. If you come now I'll make sure you get this handsome cursed doll, Belzenef, as a present," He explained. I walked over to him, leaning in, "You have my full attention~" Dayna and Savannah rolled their eyes, finding it not surprising at all that I was truly invested in this. Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru all whispered to each other. "Why is he talking through a crack in the door?" "For that matter, has there always been a door there?" Kyoya walked over to explain why this guy was doing this, and apparently his name was Nekozawa. He kept his eyes on his writing, "Nekozawa-senpai doesn't like brightly-lit places." "Beside that point, I would love to actually learn from you," I turned back to Nekozawa as we smiled at each other. "Rose, stop trying to be a witch!" Dayna told me. "Bite me, whore!"

      "No!" I felt a hand on my arm pulling me away from him. It was Tamaki, looking paler than usual with his voice low, "You must not have anything to do with that man. If you do, you will definitely become cursed." I was not amused, raising an eyebrow to him as Haruhi slid in to ask stuttering, "Do you have any basis for that claim?" His proof for that was that he accidently stepped on Belzenef, his doll, which caused him to...'go into another dimension' before final exams. Kyoya quickly shot it down, saying that he just simply taken the final for the Greek class. Tamaki tried something else, saying that three days later his legs were as heavy as lead, but Kyoya shot that down as well. "That's because the day before you had that marathon, right?" He corrected him. Why is Sav in love with this guy again? No seriously...why? Nekozawa walked into the room further, "The power of the cursed doll, Belzenef, is real. If you engrave the name of a person that you hate into this doll's back, they are certain to meet with misfortune." "I actually dip my toes into some voodoo way back when, could you actually be my mentor for the time being?" I asked him. He nodded, "Just from looking at you, your aura is the perfect kind to shape into a master like myself. You will do great in the arts of dark magic, my dear." Tamaki looked over in horror at me talking to him like normal. He grabbed my wrist, "I forbid you to take lessons in black magic! I won't let you be corrupted in such a way, you hear me?!" "Now Tamaki, touch me again and I'll curse you this time, alright?~" I smirked at his little scream and putting his hands up. 

      My new friend/mentor went before we could talk more by the twins shining a light on him, making him run back into his club room very quickly. "Hikaru, Kaoru, how could you?" Tamaki gasped. He kept going on and on with it, but the twins just sat back and talked about how bored they were. This drove Tamaki back to his depression corner, "Wow...such a leader," I thought to myself. Kaoru raised his hand, "Say Dayna, we have a favor to ask." "You too, Haruhi," Hikaru raised his hand as well. They both asked what it was, and they asked, "The next day off we get can we come over to your place?" Before Haruhi even answered from her side, I leaned on Dayna somewhat to answer, "No way in hell you're coming to the house. I'd rather die than that." Haruhi agreed with me, making the twins sort of beg as well. Switching up emotions quick as shit, Tamaki jumped up, "I've also long been thinking that I should pay my respects to Haruhi's and our grand servers' families." Savannah was quick to answer yes for us when he put in his two cents, "Of course you can come over, when you want! I'll even cook for you as well, I can make a mean Tonkatsu and Chirashizushi!" "Savannah, what the hell?!" Me and Dayna yelled.

      "Then, let's do it this way," The twins surrounded Haruhi. "If you miss in the "Which one is Hikaru-kun game," then as a penalty, we get to come over to both of your houses." And the game was on, the twins shuffling back and forth. Once they stopped, Haruhi pointed them out easily, but they said she was incorrect. She smiled, "No I didn't. I know you guys better than you think." Dayna said to herself, not thinking that they could hear her, "You guys look similar, but you are different in a lot of ways." In fact, the twins did hear her and with their eyes widening slightly, it broke their reality a bit. The girls started asking on how Haruhi could tell them apart so easy while the twins looked at each other and then Dayna. "How can you tell them apart?" "Well, let's see..." Haruhi wondered for a bit. "Hikaru's speech and actions are ten percent more ornery than Kaoru's." Wow, she is...really loving, ain't she? Kaoru started laughing a bit, covering his mouth, "I'm sorry, Hikaru." He kept laughing, but Hikaru didn't look like he found it that funny.

      "Well, I just don't mask anything and always express myself honestly, so Kaoru is the one who is more spiteful." Oh shit....it's about to go down. They both glared at each other hard, "Hikaru, I'm the one who's always going along, playing your selfish games, right?" "I may be the one to suggest them, but you're the one who gets into them, Kaoru. I mean, you seemed really into teasing Dayna a lot lately." Once at the mention of her name, Savannah went over to nudge her in front, "You have a good chance at mending the fight before it escalates." She stuttered for a minute, trying to find a good enough excuse and even looking to me to find one, but alas...she couldn't find one. Walking over to stand between them, "How about we just calm down and think about what you're saying? Kaoru didn't mean anything harmful, right?" Kaoru scoffed, walking closer, "How about when you called Dayna a toy? You were so quick to make some sort of pass at her. Hikaru, you really are in love with her, aren't you?" We all gasped a bit at that, I even glanced at Kyoya who finally looked up from his book with wider eyes than usual. Hikaru blushed brightly, growling, "You really are an idiot, Kaoru! For one thing, how is it that I would fall for a hippy looking freak?" 

      All of a sudden, Renge slowly lifted from the floor from a rotating platform. "A beautiful, yet poignant three-sided relationship around our decent server and Haruhi-kun. What's more, two of the figures are twins, bogged down by this development! Renge could eat three bowls of rice over this!" She announced. The twins, and me included, told her to take a hike. Tamaki went over to ask about her support since she apparently had a interest in her, but there's 'always more room for homosexual relationships'....apparently. The fighting got worse, and Dayna backed up with no clue to fix it. It escalated to the point where they said that they were 'over' like some sort of couple. 

      The next day rolled around, and the bell just rang for class. Savannah and I had a different first period than Dayna, so she sat at her desk alone with her drawings. "Hey Dayna," someone said. She looked over and saw....a pink hair...Hikaru? "Good morning," He said to her. She was stunned to say the least, not finding the right words to say. "So..." She nervously laughed. "What's up with your hair?" "Pink suits me. Isn't it cute? Starting today, the pink one is me. I couldn't bear being mistaken for Kaoru forever." That's when footsteps were heard behind the two. "Good morning, Dayna," they said. It was Kaoru....with blue hair. "I just wanted to visit you before my class started. Actually, last night I had the rare chance to gracefully sleep by myself,  but I had a bad dream. You see, my hair was dyed pink of the most garish shade in this dream I was having," He laughed. Hikaru then tripped him up....then it was vice versa. This fight is....tiring.

      Next came lunch, and once they bell rang Dayna went to find me and Savannah to tell us about what happened with the twins that morning. "Oooh, the boys are fighting over you~" Savannah teased. I chuckled, "But for real, the fight kind of seems like it came out of no where. Don't you think?" "Now that you think about it, yeah," Dayna nodded. Walking into the caf- sorry, I mean the refectory as the posh people love to act superior, I stopped the walking and nodded to the left. "Speak of the devil," I smiled. The twins were still fighting, this time are the register. Dayna sighed defeated, "I'm glad we got our lunch from home then." Haruhi walked in behind us, "Amazing. They're fighting in harmony." A very familiar voice was heard by one of the exits, "I thought it was getting noisy in here." It was the rest of club being led by Tamaki, "Are you two still fighting? You're embarrassing the Host Club." The whole room started to fall for them just by the sight on them. 

      "Okay, break! You're both to blame for this fight," Honey got between them. Turning around and back again, he suddenly had a plate of a small cake in his hands. He smiled, "Hika-chan and Kao-chan, go halfsies on this cake and make up! Okay?" That was nice. "Oh, but I want to eat some, too, so I guess we have to go thirdsies. We can't split the strawberry, so what do we do?" Oh god, he's faltering. After Honey talking in circles a bit, Savannah walked in to softly pick him up and bring him over to Mori, "Honey, that doesn't seem to be helping right now. Thank you for trying, though." Tamaki went over to Haruhi, seeming like he was gawking at her and all. She didn't seem concerned about it at all, "I was concerned about those two and followed them here without thinking. I just have my box lunch, so I wanted to eat it in the classroom." Look, I don't have any patience for Tamaki's ass today. Ignoring him, I looked around to find Kyoya's eyes glance up at me, only to quickly look away in remembrance of what I talked about with Tamaki just a few days ago. 

      Dayna walked to sit next to Haruhi, but before we could join them the twins got there first. Hikaru sat to the left of her while Dayna was sitting to the right. "What do you have in your box lunch?" He asked Haruhi. She looked down at it, "Yesterday's simmered leftovers, some rolled omelet and such." "Switch with me. I ordered something different from Kaoru and ended up with all the stuff I hate." She agreed, and was amazed by how wonderful the food was. Just taking a bite brought her to heaven, and I don't blame her. Kaoru came over to sit next to Dayna, "You want some of my food, Dayna? Here." He gently grabbed her chin, lifting it up to the spoon to try and feed her. Hikaru stood up, eating the food off the spoon, "Butt out. Go away." Kaoru threw a plate of soup, but Hikaru used Tamaki as a shield. Another fight started, so me and Dayna got help Haruhi out of the way while Savannah went over to help Tamaki clean himself up.

      It was the end of the day, and things weren't looking too good for the club. Most of us were gathered in the club room, trying to figure out what to do. "If this situation continues," Kyoya typed somethings into his calculator. "We're going to have to stop offering the brotherly-love package. Our designee rate is definitely down." He looked up and called upon Haruhi and Dayna's attention, "This isn't something that you should feel responsible for. Even though your thoughtless comments were the cause of this fight." I scoffed, "You are so comforting, you know that?" Savannah groaned, "You couldn't have phrased it anyway else?" Honey came in with the fact that they actually have never had a fight before. With some sort of confidence, Dayna tried to reason with that, "Well...maybe it's a sign of them growing as people. At some point in time, they have to fight, it's just how sibling work really. I mean, I can't tell you how many time me and my sister fought when we were younger." Tamaki looked off into the distance, thinking far back, "It seemed like, except for themselves, they kept everyone at a distance back when I met them in middle school. Their personalities were several times more warped than they are now." Maybe Dayna was right....this was what they needed to grow up.

      That didn't mean the fighting came to an end though. Once the twins showed up, everything was soon thrown...even Honey for some odd reason. Savannah quickly tried to get Mori to save him from potently falling, but during that Dayna and I kept our attention to the twins. Tamaki sighed, a veins close to popping out on his forehead, "After going this long, haven't you gotten over it yet? You brothers are putting us out." "We're putting you out? We're putting you out, you say?! You gotta be kidding! I'm the one who's put out!" Hikaru looked angry turning to us. He continued on, "I'm the one who's got the same face as Kaoru. I'm sick and tired of being mistaken for you! The truth is, I hate your guts!" "You took the words right out of my mouth. Look at this!" Kaoru yelled as he went into his jacket pocket. He then pulled out...the cursed doll, Belzenef? Wait a minute....that was my doll I got before class!! "Hey, you stole that from me, you carbon copy piece of shit!" Savannah yelled back at me, "Why did you even buy that?!" "Why not?!"

      "I'm writing your name on this thing's back, Hikaru," Kaoru continued with his serious glare. He pulled out his marker, "From here on, you're going to meet with lots of misfortune and sorrow!" Haruhi ran up to both of them and punched them in the head, get 'em girl!! "You don't go bringing something like this into a simple quarrel!" She began to lecture them, "You both are to blame for this fight, but you're even more to blame for bothering everyone around you with it! Now say you're sorry! If you don't make up right now, then I'll never let you come over as long as I live!" They both stared shocked at her, tears resting gently in the corner of their eyes. Then...a smirk? "Then if we do make up, Haruhi, we can over to your house, right?" No....no!! NO FUCKING WAY!! Turning over the doll in her hand, all it said was...blank. "Oh come the fuck ON!!" I shouted. Those smug ass homo looking bitches conned us out our fucking heads!! I"M GONNA KILL THEM!!! We all were in shock, except Kyoya, and Dayna raised her hand, "It's just her house, right?" "Wrong again, Dayna. The deal was both your houses, remember?~" They smiled at her. THEY ARE GOING TO FUCKING DIE BY MY HANDS!!

      After having to knock me out due to the fact that I was trying to murder the two of them, the day was finally over and I got to get the usual 3 hours of sleep I work off of. The next day was back to normal; the twins were back in business, the host doing their things, and the three of us serving each guest. As Dayna set down a set of sweets next to one of the girls, the twins caught her once more, "Princess, we need you here!~" She froze, already feeling the blood rush to her head. Slowly walking over, they wrapped their arms around her, "We're sorry we had to lie to you so much. Look on the bright side though," "We get to be even closer to you from now on...princess~" They both called her that in unison, making her cringe into herself with not being able to handle the situation. With her face covered by her hands, she remembered what Savannah told her at home last night.

"Since the twins are basically fine now, I want you to bring them in on the project" 

      Working up the last of the energy she had left, she grabbed the both of them and brought them to Savannah. Afterwards, she sat in her panic corner to internally scream to herself. That left Savannah, the twins, and Tamaki to talk about the said project. While they were doing this, I walked past and wondered what they were talking about. It wasn't for long though, since I was still...pretty stressed out.  



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