lsviv25 द्वारा

328K 19.3K 7.4K

Love hate Story of Aagney and Mythili अधिक

Characters and Author's NOTE
1.Fire of his hatred
2.Unhealed scars
3.Aagney's whore
4.A fallen woman
6.Personal Slut
7.His Murderer
9.An old memory
10.Hurt me all you want
11.Fake concern
12.Guardian Angel
13.Happiest News
14.A bane
please read
15.A bad dream
16.I own you
Sneak Peak
please read...again
17.Aagney's Mythili
19.My Agni
please read
silent Whispers updated
20.Unexpected Surprise
please read this and respond
21.Pure affection
22.Grave Danger
please read
27.Legally wedded wife
please read dearies
29.Visual treat
please read
please read dears
31.Mood swings
32.Past Sins
35.Dirty secret
Sneak Peak
37.Tears of blood
38.Forbidden feelings
39.A lifetime
author's note
40.Pure madness
41.Too late
42.Only Mine
please read dears
43.Until we meet again

28.Burning fire

5.7K 417 201
lsviv25 द्वारा

Sorry for the delay guys...I lost the draft and had to rewrite the whole chapter

Dev is Aagney Dev Mittal.Both are the same person..Hope this clears confusion...

Which author gives clue in her previous story about the suspense in her new story?This poor author is so innocent that she gave the clue and yet you all want to haunt me...poor me...😉😉😉😛😛😛🙈🙈🙈🥺🥺🥺

Vote target 155 votes🙏🙏🙏

Author's POV

"Mom ...I can't believe that Mili is married to Aagney and is pregnant with his child. Our plan to make her a whore failed, "Aditi scorned.

"Who said so? My plan never fails...Married or not ...she is a whore now...Manohar Reddy's whore.He will use her and sell her to some brothel after he is done with her. Raman's favorite daughter and Aagney's loving wife will live as a branded whore somewhere, "Priyamvadha laughed wickedly.

"You are right, mom. How did I forget where Mili is now?... That reminds me...Did Reddy call you for the payment? "Aditi asked cheerfully.

"Yes...but we will have to go to his farmhouse to collect the cash since it's black money," Priyamvadha said.

"Really? Mom, I want to see that ruined whore there at Reddy's farmhouse. By now, Reddy would have completely destroyed her. I can't wait to enjoy seeing her broken and shattered self," Aditi chuckled.

"That we will, Aditi. I want to see the shock on her face when she sees us. Finally, we will have good riddance, "Priyamvadha laughed.

"But mom, what excuse will we tell dad when we go out to meet Reddy, "Aditi asked in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, Aditi. Aakash will be back today, and it's easy to fool your dad. Now get ready...let's go and meet my darling daughter. And tell her how devastated I'm to see her in such a condition, "Priyamvadha sneered.


"Stop being stubborn and eat the food, Mithu, "Aagney threatened her.

"I don't want this bland food...I want ice cream," she glared at him.

"Don't make me force-feed you," Aagney scowled.

"I will complain to my uncle and aunt when I meet them, "Mili grumbled.

"I'm not scared of anyone. Now eat this, and don't let my child starve," he growled.

"Still, you care only for your child. Don't you love me anymore? "Mili had tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I love only my child...You ruined us both, Mithu. You wasted the years we could have spent together being each other's support. You always gave your dad and your stepmom more priority than me. Didn't I come to take you with me two years back? But what did you do? You said that your dad was more important to you and that you would die than spend your life with a rapist like me? Do you know how devastated I was back then? I couldn't believe my ears ...How could you think that I raped my own..., "Aagney had tears in his eyes as he tightened his hold on Mili's shoulders.

"Dev...I...It wasn't like that. I know I hurt you, but..."Mili whimpered and reminisced the day Aagney came to meet her after she was back from the asylum.

Past in italics

After Mili was back from the asylum(She went to an institute for her treatment when she lost her mind)

"Your Dev is here to meet you, "Mili saw Priyamvadha and Aditi inside her room for the first time after she came back from the asylum.

"D-Dev..."Mili stood up, hearing her beloved's name.

"I knew it...he will come for me. Now no one can stop me from going with him, "Mili bellowed.

"Where do you think you are going?"Aditi yanked her hand painfully.

"Aditi...leave me ...let me go, "Mili tried to release Aditi's hold on her hands.

"Leave your sister, Aditi, "Priyamvadha wore a kind look but winked at Aditi cunningly.

"Mili, my child...I know you love your dad...but think of his health condition. He has a heart problem, and anything can happen to him. My poor Raman loves you so much and will be devastated if you chose that rapist over him, "Priyamvadha shed fake tears.

"Mom...My Dev is not a rapist. There was no evidence against him. Stop calling him that, "Mili retorted harshly and walked towards the door.

"Alright...I won't call him that. But what about you...Do you think your Dev and his family accept you when they come to know that you have lost your mind? Moreover, the doctors who treated you said that you are vulnerable and can lose your mind with the slightest provocation. Already poor Aagney and his family are suffering due to the loss of Avni. Do you want to ruin his life by being part of it now? Think wisely and decide, Mili. I'm just concerned about you, "Priyamvadha manipulated Mili artfully.

"Mom...I think we should let her go with Aagney Dev Mittal...Just imagine how they will look together...The rapist and the Mental case...perfect pair, "Aditi mocked a devastated Mili.

All Mili heard was the word 'Mental case,' and her mind was troubled. She loved her Dev so much, but she couldn't deny the fact that she was a mental case now, just as Aditi taunted. She couldn't destroy her Dev's life by being part of it now. Priyamvadha's words and Aditi's mocks filled chaos in her brain. She walked out of her room with a broken heart and trembling legs to see her Dev standing in her living room. Raman was taunting him and asking him to leave the place. Mili looked at him with tear-filled eyes. Aagney looked tired and nothing like his old self. But his eyes sparkled as soon as he saw his Mithu.

"Mithu," he addressed her softly.

"Why are you here? "Mili asked indifferently, shocking him.

"Mithu...I'm here to take you with me. Come with me now, please," he pleaded through his eyes.

"You bloody rapist. Leave my daughter alone. Is she your next target? I won't give my daughter for you to murder. Get lost from here," Raman pushed Aagney to the floor.

Mili's heart hurt seeing her dad's misbehavior with her Dev. But she turned her heart into a stone and kept silent.

"Uncle, Mithu and I love each other. Please don't separate us due to some misunderstandings. And I know that my Mithu trusts me, "Aagney begged, standing upon his feet.

"Trust you? "Mili mocked.

"Why do you think I will come with you, leaving behind my family and dad?"Mili spoke emotionlessly.

Aagney was shocked and hurt, but Mili was determined to distance herself from him. She didn't want a mental case like her to be part of his life. At that moment, she thought that her Dev deserved a better person. She had gone crazy one time, and according to her doctors, she could go mad again. She didn't want a mad woman like her to be in Dev's life.

"Mithu...This is not you. Please, let's talk and solve our misunderstandings," Dev reasoned.

"There's nothing to talk about, Dev. I won't come with you. Let's end our relationship right here, right now, "Mili scoffed.

"Mithu...Do we have a relationship that can be ended like this? We are..."Dev cried but was cut off by Mili.

"Just shut up, Dev...I don't want to have any relationship with a Rapist...Did you get me? "Mili screamed hysterically.

"You heard my daughter, right? Now get lost...Wait, give back that engagement ring," Raman huffed and forcefully pulled out the engagement ring from Aagney's fingers.

"Mili...Give back your engagement ring to this vile man, "Raman ordered his daughter.

"I threw it away when I knew that he raped his own sister, "Mili stated harshly.

Aagney looked at her in disbelief as Raman threw taunts at him. Raman tried to push him out of the house as Aagney stood frozen hearing his beloved Mithu's harsh words. He couldn't accept that she called him a rapist out of all. Her words triggered his anger which he had buried deep inside him.

"Ms.Mythili Sharma...Today Mithu died for Dev, and Dev for his Mithu. I am Aagney Mittal from today...just Aagney...who is a burning fire...and this fire will consume you soon, Mythili Sharma. Not just you...your beloved dad and your family..everyone will suffer...I will make you taste the essence of being abandoned by everyone you love, Mythili. And I will make sure that you will beg for mercy at my feet," he boomed.

And one more thing...I will never address you as Mithu from now on...And it's Aagney Mittal for you. Because you murdered your dev today, be prepared...Your countdown begins now. I just want to see how you save your dad and your family," he snarled and walked out of her house and life that day.

Mili ran to her room, locked herself in, and caressed the engagement ring, which had Dev's name in her hands. She was scared that her dad would force her to return the ring to Dev. She hid it so that it remains with her as a beautiful memory of her Dev. She removed her chain and linked the ring to the chain, and wore it around her neck, making sure no one found out about it. She had worn it as a symbol of her marriage with Dev, unknown to Dev or anyone else from that day on.

back to present

"What have you achieved by hiding all these from me? All you got was pain. You were suffering all these years. And I was burning in hatred until the day I knew the truth about your nervous breakdown," Aagney gritted his teeth.

"You knew the truth?"Mili was perplexed.

"Yes," He replied grimly.

"Then...Then why did you force me that day? "Mili hit his chest.

"Which day?" he feigned ignorance.

"Of course, you won't was the alcohol in your system that was driving your actions that day," she snarled.

"One question, Mithu...Why did you come to me for help when you knew my hatred for your family?"Aagney asked.

"I -I thought you would not show hatred when dad is in such a condition. But I never in my dreams believed that you would force me to be with you that night. I hated it," she replied in a sad tone.

"Tell me, Mithu. Would you have agreed if it was someone else? "Aagney asked angrily.

"No...never ...I would have died rather than be forced to be with a random man," she cried.

"Then why the hell did you agree to be with me that night? Aagney shook her in rage.

"Be-because you are my husband, and you have every right on me," she sobbed.

"So you remembered that I'm your husband...then why did you beg me to help you. You could have used your rights on me. I hate this attitude of yours, Mithu. Do you know why I forced you that day? "he asked her in a fury.

"W-Why? "she stammered.

"Because I lost my trust in you...I knew you would do something stupid to save your dad. And I couldn't lose you because of the brainless decisions you make. And you were too blind to see your step mom's manipulations, "Aagney scorned.

"And I don't care if you still think that I forced you because, as far as I'm concerned, I made love to my wife with her full permission. If you want to sit and cry, be my guest. And also, feel free to file a case against me for rape. The whole world calls me more case won't affect me anymore, "Aagney grimaced.

'Dev...I..."Mili had no words to express her distress. Dev was right...she had indeed been stupid and would have made many foolish decisions had not Dev interfered in her life.

"Aagney...stop scolding the poor girl. I think you forgot that your wife is pregnant," a voice startled them both.

"Mithu...I hope you have met him before. You all know him by the name Manohar Reddy. He is the one who saved my life. I would have been six feet under if he hadn't supported me, "Aagney said, looking gratefully at the man.

"Mithu...he is Milind Bhai...Milind Manohar brother and my support system", Aagney introduced Mr.Reddy to his Mithu with a soft smile.

How was the chapter?

Those who have confusion reread the chapters...🙏🙏

I hope this chapter cleared some confusion.😛😛😛

Milind is the guy who saves Aagney from those vile men in jail... in case you all don't remember.Milind is Milind Manohar Reddy.😛😛😛

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