No Regrets, Right?

By Kayyy-Chan

75.2K 2.8K 267

The Revive Revive Fruit, fruit rumored to exist and is written off by many. Despite being a devil fruit, this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 2

4.8K 178 21
By Kayyy-Chan

12 years later
(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Another day, same as the rest. Wake up, get ready, meet with Moria and the others, go back to my cell, draw, daydream, sleep, and repeat.

That's what my life has been for 12 years.

Once I had gotten up and dressed, I sat there waiting for Cindry to come get me.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but I began to hear the clicking of heels. I looked up from my feet to see the blonde women, that comes every now and then, at the entrance of my cell.

"Moria and Master would like to see you now." She unlocked the doors with her usual blank face, void of emotion.

I stared at the woman in front of me, Cindry, from what I have gathered. From what I hear, she was a famous stage actress who died 12 years ago in an accident during one of her performances. Apparently Dr. Hogback, being infatuated with her even in death, took her corpse and brought her here and turned her into a zombie to be his servant.

How do you make a person come back to life? It doesn't make sense. Once something is gone, it cannot return.

I shook the thought out of my head, standing from the small cot I have been sleeping on, and walked out the cell. Without another word, Cindry turned on her heels, and started walking down the corridor. Already knowing the drill, I followed suit, not saying a word.

After a few minutes of walking through the mansion, we arrived at the main room where all of Moria's "meetings" were held. If you ask me, he should call them "group therapy sessions..."

Cindry opened the door, immediately going to stand next to Dr. Hogback. "Keshishishi! Well, if it isn't my greatest specimen. It's about time you showed up, now sit down."

I sighed quietly, before making my way to the table, sitting in the empty seat beside Moria's. This seat was deemed mine since my arrival on this stupid ship because I was "precious cargo" or his "trump card" that mustn't be set loose without his supervision.

As if I could ever escape... this island of a ship is too big for me to reach the edge in time. Even if I did, I have no way of sailing away.

"Now, the reason I have called you all here today, is because I have a special announcement." Tubby- I mean- Moria announced.

Not sure why I am here though, its not like I was a crew member. Aside from Dr. Hogback, Absalom, and Perona, the rest of his crew were made up of zombies.

"Oh? A new experiment of yours?" Dr. Hogback piped up, Moria peaking his interest.

"You could say that." He rested his ginormous feet on top of the table, resting his arms behind his head. "I will be using that to my advantage."

"Ah! This should be very interesting. To think we will soon have a trump card such as that!" Absalom gasped, before stroking his furry chin, imagining whatever it was they were talking about. The hell are they going on about?

"Yes, now here's-" Moria was cut off by the sound of the doors slamming open.

There at the door, stood one of the zombie generals. "Master Moria! A signal flare has been set off!"

Moria quirked an eyebrow intrigued. "You don't say..."

"Yes, and the ship is nearing, sir!" the general informed.

"Very well. Have you and your men entrap their ship with no escape. Perona, go with them and greet our new guests." Moria waved the general away.

The general nodded before running out the room. "Haruharuharu! What do you plan to do with them?" Perona asked floating at the door entrance.

"Let them come onto the island, then we will pick them off one by one. They will go to that room. Go there when you're done."  Moria waved off. With that, Perona flew through the doors, to the supposed guests.

"Dr. Hogback, have your servant take (Y/N) back to her cell, don't want her to get any ideas." Moria glanced at me causing me to flinch slightly.

With that, the meeting was over, and I was taken back to my cell. What I wasn't aware of, was the syringe Cindry had in her hand, until I felt a prick in the back of my neck and everything went black.


I stirred awake with a groan, grabbing ahold of my head. "Damn, who does she think she is, drugging me like that..." I grumbled to myself, pulling myself up, a hand propped behind me.

I tried to look around, but everything was still kind of blurry. "Keshishishi! It's about time you woke up!" I froze in my spot, blinking a couple times to clear my vision. That's when I noticed we were in another room.

I went to go stand up, only to be pulled back down. Confused, I looked down and noticed my hands and feet were shackled to the floor. What the hell? What is going on? I tugged on the chains a couple times.

"Master, we're back!" I heard one of Moria's zombies, Gyoro, shout. "We've done it! We've done it!"

I brought my gaze up, spotting Gyoro and two others coming in with a coffin in tow. "Shut up about your stupid master and let me outta here!" I heard a voice shout from the coffin. "I can't see anything! Where am I? Stop ignoring me!"

Why is there someone in a coffin... I furrowed my eyebrows as they set the coffin down, opening it. To my dismay, I was unable to see who was in the coffin.

"Who are you guys?" I heard the voice again, only this time louder. "Hey! Lemme go! Stop! Stop it!" The voice shouted at the three as he was thrown into a cage.

"You're lucky I'm in here, 'cause when I get out, I'm kicking your asses!" The person shouted again in anger. "Little jerks! What do these things want from me?"

I shifted slightly, to see the person in the cage, noticing they are covered in armor. I noticed Moria get up from his chair, walking over to the cage. What is he doing? He looked down at the cage, chuckling.

"You sure are fat. What the heck do you eat?" The person said.

"Pff-" I choked back my laughter, not wanting to feel Moria's wrath. I've been wondering the same thing for years!

"How rude of you!" Gyoro fussed. "You can't speak to our master like that!"

"So, this is the famous Straw Hat Luffy, huh?" Moria questioned, walking back over to where I was, plopping down into the chair. "Well, you're energetic if nothing else. Keshishishi!"

Suddenly, the man's tone dropped, sounding serious. "And you must be Moria. I hear you're a real jerk."

"You have no idea..." I whispered. I must have been louder than I thought because Moria sent a glare at me, before looking back at this, "Straw Hat Luffy."

"Keshishishi! I gotta admit, I admire your confidence! I'd expect nothing less from a man with a bounty of 300 million. You'll make an outstanding underling." Moria stated, amused.

Wait- 300 million?! Just who the hell is this guy?! "Underling?" Straw Hat Luffy shouted, fidgeting in the cage as I looked over. "Screw that! Who do you think you are?"

"Who do I think I am? Are you asking me that ironically? Keshishishi! It's obvious!" Moria joked. "I am the man who will become King of the Pirates!" He exclaimed, malice in his eyes.

"Not this again!" I shouted out, not meaning to. Moria stopped laughing and turned to me. I flinched at the fury radiating in his eyes. He got up, stepping towards me, as I tried desperately to scoot away, unable to go far due to the cuffs.

"Seems like someone needs to being reminded of their place." He waved his hand at me, knocking me back into the wall behind me, the chains rubbing against my wrists and ankles harshly.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, colliding with the wall, smacking the back of my head. I slid down the wall to the floor, hanging my head forward. I glanced at Moria through my hair, as I started loosing consciousness. "Damn you, Moria..."

Published: 04/20/2022
Updated: 05/25/2023

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