Kiss Me Knot

By Ravvivare

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Wei Ying wakes up one day only to find out that his wife had left him. It hurt him to no end how his wife did... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

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By Ravvivare

Kneeling on the grass, Wei Ying stared heartbreakingly at the burning house. He doesn't know how many hours have passed since then.

Later, he noticed some people surround him. He thought it was his fellow agents telling him that they should go home. He was just planning to tell them off but turns out, it was Wen Qing, Nie Huaisang and Luo Qingyang. He was surprised for a bit. " How.. "

Suddenly he was hugged by Nie Huaisang and Luo Qingyang. They all started sobbing as if they were the husband whose wife died a sudden death. Later, Wen Qing would join them, only crying silently. She didn't join in the hug though she put a hand on Wei Wuxian's shoulder as a form of a comfort. Typical of her.

Laughing a bit, Wei Ying said, " How are you all sobbing? As far as I know, you weren't the one whose wife just died? Haha"

Pulling away from the hug, Luo Qingyang slapped his arm. " Ouch! That hurts Qingyang!"

And then another slap. Though this time, it was Nie Huaisang who slapped him.

" Hey! "

And then he felt another slap at the back of his head. " Qing Jie! Not you too!"

"Shut up Wei Wuxian. Stop trying to be strong for us. We know that you're far from it. You're hurting. And you deserve to mourn. Stop smiling if right now, you feel nothing but pain. " says Wen Qing, making the smile on Wei Wuxian's lips falter.

" Qing Jie..." he said as Wen Qing pulled him in her arms, hugging him. And there, Wei Ying finally let out a sob that he's been trying to conceal while he was alone.

His friends also cried with him joining in the hug. " Qing Jie, she's gone * sobs* she's gone! Along with our baby! What am I gonna do now? It hurts. It hurts so much Qing Jie.. *Sobs* "

" I know Wei Wuxian. I know. " Wen Qing replied as she patted Wei Yings back. A tear falling from her eyes.


Shen Yuan and a few entered the van. They all looked forlorn after the devastating circumstances that had just happened. Now they have no idea what they should do next. Should they call an ambulance? The police department? Or the fire fighters?

But as they remember four people mourning, they decided to let them mourn in silence first.

Sighing, Shen Yuan decided to pull off the wireless earphone from her ear. But before she can full pull it off, she sudddenly heard a cough followed by a cursing through the other line. Her eyes widened as her heart skipped a bit hearing it. Immediately, she turned to look at the people with her in the van. There, she saw that their eyes were a tad bit wide as well.

" Did you heard it? " she asked them for confirmation.

" Yes. "

Nodding, Shen Yuan decided to speak to the person on the other line. She put over a hand on the earphone, pressing it for her to hear more clearly. " Mr. Lan? Are you there? " she said with anticipation. " Please tell us where you are located. We'll come immediately. "

He might have been buried somewhere in the house right now. Hopefully so, he's not the only one who survived the bombing.

" Are the Lan Siblings with you as well? " she said, looking once again at her friends when she heard no response from the other side.

Thankfully, Lan Zu replied not long after. Coughing once more, he uttered " Yeah they're with me. We're behind the house right now. Hurry up. My children don't look very good right now. "

That must be it. Before the bombing, the Lan family must have decided to go out from the back door of the house. But then before they can fully go out, the bombing got them and they were sent flying out. It resulted to them fainting on the ground by the impact.

" Copy that! " Shen Yuan said as she hastily went out of the van, followed by the others. " Somebody call the ambulance asap. Others help me find them. "

Wen Ning volunteered to be the one to call the ambulance. Shen Yuan, Luo Binghe, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng went running towards where Wei Ying and his friends are.


" I don't think I can make it without her Qing Jie. She was all I have. She was the only one *sobs* who loved me as I am. She was..she was... why, why does it have to be like this?*sobs* Qing Jie I don't think I can make it. I don't think I can make it now that she's gone. "

" No Wei Wuxian. You can make it. You're strong. You have been ever since the day I met you. You are the strongest person I've known in my years of existence. And you're not alone. We're here with you. We can help you get through this..."

" *sobs* Lan Zhan..Lan Zhaann.. "

A few moments have passed before Wei Ying have calmed down. His friends remained by his side al through it. Feeling like all his strength was lost, he decided to lean on Wen Qing for support.

Later, he would sit back down again and looks at the still burning house as if Lan Zhan would come running any time now and call out his name. As if Lan Zhan didn't actually died in the bombing but has successfully survived.

Any scenes came floating in Wei Ying's mind about Lan Zhan actually surviving the tragedy. It just hurt so badly and right now, he still isn't ready to accept the fact that his wife is actually....already.....long gone.

His fist clenched at his sides just thinking about it.

" I didn't even .." he started as his friends look at him from the sides. Right now, they separated from the hug but they're still close enough. Luo Qing Yang on his right, Nie Huaisang on his left and Wen Qing behind him.

" I haven't even get to kiss her one last time. "

A hand on his shoulder squeezing it.

" Tell her I love her again and again whether I feel like saying it or not. " he says, his voice cracking a bit.

" Wei Ying .."

Chuckling sadly, he continued. " I feel so stupid. Cause did you know what I told her before we got separated? It was only ' See you my Lan Zhan! Be safe please! God bless you! ' and then I walked out immediately even though all I wanted was to kiss her until she's breathless. Haha "

Wei Ying heard something like choking from one of them but he ignored it.

" I guess now I learned that I shouldn't waste every single moment. Qing Jie, " he said not turning to look at her as Wen Qing looked at him from behind. " I hope that when we get back to Gusu, you'll tell Jiang Cheng every single day how much you love him and show him in any way. Not just in kissing or in bed but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Try to do something cheesy once in a while like writing him a love letter or something. It's not like love letters are limited only during courting! Right? "

If this was a normal day, Wen Qing would have slapped Wei Wuxian's head again and tell him off. But now, she simply replied " No need to tell me. I will do just that. " As she felt her eyes water once more.

" Same with you two! " he said as he turned to Huaisang, then at Qingyang. " You should treasure someone you love when you finally find them. Don't be like me. Don't just keep teasing them. You have to show them that you're serious with them and that you don't take them lightly..* sniffs* "

They once again gave Wei Ying some comforting pat as he cried again. Though it was silent this time. " Don't worry Wei Xiong. We will do as you say. "

Sniffing, he says nodding, " Good! Good!" then looking up at the sky, he says, " Lan Zhan! You hear that? Finally, I made them do as I say! Haha You must have been proud of me! so if you are.. why don't you come back to me and.. * sniffs* and tell me so... "

" Wei Ying..." Wen Qing said as they saw Wei Ying bow his head thinking he would bawl again. But then he said " I'm fine Qing Jie. Just.."

" Wei Ying! " said a voice interrupting him. He frowned as he turned to look at them. He was confused to see Shen Yuan, Luo Binghe, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng come running towards them, their faces looking happy.

Why the heck do they look so happy?! His wife just died! But he decided to play it cool as he stands up and spoke to them. " What's the matter? "

Panting a bit, Shen Yuan said frowning " You haven't heard?" a pause and then. " Ah obviously Shen Yuan because he's still here moping, isn't he? "

Feeling even more confused, Wei Ying asked. " Huh? What are you talking about? My wife just *ahem* God just decided to take Lan Zhan back to His side! And now I can't see her anymore! Of course I'll mope! "

But Shen Yuan ignored him in favor of looking at something beside Wei Ying's head. Her face painted an Aha reaction when she seemingly found what she was looking for." I see you pulled off the earphone. "

" Well, what use do I have of it? " Wei Ying said crossing his arms.

" Nevermind that. Wei Ying, they're alive! "

Uncrossing his arms, he asked. " Who's alive? "

Rolling her eyes, she replied, " Who else could it be if not the Lan family!"

Hearing that, Wei Ying and the other three people behind him went wide eyed.

That can't be! He saw it with his own eyes how the house exploded!

Wei Ying felt afraid to believe that saying, " Shen Yuan, if you're just kidding with me right now.."

" Why would I joke about something like this?! Do you think I want to see you suffer? And then see you suffer some more? Come on! They're behind the house! We have to take them to the hospital asap! " she said as she started running away from them. The others followed her but not before smiling at Wei Wuxian as if saying she's right.

Hua Cheng even said playfully at him " Hurry up you childish man, or else, I would be the one to carry your wife bridal style! Haha" then he cackled when Wei Ying started to run so fast, he even outrun Shen Yuan who was the first one to run before all of them.

5 months later.....

" Welcome home!!!! " and then there was the sound of confetti following the greeting.

The Wei-Lan couple are finally back from England. They were there longer since Lan Wangji's broken bones took months to heal.

Their friends stayed with them for a month in England before they decided to head on their respective homes. Cause according to Wei Wuxian, 'You have lives you know. And you've done so much for us already. We don't want to take more than what you've already given us. '

Of course, some didn't agree with him. But after a few persuasions, they decided it's better to come home. They have jobs out there to manage after all. And besides, the danger is already done and over with. Now, it's a time for healing.

Even though they were still in England, they remain in contact with their friends via Skype or video chat. And that's how they saw Lan Zhan's progress in healing. The baby in her stomach is also growing safely.

The Wei Lan couple felt relieved that their baby was fine after the tragic event. Thank God for protecting the dear child and Lan Zhan as well.

And now, Lan Zhan is currently 5 months pregnant. Months ago, there was still no lump in Lan Zhan's stomach. But now they can see a small lump in her womb.

" Wow! Haha I didn't expect this! I see now why no friend of ours fetched us at the airport! I thought you've forgotten us already but turns out you're here to surprise us! " says Wei Ying once he recovered from his surprise.

" Who said we wanted to surprise you? It's only for your wife and the baby. You're not included. " says a voice that can only be Jiang Cheng. Which made the others laugh.

" Jiang Cheng! How mean! " Says Wei Ying as he pouted. " Anyways! Thanks again guys! We appreciate it so much! Right Baobei? " then he turned his head to look at Lan Zhan whose ears are blushing. So cute!

" Mn. " then bowing a bit, she continued. " Many thanks everyone. " to which the people replied with a smile and something like no problem.

Wei Ying can't help but smile lovingly at his wife and then goes to kiss her cheek. Some people look away before he can actually kiss her. While some smiled at the display. Others thought that Wei Ying is still shameless as always. But the man already know that that's why there's no need to say it out loud.

It was already lunch time when the couple arrived and so, they all decided to eat lunch. During lunch, the men are separated by the women as they ate on the living room whilst the women on the dining room. There, they had their own conversations.

" So Zhan Mei.." Xie Lian started when suddenly, Luo Qingyang and Wen Qing piped up with a " No talking during meal time. " so seriously making Xie Lian look confused and awkward at the same time. Shen Yuan even looked up from her food as Lan Zhan's ear blushed.

" Apologies... Uhmm is it some kind of rule in...." Xie Lian uttered awkwardly.

But then suddenly, QingYang and Wen Qing laughed making Xie Lian even more awkward.

" QingYang, Qing Jie " Says Lan Zhan in a monotone but they can tell that she is embarrassed.

" Haha apologies Ms. Xie! It's just that, when we first had a meal with our dear Zhan Zhan, she also stated the same words to us! We can't help but reminisce. " Qingyang said and giggled.

" Yeah. Fortunately, she later learned that not all people likes to remain silent during meals. "

Feeling relieved, Xie Lian smiled. " I see. Zhan Mei must have been brought up strictly by Mr. Lan, yes? By the way, Xie Lian is fine. No need to call me Ms Xie "

" Alright Xie Lian! Then call me Qing Yang too! "

" Call me Wen Qing as well. "

" Duly noted. "

" I see that my girls are having fun in here! Mind sharing them to me? " said the new comer who is no other than Wei Ying. He then bowed his head a bit towards Lan Zhan saying softly " Hi there Baobei " and kissed her cheek just like what he did earlier.

Wen Qing and Shen Yuan rolled their eyes in sync as Xie Lian and Qingyang smiled at the display.

" You're not welcome here Wei Wuxian. Go back to your boys. Leave us girls alone. "

The man gasped dramatically as he put a hand over his chest saying, " Lan Zhan, did you hear that? Your Wei Ying is being bullied! You have to defend his honor! "

Usually, Lan Zhan would say or do something to actually defend Wei Ying. But then who would've thought that Lan Zhan would reply, " Apologies Wei Ying. "

The women looked at each other, their faces looking surprised. But then smiles started to crept up their faces after the initial surprise.

They then laughed at Wei Ying when he said pitifully " Lan Zhan doesn't love me anymore! I need comfort from my boys! Huhu" and then was going to actually head back to where the boys are.

But before he can get away, Lan Zhan stopped him by holding his arm.

" Hmm? What is it Lan Zhan? Do you need something Baobei? " he said as he put all his attention on Lan Zhan once more.

But then Lan Zhan shook her head. " Did you not come here to get something ? "

" Huh? Ah no! I was just checking on you. You might not like the food served for you. But seems like you're fine with it! Haha No offense to Binghe Shěn shen! But you know how pregnant women are. Their taste buds are so sensitive. " he said knowing that it was Binghe who did the cooking for the food they are currently eating today.

" No offense taken. "

" Good! Haha "

" I see. Thank you Wei Ying. "

Smiling he says, " No need to thank me baobei! But you're welcome anyways! Alright! I'll be out of your hair now girls! Enjoy your food! " Then he walked away but not before kissing Lan Zhan's cheek once more.

The girls can't help but look at his back.

" So that is the kind of husband Wei Ying is. "

" Yeah. He's even more intimate with Lan Zhan now than he is before. "

" You think so? Though I'm thankful he's not that worse just like when we're at the hospital in England. Haha. "

They said as they slowly returned to eating their food.

" I hope I'd have a husband like the boss who'd fuss over me as well haha. "

The girls laughed at what Qing Yang said.

" So I guess I'm allowed to actually speak while eating Zhan Mei? " Xie Lian said teasingly, changing the subject. But this time, instead of shying away, Lan Zhan actually replied with, " Not when the mouth is full. "

And then there is laughing again.

After that, Xie Lian started to ask about what happened to her family back in England.

" The old fart is in prison. Not only him but Lan Xichen and Uncle Feng as well. " Wei Ying said as he and the boys ate in the living room.

Hua Cheng swallowed his food and said. " You still call him that? He's your father in law you know? "

" Haha old habits die hard I guess. Though I don't call him that in his face anymore when we were looking out for Lan Zhan and Xichen ge at the hospital. " the man then feed himself after speaking.

The other boys can only shake their heads at his reply.

" So I guess they surrendered together after Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji got healed? "

" Yeah. Lan Zu can't be at ease to be in prison knowing that the Lan Siblings are still in the hospital. That's why he decided to delay his confession. "

" I see. " Xie Lian said after hearing what happened to Lan Zhan's family.

" Poor Xichen ge. It's such a waste that only the prison would be able to ogle at his handsome face. " says Qingyang dreamily making the others snort or chuckle.

" Don't worry Qingyang. Once he's out, he'll eventually come visit Lan Zhan. And there, you'd be able to ogle at his handsome face however you want when you come visit at Lan Zhan's " Says Wen Qing gaining a laugh from the other girls. She then reached out for the bowl of rice for seconds.

Blushing, QingYang said " Qing Jie! "

Scooping the rice, Wen Qing spoke again. " What? It's not like your crush on Lan Zhan's brother is a secret. Everyone of us noticed how you look so often at him when we're at the hospital. "

" It's not my fault he looks so much like Lan Zhan! I was just mesmerized by the fact! Besides, they stayed in one room! Would you want me to ignore him and be rude? " Then she asked Xie Lian politely to pass her the bowl of soup. " Thanks Xie Lian! "

" No problem. "

" No. But, do you really have to stare at him that long? "

" Alright Qing Jie. You win! But it's not like I'm taken! I can look at whoever I want to look at! "

And then the girls laughed once more.

" By the way Zhan Mei, how's the baby? Does the two of you already know their gender? " Asked Xie Lian, looking delighted. The other women also looked at Lan Zhan.

Putting a hand over the lump on her stomach, Lan Zhan replied, " Mn. Male. "

" Wow! "

" Congrats. "

" It's a male Qing Jie! "

" I heard that Qing Yang. "

" Haha! It's a little Wei Ying then! "

" You're gonna be a great mother Zhan Mei. "

" Hope so. "

" You bet she would! Ah, I can't wait to be the god mother and spoil him with so many gifts! "

" Not allowed. "

" Eh?! But Lan Zhan! "

"No spoiling. "

" Ah.. fine! "

After eating, they rest for a while continuing to chatter with each other. Though now, the girls joined the boys at the living room.

Later, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan would know that the welcome party doesn't end there yet.

" What did you say? "

" We'll have a pool party! In fact, we already got everything ready! Haha "

Hearing that, Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan who is currently sitting at the sofa beside him. Turns out, she was already looking at him. She must've seen the reluctance on his face because she suddenly said. " I am alright. Not tired. "

You see, it's not like Wei Ying doesn't want to do the party. It's just that, they just got here and he wants Lan Zhan to take a rest. Not to have a party where in there's loud music summing up with loud noises coming from people.

With that, Wei Ying's reluctance was gone instantly. He smiled widely at his wife whose so smart. Smart enough to know what's bothering Wei Ying. God bless her. Goodness he wants to kiss her. And he didn't mean it as a chaste one. It's a kiss that's longer and passionate. Fortunately, somebody spoke before he could actually do what he wants to do.

" Hey you two. Are you trying to make us single people jealous? " Says Nie Huaisang as he put a hand on his waist at the side looking like a spoiled brat.

" Tsk. Somebody stop them before this house forms into a huge anthill. "

Some laughed at that and then Wei Ying finally said. " Alright! Let's get the party started! " To which his friends replied in chorus " Yeah!! "

And so they all started to prepare things. Some started to change their clothes for swimming. While some prepared for the food and drinks. Some put a tent over the big pool to cover them from the blazing heat of the sun.

Later, the girls with their bikinis would ask their partners to apply sunscreen on their backs. Except Lan Zhan.

The woman has no plans to swim because she fears for her baby's sake. That doesn't stop her from staying with her friends though.

Right now, she is sitting at the luxurious pool bench colored bluish white. She's reading a book. It's a book called Purpose Driven Life written by Rick Warren. She fell in love with his writing style after reading one of his books. Now, she has a collection of his books on her little library.

Beside her on the left is another luxurious pool bench. Red and black in color. It was Wei Ying who was currently playing some mobile games on his phone.

Strange. Usually, Wei Ying would immediately dive on the waters once he sees one. He loves to swim after all. In fact he was the one who suggested they needed to have a pool in the house while they were still planning what kind of house they would have. Hence, the big pool is here.

It must not be that he's sick of swimming because in all those five months, they never went outside for a swim. Lan Zhan is sure that he must be dying to go ahead and enjoy the waters.

So now, why is he busying himself with playing mobile games while their friends are already swimming happily?

Frowning, Lan Zhan put aside the book putting it on the small table beside the pool bench. She looked at her husband and called him.

" Mm? What is it Baobei? Do you need something? " he said as he paused the game and then looked fully at Lan Zhan.

Ignoring his question, Lan Zhan replied with her own question. " Why did Wei Ying not swim? "

" Because Wei Ying wants to play a mobile game on his phone! " he said with a grin and waved his phone playfully.

Lan Zhan is not convinced by that though. So she decided to look at Wei Ying's face.

She must have looked longer than intended because Wei Ying suddenly uttered " Aiya Lan Zhan! Am I that handsome you can't look away from me? " and then there was a pink blush dusting his cheeks. How adorable this man is! Lan Zhan wants to play with him a bit. And so feeling playful, Lan Zhan replied, " Mn. Wei Ying is indeed handsome. "

The pink blush turns into red.

Remembering a line from Wei Ying, she continued, " My poor heart can't take it. "

The blush goes deeper as Wei Ying splutters saying, " Lan Zhan! How dare you play with me! "

" Apologies Wei Ying. " A pause and then " You started it. " she said with a tiny quirk on her lips. A Lan Zhan's form of a smirk.

Pointing a finger at Lan Zhan, Wei Ying can only say, " You! "

With that, Lan Zhan puffs a breath. It is her form of a laugh making Wei Ying join her. Now, they are laughing together. After that, he stood up joining Lan Zhan on her pool bench. The latter gave space to him and he sat down on it. He put a hand on the lump on Lan Zhan's stomach, caressing it.

" Did you hear your A-niang lil boy? She just played with your a -Die! Now your a die is defenseless against her! You have to come out soon and then you can defend your A-die from A-niang!

"Sigh. But you probably wouldn't defend me. I know you would protect her instead! And I can understand that. She should be protected. Especially after everything she's gone through. " he said as he reached out to hold Lan Zhan's hand kissing her knuckles lovingly. After that, he looked up to Lan Zhan smiling softly at her. Lan Zhan wants to kiss that smile so badly it hurts.

But she'll save that for later. Right now, Wei Ying deserves to relax and swim to his hearts content. He's done nothing but look after her day and night at the hospital while they were in England. The least Lan Zhan can do for him is to let him have fun before he gets busy at their company or taking care of pregnant Lan Zhan once more, since Wei Ying is caring like that.

" Wei Ying, go swim. "

" Aiyo! Did you hear that little guy? A-niang wants A-die to leave you two! She's sending me away! Little guy, you have to help me! " he said as he looked at Lan Zhan's stomach as if someone would actually come out and help him with his situation.


" I did not mean it like that. "

Laughing, Wei Ying replied. " I know Lan Zhan. But right now I just want to play some mobile gam- " Lan Zhan 's eyes narrowed at that. " Fine. You win. "

Lan Zhan then put on a satisfied face when Wei Ying relented.

Sighing, the man replied, " It's just that.. I don't want to leave you? I'm just reluctant to leave you alone Lan Zhan. That's all. "

" Why? "

" I don't know. Maybe I .. I'm just, I'm afraid.. I'm just afraid that if I let you out of my sight you.." gulps " you'll..." then he closed his eyes as if he remembered something painful.

" Wei Ying, I'm no longer leaving. "

" I know. I know. I just.. I just don't feel at ease leaving you alone is all. "

" I am not far. "

" Sure you're not. But who knows? Maybe a certain someone would leave again on her own because she doesn't want to bother me while I'm having fun. Then the next thing I knew, she already got herself in danger. " the man says with a serious voice. All teasing tone has gone. It made Lan Zhan feel incredibly guilty.

So that's what it is then. Her abrupt departure, traumatized her husband deeply. Now he doesn't even want to have fun anymore because he's afraid that Lan Zhan would secretly leave? Or whatever does he mean by Lan Zhan leaving.

No matter. She was the major part of this and she needs to take responsibility. And so cupping Wei Ying's face, she raised it from where it was bowed down towards her womb. His face also lost its smile making Lan Zhan felt like she was stabbed by a knife at the heart.

" My deepest apologies for what I did Wei Ying. Nevertheless, do not sacrifice your wants at my expense. "

Looking away, Wei Ying replied. " My wants doesn't matter anymore Lan Zhan. Right now, I just want to see you and our baby safe. "

Sighing, Lan Zhan said. " Let's negotiate. "

Which the man immediately replied with a "No. "

" Wei Ying.."

Looking at Lan Zhan, he conceded. " Fine. But don't expect me to agree immediately. I need to weigh it down first. "

That's fine as well. Lan Zhan can work on that. And so, Lan Zhan told Wei Ying her offer. It was that Wei Ying should proceed to swimming. While Lan Zhan stays where the man can see her immediately. However when Lan Zhan needs something that would make her leave, she would call Wei Ying first before going away.

Hearing that, Wei Ying's face brightened again as he says, " Alright! That's good! But you have to wait for me! I'll go with you. "

Sighing, Lan Zhan replied. " I am not crippled. "

" Then I'm not going! " he said as he crossed his arms like a petulant child. How is this man so insufferable!?

Feeling defeated, Lan Zhan could only relent making the man grin brightly saying " Yes!! Then I'm off Baobei! I'll go change first! Haha"

So he really didn't plan on going to swim, if him not changing his clothes was anything to go by. Shaking her head fondly, Lan Zhan decided to lean her back on the pool bench.

Suddenly, she heard voices above her head seemingly whispering to each other. It makes Lan Zhan want to laugh at them because, right now, she can hear their voices so clearly.

" so that's the kind of husband Boss Wei is! "

" I'm so jealous of Lan Zhan "

" Huaisang, have you forgotten that you're gonna be a husband one day as well? "

Ah. The two must have heard their conversation. Or maybe, they really did eavesdrop on them.

Deciding to let them be, Lan Zhan started to scan the area.

There, she saw her husband, now with his swimming trunks jump on the pool with a shout. It gained him some complaint from his friends who were currently eating barbeque at the edge of he pool.

She can only puff a laugh as she said out loud. " Ridiculous. " Just because her husband does some ridiculous things.

She sees Xie Lian merely laugh at Wei Ying's antics while her husband is the opposite. He shouted something at Wei Wuxian making the man laugh at his outrage.

Scanning the area, Lan Zhan saw Shen Yuan and Wen Qing having a conversation. They sat at the edge of the pool. Legs submerged in the waters. They seem really close to each other now. It was as if they've been friends since forever.

A minute later, Jiang Cheng walks towards Wen Qing. When he reached her, he kissed Wen Qing's cheek and greeted Shen Yuan before sitting down beside his fiance. Wen Qing didn't look at him but she reached out for his hand. She then put it on her lap, playing with it as she continued to talk with Shen Yuan.

Later, Shen Yuan would scan the area because her husband hasn't come to her side. Usually, Binghe would stick to her side after he's done with what he's doing. And as far as she knew, Binghe already finished cooking the barbecue a while ago. Yet he hasn't come to her side.

Turns out, he was playing with Wen Ning using a water gun. They have been going on circles around the Wei Lan house as Shen Yuan was having a conversation. Shen Yuan can't help but secretly smile in her heart as she saw her husband having fun.

When Wei Ying sees them, he would join them. The three then would go bother Hua Cheng until the man got annoyed and decide to play with them as well. After Wei Ying hands him his own water gun, he would shout. " Watch out for my revenge you lil sh**s! " and then they would all start to run away screaming as if they're really scared of Hua Cheng. Xie Lian who was left behind laughs at their childishness.

Jiang Cheng saw the whole ordeal and then suddenly, he looked annoyed.

" Jiang Xiong! Why are they the only ones having fun? What about us? " says Huaisang who now stood behind Jiang Cheng.

Shen Yuan who heard him piped up. " Why don't I get you some water guns? I think Binghe got three more in the car now that four of them have been used by those four men. He brought seven water guns after all. "

" Huh?! Why would he have so many water guns?! "

" Well, in the past when he, Wei Ying and Hua Cheng were still interns, they would always bring water guns. It's both for practicing purposes as well as for playing later in the day. Seems like it's become their own tradition as you can see. "

Jiang Cheng snorted at that. " let me guess, this idea of water guns, its Wei Ying's isn't it? "

" Who else could it be? "

" Thought so. So..water guns? " The man said, a blush dusting his cheeks.

After that, the women would see all the men playing water guns as if they were little children again.

Seeing them having fun, the women decided to group themselves and play their own game as well. They played a game that is simple. It was called " Never Have I Ever. "

It is played like this. Every participants will raise both hands, spreading their fingers. One person will say, for example " Never have I ever thrown a jewelry " If the participants have already thrown a jewelry in their life, they would fold one finger indicating that they did.

The person who still had a finger or several fingers left unfolded is the winner. And there, they begin the game with Luo Qingyang starting it.

" Never have I ever cussed my whole life! "

Everyone folded one finger.

" Wait Lan Zhan, you've cussed before?! " Qingyang asked the question the other girls wanted to ask as well.

At the question, Lan Zhan tilted her head confused. " Does not everyone cuss? "

The women didn't quite gape but it's close. " haha! Ah haha I guess.. I just thought.. haha nevermind! Who's next? "

Wen Qing. " Never have I ever slipped and fell down. "

Again, everyone folded a finger.

" Lan Zhan, you also slipped before? "

" Mn. "

Okay, so even the perfect looking Lan Zhan is capable of such clumsiness.

Shen Yuan. " Never have I ever jumped from a high building. "

This time, only Lan Zhan, Xie Lian and Shen Yuan folded one finger. As expected from an ex assassin and agents.

Xie Lian. " Never have I ever drunk more than one cup of wine. "

Wen Qing, Luo QingYang and Shen Yuan folded a finger.

" I can understand Lan Zhan but, Xie Lian you too? "

" Ah yeah.. I never really liked alcohol that much. I only drink it for medicinal purposes. Haha. "

" haha I see. Alright! You're next Lan Zhan! "

" Never have I ever walked barefooted. "

" oh I have! Especially when it rains haha. "

" I agree. "

" I do as well! Mostly as a child. Haha"

" Haha yeah. Mom would scold me in the past for walking with bare feet. She's afraid I would get hurt. "

" I know! Haha. Now, it's my turn again! "

" Go ahead QingYang. "

" Alright! Never have I ever peeped at my crush! "

" What kind of peeping? Something like when he's removing a shirt in front of you? "

" Any kind will do! "

With that, each of them folded a finger with blushing faces.

Qingyang giggled as she said, " Tell me how you peeped on your crushes! "

" That's not part of the game Qingyang. "

" Come on Qing Jie! We're not just playing a game here! We're getting to know each other! "

Sighing, Wen Qing looked at the other girls. It was Xie Lian who spoke first. " It's alright. "

" I guess it's fine. "

" Mn. "

With that, Qingyang squealed. " Go on! I'll say mine after all of you. "

Wen Qing. " I peeped at him while he was sleeping. He just looks so peaceful. I can't help myself but look. "

" Let me guess, you stole a kiss from him didn't you? " said Shen Yuan making the others giggle.

" Sorry to burst your bubble but I didn't. I have enough self control unlike someone I know. " she said as she looked at Lan Zhan smirking. The latter can only glare at her.

" Haha. I see. " says Shen Yuan not noticing Wen Qing and Lan Zhan's interaction.

Smiling, Xie Lian spoke next. " At that time we were heading home. Suddenly, he removed his shirt in front of me and gave it to me. He thought I was cold he said. I was so surprised it took me longer to realize that I've been looking at something I shouldn't have. " she said ending it with a pink blush on her face.

" haha I can't help but think he just wants to show off his abs and impress you though "

" I think he was sincere. "

" But of course you would defend him! Haha"

Shen Yuan. " He got shot with a gun on the stomach at that time. I was the one who volunteered to do his first aid. I was guilty because though he was hurt, my eyes can't help but trace his upper body subtly." they laughed at her. " you can't blame me. It looks delicious. "

And then they burst out laughing. With Lan Zhan in a puff.

" hahaha! Alright, Lan Zhan is next!"

" Mn. He was.. "

" Wait! Before you continue, you should pick something other than the abs this time Lan Zhan! Haha. "

And oh well, he's not here to hear it anyway. Might as well share it. " Alright. It was.. " Licks at her lower lip " He left something important at the office. He asked me for a favor to get it for him. His condo is located just beside the company building so I did not travel that long.

"When I got there, he opened his door wearing only a shirt and a very tight shorts... "

" Hahaha! Is it big Lan Zhan? "

Unexpectedly, Lan Zhan countered, " Front or back? " making the girls burst out laughing.

" Ahahaha let me guess, he invited you in, didn't he? That's why you witnessed the back part as well? "

" Mn. "

" Sounds like a plan. "

" I thought so too! A seduction plan! "

" hahaha. "

But then their laughter halted when a voice suddenly popped up.

" I did not plan on it! It was merely for courtesy you know! I asked for a favor didn't I? It just made sense I return the favor. So I invited her in! Who'd thought my Lan Zhan would actually peep on not just my front, but my behind as well! I feel so exposed! " it was Wei Ying carrying his water gun with Binghe and Hua Cheng behind him. He says the words as if he was a victim. But a grin is plastered on his lips, indicating that he is pleased with what he just heard. Lan Zhan can only look away from him, her ears blushing furiously.

" And A-Lian was right. I was indeed sincere in giving her my shirt at that time. Though it was also true that I want to impress her with my abs at the same time. Haha " says Hua Cheng making some laugh as Xie Lian covered her flustered face. " San Lang.. you were listening. "

Hua Cheng chuckled as he went to embrace her embarrassed wife.

" I did not know A-Yuan had a crush on me for a long time. As far as I remember, it was only our fourth time meeting each other since we were assigned a mission together."

Remembering her words, Shen Yuan looked away with a blush, uttering. " It was your abs. I had a crush on your abs. "

Which made the people around laugh at her words. Typical of a tsundere.

" That's fine too. As long as it's my abs haha " Luo Binghe said as he approached Shen Yuan, his water gun nowhere to be found. He then hugged her, as Shen Yuan hid her face on Binghe's chest.

" Wait, aren't you playing? How come you're eavesdropping on us? " Wen Qing piped up after she had a good laugh at the girls.

" Well, we were actually playing when suddenly, Luo Qingyang's voice reached my ears saying " Never have I ever peeped on my crush! And then saying how they should state how they peeped on their crushes. Of course as a husband, I would be curious on how Lan Zhan would reply! Who would've thought that Hua ge and Binghe heard it as well! So we sneak up on you haha thanks Qingyang! I discovered a treasure this day because of you! Haha " then he winked at his wife whose ears and neck were blushing furiously.

" I did not peep. Wei Ying was just impossible to look away from. " says the woman unexpectedly. Making Wei Ying splutter.

Somebody whistled and then said " That was smooth! haha Go Zhan Zhan! "

But Wei Ying is not backing down as he says smirking, " But do you really have to look at such areas? "

" It is screaming for attention. What else should I have done? " she said ending it with a smirk on her face as she looked up to Wei Ying head on. As if daring him to argue with her.


That actually made Wei Ying speechless. the heck did her wife got this shameless all of sudden?

As if it wasn't enough, she added. " It was Wei Ying's fault. Had he not wear something that short, I would have never done the deed. "


Then there was a snort and laughing all around.

" Ah ah how dare you accuse me of this Lan Zhan! Just you wait until..." Wei Ying said as he recovered. But then he was interrupted by a " Wei Wuxian! I see you've been in here all along! We've been waiting for the three of you! " says a Jiang Cheng with Nie Huaisang and Wen Ning behind him. They all look ridiculous but adorable at the same time carrying a water gun each.

" Haha! Sorry Jiang Cheng! We'll get back to you now! Come on boys! Let's save up the romance later tonight. We're still up in a game after all."

Snorting, Hua Cheng replied, " Says the one who looks like he can't wait to ravish his wife then and there after hearing something he was not supposed to hear. "

" Old man! Do you really have to voice that out?! " says Wei Ying blushing furiously as he run away towards Jiang Cheng and the others. But then suddenly, he paused.

" Wei Ying? " Says Lan Zhan confused by his actions.

Going back, Wei Ying walked with long strides towards Lan Zhan. When he got close to where she is, he said with a smile. " I forgot something. " then he kissed Lan Zhan on the lips before she can utter another word.

The people around can only turn their heads away.

Somehow, the people can hear Jiang Cheng cussing Wei Ying from a far.

It was quick though as he pulled away saying softly, " I love you, Lan Zhan. I'll see you later? "

Surprised at what just happened, Lan Zhan could only nod. " Don't forget your promise alright? Let's go boys! Haha " then he run towards Jiang Cheng and the others once more.

" Haha Typical of Wei Xiong. Later A-yuan. " Binghe said, kissing Shen Yuan's cheek before leaving.

" Yeah yeah. "

" See you later, my love. '' said Hua Cheng, kissing Xie Lian's forehead before following after Binghe.

When the men are out of earshot, Wen Qing then uttered. " He really did it to the fullest huh. "

The girls looked at her, one of them asking, " What do you mean? "

" Well, while we were mourning for Lan Zhan, because you know, we all thought she *ahem* died with her family, Wei Ying stated his regrets. "

" And that is? "

" He regretted not having to kiss Lan Zhan breathless, his words not mine, and tell her he loves her again and again no matter if he feels like saying it or not. But now it's too late. He no longer has the chance to do it anymore since, you know."

"I thought those words were only a by product of his grief. But when I saw how he treats Lan Zhan with such care I have never seen before, I realized that he actually took what he said seriously. And he's made it a vow."

"Don't get me wrong. He cares for Lan Zhan sure. But when we're still at England then now when they arrived, the way he cares for his wife, it's definitely somewhat like it upgraded or something? "

" You're right Qing Jie. Wei Ying seems to be giving extra attention to Lan Zhan. Did you know earlier? He wasn't even planning to swim at the pool because.. ahaha sorry Zhan Zhan, we kinda heard your conversation with Wei ying earlier. " Luo Qingyang said, now looking guilty for having to hear the Wei Lan couples conversation earlier.

Qingyang was met with silence and she panicked thinking, she might have gotten Lan Zhan angry. Thankfully so, the woman finally spoke. " It is alright. Wei Ying, did he.. sigh. It is my fault. I should have not..." but Wen Qing interrupted her saying.

" What? You shouldn't have what? You were kidnapped Lan Zhan. You were not in control of the situation. I'm sure Wei Ying knows that too. Don't blame yourself for it. Sure he got hurt. But that's just how it is. It's normal to get hurt because we love. "

" She's right Zhan Mei. Don't blame yourself. What's important is that you're alive and safe. I'm sure Wei Ying thinks so as well. "

" so that's how it is. No wonder he's acting like that though he's not going far away from here. Specifically, not going far away from Lan Zhan. "

Lan Zhan could only look at her husband as he attacks Jiang Cheng with the water gun and then laughing as he ran away from the annoyed man.

" Oh well! Should we proceed with the game now? " says Qingyang changing the subject.

The girls agreed with her and they played some more round.


" Everyone! I'd like to thank you! " Wei Ying said enthusiastically. He is currently sitting beside Lan Zhan holding a metal stick with marshmallows on the top. Same with the others.

Right now, they formed a circle with a bonfire in their midst. Wearing clothes for the chilly night.

" Ever since I met you all, my life hasn't been the same. Most especially, when I met my beloved wife. " he continued looking at the said woman with a soft smile on his face. Turns out she was already looking at him. And she's good like that.

" The anthill is rising. Cut it out Wei Wuxian. " says Shen Yuan gaining a laugh from the others.

That made Wei Wuxian pout as he looked at Shen Yuan. " Tsk such a moment breaker Shen shen! Anyways! I was a mess when my parents died. Thankfully I met Hua Ge. He helped me pull through when I kinda lost it. Haha"

Xie Lian looked at her husband and reached out for his hand. The man let her hold his hand and he squeezed hers softly.

" Then there goes Binghe, who looked up to me. I have no idea why haha. I'm such a trouble maker and a rule breaker! Who would want to look up to someone like that right? Haha "

Shen Yuan looked at Binghe as he said. " Maybe you are, but you're not all that Wei Xiong. "

Huaisang and Wen Ning agreed enthusiastically and out loud while some only agreed in their hearts.

" Haha Thanks guys! I appreciate it. And though I don't plan on being dramatic.."

" You're always dramatic Wei Xiong. " says Huaisang.

" Haha"

" How dare you Huaisang! I'm not that dramatic at all! But anyways! Let me finish first will you? I just really want to be serious this time..." to which Jiang Cheng interrupted with. " So you finally admit now that you're not really serious most of the time? " making the others laugh.

" Cheng²! That's not it at all! How dare you accuse me of this! Just you wait! I'll definitely fire you someday! " Wei Ying said that though he didn't really plan on firing Jiang Cheng.

Well, unless he decides to resign himself.

" That would be my pleasure Boss. I've been waiting to be out of your hair for years. "

And then there's laughing again.

Turning towards Lan Zhan, Wei Ying clung onto her arm as he complained. " Lan Zhan! Did you see that? I'm being bullied again! You have to defend my honor! "

Everyone waited for Lan Zhan to actually defend him. But then... " Wei Ying, behave. Do not fire Jiang Cheng. You need him. "











" Lan Zhan..." Says Wei Ying.

And then the people burst out laughing.

" hahahaha! Even Zhan Zhan knows Wei Ying can't stand alone and actually needs Jiang Cheng! Hahaha"

" Of course. Who'd you think handled the company while he's in England? "says Wen Qing as she reached out to hold Jiang Cheng's hand, making the latter blush.

" Lan Zhan! How dare you betray me ! Not only once but twice! "

" Hahahaha"

After they teased Wei Ying enough, the man finally continued his "thank you " speech. He thanked Xie Lian for teaching him gentleness, then for Shen Yuan who made him watch k-dramas. Which made the said woman roll her eyes.

He also thanked Jiang Cheng and his sister Jiang Yanli. They were the ones who encouraged Wei Wuxian to continue building his company when he wanted to call it quits from the past.

" Also, I thank Huaisang for volunteering to work for me at that time. Though I told him I still can't pay him a salary that he deserves for the work, he still continued to work for me telling me that I can just pay him once I got much money. Haha "

" You're welcome Wei Xiong! But don't you forget that you were the one who helped me first! You remembered me during our highschool years and you immediately let me in your house when I run away from home. I was just returning the favor ya know! "

Rolling his eyes, Wei Ying said " fine. But you definitely helped a lot. You even invited your other two friends! I think you all can guess who they are haha " he said as he looked at Qing Yang who only smiled at him and then at Wen Qing who only nodded at him.

And then with a mischievous smile, he added looking at Jiang Cheng. The man suddenly felt alarmed. " I'm even grateful to one of the friends he brought because, I think she was the reason why Jiang Cheng finally agreed to work with me in my company....careful Jiang Cheng! What if my wife was the one who got hit?! " Wei Ying said as he dodged from the small stone Jiang Cheng just threw at him.

" Then you should stop saying nonsense! I clearly told you, I'll come work for you after I finish the contract from my previous job! Besides, I think your wife has got a reflex faster than you. I even saw her catching your phone without even looking up one time! Gives me goosebumps! "

" hahaha I know right! And speaking of my wife...." He said as he smiled softly. The smile that is reserved only for one person. One can easily guess who it is as Wei Ying reached out for her hand while looking at her.

" I can't help but remember the first day I saw her. She just entered my office as if she was the boss, not me! Hahaha " he says, making the woman blush. She kept looking at Wei Ying though.

Looking back at the people, Wei Ying said, " When I first saw her, the first question that comes to my mind was ' Are you single? ' "

But then Jiang Cheng disagreed saying, " Nah, I think it was actually ' Will you marry me? ' "

As Nie Huaisang continued with a " Followed by ' l'll even give you my company as a dowry!' Haha" Making the others laugh again.

" You guys! I wasn't that desperate! "

" Sure you're not Wei Ying. I was literally sitting beside your desk when she entered the room. I saw your face. You're drooling. " says Jiang Cheng smirking at him.

And then there was a cackle heard among them making Wei Ying fluster so much. One would think he'll explode any time now.

" Don't worry Wei Xiong! You're definitely not alone in that aspect! "

" What do you mean by that Huaisang? " Wei Ying said looking scary all of a sudden.

" I don't know! I really don't know! " Huaisang replied as he stood up and hid pitifully behind a laughing Qingyang. " haha don't be like that Boss Wei! Even I had a little crush on Zhan Zhan! Haha"

" No way! You can't have a crush on her! She's only mine! " says the man as he put a protective arm around Lan Zhan who's blushing furiously at what she just heard both from her friends and from Wei Ying.

" Stop being like that you childish man. Your wife is equally smitten with you as you are to her. As if she would look the other way. " says Wen Qing rolling her eyes.

" Haha I know! I know! She even went so far as to sneak up on me and kiss me senseless until my knees was weak! "


Hearing that, Shen Yuan got quite interested she can't help but ask. " Sneak up on you? How? "

" Wei Ying.." Lan Zhan said as if warning Wei Ying. But the man only laughed and started to talk about that time, he was blindfolded and how a certain Lan Zhan sneak up on him for a kiss as he rest on a tree.

Xie Lian was surprised for a bit but then she chuckled saying, " I did not know Zhan Mei is that bold! "

The people around agreed with her making poor Lan Zhan blush as she glared at her husband. The said man only laughed some more and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

" I can still remember what Lan Zhan looked like after it happened. She approached me as if she stole a large sum of money from the bank. When I asked her what happened to her, she told me with difficulty about what she just did to Wei Ying. " says Wen Qing laughing softly when she remembered that time. " She even want to resign the next day as not to look suspicious. But I told her that Wei Ying will be even more suspicious if she resigns with no appropriate reason. Gladly she relented and gave up on the idea. "

" Haha I understand now why she suddenly became distant with me at that time. She's also a bit jumpy everytime I call her name. Turns out she has a guilty conscience! "

The circle of friends talked some more. The teasing never end as well as the seriousness thereof.

When midnight comes, they decided it's time they return to their respective homes.

They might have separated in the physical aspect, but in their hearts, they are connected and will remain connected no matter where they are.

And if Lan Zhan teased her husband that she's not gonna let Wei Ying kiss her for 6 months because he was being naughty earlier, no one but she and their baby can hear him protest loudly into the night saying" Lan Zhaaaannn!!! Noooo! Don't do this to me! I'll be good! I'll be a good boy! please!! "

The end.


Author's note:

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading Kiss Me Knot! We have finally come to the end of the main story. But there will be an epilogue to this hehe.
Again thank you so much for the love and God bless you!

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