Why? Why betray me? (a Percy...

By athenasdaughter1805

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The typical Percy Jackson betrayal story, (I am aware of the sheer quantity of these in existence). Percy wil... More

why? betrayed? (a percy jackson and chaos fan fiction)
1. Where?
2. The final straw
3. A meeting and A new beginning
4. Who are you?
5. What did I just drink?
6. Not Poseidon's son
7. I have WINGS!!!
8. Who is this guy?
9. Hello?
10. Oh its on!
11. He's back
12. What have I done?
13. Ouch my head hurts
14. Interrogation
15. Interrogation- part 2
16. Interrogation- part 3
17. Welcome
19. Rooftops and relaxation (kinda)

18. Welcome (part 2)

602 8 11
By athenasdaughter1805

Tony's POV

I can't believe that arrogant snob has to join our team. On top of that, Natasha and Pepper wanted Annabeth to join because they needed more girls on the team and Annabeth was a skilled warrior. She's already trained in a range of weapons, all however were quite out of date; swords, shields, spears, archery. At least she isn't as bad as the guy who almost killed Pepper... oh and the rest of the avengers of course.

As Nick went to go and collect Perseus along with a few agents, I turned back to my team.

"Annabeth, we need to get you to the Avengers Tower and get you a room."

"How will I get there?"

"Me and Pepper will need to stay here for a while longer, so I'll get Happy to drive you there... unless you can fly?"

"I can't fly and who's Happy?"

"He is our driver," Pepper stated, getting off the phone, "I just called him. He's just outside the front entrance waiting for you, just give him your last name and say that we sent you down."

"And he knows where you have to go." I ensured her.

"Thank you" a shy smile on her lips as she left down the different halls.


Annabeth's POV



As soon as I was sure that I was out of sight of my new teammates I did a little happy dance that I tended to do when I was really happy, only Percy had seen me do that. Percy... wait he's joining the Avengers too, and he hates me so much. I guess I'll just have to try and... win him back? Enough about that though. I raced down the hall toward the room where most agents kept personal belongings in coded lockers.

I entered my code as fast as I could, grabbed my weapons, spare clothes that were in the locker and any other items. I was now staring at a completely empty locker, I had to be honest I would miss this place.

Just as I was about to shut my locker I heard someone else enter the room...

"When is that stupid Director going to be out of Hydra's way?"

I gasp silently. HYDRA is still around, I mean I know the actual monsters still are but, didn't Captain Rogers take down the organisation in WWII?

"Soon. First, we have to make sure that his heroes are out of the way first. Then he'll have no-one to come to his aid."

I quietly snuck into my locker making sure that it didn't lock me in.

"Sitwell, are you sure that they suspect nothing?"


"They have no idea, trust me"

They left the room again; I was officially freaked out. I rushed out into the corridor, checking if the agents had disappeared

Coast. Clear.

I rushed down the hall to the elevator, and down to the garage.

"Hi, I'm guessing that you are Miss Chase" a middle-aged man, next to a sleek black car, stated.


"At your service, I'm here to drive you to the Avenger tower?"

"I believe so. And please, call me Annabeth"

We drove off toward the newly named Avengers Tower.


Percy's POV

"Is anyone going to let me out?" I asked into the empty room

I decided not to break the bonds again since that would further Nick's suspicions.

After 7 minutes and 34 seconds (yes I counted, boredom will do that to you) Nick Fury flanked by 4 agents walked up to me.

"I have a proposition for you Mr Jackson. If you agree to the terms then you will be free of shackles and out of this 'cage', however, you will work for me and be watched by three of my best agents until I feel it is no longer needed."

"And what if I don't want to work for your little freak-show?"

"Failure to comply with our terms will result in permanent imprisonment in a S.H.I.E.L.D facility prison OR a bullet into the back of your brain"

"Hmm... could I have a minute to consider?"

"Seriously?! Just join the damn team already!"

"Under one condition..."

"And what's that?"

"No costume. And I pick my code name. Got it?"

"That's it? We don't enforce the avenger outfits, we just supply them if they are wanted. And those code names... sometimes I just don't understand them. What's the point in a nickname when everyone knows who you are anyway?!"

"That reminds me... I also don't want my name, real or super, on file anywhere. Nothing should be spilling to the press." Narrowing my eyes I continued, "One wrong move and I disappear forever."

Nick stared at me. Sighing in disbelief, he turned to the four agents, barking out a brief order. "The contract."

One of the agents slid a copy across the interrogation table, along with a pen, while another released me of the 'inescapable and indestructible' handcuffs. I grabbed it and flicked through the few pages, it mostly entailed the guidelines of not committing any criminal acts that aren't sanctioned by S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as not harming any teammates or agents. That feels like it's directed to me specifically...

Once the contract was signed, Fury slid it back to himself and while paging through it announced, "You'll be staying at the Avengers tower from this point on, although Tony wasn't very happy he doesn't have much of a choice and neither do you. We need to know where you are so we can get a hold of you, so no disappearing acts!"

"Alright, if that's all then I will go, don't worry I'll get myself there," I stated as I strolled out the door of the interrogation room and down the hallway.

Once they thought I was out of earshot, Fury muttered to himself. "He's gonna cause us so much trouble, I can already tell. But hopefully, he'll be more cooperative when he isn't in an actual cage"

Hearing it all, I turned a corner where I knew there was a blind spot and teleported out of the base to Central Park. I wasn't going to go to my makeshift prison just yet. I still had to figure out why I couldn't get any information about Annabeth before I disappeared!! Suspicion is exhausting!

I tried to contact mum again, hopefully, this time I could gain some more insight before I run into 'them' again. "Mum, can you tell me anything? Because clearly the only reason I can't get this information myself is that you and dad blocked it."

"Igetis, you'll learn why soon enough, just have some patience, and don't 'flip your shit' when you find out about everything. Now head towards your new team, they're all waiting."

It's very hard to not become even more suspicious after hearing mum say that. But ominous is just our family's style.

With a sigh, I begin the trudge to the Avengers' headquarters and home...


AN: 5 years... I know I've been gone for way too long. My excuse? Firstly life got really busy so I had to take a hiatus, but I never got back to writing as I had lost the motivation and interest in this book as well as forgetting my planned plot line. But due to the amount of attention this book is still getting, and the comments left on the previous chapter have encouraged me to finish the book for you all.

Thank you so much, beyond words, for still reading and supporting my book despite my very prolonged absence and neglect of you all. I now have the time due to finishing university assignments and it being summer, and I will continue to write until the book has reached its close. I can however, not promise an updating schedule... only that I won't abandon this again.

Annabeth: see? I told you commenting would get her to change her mind! Although you took stupidly long *glares at author*

Me: *backs away with both hands raised*

Percy: Wait I'm still here? Darn it!

Me: There'll be plenty of fun times coming up? It won't all suck, I promise Perce.

See you soon everyone :)

Bye muffins x

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