She's Kinda Hot ●○ Max Mayfie...

Por batlover32

96K 2.2K 1K

Star Henderson. Dustin's adopted sister. She had been friends with the boys since she could remember. They pl... Más

season² cast + covers -
2.3 The Pollywog
2.4 Will the Wise
2.5 Dig Dug
2.6 The Spy
2.8 The Mind Flayer
2.9 The Gate
season³ Cast × Playlist
3.1 Suzie, do you copy?
3.2 Mall Rats
3.3 The Case of The Missing Lifeguard
3.4 The Sauna Test
3.5 The Flayed
3.6 E Pluribus Unum
3.7 The Bite
3.8 The Battle of Starcourt
season⁴ cast | playlist
4.1 The Hellfire Club
4.2 Vecna's Curse
4.3 The Monster and the Superhero
4.4 Dear Billy
4.5 The Nina Project
4.6 The Dive
4.7 The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Volume 2 - Mixtape
4.8 Papa
4.9 The Piggyback
Bonus #1 The Letter

2.2 Trick or Treat, Freak

5.3K 123 101
Por batlover32

Star sighed, straightening out her dress. It was Halloween and Star knew no one would dress up for the occasion.

Well, only the boys. So, she decided to dress as Dorothy from Wizard of OZ, her favourite film. Dressing as Dorothy meant she didn't look crazy to those who didn't dress up.

It also meant the boys couldn't get annoyed at her. However, this meant she'd have to walk to school, but she found a solution. She put on shorts underneath.

So, once Dustin had gone- her mother taking pictures of him as a ghost buster. She was meant to dress as the state puft marshmallow man. But knew she'd get made fun of.

So she ran down stairs, allowing her mother to take a few pictures of her before she struggled to ride her bike to school.

She biked in, chuckling at all the boys singing the ghost busters tune. She even joined in, parking her bike and locking it up.

"Hey, spengler."
"Egon! Yeah!"

They all greeted each other.

"Whoa, whoa." Mike said looking at Lucas as Dustin raised a brow at his sister.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"Why are you Venkman?" Mike asked.

"Because I'm Venkman." Lucas stated.

"No, I'm Venkman." Mike argued, pointing to himself.

"Why can't there just be two Venkman's? And why aren't you dressed up Star?" Will asked.

"Oh, I'm Dorothy." Star chuckled with a bow.

"Because there's only one Venkman I'm real life. We planned this months ago." Mike retorted. "And you were supposed to be marshmallow." Star just shrugged at this.

"Then I was Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, you're Egon." Mike explained pointing at each of them before turning to Lucas. "And you're Winston."

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston." Lucas retorted.

"Yes, you did!" Mike exclaimed.

"I don't think he did." Will butted in as Star took a hit of her inhaler.

"No one wants to be Winston, man." Lucas informed him.

"What's wrong with Winston?" Mike asked.

"What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas explained.

"Yeah, but he's still cool." Mike argued.

"If he's cool then you be Winston." Lucas told him as Star shook her head.

"I can't." Mike stated.

"Why not?"

"Because-" Mike stuttered, making Will and Star glance at one another.

"Because," Lucas mocked, "you're not black?"

"I didn't say that!" Mike stated.

"You thought it." Lucas retorted, and Star turned to see loads of kids arrive. None in costume.

"Guys... guys, guys!" Dustin shouted, grabbing their attention. "Why is no one else wearing costumes?"

"That's why I'm Dorothy." Star winced before they headed inside.

"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin wondered as they walked down the hall.

"Everyone dressed up last year." Will stated as people laughed.

"It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you." Dustin insisted.

"Just be cool." Will muttered.

"Who you gonna call! The nerds!" A boy joked.

"Excuse me?" Star turned, not knowing where her courage came from. The boy just rolled his eyes and turned away. "I can't believe I just done that."

They all then separated to their lockers, Star's a little away from her brothers and Lucas'.

Star opened the locker, watching as Max skated down the hall. She smiled as she watched at the girl, huffing when Lucas and Dustin came over.

"What?" Star sighed, closing her locker.

"Could you introduce us to Max?" Dustin asked.

"Uh," Star thought.

"Please." Lucas begged.

"I'll give you all my mars bars later?" Dustin persuaded.

"Fine." She groaned, she took a deep, sighing in relief when the girl walked away from her locker.

"We can ask her after class." Dustin suggested.

"Good plan." Lucas agreed.

"Dammit." Star muttered as they went into class.

"Hey, Max." Star greeted awkwardly. It was after class now and the boys has convinced her to still introduce them to the girl.

"Hey, Star." Max greeted with a smile, before looking at the two boys behind her with a questioning look.

"Um.." Dustin cleared his throat, snapping Star from her gaze on the new girl.

"Oh, um, Max, this is my brother Dustin and this is my friend-" Star began but was interrupted by Lucas.

"Lucas." Lucas stated.

"Yeah, I know. The stalkers." Max retorted making Star smile.

"Uh, no. Actually... we weren't stalking you." Lucas stuttered along with Dustin.

"Yeah, we were just concerned because, you know, you're new and all." Dustin added.

"Yeah, for your safety." Lucas explained.

"Mmm-hmm. There are alot of bullies here." Dustin informed her.

"So many bullies, it's crazy." Lucas agreed making Star cringe at the two.

"Yeah." Dustin stated.

"Is that why your wearing proton packs?" Max questioned.

"Well, these don't function. But... I do have this handy-dandy little trap here." Dustin told her, reaching to his side to grab it. "And look, it even opens and closes. Look, look, look..."

Dustin proceeded to open the box, Star sighing in embarrassment as she saw Max's unimpressed look.

"Voilà." Dustin said. "It's cool, right? No, okay, but um... so we were talking last night, and yours new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating, and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us."

"It'd be okay?" Max asked in a mocking tone, making Star look at her brother in annoyance.

Star liked this girl and wanted to be her friend, and now her brother was acting strange. She also pushed away a feeling of jealousy as she noticed the boys clear infatuation with her, but she reminded herself:

You can't think this way, not about girls. You like boys..... right? Yes. Of course you do. What a silly question.....

"Yeah. Our party's a democracy," Dustin assured, not sensing her tone, "the majority voted you could come."

"I didn't realise it was such an honour to go trick or treating with you guys." Max said sarcastically.

"Well we know where to get the full-sized candy bars." Dustin explained. "We figured you'd want in."

"That's presumptuous of you." Max retorted.

"Yeah, totally." Dustin said awkwardly, not knowing what the word meant. "Uh, so, um... you'll come?"

Max rolled her eyes at him, sending an adorable smile to Star before shutting her locker and turning to walk off.

"We're meeting at the Maple Street cul-de-sa at 7:00." Dustin called out to her. "That's seven on the dot!"

"Presumptuous." Dustin added with a smile making Star raise a brow. "It's a good thing, right?"

"It's bad." Star told him with a frown before turning to walk off.

"It's bad?" Dustin asked shocked, following his sister.

Star got on her bike, smiling at the boys as they began to ride down the rode.

"I'm so excited." Star squealed as she stood on her bike. "I'm going to get the most sweets."

"No, way!" Dustin exclaimed, biking infromt of Star.

"Yeah, if anyone is it's me." Mike spoke up with a chuckle.

"I can't believe no one dressed up." Lucas sighed.

"Yeah, everyone dressed up last year." Dustin agreed.

"Hey, guys?" Star gulped when she heard a car revving and getting closer.

"Go!" Mike shouted and they all sped up.

"Star you better haul ass!" Dustin shouted at the girl who was huffing and puffing.

The car suddenly swerved and the group moved to the right, going off road. Star quickly jumped off, gasping for air.

"Was that?" Dustin asked.

"Mad Max." Lucas confirmed.

"Guys." Star croaked as she struggled to breathe.

"Shit." Mike exclaimed. "Where's your inhaler?"

"Dustin don't you have her spare?" Lucas stated as Star was hunched over.

"Yeah.. Yeah, one sec." Dustin said going through his bag. He pulled out the inhaler victoriously and threw it to Mike. "Here."

"Star.. Star." Mike shook her, passing her the object.

Star quickly took it, gasping. She shook it before taking a hit, air filling her lungs as she breathed slowly.

"Are you okay?" Dustin asked, now beside her.

"Yup." Star sighed. "My, Jesus."

The group went home, grabbing their bags before heading to Mike's so they could meet up with Will and Jonathan.

They joked around, Star chuckling as Lucas tried to hit Dustin with his empty bag.

"Egon!" Star greeted.

"Hey, guys." Will smiled.

"Jonathan not coming?" Mike asked.

"Nope." Will stated.

"Let's go!" Dustin exclaimed.

The group joked around as they went around, knocking on doors. The boys kept being mistaken for exterminators which Star found hilarious.

"Trick or treat." They said in sinc, Will recording as a woman opened the door, gushing at their costumes.

"Well aren't you cute? The little exterminators and... is that Dorothy?" The woman awed, Star nodding in response.

The boys sighed as Star was the first one to take a sweet, the boys following in frustration.

Star thanked the lady before they all headed into the street, ready to go to the next house.

"If I get another 3 musketeers I'm going to kill myself." Lucas sighed as they reached the road.

"What's wrong with 3 musketeers?" Dustin asked.

"What's wrong with 3 musketeers?" Lucas mocked.

"No one likes three musketeers." Mike stated.

"Yeah, it's just nougat." Will agreed.

"Woah, just nougat?" Dustin asked in offence. "Just nougat? It is top three for me. Star, you agree right?"

"Eh, kinda. It's in my top ten, I guess." Star shrugged making Dustin smile happily at his sister.

"Top three?" Lucas asked in suprise.

"Top three!" Dustin confirmed.

"Oh, god. Give me a break." Mike muttered.

"Seriously," Dustin continued, "I can just ear a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up."

Suddenly someone jumped out infront of them. They screamed at the group, holding a fake knife with a Michael Myers mask on. They all screamed in suprise, except lucas who squealed. Like a girl.

"Holy fucking cheese." Star yelped, taking out her inhaler.

"Holy shit." Max chuckled taking off the mask. "You should have seen the look on your faces." She then looked at Lucas. "And you? Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl."

Star took a hit of her inhaler, smiling at the girl who had scared the life out of her. Max began to walk, but stopped when they didn't follow her.

"Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live right?" Max asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah." Lucas and Dustin giggled? Star wasn't sure, but joined them happily glad to have a chance to be around the Mayfield girl.

"Hey, I didn't know you had an inhaler twinkle toes." Max said, nudging her.

"Oh, yeah." Star chuckled awkwardly. "I've had it since I was six, I think."

Now, they had reached the rich part of town. Star didn't like it up here much, but knew this was the best place to get sweets.

"Another full-Size." Star muttered in satisfaction as they walked away from their 3rd house.

"Seriously, rich people are such suckers." Dustin chuckled, before turning to Max. "Wait. You're not rich, right?"

"No, I live up Old Cherry Road." Max stated.

"That's not too bad." Star smiled at her, pushing away her butterflies.

"Yeah, it's fine. The streets good for skating on." Max explained.

"Yeah, totally tubular." Dustin agreed making Star giggle. "What? Did I say that right? Or is it, like, tubular." This time he dragged out the 'ar'.

"No, its like, totally tubular." Lucas stated, imitating a surfer.

"You sound like a high surfer." Star joked making Max chuckle.

"Shut up." Lucas groaned in embarrassment.

"Totally tubular." Dustin said, copying Lucas.

"What a gnarly wave, dude." Lucas continued.

"Totally brodacious, bro!" Dustin joked.

"Stop. My ears are hurting." Max joked.

"Let's use your knife to cut off our ears!" Star exclaimed with a giggle, making the others laugh.

They continued as they went up to a house, joking the whole way. And as usual, the boys were mistaken for exterminators- creating laughter between the girls.

"Uhm, guys?" Star gulped, looking around.

"Yeah?" Dustin asked.

"Where's Will?" Star asked worriedly, beginning to gnaw at her bottom lip and play with her fingers.

"Shit!" Mike exclaimed.

"We'll split up." Lucas stated. "Star, go with Mike."

"What's going on?" Max asked, wondering why they were panicking.

"We need to find Will." Dustin stated.

"He gets really anxious around others, so we're worried." Star explained before they rushed off to find him.

"Will!" Mike called out. "Will!"

"Byers! Come on, Will!" Star called out, taking out her inhaler and using it.

"There!" Mike exclaimed seeing him run.

They ran over, turning a corner, finding him with his knees up. "Will! Will, what's wrong?" Mike asked as Will breathed heavily.

"We couldn't find you. Are you hurt?" Star questioned as she put a hand on his shoulder, his eyes flickering around in fear.

"Holy shit!" Dustin said as him, Lucas and Max joined them.

"Is he okay?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know." Mike replied. "I'm gonna get you home, okay? I'm gonna get you home. Hold on." Mike assured.

Star helped Mike get the boy up. She quickly hugged him, saying he would be okay.

"All right, take it easy." Dustin comforted.

"I got him." Mike snapped.

"Mike?" Dustin questioned.

"Just keep trick or treating. I'm bored anyways." Mike said, and as Star was about to join, Mike instructed her to stay.

"Fine. Keep safe." Star huffed.

"What's wrong with him?" Max questioned as Mike toom Will back.

"It's complicated." Lucas stated.

Now at home, well outside the house, the Hendersons had parted from the others. And Star couldn't get Max out of her head.

"Which one is it? Tubular or tubular?" Dustin asked Star, dragging out the 'r' the second time.

"Neither, no one says that anymore." Star chuckled making Dustin nudge her.

They then shut up when they heard the same chirping layered with a growl. They slowly turned, looking at the bin.

"Mews- is that-" Dustin began but a loud thud interrupted him. Star dropped her bag at the noise.
Dustin then pulled out his proton pack gun.

"What's that gonna do?!" Star exclaimed in a whisper.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Dustin muttered, slowly walking to it.

"You know, this is how people die in horror films." Star gulped.

"Shut up!" Dustin whispered. The noises continued, the thing banging on the inside of the bin.

Dustin took in a breath and screamed in a battle cry. He lifted the bin, and pointed his gun inside.

"What is it?" Star asked, coming over to look as it chittered.

"Holy shit-"

A/n cue ghost busters music

Have a gd day

2447 words

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