Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLET...

By avidnovela

2K 172 87

Jess is an innocent soul that only wants one thing in her life and that is to be bound with Shaun forever. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 18

30 4 1
By avidnovela

"We should request to change partners, that's the only way." Jess blurted out of nowhere as Shaun sat right across from her.

A few hours later after the instruction had been cascaded, most of the artists started to bond with their partners and brainstorm on what arrangement they would set for the song as well as what topic they would focus on in the lyrics.

Shaun and Jess on the other hand were still battling if they should keep this partnership running. There's just so much history involved that Jess was worried it would have an impact on their final work. She rather chooses to be with other musicians than to be subjected to this awkwardness.

"I'm cool working with you though, are you that uncomfortable with me around?" Shaun uttered with a hint of tease in his voice.

Jess's eyes snapped and suddenly Shaun's demeanor changed.

"Will you stop fooling around Shaun? This is not the time to humor our situation. You and I know that this is not going to work." she blurted in frustration.

Shaun leaned forward on his seat as his eyes intently stared at Jess. "This might not be our ideal setup, it funny that fate threw us a curveball, we both didn't ask for this, but it happened Jess, now, if we go to the committee and say we asked to change our partners, what's the reason you will be giving them? That we don't like each other? or, because we had a previous relationship that ended in a bitter place?" he started trying to make a point.

Jess sighed, realizing his words. "So, what now?" she asked sounding defeated.

Shaun smiled, "Now we do what we ought to do"

Jess looked at the man she loathed for months now; how did they even get here? However she would have to agree with Shaun, she needs to set aside any personal issues they have for each other, they need to do what they ought to do and with that conclusion, Jess let go of the air she didn't realize she was holding in. She will act as a professional from hereon, this is going to be her baptism in the music industry, how to deal with unwanted presence while still able to work collaboratively with them.

Rick was roaming around the hotel lobby grounds to find one person, being a veteran in songwriting exempting him from the activity of the new artists; however, he will serve as a consultant if needed. That would also mean he has more control of his time and so he wanted to use it to sort out some things personally as well as keep an eye on Jess and Shaun.

He cleared his throat. What's the intention again? He paused and thought.

He doesn't trust Shaun, he concluded.

He walked past several musicians as they were all preoccupied with the task given when he suddenly saw a glimpse of the woman he was looking for. He stood there frozen as Rick's eyes unintentionally studied Jess's gestures and for some reason, it seemed to be in slow motion. He laughed at the thought while it was happening, isn't this the reason he chooses not to watch chick flick movies? How does each scene project a slow pace to emphasize the girl's action while the guy can take the time to be mesmerized?

Rick coughed painfully but went back to look at Jess nonetheless, she was looking down as she was busy scribbling something in her notes, a few strands of hair escaped from her ponytail that covered the side of her face, she then played the loose strands as she twirls it in her fingers gently then settled it at the back of her ear. There was nothing special about what she did, but Rick was fixated, he then noticed her brows crossed while she played the pen with her thumb and brought it to her cheek, she suddenly smacked her lips, and it prompted her side dimples.

"Oh look at those dimples!" he thought. He had not noticed those before.

He would have lingered there longer when he suddenly noticed Shaun moved closer to Jess and wiped something off her face.

Jess was taken aback by the sudden touch from Shaun, she then directed her eyes at him.

"You have to be careful with the pen you are holding right there, the ink is scattered all over your face." Shaun smiled.

Jess's eyes narrowed but she took the napkin Shaun used and rubbed it off her face. She then suddenly halted when she noticed a presence right beside her. She stopped what she was doing and checked who it was.

Rick stood there as his mighty presence made her heart skip. Calm down! She told herself.

"Rick! What are you doing here?" she asked louder than she intended.

He smiled "I just want to check if you are okay." he asked then looked at Shaun who didn't hide his annoyance.

"I'm good, thank you" she replied, sensing the tension between the two men.

"Shall we go back to what we are doing before we get interrupted?" Shaun uttered making sure that Rick would hear it.

Jess ignored Shaun's remark "Is there anything you want from me?" She asked to clarify from Rick.

"Actually yes, can you step out for a bit on what you are doing and come with me, I have something to tell you" Rick stated.

Without a second thought, Jess nodded and stood up. "Let's take a break for now Shaun, let's meet again after an hour?" She said not asking for permission and then walked away with Rick.

Shaun watched the two leave and for a moment he wondered how come it made him feel angry again. "Rick Reed, you are crossing some lines" Shaun whispered.

Rick guided Jess outside the hotel lobby and headed to the shore where the palm trees lie. The sun was beaming brightly so her eyes squinted. She smiled at how beautiful the scenery was in front of her. She saw a hammock in between the palm trees as it provided the perfect shade. She went right in and cradled herself as she slowly took in the salty sea air. Rick was right behind her and handed her a cold drink.

She accepted it and thanked him. "ahhh, I needed this break, thank you for pulling me out there" she smiled. Rick was standing there as his eyes were on her and so without further thought she gestured for Rick to sit beside her in the hammock, which he obliged.

Jess suddenly regretted the decision, their proximity was dangerously close, and the physical contact was just too much for her, however, her pride was also in the line here considering she was the one who made the offer. Rick was oblivious to her discomfort though and proceeded to just look at the crystal blue sea.

"It's too hot today," he commented.

Jess nodded, agreeing with his comment. She was about to verbalize it when Rick suddenly turned his head around and looked at her.

She gulped out of the blue.

"How are you with Shaun?" he asked, cutting to the chase.

She couldn't help but stare at Rick, she probably was interpreting this incorrectly, but he sounded protective, jealous perhaps? She cringed at the thought. Is the great Rick Reed jealous because of her? That would be the greatest joke of all time. She thought inwardly.

She cleared her throat to frisk her wild ideas. "Well, we don't have a choice at this point though and so we just have to go through it and be professional. I will treat this as a learning experience" she smirked.

He smiled at her remarks too and suddenly pinched her cheek out of nowhere.

Jess's jaw dropped unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Rick laughed at her reaction, "I'm sorry I was not able to contain myself, your dimple was popping earlier, and you just look so cute" he moved his eyes away and stood up suddenly.

He stretches his legs and then looks at her one more time, "just let me know if he will bother you again" he stated referring to Shaun.

Jess nodded unable to find her voice.

"I will leave you be for now, just relax a little longer and don't forget to eat later. Just call for me if you need anything" Rick stated and smiled as he slowly paced away from Jess.

Jess suddenly touched her cheek as she felt herself blush. "Did he just say I am cute?" she giggled.

Aware of her childish acts she then looked around to see if someone was nearby when she confirmed no one was at bay, she squeaked again trying to contain her laughter as the words continued to warm her heart.

"Rick Reed you are a playboy. How can you throw comments like that and act like it's nothing?" she whispered. She smiled again as the thoughts lingered.

Rick was heading to his room as the encounter with Jess continued to haunt him. He has no idea why he did that, seeing her smile like that made him lose control. He smirked; he didn't regret it though. He will deal with the consequences later for now he will take it all in.

His steps were cut when he stepped out of the elevator and saw Shaun standing just outside his hotel room. Shaun's hands were in his pocket as each of them tested each other.

"What do I owe the pleasure, Shaun Hays?" Rick asked as he looked him straight in the eye.

"What is your deal with Jess anyway?" he blurted.

Rick's brow raised. "I think the appropriate question is what's your deal with Jess?"

"We grew up together, more than anything she is like a family, and I feel the need to know her business, especially from people like you who can take advantage of her," Shaun uttered.

Rick smirked challenging his words. "Do you think you have the right to tell me that?" he asked, coating his words with malice.

A vein snapped at Shaun, and he then went straight to Rick and grabbed his collar. Rick was unmoved by Shaun's aggressiveness and remained passive.

"I won't allow you to get closer to Jess, whatever your plans involving Jessie, you better end it here. I am not done with my desire of making sure to cast you out of the spotlight. Mark my words Rick Reed" Shaun stated as his eyes were certain of his threat.

"Bring all the big guns, Shaun Hays, I am ready for you," Rick whispered back as he moved Shaun's hand away from his collar and stepped away walking towards his room, he then looked back at Shaun. "Is there anything else you want to say to me?" He added.

"Don't use Jess to get to me Rick Reed, I won't allow you" he added.

Shaun did not wait for his reply and walked past him heading towards the elevator. His knuckles were clasped as he tried not to punch Rick's face. He sighed as he heard the door closed behind him.

He has no clear reason why he was doing this, maybe because he was threatened by Rick, he felt overprotective of Jess for some reason, didn't he want Jess out of his life completely? So why now? He was unsure but, one thing was clear, it bothered him seeing their closeness and proximity. Would he feel the same if only it's not Rick Reed? He's not sure as well.

He was in those deep thoughts when the elevator swung open and Jess was there, smiling. Her face radiated happiness, and her cheeks were reddish maybe from the sun, she shimmered because of the reflection but Shaun was mesmerized. Is she this beautiful even before? He thought.

Shaun went through a moment of realization and with conviction he knew what he wanted at this point. He wanted Jess back.

He gulped at the thought.  

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