(revived) Gremory Rose(Abused...

By SansofDestruction

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Y/N Gremory, the youngest child of the Gremory Family, has been abused and neglected ever since the age of 4... More

Prologue part 1: A Painful Beginning
Prologue part 2: Reborn as Rose
Prologue part 3 Duel Monsters
Prologue Part 4: A Fateful Encounter
Prologue Final Part: Y/n's Destiny
How's the Story, Outfit and Team MILM
Chapter 1: The Sibling Reunion
Chapter 1 part 2 Beacon Academy
Chapter 1 Part 3 Initiation
Chapter 1 part 4 Reunion both of Love and hate
Chapter 1 part 5 Help from a loved one
Chapter 1 part 6: 1st Day at Beacon part 1
Chapter 1 part 7: First day in Beacon part 2
Chapter 1 part 8: Meet the Bunny and A Fashionista
Chapter 1 part 9: Jaunedice part 1
Chapter 1 part 10: Jaundice part 2
Chapter 1 part 11: Forever Falls: Birth of the Elemental Gear
A/N: Giving Credit and Year worths of question.
Chapter 1 part 12: Peerage Training Exercise: Y/n vs RWBY
Harem part 2
Chapter 1 part 13: Rising Devil's Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 1 part 14: Arguing with the Demons
Chapter 1 part 15: Confliction with the Devils
Chapter 1 part 16: Help from others
Chapter 1 part 17: A Normal Morning
Chapter 1 part 18: Day outside the Academy
Chapter 1 part 19: The Challenge: Y/n vs Issei
Chapter 1 part 20: Black and White
A/N: 10 random Memes
Chapter 1 part 21: Runaway Guy and Gal... plus a Monkey
Chapter 1 part 22 Black and White part 2
Chapter 2 part 1: I just left for one.. second...
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Along came a Pest
Volume 2 Chapter 4: Removing the Pest: Y/n vs Weevil

Volume 2 Chapter 2: Awkward accidents

3.2K 61 19
By SansofDestruction

3rd P.o.V:

A passing large and unnerving ship descends upon the landing pad of Beacon. Two bullheads fly by as the camera slowly lowers to show ant-like swarms of people on the paths around Beacon. The camera shifts to the top of tower veiled clouds. Ozpin and Glynda can be seen though the window into the headmaster's office.

 Glynda: "Ironwood certainly loves  bringing his work wherever, he travels."

Ozpin: "Well, running an academy and a military makes him, a busy man." *The camera switches to an over-the-shoulder from Ozpin's perspective as three more Bullheads fly in* "But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore." *a chirping beep sounds repeatedly. Ozpin turns to see a hollow message: Access requested" on his desk* "Come in."

The door slides open to reveal a man walking over to Ozpin, which Beacon's headmaster: Ozpin approaches to greet him.

Man: *coridally* "Ozpin!" 

Ozpin stand at attention: "Hello, General."

Ironwood: "Please, drop the formalities." *both approach and shakes hands as Glynda also approaches* "It's been too long. And Glynda! It's has certainly been too long since we last met."

Glynda: "Oh, James!" *gives a personable wave and then drops all pleasantries*"I'll be outside !!" *As she walks out... Y/n happens to walk out the elevator and they bump into each other* "O-oh um, Y/n-" *is blushing hard*

Y/n: *blushing from embarrassment* "Uh.... Ms. Goodwitch, Sorry m-my bad.' *thinking* 'SON OF A BITCH!! WHY DID I HAVE TO BUMP INTO HER?! AND AFTER WHAT HAPPENED, LAST TIME?!'

(Flashback to events between Chapter 1 part 20 and 21)

Y/n(with black hair and red eyes) is seen flying towards Beacon at high speed in a blind panic after his confrontation with his ...adoring fans... Needless to say Y/n was terrified

Y/N: "BADDAYBADDAYBADDAYBADDAY!!" *is closing in on Beacon. The boy turns around to see no signs of his fans* "Oh thank.. O-" *Doesn't notices Ms. Goodwitch, whom which was minding her own business before tackles by the boy upon crash* "ACK!" *the two roll into some bushes nearby. Y/n reverts back to his normal self groaning* "Ow... what on Remnant did I- Eh?" *shuts himself up as he notices he happened to be 'on top of Ms. Goodwitch', who stares at him.*

What Y/n sees:




Both of their faces turn bright red before Y/n jumps off: "I-I-I'M SO SORRY!!!" 

Fangirl #1: *offscreen* "THERE HE IS!!!" *Y/n stops before looking behind to see the fangirls from before running towards him* 

Fangirl #2: "GET HIM!!" 


The boy then runs off as the hordes of girls chase after him leaving a blushing Glynda to get up but cover her face to hide her blushing.

(Flashback ends)

Y/n: "U-uh... well um... I got to um... take care of something... real quick..." *walks over to Ozpin before noticing Ironwood* "Heya General" *walks past him and then stops in front of Ozpin* "May I borrow your scroll?"

Ozpin: "Uh... sure?" *hands his scroll to Y/n, which the boy begins to tap on the screen a bunch of times before handing back to Ozpin* 

Y/n: "Thanks..." *walks back to elevator with Glynda and the elevator closes and descends down to the lower floors*

Ozpin and Ironwood:

(Back with Glynda and Y/n):

Both of them were standing in the elevator looking away from each other. Both of them, blushing from embarrassment trying not to make eye contact with each other. There was a long silence between the two until Y/n breaks it.

Y/n: *awkward tone* "Soooo.. about last time... I-I'm sorry about that... um.. I was panicking and-"

Glynda: *embarrassed tone* "I-it's f-fine... you were just in a panic... By the way, why did you need to use Ozpin's scroll* 

Y/n: "Oh that... I needed him to activate... the 'Issei Torture Trap'..." *a scene plays above Y/n showing the red head catching Issei trying to once again peep on Velvet* "Saw that  perverted idiot trying to peek at Velvet's and her team's dorm again.. I also updated it..."

Glynda: "Oh...I see." *sighs* "That boy has been nothing but trouble... ever since him and Rias' peerage has come here..." *suddenly the elevator began to shake and Glynda begins to fall over* "W-woah!" *She falls on top of the red head, who quickly catches himself peventing him from falling over but.. once again leaving them in awkward position* "U-um..." *face turns bright red* 

Y/n: *face matches his hair color* "U-uh......" *the elevator opens up and quickly Glynda straightens herself up and outside the elevator was Grayfia* "O-oh Hey Grayfia!"

Grayfia: "Hello Master Y/n! I just wanted to let you know that the trap seemed to have worked.."

Y/n: "Oh... and how's the moron surviving?'

Grayfia: "Well..." 

(With Issei)

Issei: *is strapped onto a medieval torture device preventing him from moving. He had tape on his eyelid preventing him from closing his eyes shut* "AHHHHHHHHH NO IT'S EVEN WORSE!! MAKE IT END!!" 

In front of him were an army of Teletubbies, whom all had the body of Ricardo, who begins to twerk their way towards the perverted idiot. All the while the baby Sun in the sky was replaced with the face of Barney the Dinosaur singing the most sexiest boss music in all of the known internet in every single language known to man.... On Repeat.

Issei's reaction:

(Back with Y/n)

Y/N: *shrugs*

"Welp I'm off to meet the other's at the Library!" *walks off* "See you two later!" 

Grayfia: *smiles and waves* "Bye, Y/n!"  *As Y/n takes a turns down the corridor, Glynda walks out of the elevator, still a bit embarrassed of what happened* "You know? They say a king is allowed to have more than one suitor!" 

Glynda: *blushes bright red* "I-I-I have no idea what you mean! A-anyways I-I need to go somewhere..." *walks off embarrassed as Grayfia giggles a little before walking off on her own*

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