
De Beccs87

84.9K 1.5K 236

A story of how friends mature and grow and realize that they are in love Mai multe



2.7K 51 16
De Beccs87

Michael gazed out the window of his townhouse which was located in Bloomsbury. It was just far enough from Grovenor's Square so that he was not accosted on the daily by matchmaking mamas and close enough to Mayfair to still be considered fashionable. The weather had cooperated as he looked up at the blue cloudless sky and he found that he was very much looking forward to his promenade with Penelope Featherington. Michael had already decided that Miss Featherington would not make the best match for his cousin, not because she was not beautiful or intelligent but because Michael himself was interested in her.

When he had come to call on her the previous day, she had surprised him with her loveliness. She was clearly very bright and also quite funny. She had him laughing several times with her quick-witted responses and keen observations. Penelope's friend Eloise had been at the Featherington house when he had come to call. He had to come to find out that she was one of the Bridgerton brood and was the second eldest daughter. For a moment, Michael thought she might make a suitable bride for his cousin but after hearing her speak her thoughts on marriage, Michael did not think that her and John would suit.

As he fastened his cufflinks Michael walked down to the foyer and put on his coat and adjusted his cravat. John had suggested that he hire a footman, and butler to assist with the running of the rather large townhouse but he had declined. He managed quite well with the housekeeper Mrs. Mudgett and his cook. He did not need someone helping him to dress or answer his door as he was rarely in London.

"Are you off then sir," asked his elderly housekeeper as she came around the corner. She was a dear woman and had looked after Michael for many years.

"Yes, Mrs. Mudgett. I will be back later this evening for supper. What are we having tonight?"

"I believe cook said that we are having a roast dinner, beef I recall." replied Mrs. Mudgett as she picked a piece of lint off of his coat and smoothed the sleeves so there were no wrinkles. "Will you be taking the dogs with you then? I daresay they could use the exercise after being cooped up in this house."

Michael looked down at the two black terriers that were sitting just at the entrance of the parlor looking up at him, pleading with him with their puppy eyes to go for a walk in the park. Michael was by no means a pushover in any way, but his dogs were his soft spot, and he could not deny them a chance to go to the park. "Very well, I do not think Miss Featherington will mind if you too come along," as he patted their heads and attach their leads and set off towards the park. He made it there quickly, and soon found the Featherington's setting up their tent.

"Good Morning Lady Featherington," said Michael in what he hoped to be a pleasant manner. "A beautiful day is it not?" he added while catching Penelope's eye. He saw a delightful blush cover her peaches and cream complexion and she looked down shyly.

Lady Featherington looked up and smiled pleasantly at Michael. "Mr. Stirling, how to see you. I see you brought your dogs," as she looked down somewhat disdainfully at the two dogs that sat at his feet.

"Uh, yes. I am afraid that they have not had as much exercise here in London. I thought that they would enjoy a visit to the park. I hope you do not mind."

Before Lady Featherington could respond, Penelope came forward and knelt down to pet the dogs. "I do not mind at all. I adore animals. What are their names?" asked Penelope.

"This one here is Barlow," said Michael. "And this one is Bear. Both females."

"Hello Barlow. Hello Bear," cooed Penelope. "What good little girls you are," as she rubbed their tummies. Barlow and Bear were instantly enamored of Penelope as they snuggled up against and attempted to lick her face. "We will you have to introduce the two of you to Newton!"

"Who is Newton," asked Michael curiously.

"Newton is Miss Kate Sharma's dog. Miss Sharma is engaged to the Viscount Bridgerton," Penelope replied happily. "They should be around here somewhere. Eloise said that the entire Bridgerton brood would be making an appearance."

"Shall we go and find them then," asked Michael extending his arm towards Penelope.

"I would love to." As the park was crowded with people, Lady Featherington let them go in search of the Bridgerton family without a chaperone.

They did not have to search far for the Bridgerton family as they soon found them situated near the river in the shade of a willow tree.

"Penelope!" Michael heard a child cry and saw a young girl barreling towards her followed by another younger boy who soon enveloped Penelope in a tight embrace.

"Hyacinth! Gregory. How have my favorite Bridgertons been?"

"Good, we have missed you. It has been ages since we have seen you!" said Gregory before turning to Michael. "Hello sir, I am Gregory Bridgerton, and this is my younger sister Hyacinth Bridgerton."

Penelope laughed. "Thank you, Gregory, for introducing yourself. Gregory, Hyacinth this is my...friend Mr. Michael Stirling and these are his dogs. This is Barlow and this is Bear."

"May we play with them Mr. Stirling?" asked Hyacinth. "Do they like fetch?"

"I am sure that they would love that," replied Michael enjoying seeing the children's eyes light up with happiness. Behind the children, he could see what would have to be the matriarch of the family approaching.

"Mr. Stirling," said Violet pleasantly. "I do not think that we have been formally introduced. I am the dowager, Viscount Bridgerton. I apologize for my children, they can be a little wild," said the viscountess as she placed a hand on each of her children's heads.

"Oh, please do not worry yourself Lady Bridgerton," replied Michael sincerely. "They were perfectly polite."

Lady Bridgerton smiled genuinely. "Come, you must meet the rest of the family," as she walked back towards the tent which Michael could now see was full of people. As he and Penelope got closer, he could see the viscount Anthony and his younger brother Benedict all but glaring at him as they approached.

"Mr. Stirling, I believe you know my two eldest sons Anthony who is the viscount and my second eldest son Benedict." Anthony and Benedict, both gave him curt nods before Lady Bridgerton moved on with her introductions. "This is Miss Kate Sharma; she is engaged to Anthony." Although engaged to the viscount, Miss Sharma seemed incredibly happy to meet him officially. He recalled that she was the one that had introduced them at Lady Cowper's ball. "And my eldest daughter Daphne, the Duchess of Hastings and her husband Simon the Duke," said Violet. "And this little angel," added Violet before taking the baby from the duchess's arms. "Is there son and my first grandchild Auggie."

Michael took the baby boy's hand and shook it gently. "Pleasure to meet you master Auggie," and laughed when Auggie rewarded him with a toothy grin. For his part, Michael did not notice the collective sigh that came from the women that surrounded him. On the other hand, he did notice the eyeroll that was shared by the viscount, his younger brother Benedict and the duke.

"And then of course you have met Eloise, Gregory and Hyacinth," added Violet as she nodded towards her Eloise who was now standing at Penelope's side and Hyacinth and Gregory with were playing with Barlow and Bear, along with another dog, a corgi who must have been Miss Sharma's.

"You have a lovely family, Lady Bridgerton. I myself have always longed for a large family. I do not have any siblings myself. It has always just been myself and my cousin John."

Violet nodded. "This is not even all of my children. My son Colin is away. He recently traveled to Albania and my daughter Francesca is staying with her aunt in the country to study the piano forte."

"I had the pleasure of meeting your son Colin at Mondrichs about a week ago," said Michael. "It must have been just before he left for Albania." There was a charged silence after Michael's statement, and he noticed that the entirety of the Bridgerton family were looking at Penelope with sympathetic eyes.

"Miss Bridgerton, Mister Bridgerton," said Michael suddenly to Hyacinth and Gregory. "I was just about to take a promenade with Miss Featherington. Would you be so good as to keep an eye on Barlow and Bear while we are gone?"

"We will keep both on eyes on them, won't we Gregory?" replied Hyacinth causing Mr. Stirling to laugh.

"Do you have a chaperone?" said Anthony suddenly his eyes boring holes into Michael's.

"I am afraid not, my lord. Lady Featherington seemed otherwise engaged and was not able to accompany us."

"Then I am afraid that it would not be appropriate for you to promenade with Miss Featherington," said Anthony sternly.

"Eloise and I will chaperone," said Miss Sharma suddenly before looking over to her fiancé who was giving her a murderous stare. "We would be delighted," she added with a smile.

"Thank you, Miss Sharma, Lady Bridgerton, your graces, gentlemen," said Michael before giving them a small bow. "I assure you Penelope is in safe hands," before leaving to walk towards the bridge.

Michael walked Penelope over to the bridge so they could watch the swans and ducks as they dived under the water. Eloise and Kate were remaining a good distance away from them allowing their privacy.

"I apologize Mr. Stirling for Anthony, that is the viscount's behavior. I am not sure what possessed him to act in such a way," said Penelope quietly.

"I can," said Michael as he glanced at Penelope who was looking up at him with her soft blue eyes. "It is clear that you are very dear to the Bridgerton family. I think that they only mean to protect you. I do not have the most polished reputation you see."

Penelope smiled. "Ah yes, you are known as the merry rake."

Michael's eyes widened astonished that she would even say the words aloud. "Miss Featherington!" said Michael in mock outrage.

Penelope just smiled but then her eyes glassed over, and she suddenly looked as if she were far away. "I did not realize that you were acquainted with Colin,"

"Yes, I met him at Mondrich's. He was drunk as a wheelbarrow. I did not think it would be wise for him to walk home so I gave him a ride."

"Well, that was very good of you," replied Penelope her eyes staring out over the water.

It was clear to him based on the conversation that Michael had with Colin the day at Mondrich's and the way Penelope's countenance had changed that their was something between them. Michael felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought. Against his better judgement, Michael then said, "I believe he spoke of you the night that I encountered him at Mondrich's."

Penelope's eyes widened. "He spoke of me?"

"Yes, he was quite forlorn. He intimated that the two of you had a falling out."

"Well, yes. I suppose we did," Penelope replied. "He said some cruel things about me. I asked him for some distance. I think he felt very badly about what happened."

Michael was confused. Why would anyone say anything cruel about the beautiful girl in front of him. "If you do not mind me asking what happened?"

Penelope sighed. "It is rather a long story but a few weeks ago at a ball that my mother I was hosting, Colin was speaking with a few of his gentlemen friends. Colin, always asks me to dance, mainly out of pity, because he knows that I do not get the opportunity to do so at balls."

Michael interrupted. "Why do you not get asked to dance?"

"Well, because I am a wallflower. I am not popular."

"I do not understand. Penelope, you are not a wallflower. You are intelligent and my god you are so beautiful it is hard for me to look away from you."

Penelope smiled sadly. "Before you arrived in London Mr. Stirling, I was at the mercy of my mother when it came to picking out my clothing. She often dressed me in the most appalling fashions and in the most hideous shade of yellow or green that you can imagine. Lady Bridgerton, knowing that I abhorred my wardrobe took it upon herself to purchase a new one for me and had my dresses re-measured. I look quite different than I did before."

Michael took Penelope's hand, caring not for the people around him or the impropriety. "Penelope, you could be dressed in the most atrocious colored dress in the world, and you would still be the prettiest girl in London. I do not know why these frivolous dandies cannot see how brilliant you are."

Penelope stared up at him in wonder. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Please continue your story."

"Yes, um apparently Colin was with his friends, and they were asking him about the dance that we had shared earlier in the evening and one of the gentlemen Lord Fyfe asked if we were courting."

"And then what happened?" asked Michael gently. He could see that Penelope was having difficulty continuing her story. He knew some of what was said from what Colin had told him, but he had not heard it from Penelope's perspective.

"He said, are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington. Not in your wildest fantasies." Penelope sighed deeply. "It is not what he said that bothered me. It was the fact that he said it so publicly. He publicly shamed me and deemed anyone that might have the slightest interest or inclination to court me to be mad."

"How did you find out about what he said?"

"Lady Whistledown," replied Penelope. At his confused expression, Penelope added. "She is a gossip columnist. It was in her column the day after the ball. I thought he was my friend," said Penelope her voice thick with emotion

Michael rolled his eyes. It was clear to him that Penelope had feelings for Colin Bridgerton and he for her, even if the idiot did not realize what was in front of him.

"You love him, don't you?"

Penelope looked to him with startled eyes. For a moment it looked like she was about to vehemently deny her feelings for Colin Bridgerton, but her eyes softened and looked sad once more. "I am sorry Michael. I did not mean to lead you on in any way. I just want to move past my feelings for Colin but no matter what I do, my feelings for him remain. He will never see me as a woman. He had told me that I do not count, that he does not see me as a woman. He actually said those things to my face Michael," said Penelope. "He will never love me as I love him, and yet there is always a spark of hope inside me that someday he will return my affections. I feel trapped in my love for him."

Michael remained silent thinking of Colin's behavior the day that he encountered him at Mondrich's. He remembered thinking that the poor sod was so lovesick that he could not even function. The way that Colin had described Penelope was not the way in which one describes a friend. He described her as one describes a lover or a soulmate. Michael decided then and there that he would not come between Colin and Penelope, despite the burgeoning feelings he felt for the latter.

"I truly did not mean to lead you on Michael or to cause you pain," said Penelope sincerely. "I hope that you believe that."

Michael gave Penelope a small smile. "I do Penelope. Do you mind if I still come to call on you? I think that you and I could have a wonderful friendship."

"I would love that, Michael."

"We should probably be getting back. Anthony, Benedict and Simon will be foaming at the mouth if I do not return you safely to their side."

Penelope laughed heartily and took his offered arm as they walked back towards where Kate and Eloise were standing waiting for them.

As Michael walked back to the park with Penelope on his arm, he realized that he was happy in his relationship with Penelope even if it was only friendship. Michael knew that she would become an important person that would remain in his life, and he would see her happy. He vowed then that he would do everything in his power to bring Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington back together.

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