The Life of Mia Grey-Shepherd

By liyahhoosein

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These are all oneshots! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR REQUESTS IN THE COMMENTS OR FEEL FREE TO DM! Let's pretend Meredith... More

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
Keep Breathing Part 1
Keep Breathing Part 2
Without You
After Hours
Wake Me Up Part 1
Wake Me Up Part 2
Into The Fire
Sweet Caroline
Truly Madly Deeply
We Will Rock You
Papa Don't Preach Part 1
Papa Don't Preach Part 2
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Piece By Piece
Another Brick In The Wall
Castle On The Hill
Father Of Mine
Gone Girl Part 1 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Coming Of Age | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Enemy | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Minnesota | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Fighting With Derek | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Valentine's Breakup | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Abusive Relationship | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Cristina Returns | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Jealous Of Your Siblings | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Partner | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Lashing Out | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bailey's Birth | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Idea, Right?
Flight 505

Gone Girl Part 2 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd

887 17 2
By liyahhoosein

Description: Mia flees Seattle after a massive blowout with her parents.

A/N: Sorry for the delay, folks! This is continued from the previous chapter. I hope you enjoyed part one, there are lots of tears, fluff, and more drama to come of course!

5 Hours Later in Manhattan, New York

I arrive at my grandmother's house and I ring the doorbell.

She opens the door and pouts.

"Hi, sweetie, I'm so sorry." She hugs me.

"Nana." I sigh

I start remembering everything that my parents have ever said about me and I break down.

"Did you talk to them, do they know that you're here?" She asks

I shake my head

"Are you sure you don't want me to wring your fathers neck? I'm very good at it and it's effective." She smiles

"I'll let you know if I change my mind. I just need a drink." I see a woman come downstairs and it's my aunt.

Lizzie, my other favourite besides Amelia.

"Hey, babe, I haven't seen you in forever! Oh. My. God. Is that a ring?" Lizzie squeals

"Uh yeah, it's been a couple months. We're still trying to plan everything out, but I'm not gonna have the whole big spectacle, it's not my style." I explain

"Oh it's beautiful, we need to meet him soon! Can I see a picture?" Lizzie pleads

"Well he's a cutie, isn't he?" Nana smirks

"Let's go, I'll fix you a drink! You need the hard stuff, don't you?" Lizzie sighs

After a few shots, the alcohol started to kick in.

"My parents can be really mean. I mean I knew that they could be mean, but to their kid? I've never done anything for them to hate me that much? Are they just mad because I might be better at this than them? I know for a fact that Dad never likes to be wrong and I'm sure Mom is the same way. They are very mean people!" I cry

"Dear, don't cry. I'm sure it'll blow over soon, but I think you're right. You've always been very intelligent and I think that being too smart put a wrench in your relationship with your parents. It's not your fault, though. Your dad has a history of being arrogant and narrow-minded and he's probably cast a spell on your mother as well." Nana says

Back In Seattle

Dean POV:

I go to the hospital and it's only been a few hours since Mia has left town, I miss her more than anything and I wish she had stayed, I hope to not run into her parents today because I might lose it on both of them.

Of course with my luck, they pass by me handing their charts to the nurses.

"Hey, Dean, have you seen Mia? Is she sick today?" Derek asked

"I shouldn't be talking to you guys. Out of my loyalty to her we shouldn't speak unless it is strictly medical." I walk away and text Mia immediately.

They're asking for you, but I handled it. How's everything going, are you okay? ~ Me

Haha, I got really drunk last night with Liz and now I have a pretty bad hangover. ~ Mia

Wait, they asked? What did they say? ~ Mia

Asked if you were sick. When do you want me to tell them? Or should I have Richard do it? ~ Me

Richard can tell them if he wants, I honestly don't care anymore. I don't want to call them back and hear their heartfelt pleas and sobs over the phone. I'm done with them. Even Nana thinks that they're being absolutely ridiculous. I miss you and they already approve of you. They said you're cute. ~ Mia

I miss you more. Take all the time you need, Mia. This is a hard thing you're doing, so I don't want you to rush it. If you don't want to be a surgeon anymore, I love you. If you don't want to work in Seattle anymore, I love you. If you want to stay and push through, I still love you. Whatever you choose, I will love you no matter what. This is your life. All I want is you with me, that's all I need. ~ Me

God what did I do to deserve a man like you? ~ Mia

I'm the lucky one, always remember that. ~ Me

Noted. ~ Mia

I have some surgeries scheduled so I'll talk to you later, I love you. ~ Me

I love you too. I'll be home before you know it. Think of it as a vacation. ~ Mia

How in the hell am I supposed to go on vacation without my wife? This feels like prison. ~ Me

I know, I'm sorry. if I was stronger, I would've stayed. ~ Mia

You are. You are a strong, selfless, beautiful, intelligent, and talented woman. Stop degrading yourself. They're gonna be sorry, trust me. ~ Me

I'm gonna shower. Love you, bye. ~ Mia

Bye, babe. Love you too. ~ Me

1 Month and A Half Later

Meredith POV:

Mia has been gone for a while and I don't where. Dean won't tell us anything and he avoids us at every chance he gets. I decide to talk to Richard because he's the Chief and he would know where she is if she was gone this long.

I see him with Amelia in the Cafeteria and I bring Derek along with me.

"Have you seen our daughter? Is she really sick or something? She hasn't returned either of our phone calls or text messages, she's MIA." I say

"I'm gonna go now. See you later." Amelia tries to leave but Derek blocks her way.

"You know where she is, don't you? Where did she go?" Derek asks

"She resigned a month ago. She told me not to say where she is, but she is out of town. She quit after she stopped your surgery." Richard says

"W-Why would she leave? Why did she quit? She's not a doctor here anymore?" I gasp

"She's trying to heal so don't be surprised if she doesn't call you back." He patted their shoulders

"Oh well, when a person is treated like crap they can only hold out for so long." Amelia brushes past Derek.

"What does she mean? Is she talking about Mia?" Derek asks

"I think we hurt her again, we should talk to Dean," I suggest and we go to find him right away.

We see him step into the elevator so we sprint and make it in.

"Oh, great." Dean groans

"Can you please tell her to come home? We didn't mean what we said. I didn't think that she would take our words so seriously." Derek pleads

"No. You drove her away and she is heartbroken. You guys have done this since college. You try to protect her, but you're actually protecting yourselves. She's such a great person and you guys don't deserve her. She was looking out for a patient and you guys care more about getting your names published in some stupid journal! She feels like you guys don't love her like how you love your other kids. She said you scared her when your fist hit the wall. You do know that she has been in an abusive relationship before, right? She's scared of you, Derek. My wife ran away because her parents are horrible. I don't know when she'll be back or if she'll want to come back to this. Anybody would have ran away from this." He yells

"We're sorry. We didn't mean for this to happen. I guess we got carried away with our jobs." I say

"I never wanted to hurt her, I thought I was being a good parent, but she was right. The patient would've died and we should've stopped. Where is she?" Derek asked

"New York, with your family. She's actually having a great time there, so if I were you, I wouldn't ruin that, excuse me." Dean leaves the elevator while Derek and I try to figure out how to fix this.

"I can barely remember what was said. It was in the heat of the moment, I didn't mean any of it, Mer!" Derek paces

"I know. I didn't either. I think we should just give her space. If she wanted to talk to us then she would've called us back. We did break her heart. We broke her, Derek." I sigh

"I should call my mother, maybe I can get her to talk to us." He says

"Please work!" I plead

He rings up his mother and we wait for her to pick up after a few seconds.

"Derek." She says sternly.

"Mom, can we talk to her? Just five minutes, please?" He begs

"I raised you better than this. You and Meredith should be ashamed of yourselves! You said that the hospital would have a better reputation without her killing patients all the time! I thought you were both decent parents, you hurt her badly...both of you." She yells

"Carol, we know we screwed up really bad, can we just talk to her?" I ask

"No. She's playing with her cousins now. Goodbye." She ends the call.

"Well that went bad. I guess we just have to wait now. I hate this!" Derek groans

"We are terrible people. Dean probably misses her so much, we drove them apart." I shake my head.

A Few Weeks Later

Mia POV:

I'm finally returning home today and I'm a little nervous. I did get to think a lot about what happened during my time in New York. I was able to relax and spend some time with my family and they helped me forget about the past.

I just want to see my husband, he's the one person I want to see right now.

"Promise you'll come back and visit soon? I want to be able to see my great grandkids one day!" Nana says

"That is...a very long time from now. Maybe you can talk to Dean about that?" I joke

"Hopefully your parents have had some time to wise up. What they did was wrong and horrible and I don't want you to go over there and forgive people so quickly like how you always do. Don't let people walk all over you and hurt your feelings." Lizzie gets my luggage.

"I know, but I probably hurt them a lot by leaving all of a sudden and going missing." I sigh

"She'll be fine, she's a trooper." Nana nods

"Thanks for everything. I know that I can always count on you guys. So are you ready to meet him?" I ask nervously.

"Of course, lead the way, missy." They smile

We take the escalator and I see him waiting with a smile.

I run into his arms and he spins me around. He kisses me before I get a chance to speak.

After a while, we pull apart, completely forgetting about my grandmother and Lizzie. My lips are red and swollen and he grins.

"Well, you sure do make her happy! Come here, honey!" Nana embraces him in a hug. She always gives the best hugs.

"If you ever hurt her, in any way possible, I'll kill you." Lizzie warns and then hugs him as well.

"I won't, I love her more than anything." He says

"Yeah, she's pretty sweet isn't she? Okay well, I'm sure you two have a lot to do. Good luck with the Chief and everything and call us again soon." Nana says

"Chief? You're coming back? You're gonna work at the hospital again?" Dean asks

"Yeah, I made up my mind. I told Ruchard that I'm on my way. I'm gonna stop taking everyone's crap and do what is best. It's mature and I need to grow up. I'm going to be an attending soon, so I might as well start acting like one." I announce

"You're gonna do great, babe. Take care. Love you guys!" We part ways with Nana and Lizzie as they exit to the opposite side of the airport.

"I'm so proud of you. You've grown, Mia. I'm glad that you're seeing your full potential and what you're capable of. Are you ready to see everyone?" He asks

"Let's get it over with before I get replaced." We chuckle


We walk into the hospital and I feel everyone staring at me and I could hear whispers in the halls.

"Is that Mia?"

"Isn't that Dr. Shepherd?"

"Didn't she quit?"

"I thought she was fired."

We get to Richard's office and I knock at the door.

"Come in." He invites

"I'm sorry about everything. You needed me and I vanished and it started drama here. I just needed time and closure, but I'm ready to work." I ramble

"You ramble just like your mother. You have a job here, sweetie. You don't need to apologize for anything. You can start tomorrow and we can fill out the paperwork. You should spend some time with your friends and family here and catch up. You were missed by a lot of people." He smiles

"Okay, thank you for this. You're the best Chief that this hospital could ever have." I go up to hug him while he rubs my back.

"You're a great doctor, Mia. Now get on out there!" He cheers

"You have a great woman there." He says to Dean.

I just see Dean nod with a smile.

We go to the cafeteria to get something to eat and I see my family and friends.

"Oh. My. God. You're here!" Amelia gasps

"You didn't answer any of our calls, we were so worried!" Zola playfully punches my shoulder.

"Shepherd! Miss Superior is back in the building!" Miranda chanted

"Are you okay? How've you been?" Arizona asks

"I'm okay. I just needed a little break from some stuff, but I'm okay now." I say

"Your parents have been really down lately, they seem broken," Alex says

"They haven't been to work all week. Maybe she should go see them?" Ellis recommends

I look at Dean to see if he disagrees.

"I haven't seen them in a while, they've just been isolating themselves. It wouldn't hurt to check in on them." He interlocks my hand with his.

"Let's get going then, I'll see you guys later." I hug them goodbye and a few minutes later Dean and I end up at my parent's house.

I hesitantly ring the doorbell.

They open the door and they're in complete shock to see me.

"I know I should've called. I was just really sad and pissed and I was drinking with Lizzie a lot of the time, so go easy on me. I just needed a break from fighting and battling you two all the time. I just couldn't take it anymore. I'll admit that running away, was a childish thing to do. But you know me when a tragedy occurs, I flee and run in the opposite direction. So I'm sorry for ignoring you and shutting you out for the last two months." My mom pulls me into her arms immediately.

My parent's eyes start to swell with tears.

"Don't say anything. I'm just glad I got to hold you in my arms again. We're so sorry. You were right. You were right about everything, Mia." She strokes my hair.

"Don't do that again, we didn't know if you were okay. We were scared that we had lost you for good." Dad wraps his arms around my shoulder.

"You didn't, you'll never lose me, but you were mean." I pout

"We were, but we didn't mean to. You've always been ahead of your time. You're too smart for your own good, it makes us feel a little shallow. You're a better surgeon than we are. You were just trying to save a life. You didn't do anything wrong." Mom says

"Youve always voiced your opinion and you're not afraid to speak your mind. It's one of the things that we thought was difficult about you, but it turned out to be something great. You stand up for what's right." Dad says

"I'm sorry for getting violent in front of you. I know that must've scared you and it reminds you of your past. I would never hurt you." He frowns

"I know. It was just a lot at once and I just want to forget about what happened. Can we just move on?" I groan

"I would love nothing more. How was New York?" Dad asks

"It was good. I got to see everybody, even Nancy and Kate stopped by with the kids. We also did a lot of shopping." I smile.

"I'm glad you had fun, this place was pretty boring without you here." Mom says

"Yeah, I know. I'm the entertainer of the family." I joke

"No, but seriously, Mia. It felt weird not having you around. It's like a piece of the puzzle was missing." Dean nods

"Well that's not the case anymore, is it?" I grin

I could never leave my family, no matter what happened between us. I knew that I would always go back to them. I'd end up with the people that loved and cherished me first.

The End.


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