Wandering Off

By inchen1100101

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GabrielxReader. Sequel to a story I liked, but has been updated last in 2019, so, I decided to continue it i... More

In the morning
A Real Date
The School Dance
Secretly Leaving
Maman's Concerned Glare
Under Pressure
Walking On Thin Ice
You're what?!?
A tiny bit of Ladynoir
Hiding from the public
The Party
A doctor's call
Unexperienced Lovers
Let's not make it awkward
Early breakfasts
How to keep a workaholic on bed rest
New Agreements
To our future together
Beautiful Pregnant Women
You must make a quick decision now!
Happy New Year!
It's still complicated
Starting In The Spring
Playing Cupid
Dinner Date
New Relationships And A Lot Of Worries
Arrangements And Support

This isn't a lovesquare, it's a fuckin' hexagon!

155 5 11
By inchen1100101

Nudging me carefully back onto the stretcher, he placed himself between my thighs, while his arms snaked around my back, pulling me taut against his crotch by taking a firm hold on my hips.

I instinctively wrapped both legs around him, while I entangled one hand into his hair, his incredibly soft, neither brown, nor blond hair, but a mixture of both colours, as the other came resting on his jaw, my fingers on the back of his neck, holding him in place afraid, he might pull away soon.

He did, but with a loving smile and stayed close as he whispered:

"We both should not forget to breathe, you know! And we also shouldn't be doing anything further, before you had the chance to speak with Mr Agreste. Wouldn't you agree with me on that?"

I let out a deep sigh, but nodded.

"Yeah, you are probably right!", I sighed again, "but kissing you feels so incredibly good! I wouldn't mind, if we did never stop!"

I leaned my forehead against his, groaning from the desperate arousal, I felt, but which couldn't be soothed or pleased right now.

Sean chuckled and cupped my face with both his hands.

"Come, let's have a look at your friend. She should go home and after getting herself so worked up, she certainly could do with a lot of calm and quiet. And I am very sure, that you feel hurt too, despite..... whatever this is or will become", he said calmly and I could hear, that he felt sad and maybe even a little rueful, "I am not backing out, if you were thinking that, I am simply leaving you all the possibilities open, giving you the opportunity to decide for yourself 'after' you spoke with Gabriel!"

I reached up and grabbed his hands, kissing each of his palms, before I laid them back around my waist. Then I shook my head and placed my lips on his, engaging in another passionate kiss. Only after we parted our lips, I explained:

"It is still all very complicated, but I made my decision! I want to try and be with you. I mean, we barely know each other and no matter how much I am .....uhm..... let's call it, 'drawn to you', neither of us knows, if we can work out at all. But kissing you felt so incredibly right, you made me feel things by just this kiss, which nothing Gabriel ever did, could. And I am not talking about anything sexual, I am talking about the spark, if you know, what I mean!"

He nodded and kissed me back, mumbling:

"I know, what you mean. And I have to admit, I've been one of your fans for quite some time, yet I would have never even hoped to get the chance to meet you, much less talk to you, without being held back by some bodyguard. I even was outside in the audience, when you did that last show. And to soothe you and take away your fear, as I can see it in your eyes, I have never been stalking you. I passed by there on my way home and as I admired your work, your serious work, not the underwear, but your overall appearance, your talent....yes, I heard you sing and play your violin....., I just thought I could stop and have a short look at the woman, I had come to adore, when I was babysitting my sisters and had to watch every fashion show, in which their great idol, Adrien, was taking part.

I maybe should have told you sooner, but when I saw you sitting in front of that desk in the doctor's office, knowing, that you were with the Gabriel Agreste 'and' having his baby, I was more than just starstruck. And nervous as fuck!"

I giggled, when I thought back to the day and how he had told me he'd try to make the examination as pleasant as he could.

"Yeah, I remember that!", I teased him, "but I was too. Just that I was completely overwhelmed with the new situation and then there was this young, handsome almost doctor telling me something like that, while he was about to.....you know!"

I blushed deeply, as I admitted to that.

"Oh, you really thought, I was handsome? Then and there?"

"Duh! What did you think, why I was blushing? Gabriel teased me with that over weeks, he sometimes still does!", I blurted out.

He grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck in a similar way as Adrien does, when he is feeling flustered.

"You know", he then said, "I was really worried, when I got home that morning from my nightshift at the hospital and saw your picture on every newspaper and on every blog or social media, the one, where your baby bump could be seen! All the things, they kept writing about you and what your real intentions were, even my sisters starting like that.....I just got scared, you might get several issues with your pregnancy, if you got too much stressed out by those rumours. And I also saw, how the house was surrounded and observed night and day! That first day, after the big reveal, as the tabloids called it, the girls got me so very much pissed, that I tossed them the autographs and told them to shut up and that they had to thank you for getting those. I might have bent my confidentiality a little too much, by telling them, that you were my patient, nothing else by the way, but at least they were convinced later on, that you were none of the things, those alleged journalists called you. How's it now? I mean, you could obviously come to the back of the house without being followed, but I am certain, it's not over yet!"

Seeing the deep and genuine concern in his expression, I simply shrugged and told him, with barely a sound coming out of my mouth:

"Tonight is actually the second time, I was able to leave the house without feeling thrown into a thunderstorm with the noise and the flashing lights around me. The other time was, when we sent the limousine out at first, with two people from the staff in the back, so they could at least see someone get into the car, and then us following in the back of a regular car, which the driver uses under the week, to run errands. The windows of that one are tinted and nobody can look inside either, so we made it to our destination without being followed!"

No longer capable of holding back my tears, I tried to turn around, so he wouldn't see me cry, not even knowing, why I didn't want him to, when he kissed my lips again and then hugged me tightly, while he somehow placed us both on the stretcher again, so I could snuggle myself into his chest, feeling immediately better by just his closeness.

Eventually we had to go back to Gabriel and Nathalie though, to wake them both up, before anyone would come in and find them like that. A quick gaze at the time proofed us more than right, as it was already 10.42 PM and I really wanted to get this whole situation over with.

Knocking firmly on the door, yet still so softly, that they wouldn't be startled, but only would hopefully both wake up, I took a deep breath and reached for Sean's hand, before I pushed the door open.

I was surprised, to see Nathalie awake and Gabriel's eyes still shut tightly, but I could also see, that she wasn't so sad anymore and quickly rushed to the bed, she was sitting on, about to get up, where I let go of the intern's hand, to stand right before her.

She glared at me and shook her head, tears brimming her eyes, as she whispered:

"Why would you be doing such a thing?"

She got to her feet, her face now so close, that I could feel her breath on my skin. She smelled like something with peppermint and I smirked.

"Mouthwash?", I asked, only mouthing the word and she nodded, explaining very quietly:

"They should change the name from morning sickness into allday sickness!"

We chuckled softly together until I felt her cup my face with one hand and immediately held my breath.

"Thank you!", she hissed and then I felt her lips on mine. Very softly, but remembering the afternoon, which led to all of this, I couldn't leave it like this and deepened that kiss. She seemed surprised but reciprocated rather quickly, making not only Sean but as well Gabriel, who had just noticed, that he was alone and turned around to look for her, take a sharp breath.

We instantly jumped apart.

"Crap!", I hissed and turned around as fast as I could, to see the young doctor walk towards the door.

"Wait!", I called and ran after him, grabbing his wrist to stop him from leaving.

"Why? I have no intention to get in between the three of you. This isn't just a cute little love square, with 'him'", he pointed his head at Gabriel, "and you not knowing, who to choose, it's a fucking love hexagon, in which neither of you knows, what he or she wants. So, I guess, I should leave now, okay?"

I was still holding his arm in a tight grasp, when I heard Gabriel clearing his throat right behind me and flinched. Placing his hand on my shoulder, he stared down at the younger man and tried to say in a friendly tone, yet sounded rather threatening:

"I have no idea, how far you are involved with my.....", he inhaled deeply and gazed from Nathalie to me, then back, ".....well, with our situation, but I think, you should come with us home and join the conversation about everything! I'll call my driver to pick us up here!"

But the intern shook his head, insisting:

"I am here with my own car and I will at least take the young woman back home, as I as well brought her here. If you want, you can drive with us!"

Nathalie was faster than Gabriel and replied friendly:

"That would be very kind of you, thank you very much!"

I gave her a grateful look and she nodded and smiled at me, then spoke again:

"Why don't you two already get the car and Gabriel can help me gather my things and we'll meet you outside in, let's just say fifteen minutes?"

I looked at Sean and he closed his eyes and nodded to then agree:

"Fine, we will do that!"

Despite his rather short and cold reply I let out my breath audibly in relief.

That made him look at me in surprise.

"What?" I asked, as I noticed him staring.

He shook his head, and pointed at the door and I understood and nodded.

As soon as we had left the room and the corridor behind us, I let go of his wrist, I was still clasping in my fist and carefully tried to take his hand instead. He shook me off and turned away, while he obviously tried to stay calm somehow.

"I get it!", I whispered, tears running down my cheeks, "don't bother about driving back to the mansion, Gabriel and Nathalie can take the limousine and I would like to be somewhere else anyway. Thank you for being there for me though!"

Taking another deep breath, trying to not let him hear, that I was crying, I turned around to leave, when this time I felt his hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me back.

I took a rigid breath as I averted my gaze and stared at the floor.

"I'm sorry!", I heard him squeeze through his clenched teeth, "I just never felt something like this before and I can't watch you not being able to make a choice. I thought, I could, I thought I was able to wait for you, but I..... just can't! I'm really sorry, I have to leave! I know, I sound like a liar to you now, but I really wanted to give you the time to choose, but seeing you with her..... and with him, it just..... I can't watch you getting hurt either. So, I guess, this is g..."

I looked up right as he was about to say goodbye and the word got stuck in his throat, when our eyes found each other. He gulped heavily, trying to go on with his speech, but he just stood there, staring down at me, my forearm still in a tight grip.

Just on queue, I suddenly felt dizzy and my legs started to tremble, making me start to frantically look around for some place to sit down. He noticed the change in my demeanor immediately and asked:

"What's wrong? Aren't you feeling well? I told you, this would be too much for you! Just tell me, please!"

I shook my head, trying to pull away from him, while I explained:

"I feel like I'm about to pass out, so I need a place to at least sit down. If you would be so kind to let go off me, so I can find one..."

He scoffed and instead tightened his grasp.

"Sean, please!"

My voice was now barely a whisper, when he hoisted me into his arms and carried me a few meters further and around the corner, to place me on a stretcher standing there for emergencies. Feeling better immediately, I told him:

"That helped a lot, thank you!"

"Just shut your mouth!", he whisper-yelled and I saw, that he was shaking, "do you have any idea, what you put me through? I want to be with you more than anything, I don't care, if it's not my child you're having, I don't care what people tell about you or him, but I do care about you not being able to decide for one person out of three. I don't want to be your rebound or your backup, if the other thing goes wrong. I don't even know, why I love you so much, without really knowing you, but......I......"

He was now taking heaving breaths and tried to calm himself down a bit, when I reached for his hand and made him look at me.

"Love?", I questioned and he shrugged.

"I can't help it, it's how I feel! I'm sorry for telling you and putting you under even more pressure! I'll try to wait for your decision, I promise. Just.....just don't kiss one of them in front of me, okay?"

I chuckled a little, when I teasingly asked:

"So you don't have, like most men, the tiny fantasy to be included when you see two women kissing?"

"Not if the woman, I have fallen head over heels for, is kissing a woman, who might be a rival to me!", he grunted.

"Convince me then!", I hummed and he gave me a puzzled look.


I laughed as I pointed at my lips with my index finger.

"Come here and convince me, that there is no one I'd like to kiss more, than I would like to kiss you!", I explained and he frowned.

"Did you just hear my words? I said, I will try and give you the time you need and not put you into an even more stressful situation....so please don't play with...."

"Will you just shut up and kiss me? Don't you get it? I am trying to tell you something here!", I blurted out in frustration.

"What are you.....? Tell me what?", he looked more bewildered with every second that passed.

"Can you just kiss me and confirm that I made the right choice?", I proposed and finally he understood.

"You...? Right choice? M-Me?", he stammered, to see me close my eyes desperately and nod.

And then I felt him smash his lips down on my own and I winced as he had done that so vigorously, that I felt as if my lip was bleeding and when he immediately pulled back I felt the spot with two fingers and noticed, that it really did.

"I am such a moron!", he spat and was about to get up and most likely get something to attend to the tiny crack, when I grabbed his collar and pulled him back in.

"Don't you even dare to leave now!", I hissed threateningly and placed my mouth on his.

He kissed me back in an instant, yet so carefully, that I couldn't help but start to giggle, as he did and he pulled back, giving me another bewildered glare.

"Are you laughing about me? Or why are you? I think, I need to tell you, that my social skills aren't the best, so...."

"Welcome to the not-socialising-people-club then!", I joked and he managed to grin a little bit.

"I would like to do something for your lip now!", he hummed softly and held out his hands, asking:

"Do you think you can get up? Walk a few steps? We can wipe of that blood over there in the examination room and then I really want to get you home and into bed!"

"Oh?", I teased, wiggling my eyebrows, but he didn't understand at first, what I was talking about. Then it dawned him and he blushed deeply, trying to explain, what he had meant.

I was giggling again, then whispered seductively:

"First of all, I would like that and second, I was just teasing you. Though I am really curious...."

I broke off and glared down at his crotch, making the poor man almost start to hyperventilate.

"God!", he groaned, "could you please stop that? This is my work place, you know. I would prefer, if people wouldn't see me trying to treat your lip, while I am barely able to walk. And believe me, if you mention anything like that one more time, I won't be!"

Now it was on me to be confused until I saw him awkwardly pull on his pants, trying to adjust them and knew, he was talkin about a beginning erection.

"Shit!", I hissed, feeling my intimates cringe from just the thought. He narrowed his brows, but I shook my head and let him help me to get up.

Ten minutes later, we left the hospital, a tiny band aid covering the crack in my lip, and got into Sean's car, to drive back to the mansion.

"Are you still feeling alright?", he asked me, after I had fastened my seatbelt.

"I am fine, really. It was just, I tend to pass out, when I can't handle all the emotions, I am feeling at the time. Maybe I should have told you about that already. I didn't mean to scare you!", I explained, looking sheepishly to my feet.

Until I felt his hand slip into my own and looked up and into his beautiful, mesmerizing eyes.

"I would have been scared either way, so don't feel guilty for not having told me", he said quietly and gave my hand an encouraging squeeze. Then he grabbed the steering wheel and brought us on the road, to at first pick up Gabriel and Nathalie at the front entrance of the hospital, to then take us all back home.

When the designer and his assistant stepped out of the clinic, the man eyed Sean's car suspiciously. I giggled, wondering, if he would get inside or if he would rather call the 'Gorilla'.

But Nathalie nudged him with her elbow and he took a deep breath and reached for the door handle to pull it open and let her get into the backseat first.

She blushed a little, but said with a light smile:

"Thank you, Gabriel!"

He nodded and tried to fit himself behind me somehow. I started to laugh, when I noticed him struggling and reached down, to slide my seat as far to the front as I could, leaving hardly any space for my own feet. Eventually he made it into a position, he could stay in for the short drive.

The dark haired woman had watched him with a gloating smile, then teased:

"I figure, it has been some time, since you have been sitting in some regular car!"

He rolled his eyes, but managed to grin too.

Sean winked at me, then told him:

"You're lucky though. Until last year, I was driving an old 2CV! Would have liked to see you get inside of this though!"

A/N: For those who can't imagine the car, in Germany it was called Ente, meaning 'duck'!

Gabriel didn't laugh, but showed quite some interest.

"Really? I had one too. But I am sure, mine had been built, before most people inside of this car, were even born. When I bought it, it was already fifteen years old, but back then, at barely twenty years of age, I couldn't afford anything else. When was yours built? Was it an old one or one of the last?"

"It was one of the last, that were built in 1990! It was my dad's before and he bought it, new and just the way he wanted it, when I was three years old. I was allowed to accompany him on his first ride!", he told that with a melancholic smile, then inhaled deeply and wiped his eyes shortly. "I couldn't bear to keep driving it, after his death last year!", he then mumbled and I instantly reached out for his hand and held it tightly in my own.

"I'm sorry", I whispered, and he squeezed my hand back, saying a quiet:

"Thank you!"

I was totally shocked, when I saw Gabriel lean forward and place a hand on the intern's shoulder. He didn't say anything, just the gesture and a short clenching of his hand. But it seemed to encourage the young man more, than my hand had been able to.

"You said, you had two younger sisters? How did they.....I mean, if you don't mind talking about....", Nathalie asked hesitantly.

But Sean shook his head.

"I don't mind. They are my half sisters. My parents have been divorced for more than twenty years. My mum was barely eighteen, when they got married, while my dad was already thirty one. He never stopped loving her, but she wanted to live out the things, she thought, she had missed in her youth and so she left us. We stayed in contact, of course, but it wasn't until about a year, before the twins were born, that she started to care for me again. I wasn't mad at her. My dad was great and tried to go on as we did with her. When she was ready to settle down with my stepfather, we agreed, that I would stay with them for a week and then with my dad for the next and so on. He was already sick back then, just that neither of them had told me. It was some aggressive form of MS and it slowly made him weak and he needed help in everything. When he started to feel the first issues and handicaps, he made me move in with my mum, so he wouldn't be a burden for me. I went there three times a week anyway, to help with his care. He died, because he couldn't breathe on his own any longer, due to the degeneration of his muscles from the disease and he didn't want to be kept alive by machines!", he finished his little story with a sniffle.

"I am very sorry, to hear that, uhm, Sean was it, right?", Nathalie cooed and he nodded.

"Thank you, that's very kind!", he replied hoarsely.

Despite the late hour, we took a seat in front of the fireplace in the dining room to have at least a short talk about everything. To try and find a solution, to our actual situation. The sudden presence of my mother in the room, because she had been cleaning the remains from the dinner just now and was now aware, that something was going on, didn't make us feel any better.

"What's this now? Are you now all fucking each other?", she stared at me, "I really would have expected more from you! I'm asking you again, do you even know for sure, who the father of your child is?"

Her voice was full of disgust, but at least, she wasn't yelling right now.

"Maman, I....", I looked around at the others, hoping for someone to help me explain.

"Don't", hissed Nathalie and I followed her gaze over to Gabriel, who's head was deep red once more and he was visibly about to explode.

But the assistants voice and her hand on his forearm made him relax again. My mother seized the opportunity and attacked the young doctor:

"You, I don't even know your name, or what you have to do with this situation, but you're here for the second time now and you seem to be somehow involved with my daughter or at least into this whole pervert situation. So, tell me, is there a chance, that you might be the baby's father?"

Sean stayed incredibly calm as he replied:

"Even though I have fallen head over heels for your daughter, Madame, I can assure you, that I am 'not' the child's father", he gave me a loving glare, then winked with one eye, "I wouldn't mind at all though, if I was!"

He grabbed my left hand with his right and interlinked our fingers, making maman furrow her brows and frown.

She scoffed:

"So you're saying, that you fell in love with a young woman, who is pregnant and in a relationship with another man, when you met her....where? And you", she pointed her finger at me, "why are you all of a sudden holding hands with him, when you just made up with Gabriel today, after the fight you had a couple of days ago. Don't look at me like that, the other employees like to talk about everything, that is going on in this house, a lot! I want answers, now! And don't even try to threaten me with anything again, I don't care about that job, if it means, I can't be there for my child!"

I took a deep breath, then began to speak:

"First of all, maman, this is Sean! Sean this is my calm and lovely mother!", I gave her a disapproving look, before I said anything else, "Sean is almost a doctor and more important, he kinda is 'my' doctor! And without any of us even thinking about something like that, we....", I tried to find the right words, looking at the other three, for support.

Gabriel cleared his throat, then chuckled:

"The first thing noticeable was, that you were both blushing at your first appointment. Then, when he brought you here, because you weren't feeling so well, I just had to take one look and knew, the very moment, he would decide to make a move on you, I would lose you to him. Maybe I knew right away and that's why we started to argue and get distance from one another!"

He stared at our hands now and added:

"I still don't like to see that, but I also feel, as if it was fate, that made you do the examination back then and afterwards. Especially, considering the things, we found out today! And, to be completely honest, your offering me a way out of my actual predicament, because after you kind of gave me permission, to ....you know......", he pointed his head at his assistant, "I wasn't sure, what to do, as I did in no way want to, well, dump you and I wanted you to stay in the mansion, so I would be able, to raise our child together, but as well....that's none of your mother's business, so, before I yell at her again, would you be so kind and tell her, that we would like to continue this conversation in private?"

I tried very hard, to not burst out in laughter until my mother, who had gloomily stomped into the kitchen and then into her own chamber, was out of hearing range.

Nathalie and I gazed at each other and broke into a guffaw.

The men, who had no idea, why we found it so very funny, only shook their heads. Then the designer felt the woman's hand glide into his and sat down beside her, to interlink their fingers as he did.

I narrowed my grip around Sean's hand at the sight of it and smiled happily.

Closing my eyes and leaning my head back, my free hand now gently rubbing the side of my belly, I suddenly remembered something.

"Before we speak about anything else", I looked at Gabriel as I spoke, "while we were waiting for you in the hospital, we uhm....I mean Sean did another ultrasound examination and it turned out, that we're having a little boy!"

He jumped to his feet to rush towards me and then he just stopped, standing there awkwardly, his smile faltering, when I scoffed and hummed:

"Go on, you are still allowed to touch my belly!"

He sighed in relief as he knelt down before me and placed his lips on my stomach, whispering to his unborn son. I giggled from the sensation which made him soon pull back.

"Well", he let out, "this is still a rather uncommon situation. But I want to make the best out of it. First I should be apologizing by the two of you, to even get you into a situation like this one..."

Nathalie stood up and interrupted him:

"Actually, I had the feeling, that it was rather us, who brought you into our middle!"

She winked at him, her voice sounding hoarse and lecherous. I giggled and made the men let out a desperate sigh, while the assistant simply joined me.

Gabriel went on:

"I was talking about the fact, that I didn't even consider to use any kind of protection, twice", he was interrupted by my ironic sounding: "Twice, sure!"

"I was talking about the amount of females not the amount of intercourses, if you don't mind", he told me off snidely, which made me laugh even more.

He inhaled deeply, to calm himself, then tried once more:

"Can you please try to stay serious for a moment. I apologize to both of you for that, alright? And now, as we obviously somehow slipped from one relationship into another, without any of us really having a chance to make this decision, I suggest, we call it a day and go to bed, as it is getting late already!"

"Speaking of", I jokingly began, "I guess we should overthink our sleeping arrangements too, right?"

"Speaking of what?", Sean asked with a puzzled expression.

"You're more innocent than I even thought!", I hissed, stroking his cheek.

"She was making a pun! Gabriel said it's getting late, to what your new girlfriend made a joke about 'getting laid', like having sexual....", Nathalie explained, when he fell into her speech:

"I get it, thank you!" He then turned to face me, wondering:

"See you tomorrow, then? If you'd like? I would be coming over after my shift, meaning around seven?"

I nodded, though was slightly feeling sad, that he had to go too, when Gabriel suggested:

"Why don't you just spend the night? I mean, we're all grown ups and maybe, there are a couple of things, you would like to talk about in private, so.... You can borrow some sleep wear from me, if you need it!"

Sean smiled widely, then said:

"That's very kind, and I would love to stay", he looked at me, his eyes asking for my permission, and when I nodded, he continued, "I have some spare clothes in my backpack though. You never know, what you get soaked with as an intern in a hospital!"

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