By Lady_Luna_Latteton

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Alyona Ivanov-Stark is your typical deranged and two face friend. An Avenger with a life of... Well, a villai... More



441 20 2
By Lady_Luna_Latteton


Despite the interference of Cheon Inho, the constellations didn't ask for a bounty scenario. In other words, it wasn't the best time to deal with him. For around half a day, I focused on grasping the situation of Gumho Station. It was Lee Hyunsung who mainly gave information.

"Currently, there are 86 people in Gumho Station. Ah, I guess it is 87 people now with Dokja-ssi. Some were Alyona-ssi when she got provoked yesterday... But of course, I understand" He said in a somber voice "It is less than I thought."

"Yes. When the scenario broke out, only those near the station and those on the train survived. Everyone didn't say it but perhaps in the first scenario and what Alyona-ssi did...yesterday..." I didn't need to be told the next words. I could see it from the expressions of the people. Those who survived had trampled on someone's life. All the humans here were murderers.

"Currently, Gumho Station is divided into two groups. Strictly speaking, it is one group and the rest." Lee Hyunsung looked at the people with a dark expression. There were men armed with iron pipes or other instruments. It was clear which was the faction in power.

"Believe in me! The group president is working hard and everyone will soon be rescued." The youngest son of Hankyung Group, Han Myungoh. "Hyung-nim is right, everyone. Don't lose hope. We will be able to lead."

The one who embraced Han Myungoh and practically led the group was Cheon Inho. They were the 'mainstream group.' "Mother, I'm bored... can't I play a game on the phone?" A child lying on the floor asked "Hold on for a moment. The rescue team will come soon."

"The government will act. It isn't that easy to collapse a country." And the people who were protected by the mainstream group and wanted to get on with their lives were the 'marginalized group.'

Their will was too weak to be killers. Even if 100 murderers were gathered together, they would be divided between the weak and the strong. Maybe they were thinking that they weren't murderers. They all believed it was unavoidable.

Lee Hyunsung watched the mainstream group inciting the people and said. "The mainstream group determines food distribution. Convenience stores and restaurants in the region have already been robbed...the foods that can be eaten right now are almost gone. Even the one Alyona-ssi gave us the last day was, unfortunately, finish now"

"I see," I said with a thoughtful expression, Alyona hasn't been talking to me through mind since this morning... I wonder why? "It is the reason why some people from the mainstream group were sent above ground for food exploration. Heewon-ssi, who you brought in, went with them. Alyona-ssi said she'll be rescued by you..."

"Heewon-ssi...? Did Alyona predict that?" I asked. I know she can see the future but. That's an accurate prediction. "Ah, it is the name of the woman who Dokja-ssi saved." I looked at the woman who lay on the subway bench. 

Under the bright light, her beauty could be seen. Her raised cheeks and gentle features meant she must've often heard she was attractive. Thanks to the monkey's lungs, her color was much brighter than it was this morning.

"Is Heewon-ssi the only one who didn't come back?" I asked in confusion. Something isn't adding up "No. A few more people went out this morning but only those from the marginalized group didn't return." He said with a dark expression, fist hands clenching hardly on his side.

"They didn't come back?" I asked once more "Yes." Lee Hyunsung's expression became sad again. He thought he roughly knew what happened. I grabbed Lee Hyunsung's shoulder. I knew for sure after actually touching him. He truly was the steel sword. His strength would soon exceed level 10. So this is why Alyona wants to touch his biceps... Should I exercise more to have this kind of biceps too?

"W-Why are you...?" He asked taken aback by my actions. "Lee Hyunsung-ssi should've received a love call but you didn't accept." I look at him scrutinizing his facial expression "Ah, that..." Objectively, Lee Hyunsung's combat power was higher than Bang Cheolsoo's. 

There was no way Cheon Inho wouldn't aim for him. "I can't explain it but I thought I shouldn't accept. I don't know much about morals or ethics but..." Lee Hyunsung scratched his head like he was embarrassed. "I felt that something wasn't right." Not right... It wasn't an answer but I felt it was true. Indeed, Lee Hyunsung was Lee Hyunsung.

"Don't forget this heart." That way, I could continue to believe in him. I heard a cute sound from somewhere and looked back, seeing Yoo Sangah and Lee Gilyoung looking up at me. Their faces were like baby birds waiting for the mother bird, making me laugh.

"That reminds me, it is already evening. Aren't you hungry? Take this one by one." I handed over the food from the convenience store one by one. "Ah. Really? Can I?" They asked in hesitance, It's plastered on their face. "This time is free. But next time, you should pay for it."

"Huh? H-How much...?" They asked in disbelief at me "Don't you all have coins? It is 10 coins for one." I look at them one by one to see their reactions. "T-That..." Confusion filled the faces of Yoo Sangah and Lee Hyunsung. They looked like they hadn't expected my words.

"Of course. I will pay right now. I don't need freebies." Surprisingly, the one who spoke was the woman who had been lying on the bench. She had regained consciousness. "I am Jung Heewon. Thank you for your help this morning. That girl was right, I guess you're Kim Dokja... If I want to repay her on the last day I have to survive"

"It is nothing." I thought it was just a cute mask but I could see that it was a prejudice. Alyona sure does find strong people huh? Hey, she's a crucial figure for us, keep her and grow her to her full potential strength and bring her to me A sudden voice said to me, Fuck... Alyona does have a way to scare me. Sure, What's so good about her anyways? And as always no reply.

"Yoo Sangah-ssi, Lee Hyunsung-ssi. Everyone, please wake up. It isn't the time to be making this look. This food, he obtained by risking his life. Do you expect to get it for free? The last day was a miracle... But he risked his life for this..." There was almost no expression on the face that spoke without hesitation.

"Ah..." Yoo Sangah turned red like she had woken up. "I was too short-sighted, I'm sorry. Of course, we should is right. I don't like freebies either. I hate depending on other people." Yoo Sangah said with a newfound determination on her face. 

"I also agree with Yoo Sangah-ssi. I will pay coins from now on." I was a little surprised by the unexpected reaction. Indeed, just because it was an apocalypse didn't mean there was only one type of person.

"If you insist...I understand. Does everyone know how to exchange coins?" I asked them  "Yes. I learned a few days ago. Touch each other's index finger, um, and..." they didn't bother telling the rest "Just state how many coins you want to exchange."

Starting from Jung Heewon, Yoo Sangah and Lee Hyunsung paid 10 coins in exchange for food. It was fortunate that their resistance wasn't bigger than I thought. I didn't do this to get a few coins. At first, this judgment might seem harsh but people would soon realize this choice was right.

[' Lee Gilyoung' has paid you 20 coins.]

"Huh? You gave me more than 10 coins?" I asked in confusion to the young boy "It is the price for the chocolate bar during the day." Lee Gilyoung's expression while speaking was quite good. Maybe the fastest to adapt to a new world wasn't an adult but a child. It was easier for children to break common sense.

"Will Dokja-ssi keep staying with us?" Hyunsung asked me "Ah, that..." I didn't get to finish my words when a sudden voice interrupted me. "Dokja-ssi." It wasn't Lee Hyunsung who called out to me. I looked back and saw Cheon Inho from the mainstream group. Yes, I thought he would be back soon.

"Can I talk with you for a while?" Bang Cheolsoo was missing some teeth and glaring at me from behind Cheon Inho. He stared at me before turning his head away. A foolish fellow. "Okay, let's talk."

I nodded and Cheon Inho spoke with a satisfied expression. "Then can the rest of you vacate this place for a moment? I want to talk to Dokja-ssi alone." He made it clear as he looks at my comrade "Ah, that..." Everyone seemed hesitant to leave for some reason.

"No, you don't have to go. You can listen." Cheon Inho's eyes twitched at my words. Lee Hyunsung stopped as he was about to retreat. "Hmmm, is that so? Well...I don't care." He acted like they were free to listen. 

Cheon Inho wiped the bench and sat down. Men from the Cheoldoo Group appeared on both sides of him and handed him a cigarette and lighter. He had seen too many movies. He's so cliché damned bastard Alyona's voice resonated inside my mind again, now she's active? Damn that woman.

"You seem to have a nature that dislikes cumbersome things, so I will get to the point." He said while puffing up a smoke "Yes." I answered in a bored manner "Join our group. As compensation for your friend eradicating at least 15+ people here" It was an expected offer. And Alyona doing that?...

"I can offer Dokja-ssi a high position in our group. I want to lead the group together with you." He said looking at me with hazy eyes "Why me?" I asked him with a cold and stern voice "Shouldn't you know why?" Cheon Inho glanced toward the injured Cheoldoo Group members.

"Dokja-ssi is a hero who saved people from monsters. A hero needs such a place." It was an interesting way of thinking. He would take advantage of my presence. "And if I refuse?" I asked hauntingly at his smug look.

"Refuse? How interesting. I never thought about that." Cheon Inho blew out cigarette smoke towards me. "Dokja-ssi, this isn't a favor. You must do this. Can't you see the poor people here?" People were looking this way with scruffy faces. 

There were crying children and tired elderly people. "It isn't a big story. I am asking you to work together for survival. Dokja-ssi, don't you have the strength? Don't be like your friend who only wants everything to herself" He said looking around the people in the station.

"What exactly do you want?" I asked in frustration, Alyona might have done that... But I know she has a reason why "I need someone to be a hitman." Hitman? "Until a few days ago, three people were doing the job. They procured food alone and hunted in the tunnels. To be exact, we took it one-sidedly. Your friend is one of them"

I didn't need to ask. This was the story of Yoo Jonghyuk and Alyona-ssi. "But they suddenly left last night." He said in despair "So you need someone to replace them?" I spoke with a scoff "I think your strength is proven with Cheolsoo-ssi." He looks at the bandaged man beside him.

Lee Hyunsung and Jung Heewon's eyes widened. Now they noticed what was going on. "It isn't bad for Dokja-ssi. You are the hero of the people and will be the leader of the group with us. Everyone will like you and also..." I cut off his words before any more bullcrap would pour out of his venomous mouth.

"I'm sorry but I can't be responsible for anyone. I don't want to join your stupid group." I said cutting to the chaste in this conversation. "Hmm. Is that so?" He said with a blank face "Above all, the way you run the group doesn't fit me." I said finally before turning my back at his very much punchable face.

I looked at the healthy members of the Cheoldoo Group and the sickly-looking members of the marginalized group. In particular, Jung Heewon was looking at Cheon Inho as if he was her mortal enemy.

"Is that so? It is fine. But if you change your mind, come back anytime." He said in a solemn voice "That will not happen." I said in annoyance "Haha, it remains to be seen." It didn't take long to find out what Cheon Inho's words meant.

As the members of the Cheoldoo Group retreated, the other group members approached as if they had been waiting. It was the people of the marginalized group. They grabbed me and raised their voices. "Hey, is the rumor true?" Some survivors asked me in trembling voices "Are you monopolizing the food? Are you like that woman the last day?" they all bombarded me with questions.

"Are you going to eat it all when there is enough to share with everyone?" Someone in the crowd yelled at me. "We are all staying here! Why are you the only one to have it?" A woman grabbed my arm 

"Leave the food to Inho-ssi! He will distribute it fairly!" I knew what was going on. I could see the smiling face of Cheon Inho in the rear of the people. His lips were moving.

'Choose.' Would I give food and become the hero? Or would I be the villain and monopolize it alone? If I chose to be the hero, I would fall into Cheon Inho's game.  After the food was distributed.

I would have to hunt for food with the group members and would someday get stabbed in the back. On the other hand, I would be isolated in a group for a moment if I monopolized the food alone.

[The eyes of a few constellations are shining.]

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' has snorted.]

As the people became heated up, Cheon Inho came forward. "Ahh, everyone. Calm down. There seems to be a misunderstanding. Kim Dokja-ssi isn't such a person." What was this? A decoy?

"Kim Dokja-ssi decided to work with us. The food he brought today will be left to the mainstream group and will be shared fairly. He also promised to continue to work with us―" Of course, he believed I would choose him. It was hard to listen anymore.

"Stop." I worried about it for a short moment. What would Yoo Jonghyuk do? Ah, that's it. The answer was that he wasn't here right now. But I wasn't Yoo Jonghyuk.

"Of course, I will give out food." I saw Cheon Inho's lips curve upwards. But people should listen to the end. "However, it isn't for free." Unlike Yoo Jonghyuk, I wouldn't throw everything away to move forward. But I wouldn't be responsible for everyone. Food was given but it wouldn't be for free.

People were puzzled as if they didn't understand the words. "W-Wait a minute! It isn't free?" some people's faces fell after they heard the words pour out my mouth "I'll tell you. I don't intend to monopolize the food. But I won't give food to Cheon Inho's group. I'm not UNICEF and I don't trust them."

I smiled at Cheon Inho. "I will make a deal with you. I will sell you the food for a fair price." I indicated to them as I raised the bag in my right arm. "S-Sell?"


"Uh, how"

In the distance, I could see Cheon Inho's face stiffening. I laugh as I faced him. "No, I only accept coins."

* * *

After a while, only the people in the marginalized group with a relationship with me returned. "That...D-Dokja-ssi. Is this a good choice?" Lee Hyunsung asked me in a hesitating voice "Sheesh, is there anything free in life? Dokja-ssi, you said it well. I feel refreshed."

Jung Heewon dismissed Lee Hyunsung's concern. After I made the 'trade' declaration, many citizens turned away from me. Maybe they were disappointed. "I agree with Heewon-ssi. The people here are too tame to the mainstream group."

"That's right. The sons of bitches...Gumho Station is currently in their palms. People are treated like cattle and are sometimes taken to a slaughterhouse. Just like me this morning."Jung Heewon's body trembled.

It wasn't me but the mainstream group monopolizing the food. They monopolized the food on the pretext of 'fair distribution' and feed it to the tamed people. Humans were the weakest when they believed someone protected them. Once authority was established in a one-sided relationship, people started to depend on them.

"I agree. That's why I believe that Dokja-ssi's declaration today was very meaningful. People need to have the will to do something on their own. However..." Lee Hyunsung looked towards the food.

"Not even one was sold. 50 coins for one, isn't this price too expensive? Why don't you make it 10 coins like you did with us...?" It wasn't unreasonable to think so. People only paid attention to the mainstream group and showed no signs of looking this way. People still needed time.

I responded calmly. "Let's wait a little longer." Then night came. The sound of huge monsters was heard intermittently from the ground and people often had nightmares. Lee Gilyoung and Yoo Sangah fell asleep first while Jung Heewon was dozing off.

"Dokja-ssi should sleep as well. I will stand vigil." Lee Hyunsung told me as he sit up "Nope. It is okay. Lee Hyunsung-ssi can sleep first." I said looking behind him. "But you will be tired." He said in concern.

"I have work to do." I said now fully facing him "Work to do?" I pointed behind Lee Hyunsung. Surprisingly, there were shadows of people. It wasn't just one.

"That...are you still trading the food?" Finally, the people started to move.



It was already morning when I woke up, the sun was shining brightly on the side we were sleeping at. Namwoon was knocked out cold beside me. Hugging the gun in his sleep. "hey kiddo, wake up. We have a business to do" I shook his sleeping form, He steered and opened his eyes.

I sighed and opened the space stone inventory gadget and took out water. "here, drink this to hydrate yourself" I passed the bottle to him and look for food at the gadget. "what do you want to eat? chocolate? bread? biscuit? or sandwich???" I asked him as I showed the inventory to him. "whatever you want to give me" He answered in a gruff morning voice, whilst chaffing his swollen face.

Okay, let's see. I wanted Pb&j for today, I seem to be running low on food now. I passed him a PB&J sandwich. "I wanna go home and watch anime all day. But my stupid mission loves making me suffer" I grumbled while stretching. "go home? But it must be already destroyed then..." he said as bit at the sandwich.

"I meant from my original universe or planet," I  huff a breath to get my body working. I finish eating my food and put on my gear-suit for battling. "Be ready, we'll get a green room now, I can't keep using my abilities to protect as like last night" I started walking while Namwoon was following me, Holding my suitcase and his gun.

"do you know any martial arts?" I asked while looking back at him before stepping upstairs. "Eonnie! how did you survive the first night?" Jihye asked us while Junghyuk was following her. "secret... anyways where is the bathroom?" I asked looking around.

「 Did they fight the monsters all night?」

I smiled at Junghyuk's thoughts and faced him. "Not so good morning at you Mr. Emo man" I smiled cheekily at him. He narrowed his eyes to what I called him. "Little Ms. Samurai do you think you'd be able to look after this chuuni for a while? I have a business to attend to" I walk away from them and straight to the bathroom. 

As soon as I approached there a man stopped me."You need to pay to have access here," A middle-aged man said. "No thanks," I smiled at him. His looks hardened at my words. "then you can't go use the bathroom. Go away" The three look my way sensing the situation I'm in, Namwoon, being the great comrade he is decides to approach us. The two behind him follow soon after. 

I sighed and click my tongue out of annoyance. "I will and you will have no say to it" He attempted to hit me but I just teleported inside the bathroom using the space stone. "h-how?" Even the three behind me were surprised.


"Eonnie, how did you that?" Jihye asked with shining eyes. "Just a little ability of mine" She gasped in awe at me. "how many skills do you have?" she asked with shining eyes. I chuckled at her pat her head



I chuckled at that, stop it, my identity is very crucial and should be top-secret. If you want to know anything about me. find it out the hard way I look his way to see him glaring at me. "tomorrow Dokja and his party member will arrive" I look to my side to see my reflection at the bloodstained glass of the station.

Then a flashback appeared, I saw myself on the first day of my mission back then at Hydra to kill one personnel. I sighed while shaking my head, I seem to have been getting a lot of flashbacks since I got here. "Alyona-ssi your suitcase is making a weird sound" I turned my view at Namwoon looking at my noisy suitcase.

I approach him and knelt beside my case, I held out the iPad in front of me to show Dr. Strange "Hey, how's it going?" I ask looking at his clear distressed face. he chaffed his face while looking at me with a troubled expression. "people from the different universes started making their way here. Villains and other Peter Parker are here too." 

You choked on air hearing that. "how did you even open the multiverse?" You shouted at him going away from the group. "Peter asked me to brainwash the people through a dangerous spell. And we fucked it up" He elaborated, You sighed and yelled inwardly at yourself. 

"That's dangerous! All the people I know who can access the multiverse are, of course, me, Wanda... You... and some Asgardians" He sighed and started walking towards a crypt. "I'll contact you back, I can't access Wanda right now... The others are busy with their own missions" You sighed and nodded. 

"I understand. If everything goes wrong tell the kid he can just come here" He nodded and bid his farewell. You returned from the others with a conflicted expression. Let's revise; "eonnie... Who was that?" Jihye ask looking at me "Just a friend from work" I dismissed her and walked towards my case and hid the iPad.

"I'll go somewhere don't follow me in the meantime stay with them" I instructed Namwoon. I just started walking to a desolate place to revise.

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