storyfell gold. a never endin...

By liquidkazuma49

2.4K 92 25

"Many years ago war between the two races. humans and monsters. The war rage on for who knows how long. but t... More

chapter 1: where am i.
chapter 2: escape
chapter 3: meeting cocoa.
chapter 4: talking to cocoa
chapter 5: blue flowers.
chapter 6: building trust.
chapter 7: meeting the scary but kind mute mom
chapter 8: hanging out with cocoa.
chapter 9: meeting the scary cyborg loving father.
chapter 10: To meet the star
chapter 11: next music.
chapter 12: next music 2.
chapter 13: a date.
chapter 14: the last music
chapter 16: the end of a many years war.
chapter 17: getting rid of a nightmare.
chapter 18: someone busy.
chapter 19: cocoa story. The final story.

chapter 15: the end finally near.

104 4 0
By liquidkazuma49

Frisk pov.
We followed undyne. Undyne: "there something you need to know. In order to leave you need a monster soul. The barrier is not some fortress. It a barrier that blocks the only way out. The commander has been working on away to destroy it. So far. Nothing. So humans that falling down here. They die and the souls go to him. He collected 6 souls so far. Leaving one more soul left for our freedom. But as far as you can see. We ended up as military. A army ready to attack the surface. Most of us doesn't want to get involved. Yeah they locked us up and everything. But monsters don't have t
Want turn into a soldier. The king just wants to take over the surface to finally destroy all the humans" damn. That really dark. Undyne: "but as you can see. It slow down. But since your here. That may change since you are here. So I just want to ask. Is it really a good idea that you want to leave?" Hmmmm. "Nope. But I was thinking. Is there away to convince him not? Like can I ask him not to kill me?" Boogie looked at me. Boogie: "you want to tell him to stop his plan. That he should let this plan go and be happy. I'd That what you thinking" the old happy part was not my plan. "Yeah. After thinking. I really like it here. I want to stay. With everyone. This place can be my home. And I know he won't find me. He think I'm dead anyway" i smiled. Undyne: "well. Take this elevator to him. You will have to go though old home. Than into judgement hall then you will reach him. I wish you well. If it doesn't work. Than run back here. I'll protect you. Because you are my costar and are apart of my musics" the elevator door open. "Cocoa. I believe this will be as far that you go. If you commander attacks Me. Than I don't want you getting caught in the crossfire" note book: "I want to come with you. Until judgement hall" I think that ok. I nodded. We entered the elevator. Undyne: "I hope it goes well!" I waved as I pushed a button. It started going up. Boogie: "never thought I will face the king after all these years. I'm a bit scared" I can see. "Your not the only one. But I want to stay here. I don't know if there away to be free. But I can stay with you guys. I'll be more happy" boogie smiled. Boogie: "for years I never thought there would be anyone important to me. That I would ever have friends. But you. Your a important friend. So if he doesn't agree to it. I'll keep him back until you run as far as he can't find you. I'll buy you as much time as I can" boogie. "Boogie. I'm not going to let you die. If your facing him. I'll never leave your side" boogie: "frisk. Of course you qould say that. But I want to do the right thing. And that is letting you live" I don't know if I can convince boogie. But I'll have to see. We waited until the Elevator stops. Cocoa hold my hand. She blushing alot. I guess she doesn't know what to do in a relationship as well. Same. I never thought I would love again. Until I met her. We waited for the elevator to end. What is the commander Like. How was he able to get everyone to be like this? Did we do all more damage than I thought? Well. I'll have to see him. I seen asriel. The soliders. And the captain. Now to meet the one controlling all of them. The elevator stop as it opened. We step out as we started walking. This place looks different than the other places. It has a home feeling to it. I read a sign that says old home. We entered. There the home feeling. I'm guessing this is his place? We looked around. Always been curious when I go to places. I see pictures. I enter there rooms. Looks like a children's room. Cocoa looked around in a toy box. I looked at the pictures that are old and dusty. Boogie: "never thought. I would step into this room again" hm? Boogie started looking around. Even at the pictures. Does boogie. Knows this place? Boogie: "he kept everything the way it should be" he checked a drawer. He closed it. Boogie: "frisk. Inside that drawer. Is something you must not touch. Got that" ok? "What is it?" Boogie: "a weapon that no one will be using. At all. Doesn't matter who. That weapons is a weapon that will be forgotten" I didn't have a look. I than left the room as cocoa got done touching the toys. I see stretches. Old stretches. We got to the end of the hallway with a access card on a stool. It was infront of the mirror. I looked into it. Fuck I been though some stuff I never thought I would. Hair looks like shit. Clothes all look like shit. Everything. Than cocoa stand next to me. She looking cleaning. While I look like I came out of the gutters. Boogie: "man. You been thought shit. Lucky you didn't get shot at or it will be painful" thinking about it. Damn. It hurt. "I remember being shot by papyrus. Fuck it hurts" Cocoa was staring at the mirror. I guess she doesn't talk much. Even if I'm around. "Hey cocoa. You don't have to talk. Just do what you want ok" she nodded. Cocoa: "I....will" her voice so cute. God how did I end up with her. Boogie: "I think there something that supposed to be said here. I think it was. After everything you been though. It still you" I chuckled. "Sound funny" when I looked at the mirror. I feel like I'm not alone anymore. That I'm free. "Come on. Let go" we head back to the stairs. I used the access card. Looks like I need one more. I went over to where I think the lounge is. We entered. A big chair. I jump on it. "Something comfortable for my butt!" I haven't sat down on a chair this comfortabe before. Boogie: "well sit on it as long as you like. We have time" Than cocoa sat on me. "I guess you wanted to sit on it too" she nodded. I try to make some space on the chair. We sat on it for a bit. Boogie: "why are we doing this?" I shrugged which made cocoa chuckled. We got off the chair and head into the kitchen. I see another access card in there. I grab it. "Let head back to the stairs" we got to the stairs and used the second access card. The but door that was for somwreason there opened. We started walking down stairs. We got to a corridors that has a view of the underground. A big place. You can smell the working machine here. A war is coming. And it needs to be stopped. We continue moving. Boogie: "almost there to the end. Once we are there. It kill or be killed" what? Boogie: "oh right. Wrong one. Fight or die. But it goes whatever way really" ok? We got to the end of the corridor. We followed a path to judgment hall. It says on the sign. We entered it. I can feel like this place is important. Don't know why. Just a feeling. Boogie: "judgment hall. Up next is the throne room. The place where we will be heading for" I nodded. "Cocoa. Want to stay here for a bit until your brother picks you up. Something tell me he not far behind" she nodded. We sat down talking. Boogie join in. It was a enjoyable talk.since this maybe the last time I see her. If I die that is. I want to stay here. I want to live here. I want to start a new life. With cocoa. I wonder if I'm allowed to call her cocoa. After sometime and stuff. I hear footsteps. They are coming from behind me. Asriel: "cocoa!!!" Cocoa waves at him as he points his gun at me as I see floating swords? Asriel: "get away from my sister!!" As angry as I thought. Cocoa: "hero!" Hero? Cocoa ran up to him as he prepare a ultimate hug. Asriel: "my angel! I was so worried about you!" He holds her in his arms. They smile like a family. He points his gun back at me. Asriel: "I should kill you for taking her!" I thought he would say that. "It actually the other way around lieutenant. I asked that if we can get to know eachother. She agreed and let me out. So we spend the whole time just getting to know eachother. We met your mom. Alphy. Undyne. Hangout with all three of them. Now here we are. And she not hurt as well" he looked at me with a not going to trust you look. Cocoa place her hand on his gun. Cocoa: "we...together" she showed a picture of us. Showing that we are now dating. Asriel: "so. Your dating my angel" he host his gun. Asriel: "I wouldn't want cocoa to lose her first love. So I won't kill you" Cocoa smiled and hug him tight. Boogie: "does that mean I'm in the clear?" Asriel looked at cocoa. Cocoa nodded. Asriel: "yes. You are" boogie: "yes!!" I chuckled. I got up. "Well. I'm going to stop the commander from creating a war. Can I stay with you asriel?" Asriel: "I would allow it. If you survived. But stopping the commander. You may as well come with me now. It impossible to stop him" maybe he right. "I'll try" I waved as I head for the throne room.
Cocoa pov.
We took the elevator back to old home. Asriel: "you must of made alot of friends cocoa. I'm proud of you" I smiled. I really do hope frisk is ok. What if she died. Will she come back? I want to stay but what can I do? We got to the elevator that leads to the core. But it opened and out came mom. Dad. Undyne. Alphy. And papyrus? Asriel: "captain!" He stand tall. Asgore: "so. She made it. To the commander him self" undyne: "at the man that will start a war again with the humans" alphy: "undyne asked me to follow" I looked at papyrus who was looking down. Asriel: "what brings you all here? I was just taking cocoa back" asgore: "my son! We are going to help her!" I see his cyborgs he makes. Undyne: "yup! It about time we do something!!" Mom is mute as always. Alphy: "I'll support!" Asriel: "you all want to stop him too? But. You do know. That we won't be able too. He has the weapon" asgore: "I created it! I can uncreate what I want!!" Undyne: "yeah! We can finally decide for our selfs what we want and not be soilders!" Alphy: "again I'm support!" Papyrus: "and I want to stop this nonsense!" Papyrus actually said something not crazy. Toriel: "and I want to protect frisk" mom!? Asriel: "captain. You. Spoke" asriel was surprised a well. Toriel: "let us work together. Maybe the only ones too help frisk. Who needed it the most" I looked at asriel. "Please...hero?" He looked at me. Asriel: "I'll go to the edge of the earth if you tell me cocoa! Let go!" He started running. Mom picked me up as the rest of us followed from behind.
Frisk pov.
I dodged incoming bullets. He in like a machine. San: "you should give up. There no way you could survive" he wears a black robe that has a army look on it. Wearing a commander hat. Zcar on his eye. His machine fires more as I go into cover. Boogie: "fuck I didnt know how had something like this!" Agree. The bullets are quick. They could end me if I'm not careful. Than he fired what looks like skulls that are coming at me. I dodge as I get behind another cover. But he keeps firing them. San: "run as much as you want!! You will die!!" I don't know how long I have been at this. But he won't listen. Boogie: "frisk. I have a plan. But I need you to get close to those soul canister. Dont ask why. Just please. I know what I must do" I nodded. But what can I do to get over there? His machine is so big. Than I see someone shooting at the machine. San: "hmmm!?" I looked to see undyne and toriel and asriel shooting at San machine. "They here!!" Boogie looked. Boogie: "I never thought anyone would come to your side. But they did" san: "stop firing! That a order!" He turn his attention to them. They took cover. Cocoa ran over to us. "Cocoa!" She was covering her ears. Probably because of all the nosies. "Cocoa. I need to get those canisters off of his machine. Boogie said he has a plan" Cocoa nodded. I looked as asgore cyborgs were flying around. Papyrus was shooting too. San: "I order you all to stop this!!" Undyne: "sorry but we already know that listening to you will not do anything!" Undyne continue to fire. She using her machine gun coming from her arm. This underground has cool weapons! Anyway we try to get closer to the as well as avoiding getting hit. I hold cocoa hand. I don't want to see anyone get hurt so I must do this quickly. Asriel is sending all of his floating sword at sans machine. They bounce off of it. Asriel: "is that thing not effected by anything!!" Asgore: "yes! I designed it to be undestroyable!" How is That a good thing? I got close to the canister and started breaking them. San: "what are you doing!!!" It started turning as I quickly started moving with cocoa. Toriel started shooting the h
Glass. San: "nothing will destroy this!!" About two souls are free. Time for the last 4. Undyne jump on the machine as it try to fire at her. San: "get off!! That a order!!" It send those skulls things as it hit San machine. Undyne: "not so mart are you king!" I destroyed two more canister. Two more souls. We ran back as he turns it around. He charged it at us as toriel got infront and stop it in it path. It try to push but toriel stood her ground. Toriel: "whatever plan you have! Do it!!" I nodded. A shield appeared on the last two for the canister but we were already getting it open. San: "stop this captain! That a order damn It!!" But toriel hold her ground. This shield are hard to get off. Undyne was punching crazy that her arms look like we're coming off. Toriel was shot but she stand her ground. Asriel was covering fire as papyrus trys to heal his fire arm. We got the shield open as we grab the last two souls. We jump off as toriel jump to the side. Cocoa: "mom!" Cocoa ran up to her as she helps her over to us. San ready all his weapons. San: "I will kill you! And every last human!!" Boogie let the souls go around him as he absorbed them. He disconnected off my arm. He started glowing. Than appeared a ghost in his place. San stop he open the glass dome. San: "Napstablook. Is that you?" Napstablook? Napstablook: "it is. Been along time has it" Sound like they know eachother. San: "you were a flower this whole time" Napstablook: "well. I ended up dieing and became a flower. I didn't know what to do. Even if i telling you. You wouldn't listening" San looked down. Papyrus was surprised to see Napstablook too. Napstablook: "frisk. I wouldn't have came this far without you. You help me discover that we all can be happy. Just need to find the right people" he went over to the barrier. Napstablook: "now. Time for me to do what I was plan to do from the start" he started floating up as a energy ball started forming infront of him. I can feel a strange energy from him. Than he fired it at the barrier. A big flash of light appeared.


Liquid: "there it done. A bit rushed but I hope you enjoyed it. I did My best. Peace!"

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