Crazy Bastard (Vigilante Deku)

By Chimera_Regarion

205K 10.9K 2.7K

Fate can be very cruel. That was something Izuku knew far too well. Thanks to his wits, his mother sold him o... More

Are you crazy?
... Is that a kid...
My quirk....YOU TRAITOR!
Welcome to the club, detective!
Information? About me? You sure you wanna know? !
Home sweet home... who came up with that was a liar!
Not crazy just playing!
Danger! Chimera alert! Danger! Abort misson! Repeat ABORT MISSION!
I'm not stupid... UPS!
School... what's that's? Food? Bad food? Poison?!
Guess What?! New vigilante outfit time!
Hide and seek with a cheat!
Bank Robbery gone wrong!
Low-Key boredome!
MY dear FRIEND! The infirmary bed!
Slip up
Back to school...
Look who we have here!
This escaleted!
Bark Hiss Punch!
Training with Stain!
Blood my Friend!
A friend?
Ahm... SHIT!
The past is past
Nemuri...Nem... MamaNEM!
Me? AGAIN?! Why?!
Worst timing!
Touya ... or ... Dabi
Another one?
Are you fucking insane?
... uncertainty...
Stuck at UA... The story of my life!
For a better furture!


3.9K 238 46
By Chimera_Regarion

I couldn't really remember what was going on but what I did knew was that I woke up and Aizawa was hugging me. It felt soo warm and cosy too. I never felt this welcomed and this kind of warmth ever in my life. This was a whole new experience for me and so I leaned closer against him without noticing at all. Besides that he was definitelly patting my head and it just felt great.

Aizawa: You okay Izu?

Me: Yeah....

Aizawa: Wanna talk about it?

Me: .... No....

How the hell do you want me to explain to you what happened if I myself don't quite get it?!

I do know that you basically dragged me to the principals office or more like I was going after you trying to stop you from murdering something or more like someoene....

No let's just stay at thing.

Then I remeber ....


Damn flashback I got!

I remembered the moment I died.

The expression of Bakugo and the rest of class 1A especially All Mights and Bakugo's.

Looks like I had a panick attack...

That's the only plausible thing that could have happened.

Never thought that my past well future that I hopefully evaded will haunt me this much.

Aizawa: I want you to know that no matter what happenes, you can always talk to me.

Me: I know.

Aizawa: Good. How are you feeling?

Me: Ahm good?

It was at that moment that I turned around to look at Aizawa and he let go of me, so I could stand up. It definitelly felt good being patted and getting a head massage of some kind of way from Aizawa.

Aizawa: Good.

He seemed happy to see that I was feeling well but I was sure he would pray into things a bit. Maybe not a lot but a bit for sure. There was no way he wouldn't ask me about Kacchan and our past.

Aizawa: Kitten, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to or if you doesn't feel like it but I have to ask. Do you know that angry little Pomeranian?

Me: Pfff-

Aizawa: Did I say something wrong?

Me: No...pffff... Pomeranian...hahahahaha

Aizawa: So you do know him.

Me: Yeah.

Aizawa: I just have to know. Friend or Foe?

Me: Bully but former friend.

Aizawa: I see.

Me: Well Kacchan isn't the best with words or actions and he does look like a villain sometimes or often but you know what? I think he doesn't know it better.

Aizawa: How come?

Me: Well I know him my whole life. We grew up together and he just does what he saw the others do and how they treat me. I was considered quirkless after all.

Aizawa: I don't get how that happened.

Me: ....

Aizawa: You don't have two joints and your eye color change.

Me: Yeah. They said I was a late bloomer since my eyes were red and there was this incident prior.

Aizawa: Hm?

Me: ... my mom threw a bottle on me because she was frustrated and some spliters went into my eyes. So people believed that my eye color changed due to that into red and not because of my quirk.

Aizawa: I really wanna grab the womans neck and break it.

Me: Ahm Dadawa, please don't. She deserves worse.

Aizawa: Ohh yeah my bad. Wait what?! Kid, you shouldn't be thinking about something like this.

Me: Pffff- and you are allowed to think like that?

Aizawa: I am your guardian.

Me: And I am her biological son who got mistreated.

Aizawa: You have a point.

Me: Zawa.... how did I end up here?

Aizawa: What do you last remember?

Me: Getting thrown to the ground.

Aizawa: I came out and found you on the ground nearly having a panick attack. After that I brought you home.

Me: Thanks.

We were both sitting on the bed talking to each other. Well for me it was more like trying not to remember what just happened. I was actually more willing to talk about what my mother did then my past future what would or would have happened to me. I knew that what I experience till now was nothing in compared to what I have suffered.

As we were sitting there, Gluttony came into the room mewing pretty loudly but before one of us could react I saw Lucifer jump down the bed from beside me and actually hit Gluttony. This cat actually slapped Gluttony and was hissing at her.

Lucifer: Hisss!

Gluttony: mrew!

Lucifer: MREW-EW!!!!

Lucifer made himself tall and continued hissing and growling at Gluttony until the cat went out of the room. Afteer that little action, he came to my feet and thew himself bascially at me for a moment before jumping on my lap.

Lucifer: Mew.

I couldn't help it but pet him and Aizawa right beside me was laughing. He just suddenly bursted out laughing seeing as what just happened. I was just left bamboozled. The thing I just saw wasn't something you could easliy just describe. I never seen someone from Lucifers gang actually gettig beaten up by this cat. There was really nothing describing this moment.

It took a bit before Zawa calmed down and stopped laughing.

Aizawa: We should get something to eat and also feed the cats, what you say?

Me: Sounds good.

Aizawa: After that I have to go patrolling but I'll be back as soon as possible. I wished I didn't have to go but there is this person which loves to run around as a vigilante and mess with heroes instead of doing what a damn vigilante too.

Me: Sounds like a trickster.

Aizawa: That's actually what he calls himself and he says he only punishes bad heroes.... I wonder where he got that stupid idea from.

Me: hahaha who knows. Good luck capturing the guy.

Aizawa: Thanks. Now what you wanna eat?

Me: Pasta?

Aizawa: Fine by me.

This was how we both went down to get something to eat. He was cooking while I was having Lucifer in my arms and patting the cat and playing with him until food was ready. For some kind of reason, none of the cats came close to me or him the entire time. Aizawa even had to call them 3 times until they responed and came for food. Something definitelly was up with the cats.

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