Style oneshots <3 || Stan x k...

By auz_666

70.7K 631 4.6K

South park, Kyle x Stan oneshots. -Warnings at the beginning of each chapter! - if you have a request then ju... More

♡ when kyle had a crush ♡
♡ when stan played hockey♡
♡when stan was at stark pond♡
♡when they played seven minutes in heaven♡
♡when kyle enjoyed valentines ♡
♡ when they shared a bed ♡
♡ when they restarted♡
♡when they had the talk♡
♡ when kyle told Wendy ♡
♡ when they were famous ♡
♡when Kyle went to hospital♡
♡ when they went on a walk ♡
♡ when stan saw kyle ♡
♡ when Kyle was online ♡

♡when stan cant forget♡

2.5K 17 56
By auz_666

⚠️story information⚠️
- main topic of death (like a lot)
- stans pov

Word count:

March 17th 1479

It was warm.

The hands that wrapped around me were one of the only things I could focus on.

Other then the server pain that ached through me.

I was shaking more then ever, for once understanding the true meaning of pain and fear.

I clung to the body that held me.

My king.

My highness.

My lord.

My bestfriend.

My lover.

King Kyle.

My Kyle.

His touch was gental, comforting.

The war against the kingdoms had just ended, there were many loses. So, so many.

"My lord..." I whispered weakly, gripping to my Kings green cloak, without a doubt it was collecting my blood on it "did i.. d-do well?"

"You did well... so well" my king told me, being careful as he took my helmet off, pressingmy head into his sholder.

I had six spears in my chest, each stabbing an organ and bone of sorts. It hurt so much, I had never experienced a greater pain. But I would have happily done all this again to protect my lord.

"Thank you.." I muttered, tears falling from my eyes as the warmth turned to a coldness.

"Thank you for your services, comander"

My hands shook, my eyes slowly falling to a  close.

I felt the king move a hand to my hair, combing it, gentally shaking and tried to not cry also.

"I... i-i don't wanna die.."

"I know, Stan, I know" Kyle whispered, "I'm so sorry.. "

"Do... not apologise my lord" I shook my head "will i-i see you again?"

"Of course, i will see you soon.."

I knew it was a lie, but I believed it, I didn't want to leave him yet. I wasn't ready to.

"Good" I choked out, my hands wearing gripping him, struggling to breath.

"Rest well, commander... I love you" his voice was strong, even now keeping up his strong  Persona.

"I-i lord.."

September 4th 1843

"Good afternoon" I greeted my best friend as I walked into the small house our families shared.

"Hello, Charlotte and Lily just took the kids for a walk" Kyle said, he was sitting at the table, flipping through the news paper from yesterday.

"Huh, did they take money?" I asked, knowing our weekly pays had been cut down, so we wouldn't have much money after paying rent.

"No, Lily told me to give her money but I made her fuck off" Kyle explained, Lily was his wife and Charlotte was mine. I had three children with Charlotte while Kyle had two.

I let out a small chuckle and nodded my head, emptying my pockets onto the table Kyle sat at.

"Theif" Kyle muttered, not looking up from the paper.

"Well, if you want to eat and have a house this is what's going to continue happening"  I sighed.

"right, get a second job then" the redhead hated robbery, he never stopped me though.

"I do, and my son also has one" I rolled my eyes.

"They are putting extra police on the streets, crime rates gone up too much" he then told me, showing the paper to me, I looked down and read the heading.

"I'll be fine, I haven't got caught yet"

"Yet" he repeated, "your lucky you are not a redhead like I am, they would have took you down already"

"You're fine, you always have dust and charcoal in your hair" I shrugged.

"Yeah, but if you get ca-"

"If I get caught, it doesn't matter, I supporting my family the best I can, just like you are" I snapped, falling into the almost broken chair next to Kyle.

"I know, I would probably care a little more if I wanted to marry Lily" Kyle sighed, putting the paper down and giving me his attention.

"Same, I still care for my children though"

"Yea' yea' me too, but Lily wants another, she's at competition with your wife"

"Jesus, we can brealy deal with so many, bloody women" I scoffed, pinching my bridge.


Me and Kyle stared at each other, his emerald green eyes seemed to almost glow.

Maybe it was lighting.

I would be lying if I was to say I didnt see Kyle differently to anyone I've ever seen. I saw him more then a mate.

My bestfriend.

My lover.


My Kyle.

Without realising, our faces got closer, and the next thing we knew, our lips met.

It was a simple kiss that lasted less then a few seconds,  when we realised what happened, Ioved away from him. "Shit-" I panicked.

Boys can't love boys!

Kyle was also panicked.

"What the fuck was that!?" He yelled at me, face red from being both flustered and pissed.

"I don't know! You did it too! Don't just fuckin' blame me!" I hissed, moving out my seat and stood on the other side of the room.

"Fuckin' freak" the sitting down male spat and looked away from me.

I scoffed "well atleast I'm not fuckin' ginger, you witch"

"Whatever, faggot"

"I'm going to work" I then said, venom in my voice and I left the house once more, slamming the door behind me.

A few steps out and I saw my wife and Kyle's with the children, walking home.

"Hello honey" Charlotte gave a small smile as he hugged me. I gave a weak smile back and patted her back.

"Hello"  i said and pulled away.

"Where are you off to? We were going home to make tea" she told me, feeling as one of my children, Franklin hugged my leg- I messed his hair up.

"I'll be home late, going to work to earn some extra money" I told her, having Franklin move off me and i walked away.

"Well, i shall see you at home" she called to me. I didn't say anything else to her.

I walked into the main, it was always busy here went it days were light. The perfect time for a pick pocket.

I walked past people, knocking into them and slipping my hand into their pockets. They were always clear motions.

I went to a seventh person within two hours, as I knocked into him, the scean of kissing Kyle invited itself back into my brain, putting me off what I was doing.

Making my movements unpractical and the man as quick to catch on to what I tried doing.

I took a few speedy steps before- "AY! THAT MANS JUST TAKEN MY WATCH" he yelled.


People turned their heads at me, the police also now had their attention on me.

On instic, I began running, the police chased after me, three of them.

I bumped through people, shoving some of the kids out the way.

"Get back here scrum!" A police yelled, not far behind me, waving his bat at me.

"Fucking middle class! Dicks!" I hissed and turned a sharp counter, bumping into a man and his wife "fuck out my way!" I shoved them, but the man got a aggressive.

He shoved me into a wall, pissed. "What the fuck man!" His breath stunk of alchol, his words slured.

Fuck, I was countered by a now pissed drunk.

"Piss off!" I shoved him back, only for a punch in the face.

The police caught up and pushed the drunk away, grabbing me by the arms "we are here to arrest you"




Days later, I was found guilty of my crime  and put up for hanging.

The rope around my neck was tight.

I stared at the trap door below me.

When I looked up, my eyes locked onto a redhead. Kyle.

For once, there was no Ash in his hair. It was clean.
He had a mix panic, fear and annoyance on his face.

Without warning, the trapdoor dropped.

for once understanding the true meaning of pain and fear.

The tightness around my neck grew, tears pricked at my eyes.

I couldn't stop looking at Kyle.

"You did so well"

Kyle couldn't stop looking at me, a voice similar to his rang in my head.

"Thank you for your services"

My face grew blue, cold and unable to breathe.

It took all my power not to fall asleep... forever.

"..I will see you again soon..."

"I love you.."

my eyes grew exhausted and they closed.

December 19th 1918

The war not long ago finished, injured soilders filled the streets now. It was bad in America with the injuries, I wouldn't help but wonder how many people were suffering in England and France.

there were many loses. So, so many.

All over the place, everyone had loses in that war.

The bar was filled with loud people once more, more people were that for the same reason as I.

To forget.

My dad had sent me to the war with him, unfortunately, he wasn't lucky like me and had lost his life to a illness he caught in the trenches.

I was still here though.

I wasn't that close with my dad, I didn't morn his death for long, none of my family did really, mom wanted him gone anyway.

But the memories of the war didn't go.

The explosions and cries to go home.

The loud gun shots and the flesh covered fields.

I wave a hand for another strong alchol beverage. The lady behind the counter gave a little sigh of pity for me before making me one.

She slid the large glass of  Laga to me. I thanked her and tossed the money, not really counting it but assuming it was the right amount of money.

"Was you in the war?" Someone then asked, I turned my head and saw a redhead sitting next to me.

I stared at him for a few seconds, he looked very familer, yet I had never seen hom before.

Probably my intoxicated mind.

He was dressed in a few suit, something I wouldn't be close to affording.

I narrowed my eyes at him, blinking and my eyes landed back on his hair.

"Why the fuck aren't you dead?" I pulled a face and leaned back a bit, checking him out.

It was clear he was a fucking middle class

He let out a small chuckle  "my  hair?" He asked.

I slowly nodded my head, my eyes still narrowed at him.

His emerald green eyes shinned,

Maybe it was just the lighting.

"Well, if it was the Victorian era, then yeah"  he chukled, he had such a pretty laugh.

...fucking ginger witch

"Aha..." I laughed, leaning closer to the fella "do I know you?"

"Um, not that I know of" he gave a half smile "it's probably just that drink"

"Nahh, it's the ginger hair..."

The male hummed and waved the girl over, ordering a beer.

"My names Kyle Broflovski"  the redhead introduced himself, taking a small sip of his drink.

He can control his drinking habits.

"Umm- Stan..."

"Drinking in the name of sorrow?" Kyle asked, swirling his drink.

"Sure, I was in the war" I lazily shrugged, answering his earlier "lost my dad, shame"

"Oh really? Sorry about your loss, but go you for fighting in the war"

"Uhhhh whatever..." I yawned, chugging the rest of my drink.

"Want another drink?"

"Yes" I replied simply.

"Here" Kyle waved the lady over again, having her make another drink for me.

"Thanks" I quickly drank it.

Then another drink, and another. Before long Kyle too was drunk and we were found at the back of the ally way of the bar, making out.

He was taller then me, my arms were tired around his neck and his on my waist.

"Mh~" I lightly moaned into the redheads mouth.

We pulled away and Kyle gave me a drunk grin, but before any of us could say anything.

"L-look at these fuck...fucking faggots!" Someone yelled, words slured. They were drunk.

Kyle pulled from me, I whinned but was too drunk to understand fully what was going on.

"Wh...what's the fucking problem sirrrr" I scoffed, taking a step forward.

"Fucking fags! What about your wives ay?"  The drunk yelled.

I let out a huff, the drunk redhead was telling me to stop. But I didn't listen.

I got chest-to-chest close to the stranger "li-listen here buddy" I began "I don't have a fucking wife! And guess what!? I'll beat your ass if you touch either of us"

"As if you could do that pussy"

"Yeah well vagin-face I-I just came back from the fucking.... war!" I shounted. I probably shouldn't have said that since I was a scared baby when I was there.

"really? Then caaatch this punch"

It took me a few seconds to realise what he said, there was a fist in my face, I heard a small crack.

My nose was now broken.

"Ah ya shit!" I yelled and threw a punch, the drunk was a lot taller and stronger then me, the punch was bearly anything.

"Stan, let's just leave" Kyle called out to me, seeming to sober out with the situation.

"Thats it, f..fall back to your little gay boyfriend" the stranger laughed, moving closer to me.

"Yo-your just jealous I get love!" I yelled, punching him again.

It was no better then the last punch.

"Son of a b-bitch!" He threw me against a wall, smashing my head against it, a warm tingling feeling at the back of my head.

"O-oh shit wait, I think I'm bleeding" I muttered, trying to pull from the dude, it didn't work.

My head got smashed against the wall again. I let out a cry, I tired to fight back but a lot of blood was going.

I looked back at my drunk friend, he seemed to also be panicked.

My head was smashed against the wall again, a punch followed it.

I had no strength.

"" I tried to tell Kyle.

He heard me and did do.

"I'll see you again soon"

for once understanding the true meaning of pain and fear,

My eyes followed as the familer ginger ran.

"I-i too.."

April 25th 1961

"Gosh! That was amazing! That's for taking me to see that Stan!" My girlfriend, Harlie, kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand as we walked off the bus.

I gave her a smile and nodded my head. "No worried babe" I told her.

Marilyn Monroe. One of the biggest pop sensation of the century. Harlie, like any other teen our age, loved her. I didn't get the big gist of it, other then the fact she was 'hella sexy'

"Maybe next time we go on a date... don't bring Kyle though?"  She whispered in my year, glancing over at said boy who was a few steps behind us.

"It was only this once, besides, he's my best bud" I nervously laughed.

Kyle was my bestfriend, and he was going through a heart break of sorts. No way in hell was I gonna leave him be to mop around in his room alone.

"But you've said that for the last, what? Seven dates?" She huffed "he's probably just doing it for attention anyway" she kept her voice low, clearly not wanting Kyle to hear her.

"Hairle, do you have a problem with Kyle or something" I frowned and pulled away from her.

"Well, kinda yeah, he's really annoying" she rolled her eyes, we stopped walking "there's a reason people don't like him Stan..."

"He's my best bud, babe, you gotta understand that" I argued.

Kyle stopped walked, still a new steps from us.

"Stan... people are saying that.." She glaced at the redhead then back at me "he's gay?"

I frowned, "whats wrong with that?"

"Um, a boy and a boy? Really? He could fancy you for all you know"

"Well, one, kyle just out out a relationship with  a girl and two, that doesn't change anything" I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you defending him? I'm literally your girlfriend Stan!" She then yelled, kyle jumped slightly and took a few steps back, clearly feeling awkward.

"And he's my bestfriend, I've known him so much longer then you"  I snapped.

"I'm your girlfriend!"

"And I can get another girlfriend.. Heck why not even a boyfriend! But I can't get another kyle"  I blurted out.

"Boyfriend?" She cringed.

"Uh, guys I think I'm gonna go home.." kyle then spoke up, appearing right next to me, awkwardly kicking the gravle beneath his foot.

I gave a smile "Alright dude, I'll walk you home" I told him.

"Oh, you don't need to do that.. stan" the redhead assured.

"Of course I do! Come on!" I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him along the sidewalk, walking him home. It wasn't far.

"Stanly! Get back here! We were talking!"

"Nope!" I yelled at her and continued walking.

"Dude, she's your girlfriend" Kyle sighed, not moving my arm off him.

I then spun around harshly, facing the inraged girl "Hey Harlie! I'm breaking up with you!" I then yelled and spun back around, resuming our walking "what girlfriend?"

Kyle laughed gentally.

He has such a pretty laugh.

"Your a dork dude" he commented.

"You. Are. Not. Fucking. Breaking. Up. With. Me" Harlie huffed and ran up to me, pushing Kyle off me "we've literally been together for six months! What the fuck?!"

"Look, harlie, I'm trying to stay cool here" I grew pissed and pushed her away from my bestfriend "but I'd pick Kyle over you or anyone else any day, got that?"

"Your just saying that because he's right there!" She scoffed, puing a face and glearing at Kyle.

The redhead awkwardly looked away.

She toom a step closer to Kyle and got in his face and spat. "Why the fuck aren't you dead?" She kissed, the sentence rang in my ears "you Jewish, homosexual peice of shit!"

Kyle eyes widened and took a step back.

"You fucking cunt!"  I yelled and pulled her away from him once more "Don't you fucking dare talk to Kyle like that EVER again, in fact never even talk to him again!"

"Oh! So now you think you can tell me what to do? It's fucking 1961! Women can do whatever the fuck we want!" Harlie clenched her jaw.

"Do whatever the fuck you want expect talk to kyle" I warned, giving her a warning glace.

"Stan, lets just leave..." kyle weakly said to me, the sentence rang through my ears also.

"You gonna listen to your faggy boyfriend, or me Stan?"

"I'll listen to my beautiful faggy boyfriend!" I sarcastically sang and walked backed to Kyle "come on dude"

Kyle gave me a smile and we began walking again. "You are something else man" he chuckle, linking arms with me.

"I am quite unique" I grinned.

"Ughhh! Fucking faggots!" The girl screamed and shoved me.

Before I could even realise what was going on, there was a loud horn.

"Oh shit-"



There was a large weight that met with my body, I couldn't stop looking at Kyle.

for once understanding the true meaning of pain-

...i will see you soon...

July 3rd 2022

"Ugh, it's so hot out!"

"Ew! Put your top back on you fucking jew! No one wants to see your non existing abs!"

"Don't get jealous!"

"Shut upp kinnyyy!"

"Ahah! Make me!"

"Dude, thats such a bottom thing to say!"

"Bottom? Top? Who cares! I'm horny!"

"U-uh Ken, no o-one needed to know that"

"Sorry, buttercup, kiss?"


"Ahahaaha! Get rejected fag!"

"Can you just shut up!?"

"Boo hoo hoo! Stan! Your faggy boyfriend has sand in his vagina again!"

"We're aren't boyfriends fatass!"

My bestfriend.

My lover.

King Kyle.

My Kyle.

Fucking fags

your little gay boyfriend

I get love

he's my best bud

a boy and a boy? Really?

He could fancy you for all you know

he's gay

Why are you defending him?

And he's my bestfriend

Heck why not even a boyfriend!

Your a dork dude

Don't you fucking dare talk to Kyle like that EVER again, in fact never even talk to him again!

your faggy boyfriend

I'll listen to my beautiful  faggy boyfriend

"Hey... Stan?" Kyle said gentally, sitting next to me.

I weakly looked up at him and took a large chug from my beer. "Yeah?"

"Your being really quiet... are you okay?"  Worry was in his voice as he shuffled a bit closer to me.

"Kyle... have we.. met before?" My voice sounded desperate as I looked up at him slightly.

Even though we were sitting on the floor, he was still that much taller then me.

"What do you mean?" He frowned, both confused and concerned.

"I can't tell if it's a dream or not but... you've always been in my life"

"Well yeah, we've known each other since elementary and now we are graduating collage" my redhead friend nervously laughed.

", in 1961..."

"Dude, our parents wouldn't have even been pregnant at that point, they would have just about been born" Kyle's frown grew.

"But.. I remember having this girlfriend and I took her on a date.. you was with me"



"Her name was harlie, she hated you for some reason" I explained.

"Probably because he's a Jewish homosexual" cartman butted in, laughing his ass off.

The the words rang through my head, giving me a small migration. "Thats what she said to Kyle! When I said I'd rather be with him then her..."

"Omg guys! Stans gay for Kyle!" The fatass laughed.

"I'm serious.."

"Maybe you've drank too much dude" kyle patted my back, rubbing it slightly as a way to comfort me.

"No Kyle... you always blame my problems on how much I drink! I really am serious" I pleaded.

"Is it like me? How I always die but none of you can remember?" Kenny spoke up, over hearing our convocation.

I nodded my head.

"Great, we have a poor immortal, an alcoholic spirt and a jew! What next? Butters gonna be an ungroundable person!" Cartman scoffed.

"I can't be grounded anymore! I moved out" Butters remined.

"Well there you go!" The light brunette clapped his hands.

"Shut up cartman" Kyle snapped and turned his attention back to me "tell me more"

My lord...

Thank you for your services, comander

Rest well, commander... I love you

"The earliest one I can remember... you was a great king" I muttered, finishing of my beer in one swallow "and I was your best commander"

"Of course Kyle was a king!  You know trust a jew to be a king!"

"I was?" Kyle seemed suprised.

I nodded my head.

"What was I?" Butters gasped.

"You...weren't there" I replied.

"Of course he wasn't, he was probably grounded"

"Cartman, just go" kenny said bluntly and gave him a pissed off look.

"Fuck no! I'm staying right here and getting my tan on!"

I groaned "when in battle I died, i-it really hurt"

"How?" Kenny asked, sitting infrount of me, butters sat next to him.

"Six spears through the chest."


"Oooo ouch, that really does hurt" the dirty blonde gave me sympathy, seeing pain on his face as he patted down his own chest.

"w-Well I can only imagine" Butters shook his head.

"Me and Kyle were lovers in that time period... but like we kept it hiden"

Kyle blushed heavily, and smiled.

"I knew ittt, fucking fags!"

everyone just ignored the fatass.

"You said... you said we would see each other soon" I then continued "and we did.. in 1843"

"That was ages ago! How old are you Stan!" Kenny panicked.

I let out a small laugh and shrugged. This was the first time I ever told anyone about a these memories.

"Me and Kyle shared a house with our families" i then said "you had a wife names Lily and two kids, Agatha and Tommy"

"What loser names"

No one responded to Eric again.

"Then, when out families were out one day, we kissed"

Kyle's blush grew.

"Awww" Butters grinned.

"We got into an argument and a few days later I was hung, for theift that you told me to stop"

"Well yeah, why wouldn't i stop you from doing something so stupid!" Kyle huffed.

"Being hung isn't the nicest way to go, was it in public?" Kenny asked.

I nodded my head.

"I remember how Kyle looked..." tears swelled in my eyes.

Kyle hugged Stan tightly "it's fine dude.. I believe you, don't push yourself"

Stan nodded his head, blush forming on his face as he was pressed against a topless Kyle.

My faggy boyfriend

Best bud.

Whatever, all this time, in each life they had together, kyle was right. They would see each other soon.

That was enough to keep Stan sane.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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