By -platinumcopyshare

18.6K 489 69

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

943 28 12
By -platinumcopyshare

All Comes Crashing Down

His bare feet slapped against the cold stone as the blond fled down the dungeon's vast corridors. He hadn't noticed he'd forgotten his shoes in the room with the unconscious Theodore, as soon as he had realised Harry was gone he'd gotten out of there as fast as his feet could carry him.

He could only thank Merlin's ghost that he hadn't run into another student in his appalling state. With tear tracks glistening on his face and his eyes and nose -a vibrant red- contrasting horridly with his practically white skin he knew he looked a mess.

Reaching his private rooms the boy muttered the password and slid in the doorway, body trembling faintly.


The quiet voice made him jerk. Startled he turned to face the intruder and relaxed marginally when he was faced with Pansy.

"Pans" he said with a weak smile in response. Not a second later he was being cocooned in small yet protective arms and Pansy was cooing and fussing. In any other circumstance he would have been aghast at being babied, but right now he welcomed the comfort and security and curled into the girl's arms, wondering if it was selfish to imagine they were actually Harry's.

"Hun?" the boy's ears twitched and he looked at the girl with a small sniff. "Oh Draco what happened?" She cooed softly, threading her fingers through Draco's hair and stroking the base of his ears making the boy curl into her all the more. His could feel his tense muscles relaxing at the tender, soothing gesture.

"Damn, Dray, what happened to your neck?" Draco's eyes flickered open, surprised that he hadn't noticed Blaise standing in the corner watching them. Outwardly Blaise looked impassive and curious, but Draco, the master of masks himself, could see the concern hidden beneath the façade.

Tentatively the boy raised his hand to touch his neck. His fingers skimmed gingerly over the wounded skin and Pansy swore quite colourfully as she inspected the bite wounds, pulling down the collar of Draco's shirt to expose the bitten and bloody shoulder. She missed Draco stiffen at the action although she snatched her hand back at the defensive snarl.

Draco brought a hand sharply to his mouth, flinching at the hoarse sound, noticing only now how badly his throat throbbed from the screaming he'd done only minutes ago.

"Sorry" he managed croakily, relieved when Pansy clucked her tongue and wrapped herself around him again and resumed stroking his ear.

He heard the shuffling of feet and assumed Blaise had sat on the chair at his desk. "What happened Draco?" The boy's voice was deep and sombre. He opened his eyes to see Blaise's eyes fixed on his own, his expression dark.

Draco shifted under the scrutiny, feeling uncharacteristically uncomfortable as he drew his robes around him while his ears flattened against his head. Licking his dry lips he exhaled heavily. "Nott" he muttered at last, jumping when the chair Blaise had previously been sitting on crashed to the floor.

"That bastard!" The boy snarled, all attempts at masking his emotions gone as he took up pacing like a caged tiger. Draco tilted his head lightly, reminded of Harry. His heart clenched uncomfortably.

Pansy's tentative voice broke through Blaise's mutters. "Did he...did...y'know..." her voice trembled, Blaise instantly froze and Draco closed his eyes, breathing heavily through his nose. After a moment of hesitation he shook his head, feeling Pansy slump in relief beside him.

"He almost did...though" he felt he had to add, "But...Harry saved me" he murmured, a swell of awe in his voice. In an absent motion, Draco reached for his bedside table drawer and pulled out the little marble statue of the lioness. Harry's tentative words and shy smiles surfaced in his mind as he stroked the strong sloping back of the statue making him feel slightly better.

"I was so horrible to him Pansy" Draco breathed, eyes downcast. "And...And he told me the reason why he left. A noble reason, as always" he muttered, somewhat bitterly. The noble Gryffindor always managed to make him look bad. But it wasn't often Draco believed he was indeed in the wrong and that he very well did deserve it.

Draco glanced up to see Pansy, while listening, cajoling Blaise back into the seat that had been righted. Tension seeped from the two Slytherin's and despite the softened tone of his voice he knew both his friends were furious. It was a shame Harry had more than likely already put Theodore in the Hospital Wing. If anyone had even found him yet.

He gripped the smaller hand that took his own and he let his thumb brush Pansy's knuckles affectionately. "So what are you going to do?" Pansy asked quietly, concerned yet quizzical brown eyes gazing into his own heavy-hearted grey.

"I don't know" Draco admitted, shoulders slumping. "I was going to ask you, I've never had to apologise before, and I don't think a simple sorry will do it either" he sighed.

Blaise nodded from the chair. "I have to agree, you were quite a prick to him" he was hushed sharply by Pansy's hiss. With a glare she looked away from Blaise, gaze softening as she looked at Draco.

"You were a bit harsh" she confirmed gently. "But you're a Malfoy. Malfoy's are cunning, clever and always get what they want, remember".

Draco's ears perked at the familiar words as a small smile tugged at his lips. "What do you suggest?" he questioned.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that Draco, you're the one who needs to figure it out, you know Potter better than I do".

Thoughtfully furrowing his brow Draco nodded with a sigh. "Ok" he murmured, "I'll think on it, and I'll get him" he said, the flicker of stubborn determination returning to his eyes and Pansy beamed, kissing his forehead. "Now Pansy, I suggest you go and find Blaise, he's probably half way to the infirmary by now" the blond said with a renewed smile.

Confused, Pansy looked to the chair their friend had been previously. It was empty.

"Oh that prick!" Pansy huffed, throwing a quick 'Goodbye! Love you!' over her shoulder and promptly ran from the room to hunt down the elder boy to make sure he didn't end up expelled.


Draco remained in his room for the remainder of the day. Since his head of house didn't come bearing down on him he assumed that the staff, or at least Dumbledore and Severus had been informed of what had ensued between Harry, Theodore and himself.

He kept movement to a minimum after he changed clothes since he had lost his shoes, socks and his shirt. Now in a pair of comfortable trousers, and a dark, form fitting jumper. Draco was curled in the middle of his large bed, his hand absently stroking the marble statue while his tail flicked contentedly.

His posture however, was tense. The trembling had thankfully ceased an hour or so ago but he was far from relaxed as his eyes flickered around the room every now and then. But he guaranteed himself that hell would freeze over before his confessed his discomfort, admitting a weakness -even to himself- was something you just didn't do, especially when one was a Malfoy.

With a sigh the boy stood. He'd been deliberating the next course of action. He felt somewhat lost if he didn't have a plan to refer to: quick thinking may have been a Slytherin trait, but having some idea of what you were doing was always a reassurance.

Dawning a cloak to fend off the chilly April weather, the blond left the room. He deduced that classes had ended roughly an hour ago, leaving him an hour or two before dinner. Hopefully that was enough time to find Harry.

Picking up his pace Draco hurried to find the brunet, his movements sleek and quick as he weaved through the milling students. His ears twitched at the mindless chatter and his nose wrinkled up the mass of different scents that assaulted him; perfumes, deodorants and other things that made it more difficult for him to track his Gryffindor.

It seemed to take forever to scour the more popular haunts of the Gryffindor students and time and time again Draco came up empty handed. Just about ready to give up the boy heard a very distinct chiding voice.

Barely containing his delight and relief Draco headed towards the library with long strides. Soon the forms of Granger and Weasley came into sight. He noted that Harry wasn't with them, but he had no doubt his forever loyal companions would know where he was hiding.

His confident pace faltered however when the two noticed him coming closer and daggers seemed to fly. His keen eyes picked up the furious pink that was creeping across the redhead's freckled face and he didn't think he'd ever seen Granger's eyes so cold and harsh. Refusing to be set back after his searching he pressed on, coming within a safe five foot distance.

"Granger, Weasley" he greeted with a nod, his eyes fixed on the two warily.

He was greeted by silence other than the ominous crack of Weasley's knuckles and Draco instinctively flexed his claw tipped fingers in response. "I'm looking for Harry..."

Weasley looked about read to explode, but before he could speak a cold, sharp voice broke through. "How dare you, you lowly horrible rodent!"

Draco's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden verbal attack from the usually placid bookworm. His ears fell and he had no doubt that Harry had told the two about his 'unfaithfulness' although by the looks of things, the dastardly git had also left out his almost rape. Otherwise he was sure even Granger would be a little more sympathetic.

"I can't believe after what you put him through you have the nerve to waltz around and do what? Try to apologize? You were horrible to him you snake! You hurt him more than you're blackened heart could ever possibly comprehend you vile bastard!"

Draco's ears hung limp and he wasn't feeling quite as confident as he had before, his expression was blank, uncaring but his heart was clenching painfully. Had he really hurt Harry that badly? And although Draco cared less about what people thought about him, the blackened heart comment did sting a little.

"Grange-Hermione!" all but Draco turned to see Pansy -with Blaise at her heels- trotting quickly towards them. However the blond's eyebrows shot to his hairline as he watched his friends take the arms of the Gryffindors and begin to tug them away, Pansy shot Draco a far too innocent smile and he looked at her suspiciously. But he went ignored as the girl turned back to Granger who seemed to have been stunned into silence. Having Granger by the arm Pansy led the other girl down the corridor, whispering furiously to her all the while.

Blaise was having a tad more difficulty as he grappled with the furious redhead who seemed adamant to initiate a bout of fisticuffs. A sharp word from Granger however placated the Weasel and with a glare in Draco's direction, the two Gryffindors allowed themselves to be led away by his friends, leaving Draco feeling credibly confused.

With a scowl Draco turned and trudged down the corridor to continue his attempts to find Harry.


Both Ron and Hermione were quite tense as they were dragged through various corridors before Ron reached the end of his tether. Huffing the redhead dug his feet into the ground causing the dark skinned boy hauling him to stumbled in a momentary loss of Slytherin grace.

"Alright I've had enough of this! Where are you snakes taking us!" he growled, yanking his arm free of the grip and glared at Blaise who returned it whole-heartedly.

Hermione sighed approaching the redhead and nudged him lightly. "Although I will do this in a slightly more respectable manner, I too would like to know where you're taking us" Hermione frowned, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed the two Slytherins.

Blaise shifted and looked at Pansy who kept her gaze levelled at Hermione. "Look, no doubt by now you know roughly what happened between Harry and Draco bu-"

"Damn right we know what that bastard did!" Ron interrupted with a snarl, face tinted a worrying shade of red. "He-he used Harry! And he cared for the bloody bastard! And what did Malfoy do! Led him along like a fucking love-struck crup on a leash!" the irate redhead fumed.

Pansy tutted and folded her arms across her chest with an impatient expression. "Yes, Weasley, I am aware you're upset and of what Draco done but if you please shut up for a moment" the girl stated, voice cold and firm.

Looking about to protest, the two icy glares sent to him by both Pansy and Hermione was enough to quell any argument he may have had. Instead, he folded his arms with a betrayed, sulky expression and glared at the Slytherins in silence.

Pansy then turned to Hermione, giving her a calculating once over. "I know you Gryffindors are all about this honest, honourable and romantic rubbish, but I think Draco -at long last- has learned his lesson" she explained.

Hermione looked affronted. "You expect us to simply let Malfoy near Harry again after was he done?" the girl frowned, "You better have a bloody good reason!" the bookworm huffed, eyes narrowing.

Pansy smirked, amused at the rare language from the Gryffindor girl, but the smile slid from her lips to be replaced with a serious expression. "I believe I do. You see Draco's little plan went a bit too far and he got a bit too cocky and Nott finally took advantage of Draco's confidence..."

Hermione gasped as she caught on. Even she couldn't be completely uncaring to someone getting raped.

"Did he...is he ok?" The girl asked.

Pansy nodded grimly, "Yeah, Harry saved him last minute, last second really. It shook Draco up real bad, he was a mess when he found us in his dorm. But I believe that was finally the turning point for Draco. I've been suspicious for a while that Draco may have liked Harry, but y'know what stubborn arses boys can be..."

Hermione gave a small smile and nodded with a sideways glance at Ron. "Yes, I'm well aware" she agreed before sighing, biting her lip pensively. "Are you sure Malfoy definitely has feelings for Harry? Whether I feel sorry for Malfoy or not, I'm not going to let him or you hurt Harry" she stated defiantly.

"I'm quite sure."

Eyeing the Slytherin for any signs of deceit, she finally sighed and nodded. "Ok" she replied. "We won't help" the girl paused, holding her gaze with Pansy. "But we won't interfere" she concluded, ignoring Ron's undignified squawk of protest.

"Hermione you can't be serious!" the redhead cried, throwing his arms out in aggravation, "He hurt Harry, Hermione!"

"I'm well aware of that Ron...But you know how much Harry likes Draco, and I don't want him upset and broody like he was after he lost Sirius. If Malf-...If Draco can make amends and make it up to Harry, then I'm willing to stand back and let it happen" she stated sternly. "And you, Ronald Weasley, are not going to interfere either!" The brunette stated firmly, "Are we clear?"

The dangerous tone in the girl's voice bolstered no argument, grudgingly the freckled youth nodded sulkily. "Alright 'mione" he muttered.

Blaise smirked. "Whipped" he snickered quietly, earning himself a glare from Ron before Pansy slapped his arm and glared.

"And you Zabini, are not going to advise Draco either, I know what you're like and your 'woman advice' - which is utter bollocks by the way. Draco is to do this on his own. Are we clear?"

Blaise shut his mouth and managed to rid himself of the shocked expression that only morphed into a grumpy one. "Crystal" he muttered, glaring when a quiet "whipped" was muttered at his side, closely followed by the Weasley's sniggering.

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