By -platinumcopyshare

20K 520 69

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

592 18 0
By -platinumcopyshare

Ending It

Harry tread in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. For once it wasn't a bustle of activity, due to the fact it was rather late and all the students, par three, were in bed. The fire was the only source of light, it's warmth reaching out to the pacing figure and the two perched on the old scarlet couch, it's light, flickering on the crimson clad walls, restricted the darkness to linger out the wooden framed windows.

Bright blue and knowledgeable brown eyes watched the irate teenager pace in front of the fireplace like a caged tiger -or in this case, lion-. The slender bronze tail lashed behind him, striker the air and narrowly missing the hungrily dancing flames. The orange light from the fire reflected off the round glasses which framed deep green eyes, making the emerald colour glitter and look even more ferocious.

Hermione gave a soft sigh, closing the forgotten book on her lap, Harry's pinned back ear gave a single twitch in acknowledgement to the motion as silence overtook them again, disrupted only by Harry's footsteps, the crackle of the fire and their soft breathing.

It was Ron who first broke the stressed silence first but slapping his hands down on his knees with a deep exhale. "Well I don't know about you but I'm heading to bed" he said with a small smile which Hermione reflected and Harry almost. It was a near perfect rendition of the Weasley patriarch.

"Harry, Hermione?" the redhead questioned to his friends.

"I'll be up in a minute" Harry murmured from the fire, his pacing never faltering although it had slowed and his body had lost some of the pent up tension from before. Hermione looked as if she was about to follow but Harry caught her eye, hoping she would catch his meaning to stay. With a subtle nod the witch looked to Ron with a small smile.

"I'm heading up now too" she said as she stood, brushing off her skirt, approached the taller male and pecked him lightly on the lips. Grinning stupidly the redhead bid his girlfriend goodnight before ascending the stairs to the boys dormitory, leaving Hermione and Harry alone.

As soon as they heard the distant thud of the dorm-room door close, Hermione looked to Harry and perched herself purposely on the nearest armchair, hands on her lap and regarded Harry with curious eyes, the boy was obviously tense and anxious, leading to the conclusion he was upset or confused, possibly both.

"Harry" she pried after a moment of silence, interrupting the boy's train of thought, but he knew it was Hermione's prodding that would get it out of him. And he didn't know who else to turn to. Ron was obviously sick of hearing about his dilemma although he never said it out right and although he loved Ginny like a sister, he trusted Hermione with his life. And had done so on several occasions.

"I think Draco's cheating on me Hermione..." he rasped at last, his voice heavy and thick with upset. "I-I mean he never actually said...but...I, I just assumed he meant..." the Gryffindor broke off, voice wavering as he rested her forearm across the ledge about the fireplace, staring regretfully into the flames which continued to dance joyfully in the grate.

Hermione's eyes filled with sadness for the Saviour's aching heart, it wasn't hard to see how cheated and hurt the boy felt, it was all in his eyes, he had never been capable of building that wall to shield his heart like particular snakes were infamous for.

"Are you sure, Harry?" she queried at last, wanting, like always, to at least get the facts as Harry had a habit of assumption and leaping into things head first.

Slowly, the messy-haired male shook his head slowly. "Well...no, not quite, not really I guess. I...I haven't caught him outright shagging Nott" it was clear that saying such a thing pained him. "But...the other day" he mumbled. "I went looking for Draco. I hadn't seen him in weeks cause of all the prep for our OWLS...And y'know, I was wanting to see him, although I should have been suspicious when he'd been fine in class, no trace of sexual frustration what so ever, bastard" he growled, his limp tail giving a twitch of agitation. "Anyway, I found him in the dungeons, but he reeked of Nott, his scent was all over him, he looked thoroughly ravished and then he tried to play it off like it was nothing! Like Nott had just jumped him! I would have believed it if he hadn't of been fucking turned on, I could smell it!" the Gryffindor's voiced had raised as he threw himself onto the couch in dismay, burying his head into one of the old worn cushions, ears pinned back. Hermione sighed softly, moving from the armchair to perched on the edge of the couch and gently stroked the boy's rounded ear softly.

"I'm sorry Harry" she murmured, knowing this was definitely not the time for 'I told you so's'. "I know you like him, but maybe you should call it off, this affair thing, until your sure? You don't want to get hurt anymore in case it is true Harry" she coaxed softly, receiving only a muffled grunt in response.

After a few minutes, Harry raised his head from the pillow, turning to the side so his speech wouldn't be affected by the material of the pillows.

"It's not just that, Hermione" he whispered, the witch picking up on the somewhat reluctant, uncertain tone. "I...I'm worried about him. It's getting...it's getting so hard to keep to our deal, not to force him. It's getting really hard to stop, I want to take it further, and it's getting almost impossible not to continue..." he sighed, beginning to elaborate at Hermione's confused -if somewhat concerned- expression, not one he saw often.

"He set up three ground rules. One, No full out sex, just getting each other off, or, me getting him off...Two, no marking and three, it had to remain secret" he explained. "But it's gotten so difficult lately, when he's aroused, he's so beautiful and Merlin, that smell gets so much better, stronger and it feels good knowing that it's because of me he's like that. I want take it further, a part of me tells me to and I can barely refrain from going with it...I'm worried about him, especially if he's seeing Nott. I mean, if I can't trust myself, how can I trust Nott to be gentle?" he mumbled, worry and shame lacing his voice.

Hermione now understood Harry's main problem. For one, he was hurt that Draco may be cheating on him. But most of all, the magnanimous lion cared more for Malfoy's welfare than his own, caring for Malfoy's safety over his heart. Something that, in Hermione's opinion, the manipulative prick didn't deserve.

"Oh Harry" she crooned softly, sadness welling in her chest that someone with a heart as pure as Harry's had to suffer the weight of feelings that would surely not be returned. She sighed, pondering silently as she tenderly brushed the rounded ears and occasionally the unruly raven hair, brown eyes soft with compassion but thoughtful all the same.

After some minutes of silence, Hermione ceased stroking the boy's ear and stood slowly. "I'm going to bed now Harry, I suggest you do too and think about it tomorrow" she murmured. Harry sighed and nodded as he pushed himself up, rubbing his face with his hand while the other removed his glasses.

"Ok, thanks for listening Hermione" he replied, accepting the peck on the cheek before the girl gave him one more sympathetic glance before making her way up the girl's dormitories. After a more moments of brooding silence, Harry gave one more heartfelt sigh before he pushed himself up and made his way to his own dorm room. After settling down, he fell into a restless sleep.


Harry was tense at breakfast, he stared at the food but made no move to eat any of it. His plate remaining empty, much like his stomach which gurgled with unease none the less, as he ran a fidgeting hand through his hair just for it to have something to do.

A few people around Harry, Ron and Hermione included, noticed the edgy behaviour but seemed to think better of saying anything. It was when a single flutter of wings came from above that Harry watched one of the school's tawny owls flutter down and land in front of the blond Slytherin at the opposite side of the hall. This gathered a few murmurs of interest seeing as it was early for the post and Draco rarely received mail from one of the school owls, unless it be from a hopeful suitor.

Harry watched with rapt attention as the blond unfolded the note from the owl's leg -the bird immediately taking off afterwards- and scanned the note quickly with calm grey eyes. Harry knew he'd finished the brief script when those cool grey eyes met his from across the hall, Harry was forced to look away.

Standing up, he left the hall, knowing Draco would follow shortly after.

He was only waiting a few tense minutes before Draco joined him in one of their more frequently visited alcoves that was hidden behind a suit of armour and a tapestry. Particularly favoured by Harry for the reason that, although it was well hidden, it was in a well traversed corridor so there was the risk of being heard.

But now, Harry chose it because it was nearby and private. Draco seemed to have gotten the wrong idea as he slunk into the alcove, the tapestry falling into place behind him as he approached Harry, a seductive grin on his lips.

"Eager are we Potter?" he murmured in that voice, the one that dripped liquid sex and never failed to get a stirring of interest from Harry's dick. "Classes start in ten" he smirked, shamelessly draping himself over the Gryffindor who was doing his very best to restrain himself.

With a soft growl of effort he tightly gripped the pale, slender wrists and forced the Slytherin back, receiving an irritated scowl for his trouble.

"That's not why I asked you to meet me here" he frowned, eyes fixed firmly on the floor. Draco's head cocked to the side, one ear perking while the other pinned back, as if he was subconsciously expecting bad news.

"What is it then?" he frowned impatiently, arms folding across his chest defensively, eyes narrowed.

"I think we need to call it off"


"This...this affair or whatever you want to call it, it's got to stop" he insisted more firmly. Draco jerked back, those grey eyes he'd seen warmed with passion and sleepiness were suddenly cold and hard.

"You're not still harking over that shit with Theodore are you?" he snapped irritably. "Nothing's going on you prick" his voice was sharp, but Harry remained defiant. He shook his head forcefully, ears flapping slightly.

"No, it's not that...not just that. I'm doing it for you, making sure you're safe" he offered, flinching when he received a snide bark of laughter.

"Oh don't give me that 'I'm doing this all for you' shit Potter. Well see if I care if you want to play yourself off once again as a 'hero' yet again, it's not like your were anything more than a bit of tension relief Potter" he spat. He snide jab making the Gryffindor shy away, ears pinned back, trying to keep his temper and emotions in check, his fists clenched at his side, eyes still downcast.

Draco sneered at his now ex-lover, as if they were anything so intimate, at least that's what he told himself. But that wasn't enough, no one broke things off with a Malfoy. And that fact that Harry tried to play it off as if he was trying to do him a favour! Hah! No, Draco wasn't going to let Potter get away unscathed, that was for sure. No one used a Malfoy and then decided they'd had enough, Draco decided that.

"Well, like I said Potter, not big loss" he sneered. "Theo was more talented anyway, he knows how to make it rough".

Harry's stomach dropped, those were the words that made three of the worst emotions rear up in Harry. Anger, Jealousy and Fear. All for Draco.

Emerald eyes wide, he watched as Draco turned and swiftly departed, trying desperately to convince himself that Draco was just being spiteful, that he had never really let Theo touch him.

But even then, Harry knew he was trying valiantly to grip onto his denial.

Releasing a small, shaky sigh the brunet followed the blond's exit but instead went in the opposite direction, heading to class and to tell Hermione that he'd called the whole thing off.


"I can't believe him!" the blond raged. It was lunchtime now and Draco, Pansy and Blaise had congregated in the blond's private dorm room. Despite the classes and the distance from a particular brunet, it had done nothing to lessen the Slytherin's temper which had been left to simmer beneath his calm, nonchalant mask.

Now that he was in private with his two closest friends, Draco could finally vent his anger and frustration. No one had ever rejected him, no one, except of course Potter. Again.

A purely animalistic snarl tore from the blond's throat but he was too absorbed in his own irritation to notice. His ears were pinned back and his lipped curled while he paced back and forth across the room while Blaise and Pansy sat on the blond's bed, watching him with cautious eyes. Although Pansy did have a rather smug expression.

"I can't believe him!" the irate Ice Prince raged, throwing his arms up in aggravation. "The bastard called it off, the whole bloody thing off! " he snapped in frustration, tail lashing furiously behind him as he paced, robes billowing out with each swift turn. "All that fucking planning, it wasn't easy keeping those bastards from finding out about each other, and the worst part? Potter was the better shag!" he groused, throwing himself into one of the armchairs situated by the fireplace, one hand running through his tussled blond hair as he fumed.

After a moment of silence, it was Pansy who spoke.

"Y'know Draco, for someone who didn't care about the speccy git, you're getting awfully worked up about him calling off the whole affair, you still have Theo, after all" she offered, one hand flicking in a small gesture as if it was nothing of great importance. A sly smile lit up her lips however as a glint met her dark eyes. "Unless he meant more to you that a simple shag?" she pressed. "Potter seemed quite fond of you after all."

The blond scoffed, brows furrowed as he glared at his friend, ears pinned back with the odd twitch of uncertainty. "Don't be ridiculous Pans" he sneered, "It was a simple shag -not even that-, nothing more" he scowled.

"Well then, there's always Theodore, he won't object to having you all to himself, not that he knew he didn't" she chided. Blaise looked at Pansy incredulously, wondering if she'd gone completely barmy but before he could speak up the leader interrupted abruptly, pushing self from the chair.

"Just get out, I've got homework to do" he snapped, and although the two bristled at the tone -which Draco would apologise for later- they simply nodded and rose from the bed, heading for the door. Before the door shut, they glanced back in time to see Draco withdrawing some sort of marble figure from his bedside drawer.

As soon as the portrait closed, Pansy was dragged into the nearest classroom by Blaise. The shadows of the dungeons made his dark skin even darker and made his eyes shine brightly.

"Are you mad Pansy?" he hissed, glaring at the girl. "You're not meant to be encouraging him to spend time with Theodore! Even I think he'd be better of with Potter right now! And even that's dangerous!" he growled, throwing his hand out in a wild gesture. "The more he refuses to shag them, the worse they're going to get, he's putting himself in danger and you're encouraging him to do so!" his voice was now thick with bemusement and alarm.

Pansy placed her hands on either of the dark boy's upper arms, giving him a rough shake. "Blaise! Blaise ok I know it's dangerous! And I don't like putting him in trouble although he probably deserves it. But I think he might actually like Potter, he's just too oblivious to see it or he's blinded by denial, either way, I'm just trying to give him a little push" she huffed.

"And if Nott hurts him?" he demanded.

Pansy bit her lip, letting the taller wizard go.

"Then we just have to hope Harry's there to save him" she replied quietly.

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