By -platinumcopyshare

18.6K 489 69

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

1K 25 3
By -platinumcopyshare

He's Planning Something

Warnings: more sexual trysts! seeing as you guys wanted more Draco/Harry action, here you go!

Key reminders:



'Emphasis in thought'

"Well isn't someone positively glowing today"

Draco chose to ignored the particularly smug remark from Pansy as he waltzed up towards his usual sitting place at the centre of the Slytherin table. As was the way of the Slytherin Table Hierarchy.

However, the curious Snakes who heard this rather loud comment, couldn't help but peak a glance at the usual impassive and -lately- grumpy ice prince. Those who did risk a glance, did a double take, jaws dropping.

Hell, Draco may have well as been literally glowing. Because the Slytherins would have found that much less shocking than the fact that Draco Malfoy was almost smiling!

Faltering at the wide-eyed looks of disbelief he was getting, Draco swiftly sent a few vicious glares in certain directions and once all eyes had been rapidly diverted he proceeded to sit between his companions. He casually took a piece of toast and began to butter it, not looking at either of his friends.

Pansy was watching him curiously, Draco doing his best to ignore the attentive stare. He managed to smirk at her rather than smile, although he did almost slip up. Damn his good mood.

"What are you staring at Parkinson?" the Slytherin sneered at his friend, but there was no bite in his voice and the girl just continued eyeing him thoughtfully for a few seconds more before she gave a smirk befitting of Malfoy himself.

"So who got in your pants then?"

Draco promptly choked on his toast.

Blaise quickly gave the blonde a few rough smacks to the back to dislodge the toast but Draco swatted him away sharply, ignoring the sulky huff from the boy and blinked away the moisture from his eyes that had accumulated in response to his near death experience -yeah right-.

He growled, glaring at Pansy who was looking innocently back.

"I don't kiss and tell, Pans" he responded curtly, brow arching as the girl gave an unflattering snort and burst out laughing, even Blaise was chuckling at his other side and Draco felt annoyed at being left out, not seeing what was so funny.

"No...Draco" the girl snickered, talking between chuckles, "You don't...kiss and tell, you...you kiss and brag" This sent a few nearby Slytherin's off as well and Draco's ears pinned back sharply.

Infuriated that they were laughing at him he snarled -literally- at them to shut up, the laughter quickly died. No one was stupid to mess with Draco when he started embracing his 'inner Gryffindor' as the other Slytherins like to secretly call it. They knew very well that those particular threatening sounds meant the blonde boy was reaching the end of his tether.

Glaring at his fellow Slytherins he diverted his gaze elsewhere in the hall, eyes immediately picking out Harry. His grey eyes locked onto the ruffle-haired Gryffindor, whom was looking straight at him -no doubt hearing the snarl moments earlier- and his mind filled with the naughty replays of the night before. Where Potter had his lips and teeth biting there way across his flesh while their hips ground in tantalising rhythm.

The moans and growls echoing in his head and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle with excitement at the memories. So caught up he didn't notice Pansy prodding him in the side.

"Draco...Dray...Draaaakie..." Pansy frowned at being ignored, following the blonde's line of sight, and smirked. She had a small hunch on what had Draco in such a good mood.

Prodding Blaise's shoulder to get the boy's attention she nodded behind Draco's back to indicate to look in the general direction Draco was looking. It took a second for the Italian to catch on, but when he did, and eventually found what had distracted his friend. A smirk identical to Pansy's met his lips.

"See something you like Draco?" Blaise queried casually.

"Hm" came the uncommitted reply.

Pansy grinned. "Potter's got a fine piece of arse going there hasn't he?"

"Mhm" came the same absent response.

"Hey Dray, will you do our Transfiguration homework for us?"


Blaise grinned, high-fiving Pansy behind the blonde's back.

"...Wait what?" Draco frowned, tearing his gaze away from Harry to look at his two friends, but didn't have time to question further as he found himself hauled from seat, Pansy and Blaise on either arm and dragging him from the Great Hall.


"Ok Draco Malfoy, spill" the girl ordered as they sat on the bed in Draco's private quarters that he had been given to him after Hermione had expressed her concerns about his safety .

Draco glared at the two adamantly and lay back on his bed, arms folded beneath his head as he stared up at the canopy. Knowing that his friends would get it out of him anyway. He could only just stop the grin as he remembered the day before and all the delicious little details on he and Potter were privy to.

Don't get him wrong, he didn't fancy Potter or anything, but hell it had certainly made the blonde feel better to have someone else get him off. His wrist was starting to get sore anyway after weeks of needing to service himself. And he had to admit, Potter didn't disappoint, even if they had only frotted like horny animals.

With a sigh and a smirk, Draco adjusted his position, instead turning around and lying on his stomach, knees pointing to the headboard with his feet raised up above his back. Pansy sat cross legged in front of him and Blaise was leaning back against one of the bed posts, both looking at him expectantly.

"I got off with Potter" he confessed, now that their suspicions were confirmed, it immediately gained interest from Pansy and Blaise, they leaned forward intently to hear more.

"Oh my god I knew it! Details! Now!" squealed the girl and smirking, Draco proceeding to tell them everything. From entering the common room to leaving the dazed and happy Gryffindor behind him. And the Slytherin's took a moment to praise Draco for his conniving mind and getting away unscathed.

"Damn that's hot" was all Pansy had to say after the rather detailed explanation of their antics in the dorm room against -in Pansy's opinion- the very lucky door. She grinned, fanning herself with her hand as Draco watched her; rather amused.

Blaise seemed lost in his own little world, no doubt imagining the whole hormone driven act, the pervert.

"Hm, well, hot or not, it felt fucking fabulous to finally get rid of that shitty twenty-four hour hard-on I've been stuck with" frowned. Although his reactions didn't show as obviously as Harry and Theo's did, Draco was in no way unaffected by the changes cause by the potion incident.

Luckily, Pansy and Blaise new that Draco hadn't gotten off easy in this whole deal and didn't tease him about it...too much. Well...being Slytherins, they were hardly going to pass up an opportunity to get under his skin when he, Draco Malfoy of all people got horrendously turned on by musky scents or raw displays of power and dominance. It just wasn't done! Especially not for a Malfoy! They were meant to be the strong, powerful, dominant partners!

But this bout of celibacy was not working well for the blonde either, since he couldn't yet control whatever was emitting that bloody scent calling out to the two fools. His constant refusal stopped the other boy's from getting too boisterous and 'hands on' with him.

But then again, without the sex he was so fond of, his body, in it's current condition, had become more and more sensitive just as his scent had become more and more intoxicating. The slightest pleasurable smell or sight got him hard as rock and the only way to apparently fix it was to let Potter or Nott have a go at him.

But then again, now that he thought about it...no one actually said he couldn't simply get off with them...

No one said anything about a commitment.

Although Nott and Potter would surely kill each other should the other touch him...he was sure there was a way to get around that...

"Dray, babe, you've got that calculating look of yours on" Pansy voiced, snapping Draco from his musings. He scowled at the girl.

"Hush, Pansy, I'm thinking" he frowned, brows furrowing in thought. Well, his small interface with Potter the night before had most certainly taken care of his bodily needs more effectively that his own hand had. But he didn't want to be tied down to one of those libido driven males like their damn bitch, so surely he could compromise...to benefit himself at the very least.

And then there was always the plus side that if he needed things to be taken further, he could always bugger another student. Who wasn't willing to be bedded by a Malfoy, after all?

"I think I may have found a small solution to Nott and Potter" he suddenly sneered, ignoring the inquiring expressions he received in response he simply smirked knowingly. "If you excuse me, I've got to go find Nott" he sneered, waltzing out of the room.

Blaise and Pansy merely looked at each other, having a particularly bad feeling about whatever 'solution' Draco had found.


Finding Nott wasn't hard, he was constantly lingering nearby nowadays. And swaying him into Draco's little scheme wasn't an effort at all. Slytherin's took what they could get after all and worked their way up. But Nott wasn't that cunning. Ambitious, horny and desperate yes, but not conniving enough to outsmart the blonde.

Now their was just Potter. He doubted if he approached him with his notion it would be taken well. The Gryffindor would probably blow a gasket at the mere suggestion. So, he supposed it would simply take a bit of...persuasion.

He smirked, as he sauntered out of the dungeons, in search of the famous Gryffindor to make his proposal.


It took an hour or so, but eventually he found the boy-who-lived alone in the back of the library. He smirked, pleased with his luck at finding the boy without his usual hangers on. "Hey Potter" the blonde drawled softly, Harry lifting his head, not looking surprised at the sudden presence.

But then again, neither Potter or Nott had trouble finding him, they simply followed their noses.

"Malfoy" the brunette responded evenly, although he was pleased to note that the emerald eyes were scanning him, no doubt remembering how his body had writhed and rutted not twelve hours ago against his own.

"I have a small proposition for you, Potter" the boy hummed softly, swaggering over to the other, tail swinging languidly behind him as his hips swayed and he plopped himself down in the boy's lap, much to Harry's surprise and rather obvious delight.

"And what...would that be...exactly?" the boy asked, fighting to keep his voice steady. Inhaling sharply as he suddenly felt those devious, long, slender fingers brush ever so gently over the bulge in his trousers.

"I was just thinking..." the blonde mused softly, adding a bit of press to the bulge and was pleased to hear a moan. "That maybe we could...help each other out a bit" he purred suggestively, beginning to gently bite his way along the tanned boy's jaw, squirming purposefully on his lap, the Gryffindor emitting another moan and a soft buck of his hips.

"H-how do you propose we do this?" the boy muttered, surprised by the usually stubborn Slytherin's sudden keenness in their...whatever sort of relationship they currently had. Harry still intended on taking Draco for his mate, Draco's motives weren't too clear to Harry however.

"Maybe this will clear it up" the blonde smirked, sliding from the lion's lap and instead knelt on the floor. He didn't exactly want to do the dirty work but he figured doing so once to convinced Harry wouldn't hurt. Besides, this way he could judge just how big Potter was and he found himself strangely eager to know.

Smirking up at the wide eyed Gryffindor, he reached up and with slow, confident movements he drew down the slightly younger boy's zipper, licking his lips hungrily as he easily released the boy's erection, fingering the hot shaft appreciatively.

"Well isn't someone a big boy" the snake smirked softly, blowing delicately on the leaking head of the boy's prick, causing the hips to jerk helplessly.

"D-Draco, w-we're in the library!" the boy rasped quietly but with a hint of alarm, looking down at the blonde, eyes wide with indecision between letting the blonde continue regardless or stopping him. But he merely receiving a devilish smirk in response.

"Better stay quiet then" was the matter of fact reply as Draco dragged his tongue along the underside of the heated flesh, a moan barely muffled by the brunette. Draco groaned quietly with his lips pressed against the boy's cock. He rolled his tongue over the head tasting the salty tang of the boy's precome.

"You know how hot you're making me Harry?" the snake murmured huskily against the head, slowly wrapping his lips around the tip.

Harry was watching the blonde transfixed and bucked sharply as he felt the wet, delicious heat engulf his head, free hand threading through the blonde's pale hair and gripping firmly as the other ran threw his own hair, teeth biting savagely into his lip to stifle any sound.

"Gods Draco" the boy groaned, feeling the Slytherin take more and more of him, fingers stroking the hypersensitive flesh of the boy's base that he couldn't fit into his mouth. He began to quickly bob his head in a quick rhythm, sucking at random intervals, sending jolts through the Gryffindor's body.

Harry was helpless with pleasure as he attempted to buck but felt his hips restricted by the blonde's free hand. Head tipped back, Harry shut his eyes tight, groaning quietly before he looked back down at the blonde knelt between his legs. Sucking his cock and doing a damn good job of it.

After a good deal of sucking which had Harry mindless with ecstasy, those grey flicked up to meet his and Harry lost it. Trembling and gasping in his seat, barely containing his sounds of pleasure, Draco was forced to take Harry's load into his mouth and swallow. Recovered from his initial surprise he licked the remnants of liquid from his lips as he smirked up at the heavily panting Gryffindor.

The blonde stood, casually dusting off his knees as he done so before he leaned over the slouched, breathless lion and smirked before he gave Harry's damp cheek a small teasing lick like he had the night before.

"See you around Harry, maybe you could return the favour soon" he smirked. Giving the boy a longing, lustful look before sauntering away, knowing that this time, he'd need to deal with his own problem. But knew he'd set the wheels in motion, the Gryffindor was nothing if not convinced.

And he felt some small satisfaction as he left the library, knowing Harry's eyes were on him the entire time.

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