
By mikaelsonluvs

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Draco breaks a time turner and starts jumping around in time (very similar to the premise of the Time Travele... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 24

796 21 21
By mikaelsonluvs

Present Time: May 2003 / Draco's Time: Same as present

Hermione Granger

"Were you planning to leave any of the books behind?" Theo asked when he walked into the library and saw the large pile of books Hermione had set aside.

She blushed and climbed down from the ladder she was currently perched on. "Right, sorry. I'm not taking all of these, I'm just going to decide on three, if that's okay, and I'll bring them back quickly."

Theo shook his head. "Take however many you want, Granger, and bring them back never. It's really fine. It's good to know these are actually getting used rather than collecting dust on the shelf.

"That's sweet of you, Theo, but really, I'd feel too bad. I'll take some as a loan, then be back next week to swap them out for more."

After Hermione had snuck off to the Nott library the last two times she and Draco had been here for drinks, Theo had suggested she just come by later and peruse the library at her leisure. She'd taken him up on the offer instantly and this was already her third trip here since his initial invitation.

"Fine, but you have to promise to stop calling me sweet," he grumbled, but she could tell he was suppressing a smile.

She really liked Theo. He'd initially come off as arrogant and bored with everything and everyone around him, but she'd learned quickly that that was just an act and anytime she was alone with him, he was caring and considerate. She wondered why he closed himself off so much. There was definitely something there, but she needed to get closer to him before trying to bring it up.

She turned back to the pile of books and tried to decide which three she'd bring home this time. Theo's next question cut into her thoughts. "Did you and Draco get over your fight?"

She looked back at Theo, confused. "What?"

"He came around here two nights ago, asking me about Blaise and Daphne and if we were all still friends. Then he said you were fighting, but I told him to just go home and make up, since we all like you better than him anyway."

Hermione laughed as she realized that Theo was referring to past Draco. Draco had time jumped two nights ago. Her Draco had gone to the past and said he'd tried to find her at the café, but she hadn't been there, while his past self had come forward and been very nasty.

He'd tried to kick her out of their flat, then threatened to call the authorities. She'd laughed at that, then he'd had the nerve to hex her. Her leg still hurt from where he'd hit her with a powerful Stinging Jinx.

He proceeded to call her a bitch, to which she'd responded with an uncharacteristic obscenity of her own before disappearing into their bedroom. She'd heard the crack of Apparation a few moments later and hadn't seen him the rest of the night. He must have come here next. She wondered what he'd thought when Theo had said all his friends liked her more. That served him right.

It had hurt, seeing Draco like that, looking at her like she was scum. It was like they were back in school and she was just a useless Mudblood to him. She'd cried for an hour in their room after he'd left, but she knew she'd have to get used to it. When Draco returned back from the past he'd been horrified, then admitted that that was one of the milder fights they'd have.

Theo cleared his throat and she saw he was watching her curiously. She was rubbing the spot on her leg where Draco had hexed her and stopped quickly, then looked back into Theo's kind, dark eyes. "What is it, did he hurt you?" Theo whispered, looking down at the place on her leg where her hands had been.

Tears flooded Hermione's eyes at Theo's unexpected kindness. She dropped her head and tried to regain her composure. She didn't want Theo to get the wrong idea about Draco. "No, he would never. And even though he was a complete arse that night, we've already made up." She took a deep breath and forced a smile on her face. "Thank you for sticking up for me. I'd call you the s-word again, but I don't want to be banned from coming back here."

Theo still looked concerned and she saw he was about to say something else when Blaise entered the room. Theo dropped his smile and went back to looking like his bored, indifferent self.

"Oh, if it isn't my favorite Gryffindor!"

"Hi, Blaise," Hermione said quickly before turning back to her books.

He came to her side and leaned against the bookshelf, watching her. "What is it?" she asked, a little annoyed.

"You don't like me."

Hermione saw Theo roll his eyes and she winked at him. "I like you just fine, Blaise."

"Where's your other half?"

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know. We are capable of being apart. We were apart for twenty-two years before we got together. But if you're worried about us, I can assure you everything is fine. We have dinner plans tonight."

Blaise straightened and began looking through the books on the table. "I like your snarkiness, Granger. It's improved vastly in just the few short weeks we've been friends. Where are you going for dinner?"

"The Wilted Rose," she replied absently as she scanned the books again and dropped one of them into her bag.

"Has Draco told you about the time he shagged a random slag in the bathroom of that restaurant?"

Hermione froze and saw Theo shift uncomfortably out of her periphery. She glared at Blaise. Luckily, she had already had the conversation with Draco about the people they'd been with in the past. Her number was very small - one: Ron. Draco's was a little larger: five, but not so bad. He'd been with Pansy and Daphne in school, and he'd obviously been with Astoria. And shortly after the war, following a nasty break-up with Pansy, he said he'd tried Blaise's lifestyle. He said after just two weeks (and sex with two random witches whose names he'd forgotten) he'd realized it wasn't for him and given it up.

She steeled herself, then turned to face Blaise, remembering Draco's advice about how best deal with him.

"Actually, yes. But if you're wondering if there will be a repeat performance tonight, I can assure you there will not be. And if you're also wondering if I've ever shagged in public, I am not ashamed that my answer to that is no. I've been able to enjoy a satisfying sex life in the privacy of my own home."

Blaise was astonished by her response and she took a second to enjoy his reaction. Theo was smiling widely and when she looked over at him, he winked at her. Blaise tried to regain control of the situation. "Care to elaborate about this satisfying sex life?"

"Why, looking for pointers?" she asked and Theo snorted. "Because if you are, it would be easier to appeal to Draco directly for advice. Cut out the middleman."

Blaise was shocked and finally at a loss for words. Hermione selected her last two books quickly and dropped them in her bag before excusing herself. She stopped in the hall when she heard Theo's voice. "The look on your face is priceless. I wish I had a camera."

"You know, I wasn't sure about her at first, but she's growing on me," Blaise responded.

Hermione smiled to herself and couldn't wait to tell Draco about it over dinner.

Draco Malfoy

A week later, Potter stepped out of the Floo while Draco was working on his investment charts at the dining room table. "No knocking this time, Potter?" Draco asked in a bored tone, though he was actually curious as to why Potter was here in the middle of a work day.

"I only do that to avoid catching you two snogging, but I know Hermione's at work," Potter explained in a rush. "I need a favor."

Draco raised his eyebrows and put his quill down, then he propped his legs on the chair, leaned back, and crossed his arms. "Okay, Potter, what is it?"

Potter rolled his eyes. "Of course you'd be like this."

"Like what? Willing and ready to drop everything and help out a friend?" Draco motioned toward the quill in front of him which he had, quite literally, dropped when Potter had arrived.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this. I need someone to watch Teddy for a few hours. Andromeda is out of town and Ginny and I are watching him for the week. Well, Ginny has practice until six and I just got called by an informant and I really need to go. Ron and Hermione are tied up with work, and Neville is teaching. Luna and Rolf are away searching for some mysterious creature and even Molly-"

"I'm going to stop you there, Potter. No need to list out the fifty people you considered before me. I'll do it."


"I said I'll do it. I play with him all the time."

"Not alone."

"I'll be fine. I'm sure he'd prefer me anyway," Draco added with a smirk. "I seem to recall him saying something about me being the coolest wizard he'd ever met."

Potter snorted and rolled his eyes again. "That's only because you give him sweets and ignore every rule we set for him.

"You're just jealous."

"Well, you'd know the feeling, wouldn't you?" Potter bit back. Draco glared at him but before he could say anything more, he'd disappeared back into the fireplace, presumably to collect Teddy.

Draco tidied up the table and looked around, wondering what he was going to do with his cousin for the next few hours. They usually played with toys, but Draco and Hermione obviously didn't have any of those.

"Right, here we are." Potter walked out of the fireplace again and this time he was holding Teddy's small hand.

"Hi, Draco! I'm going to spend the day with you! Isn't that wicked?"

"Yeah, Cousin. I was just trying to decide what we're going to do."

"Okay, uh, he's already had lunch," Potter said, "and I'll be back before dinner, so really you don't need to feed him. Nothing but a small snack. Besides that, just try your best to keep him alive."

"I can keep a kid alive for a few hours, Potter," Draco grumbled.

"Oh, I was talking to Teddy." He winked at the kid and Teddy laughed, then looked curiously at Draco, as if wondering why he wasn't laughing at his godfather's brilliant joke. Potter gave Teddy a small hug, then went to the Floo for the third time that day, yelling, "The Hog's Head," before he disappeared.

Teddy looked back at Draco, scandalized. "My Gran says the Hog's Head is dodgy," he whispered it like it was some great secret.

Draco shook his head and laughed. "Well, she's right. But once you start going to Hogwarts, you'll learn that it's also the only pub that will serve underage wizards, so it's not so bad.

"What does that mean?"

"I'll tell you later."

When Potter got back, Draco and Teddy were watching an annoying musical program on the telly. All the senseless singing and flashing colors were giving Draco a headache, but Teddy seemed to like it.

"Is this what you did the whole time?" Potter asked from the hall.

Teddy didn't respond since he was currently hypnotized by the television. Draco took the opportunity to finally escape the terrible programming and rose to join Potter in the hall. "Of course not, I couldn't stand four hours of that. If I had to watch just five more minutes I think my head would explode."

Potter nodded knowingly. "What did you do then?"

Draco shrugged. "I took him to Gringotts, since I had an errand there, then used our allotted snack credit-" Potter rolled his eyes at that, "-for ice cream. Then I got him a few pairs of robes. The ones he had were too small."

Potter looked around and sighed when he spotted the bag from Madam Malkin's in the hall. "Shit, I should have noticed. I'll pay you back."

"No need," Draco waved him off. Hermione had explained how Lupin and Tonks had barely any money so had left Teddy nothing. Andromeda had enough to get by, but not nearly enough to support a growing boy. But any time Harry offered Andromeda money outright, she refused it. So he bought things for Teddy whenever he noticed he needed them. It was an awkward, unspoken arrangement between him and Andromeda.

"If you think about it," Draco added, "a lot of the gold in my vaults is from the Black family and rightly belongs to Teddy. So really, it's just getting back to him a little belatedly."

Potter was looking at him with those piercing green eyes as he nodded slowly. "Potter, don't hesitate to ask anytime you need gold for him. Okay?"

"I have plenty of gold, and a good bit of it is also from the Blacks," Potter snapped back. Draco rolled his eyes and Potter added in a kinder tone, "But I get what you're saying, Malfoy. Thank you."

Potter turned back toward the blaring telly but before he got to the couch he turned and said to Draco, "Next month, I'm getting married."

"Yes, I believe I read that somewhere."

Potter ignored him. "It wouldn't have happened without your help, I'm sure of it. So...thank you. I owe you a great debt."

Draco snorted at that. "Greater than whatever I owe you, for saving my neck multiple times, then keeping me out of Azkaban twice?"

Potter walked back to Draco and looked at him seriously, then he held his hand out to him. "I do love Ginny a lot, so let's just call it even."

Draco looked down at his hand and something inside him jolted. He was reminded so vividly of that time in First Year when he'd offered his hand to Potter and Potter had rejected it. Now, years later, so much had changed - look at the two of them. Draco grabbed his hand and shook it firmly as he gave Potter a curt nod.

"Friends?" Potter asked.

"Why not?"

Present Time: June 2003 / Draco's Time: Same as present

Hermione Granger

Hermione was eating a piece of cake as she watched Draco dance with Luna at Harry and Ginny's wedding. She saw Luna pull away from Draco and point at his feet. He shook his head, then pulled his wand out of his robes and cast a Levitating Charm on the two of them.

Luna nodded at him and they both started dancing again, but it was more like floating now. After a few moments, Luna said something and Draco laughed loudly. Hermione couldn't help herself from smiling as she watched them, even though she didn't understand the joke. Draco was incredibly happy today and she had no idea why. She wondered if someone had hit him with a Cheering Charm.

"It's still weird having him around." Ron had sat at the opposite side of the table and was also watching the pair.

"I know," she replied. She'd heard from Harry that Ron was planning to propose to Parvati and looked around for her, spotting her at the other end of the tent, currently dancing with Harry. She was a little disappointed Ron hadn't told her the news himself, but there had been a growing distance between them ever since she'd started dating Draco.

Maybe she, Harry, and Ron could start up weekly lunches or dinners with just the three of them, so they could try to regain the closeness they'd shared in school. "I heard about your plans with Parvati and I'm really happy for you, Ron."

He finally pulled his gaze away from Draco and was blushing when he looked at her. "Right, I should have told you, sorry. Uh, thanks. I'm asking her next week."

Hermione gave him a big smile and took another bite of her cake. "So, Malfoy...he really makes you happy?"

She looked over at Draco again. He and Luna had stopped dancing and floating, and now Luna was about to cast a spell. Draco saw Hermione watching him and winked before focusing back on Luna.

"He really does, Ron."

Ron nodded and was biting the inside of his cheek, which he did when he was trying to decide whether to say something or not. "What is it, Ron? Just say it."

She sighed, ready for whatever argument against Draco he was going to voice. She'd already heard every possible protest and now she just wanted Ron to get it over with so she could go back to enjoying the reception.

"I notice you don't work as late anymore and you take a lot more lunches off. And the few times I've been to your flat, there aren't legal briefs strewn across the table."

Hermione nodded, unsure where Ron was going with this.

"Do you remember when I told you that I think everyone can find time in their life for the things that are important to them?"

Hermione's face fell. "Oh, Ron, I'm sorry, I-"

He gave her a small smile and shook his head, "I don't mean anything bad by it. I'm really happy, and it looks like you are too. I'm just saying, I was right, wasn't I?" He smirked at her and she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Yes, fine, maybe you were a little right on that. But I still do loads of work on weekends, just ask Draco."

Ron stood and approached her, then held his arm out. "Come on, let's dance."

They'd barely made it five minutes into their dance before Draco cut in. Ron shook his head, amused, and went to find another partner. "I know green is your house color and all, but it doesn't look very good on you," Hermione teased as she stepped into Draco's arms.

"Hah hah," Draco said sarcastically, pushing her out into a twirl. When he pulled her back, he held her close and placed a kiss on her neck before moving back into a proper dancing position.

"I wasn't jealous when you were dancing with Luna," she pointed out.

"That's different, I've never slept with Lovegood."

"Hmm, fair point."

Daphne Greengrass

The next morning, Daphne was surprised when a house elf came into her room and said she had a visitor. She looked over at the clock. Who would be calling at 9:00am on a Sunday morning? She wasn't even dressed yet.

She pulled a robe over her nightgown and walked to the drawing room, wishing she had asked Tippy who it was. When she got there, Draco was pacing the room, nervously.

"What's wrong?" she asked, suddenly concerned.

But when Draco looked back at her he was beaming. He marched up to her and said boldly, "I'm going to ask her to marry me."

"Oh." Daphne settled into the chair nearest them. "That's...fast."

Draco frowned. "No it isn't. We've been together a year and have been living together for a few months."

"Right. I guess I forgot about all that time you were hiding it. And then that time you weren't hiding it, but were still holing her away. Anyway, why are you here telling me? And why so early?"

Draco sat across from her and began to explain. "We were at Potter's wedding last night and as soon as I saw Ginevra walking down the aisle, I had this flash of Hermione doing the same - toward me. And it felt...perfect. I want that. I want her to marry me. I want her to insist on hyphenating her name to Granger-Malfoy - which, in all honesty, I hate, and I know it will absolutely kill my parents. But I love her. I want to buy a house with her, I want a future with her."

Draco's speech had brought tears to Daphne's eyes. Partly because she was very happy for her friend, but also because she was jealous that she didn't have anyone who loved her like this. "That's great, Draco," she said, "but shouldn't you be telling her, and not me?"

"Well, yes, the ultimate plan is for me to tell her," he joked, "but I need your help. I want to go buy the ring today."

"Why not use the Malfoy family ring?"

"I don't want to give her a family heirloom that comes from a long line of wizards who would hate her. She deserves something that is just hers. And besides, that ring symbolizes this original life I'd planned for myself. Marrying a proper Pureblood witch, moving into the Manor, and carrying on the Malfoy legacy. That's all changed now, so I think I should get a new ring."

Daphne nodded. She knew Hermione would agree with that logic. Plus, the Malfoy ring was gorgeous, but Hermione would likely think it was too large and obnoxious and hate it. "Okay. I need to get dressed. I'll have Tippy bring in tea while you wait, then we can go."

"Daphne." She paused in the doorway and turned back to face him. "Do you think she'll say yes?"

Daphne smiled and nodded. "She'd be a fool not to, Draco. I don't think anyone has ever loved someone as much as you love her."

As Daphne got dressed, she considered Draco's question further. Would Hermione say yes? Did she really love Draco? It hurt Daphne to admit it, but Astoria had been right. There were no potions or enchantments at work, Hermione and Draco truly loved each other, and it was as simple as that.

Daphne had never, personally, encountered a love as easy as theirs. So, did that mean she hadn't found the right wizard? She'd thought Blaise was right and she loved him so desperately, but it certainly wasn't easy, and maybe it was finally time for her to let him go and make room for the right person.

Present Time: August 2003 / Draco's Time: Same as present

Draco Malfoy

Finding a ring for Hermione proved to be a lot harder than Draco had initially planned. He'd hoped to happen upon the ring he remembered her wearing from the future while they were shopping, but they went to countless stores and he never saw it.

Daphne had been so confused and he wished he could just tell her what was going on in his head, but held back.

"Okay, Draco, I've given you a full day of my time and all my advice. Remember, nothing too large or ostentatious, and I think gold will be her favorite. The rest is up to you since it seems you're looking for something extremely specific."

She'd left him alone then and at the next shop he'd finally had success. He had discussed what he was looking for with the owner, who had offered to make a custom ring. It had all sounded good to Draco at the time, but unfortunately had taken a full two months to make. So Draco had to sit around and wait when all he wanted to do was propose to Hermione.

Now he finally had the ring in his pocket (which matched perfectly the one he remembered from the future) and had a plan to ask her over lunch today. He was at the Muggle café where she'd met with his future self but she was late. He was growing annoyed, worried he wouldn't have enough time for what he'd planned.

When she finally showed up, she noticed his agitation instantly. "I'm so sorry, I can tell you're upset. I would have sent word, but, well, I couldn't have my Patronus showing up here. Do you have a meeting you need to rush off to after this?"

Draco shook his head and smiled at her. "I'm free all afternoon, you?"

"I have to be back by two, if that's okay."

Draco nodded. That would give them plenty of time. He tried to relax and enjoy the meal, but he just wanted to get on to the next part. Once she finally finished her salad, which seemed to take her ages to eat, he rose quickly and held a hand out to her. "Why don't we stop by the park? It's lovely outside."

She checked her watch, predictably, and nodded back at him. A few moments later they were sitting on the bench they usually occupied, watching Muggles and inventing stories about them.

"That one," Hermione began, pointing to an old man walking on the path alone, "he seems lonely, but really he has a lovely weekend planned with his family. His wife passed recently but he's got loads of grandkids to keep him company and anytime the weather is nice, he likes to come out here and think about them."

Draco rolled his eyes as he looked around for the pair of Muggles he knew should be setting up right about now. "There." He pointed to a couple near the lake once he spotted them. "That couple, I think that bloke is about to propose."

"What?" Hermione shifted closer to him so she could get a better look, then smiled over at Draco. "How could you possibly know that?"

He shrugged. "Watch." The Muggles were walking hand in hand and when they reached the edge of the water, the man stopped and turned to face the woman. He dropped to his knee and began talking.

"Oh my God! You're right. How did you know that?"

Draco shrugged again. "What I think he's saying is: I love you, more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone. Sometimes it scares me a bit how much and I lie awake at night worrying something will take you away from me. But even with that fear and uncertainty, I am completely sure of one thing: I want to marry you. I want to go to bed with you by my side every night and find you there every morning when I wake up."

Hermione was looking at Draco now and her expression was serious. He wondered if she'd caught on yet. He took a deep breath and moved to a kneeling position, grabbing both of her hands before he kept talking. She hitched her breath and her eyes were wet and he hoped they were happy tears.

"I know things with us will be hard, and there will always be those who disagree with our relationship, but I don't care. You're my only shot at happiness and I can promise you I will do anything to make you happy in return. I know you deserve so much better, but you seem to like having me around for some reason."

Hermione smiled at that and Draco bent to kiss one of her hands.

"You told me once about that quote from 1984 you like so much: 'Perhaps one did not want to be loved, so much as to be understood.' Well, I'm offering you both. I'll dedicate my life to understanding you Hermione: what you're thinking and feeling, what you need, what you don't need, all of it. And, of course, I'll love you the whole way. So please, marry me, and make me the happiest man alive."

He grabbed the ring from his pocket and held it out for her. Tears were streaming down her face now and she was smiling, which was a good sign, but she was still quiet. Say something, Hermione, he urged in his mind, but on the outside he tried to stay patient. It was a big decision, so he shouldn't rush her.

She nodded and Draco let out a sigh of relief, but still, she hadn't said the word...

He squeezed the hand that was still holding hers and dropped his head into her lap. "Can you just say yes?" he asked, a little frustrated. She laughed and lifted his head up so he was looking at her.

"Yes! Of course. I- I- Did you plan this out with those Muggles?"

Draco laughed and put the ring on her finger, then sat back on the bench and pulled her close. "Yes, I did. That was just some random couple and I paid them to look like he was proposing to her."

"Wow. You talked to Muggles? And paid them in Muggle money, I'm hoping."

"Of course, Hermione. I'm not completely hopeless when it comes to Muggles." In reality, he'd had Potter organize this Muggle part of the proposal, but he wasn't about to admit to that. Not yet, a least.

He remembered then the part of this conversation that he'd been dreading since he'd started planning it. "It was perfect, Draco," Hermione was saying. "And this ring is lovely. I adore it."

"I'm glad, I had it especially made for you, so there are no others like it." He rubbed his thumb over it and sighed before saying, "Hermione, I need to tell you something."

"What?" She pulled back so she could see his face.

"I'm going to time jump tomorrow and the version of myself that comes forward will not be kind to you."

She dropped her eyes and he could tell she was remembering the last time jump. She'd been very upset by it but had tried - unsuccessfully - to hide it from him. Unfortunately, Draco knew it would only get worse.

"Okay, I understand," she said eventually.

"There's more." Draco swallowed the lump in his throat before continuing. "I'm thrilled that you just said yes, but I need to discuss some things with you before we move forward with any wedding planning. So, I'm just asking that you refrain from telling anyone until I get a chance to talk with you about all that. Potter knows, but no one else."

"Why can't we just talk now?"

"It's not going to be a very good talk and I don't want your memory of this proposal to be ruined by it. Plus, it should probably wait until after the jump."

She nodded but he could tell she wasn't entirely satisfied with the response. She looked down at the ring, then snuggled close to him and he tightened his grip on her. "You know I used to think I was the luckiest wizard alive when I was younger. Sole heir to the Malfoy estate, unlimited gold, and set up to follow in my father's footsteps."

Draco looked down at Hermione and saw her rolling her eyes. He laughed. "I know, I was delusional. But I was right about one thing, I am the luckiest person alive. Not because I'm a Malfoy, but because I managed to break a time turner and get thrown into this incredible life with you."

"I feel lucky too, Draco. I love you so much and I'm glad you broke that time turner. And until now, it's all been positive for me. You were lovely at the beginning, which makes sense since you were in love with me, and getting to know you and falling in love with you in this time has been incredible. But-"

She cut off and sighed and Draco clutched her tighter. "There's a price to it all, isn't there? And I guess I'm going to learn more about it soon."

Draco bent to kiss her temple, then motioned back to the Muggles in front of them. "Let's talk about this later. What about that couple there, what do you think they're saying?"

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